Example #1
func isSnapshotConsistent(
	ss IndexSnapshot, cons common.Consistency, reqTs *common.TsVbuuid) bool {

	if snapTs := ss.Timestamp(); snapTs != nil {
		if cons == common.QueryConsistency && snapTs.AsRecent(reqTs) {
			return true
		} else if cons == common.SessionConsistency {
			if ss.IsEpoch() && reqTs.IsEpoch() {
				return true
			if snapTs.CheckCrc64(reqTs) && snapTs.AsRecentTs(reqTs) {
				return true
			// don't return error because client might be ahead of
			// in receiving a rollback.
			// return nil, ErrVbuuidMismatch
			return false
		return true // AnyConsistency
	return false