Example #1
func newPool(s *site, name string) (*pool, query.Error) {
	clog.To(catalog.CHANNEL, "Created New Pool %s", name)
	cbpool, err := s.client.GetPool(name)
	if err != nil {
		if name == "default" {
			// if default pool is not available, try reconnecting to the server
			url := s.URL()
			client, err := cb.Connect(url)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Pool %v not found.", name))
			// check if the default pool exists
			cbpool, err = client.GetPool(name)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, query.NewError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Pool %v not found.", name))
			s.client = client
	rv := pool{
		site:        s,
		name:        name,
		cbpool:      cbpool,
		bucketCache: make(map[string]catalog.Bucket),
	go keepPoolFresh(&rv)
	return &rv, nil
Example #2
func (p *namespace) refresh(changed bool) {
	// trigger refresh of this pool
	logging.Infof("Refreshing pool %s", p.name)

	newpool, err := p.site.client.GetPool(p.name)
	if err != nil {

		var client cb.Client

		logging.Errorf("Error updating pool name %s: Error %v", p.name, err)
		url := p.site.URL()

			transport := cbauth.WrapHTTPTransport(cb.HTTPTransport, nil)
			cb.HTTPClient.Transport = transport

		if p.site.CbAuthInit == true {
			client, err = cb.ConnectWithAuth(url, cbauth.NewAuthHandler(nil))
		} else {
			client, err = cb.Connect(url)
		if err != nil {
			logging.Errorf("Error connecting to URL %s", url)
		// check if the default pool exists
		newpool, err = client.GetPool(p.name)
		if err != nil {
			logging.Errorf("Retry Failed Error updating pool name %s: Error %v", p.name, err)
		p.site.client = client


	defer p.lock.Unlock()
	for name, ks := range p.keyspaceCache {
		logging.Infof(" Checking keyspace %s", name)
		_, err := newpool.GetBucket(name)
		if err != nil {
			changed = true
			ks.(*keyspace).deleted = true
			logging.Errorf(" Error retrieving bucket %s", name)
			delete(p.keyspaceCache, name)

		// Not deleted. Check if GSI indexer is available
		if ks.(*keyspace).gsiIndexer == nil {
			ks.(*keyspace).refreshIndexer(p.site.URL(), p.Name())

	if changed == true {
Example #3
// NewSite creates a new Couchbase site for the given url.
func NewSite(url string) (catalog.Site, query.Error) {
	clog.To(catalog.CHANNEL, "Created New Site %s", url)
	client, err := cb.Connect(url)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, query.NewError(err, "")

	return &site{
		client:    client,
		poolCache: make(map[string]catalog.Pool),
	}, nil
Example #4
func (p *pool) refresh() {
	// trigger refresh of this pool
	clog.To(catalog.CHANNEL, "Refreshing Pool %s", p.name)
	newpool, err := p.site.client.GetPool(p.name)
	if err != nil {
		clog.Warnf("Error updating pool name %s: Error %v", p.name, err)
		url := p.site.URL()
		client, err := cb.Connect(url)
		if err != nil {
			clog.Warnf("Error connecting to URL %s", url)
		// check if the default pool exists
		newpool, err = client.GetPool(p.name)
		if err != nil {
			clog.Warnf("Retry Failed Error updating pool name %s: Error %v", p.name, err)
		p.site.client = client

	p.cbpool = newpool
Example #5
func loadNamespace(s *site, name string) (*namespace, errors.Error) {

	cbpool, err := s.client.GetPool(name)
	if err != nil {
		if name == "default" {
			// if default pool is not available, try reconnecting to the server
			url := s.URL()

			var client cb.Client

			if s.CbAuthInit == true {
				client, err = cb.ConnectWithAuth(url, cbauth.NewAuthHandler(nil))
			} else {
				client, err = cb.Connect(url)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.NewCbNamespaceNotFoundError(err, "Namespace "+name)
			// check if the default pool exists
			cbpool, err = client.GetPool(name)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.NewCbNamespaceNotFoundError(err, "Namespace "+name)
			s.client = client

	rv := namespace{
		site:          s,
		name:          name,
		cbNamespace:   cbpool,
		keyspaceCache: make(map[string]datastore.Keyspace),
	go keepPoolFresh(&rv)
	return &rv, nil
Example #6
// NewSite creates a new Couchbase site for the given url.
func NewDatastore(u string) (s datastore.Datastore, e errors.Error) {

	var client cb.Client
	var cbAuthInit bool

	// try and initialize cbauth

	c, err := initCbAuth(u)
	if err != nil {
		logging.Errorf(" Unable to initialize cbauth. Error %v", err)
		url, err := url.Parse(u)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewCbUrlParseError(err, "url "+u)

		if url.User != nil {
			password, _ := url.User.Password()
			if password == "" {
				logging.Errorf("No password found in url %s", u)

			// intialize cb_auth variables manually
			logging.Infof(" Trying to init cbauth with credentials %s %s %s", url.Host, url.User.Username(), password)
			set, err := cbauth.InternalRetryDefaultInit(url.Host, url.User.Username(), password)
			if set == false || err != nil {
				logging.Errorf(" Unable to initialize cbauth variables. Error %v", err)
			} else {
				c, err = initCbAuth("http://" + url.Host)
				if err != nil {
					logging.Errorf("Unable to initliaze cbauth.  Error %v", err)
				} else {
					client = *c
					cbAuthInit = true
	} else {
		client = *c
		cbAuthInit = true

	if cbAuthInit == false {
		// connect without auth
		cb.HTTPClient = &http.Client{}
		client, err = cb.Connect(u)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewCbConnectionError(err, "url "+u)

	site := &site{
		client:         client,
		namespaceCache: make(map[string]*namespace),
		CbAuthInit:     cbAuthInit,

	// initialize the default pool.
	// TODO can couchbase server contain more than one pool ?

	defaultPool, Err := loadNamespace(site, "default")
	if Err != nil {
		logging.Errorf("Cannot connect to default pool")
		return nil, Err

	site.namespaceCache["default"] = defaultPool
	logging.Infof("New site created with url %s", u)

	return site, nil