Example #1
func (db *Database) AddToChangeLogs(changedChannels base.Set, channelMap ChannelMap, entry channels.LogEntry, parentRevID string) error {
	var err error
	base.LogTo("Changes", "Updating #%d %q/%q in channels %s", entry.Sequence, entry.DocID, entry.RevID, changedChannels)
	for channel, removal := range channelMap {
		if removal != nil && removal.Seq != entry.Sequence {
		// Set Removed flag appropriately for this channel:
		if removal != nil {
			entry.Flags |= channels.Removed
		} else {
			entry.Flags = entry.Flags &^ channels.Removed
		if err1 := db.AddToChangeLog(channel, entry, parentRevID); err != nil {
			err = err1

	// Finally, add to the universal "*" channel.
	if EnableStarChannelLog {
		entry.Flags = entry.Flags &^ channels.Removed
		if err1 := db.AddToChangeLog("*", entry, parentRevID); err != nil {
			err = err1

	return err
Example #2
// Returns a list of all the changes made on a channel.
// Does NOT handle the Wait option. Does NOT check authorization.
func (db *Database) changesFeed(channel string, options ChangesOptions) (<-chan *ChangeEntry, error) {
	since := options.Since[channel]
	channelLog, err := db.changesWriter.getChangeLog(channel, since)
	if err != nil {
		base.Warn("Error reading channel-log %q (using view instead): %v", channel, err)
		channelLog = nil
	rebuildLog := channelLog == nil && err == nil && (EnableStarChannelLog || channel != "*")
	var log []*channels.LogEntry
	if channelLog != nil {
		log = channelLog.Entries

	var viewFeed <-chan *ChangeEntry
	if channelLog == nil || channelLog.Since > since {
		var upToSeq uint64
		if channelLog != nil {
			upToSeq = channelLog.Since
		// Channel log may not go back far enough, so also fetch view-based change feed:
		viewFeed, err = db.changesFeedFromView(channel, options, upToSeq)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry, 5)
	go func() {
		defer close(feed)

		// First, if we need to backfill from the view, write its early entries to the channel:
		if viewFeed != nil {
			newLog := channels.ChangeLog{Since: since}
			for change := range viewFeed {
				if channelLog != nil && change.seqNo > channelLog.Since {
					// TODO: Close the view-based feed somehow

				select {
				case <-options.Terminator:
					base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeed (reading from view)")
				case feed <- change:

				if rebuildLog {
					// If there wasn't any channel log, build up a new one from the view:
					entry := channels.LogEntry{
						Sequence: change.seqNo,
						DocID:    change.ID,
						RevID:    change.Changes[0]["rev"],
					if change.Deleted {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Deleted
					if change.Removed != nil {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Removed

			if rebuildLog {
				// Save the missing channel log we just rebuilt:
				base.LogTo("Changes", "Saving rebuilt channel log %q with %d sequences",
					channel, len(newLog.Entries))
				db.changesWriter.addChangeLog(channel, &newLog)

		// Now write each log entry to the 'feed' channel in turn:
		for _, logEntry := range log {
			if !options.Conflicts && (logEntry.Flags&channels.Hidden) != 0 {
				//continue  // FIX: had to comment this out.
				// This entry is shadowed by a conflicting one. We would like to skip it.
				// The problem is that if this is the newest revision of this doc, then the
				// doc will appear under this sequence # in the changes view, which means
				// we won't emit the doc at all because we already stopped emitting entries
				// from the view before this point.
			change := ChangeEntry{
				seqNo:   logEntry.Sequence,
				ID:      logEntry.DocID,
				Deleted: (logEntry.Flags & channels.Deleted) != 0,
				Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": logEntry.RevID}},
			if logEntry.Flags&channels.Removed != 0 {
				change.Removed = channels.SetOf(channel)
			} else if options.IncludeDocs || options.Conflicts {
				doc, _ := db.GetDoc(logEntry.DocID)
				db.addDocToChangeEntry(doc, &change, options.IncludeDocs, false)

			select {
			case <-options.Terminator:
				base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeed")
			case feed <- &change:

			if options.Limit > 0 {
				if options.Limit == 0 {
	return feed, nil
Example #3
// Common subroutine of Put and PutExistingRev: a shell that loads the document, lets the caller
// make changes to it in a callback and supply a new body, then saves the body and document.
func (db *Database) updateDoc(docid string, allowImport bool, callback func(*document) (Body, error)) (string, error) {
	// As a special case, it's illegal to put a design document except in admin mode:
	if strings.HasPrefix(docid, "_design/") && db.user != nil {
		return "", base.HTTPErrorf(403, "Forbidden to update design doc")

	key := realDocID(docid)
	if key == "" {
		return "", base.HTTPErrorf(400, "Invalid doc ID")

	var newRevID, parentRevID string
	var doc *document
	var body Body
	var changedChannels base.Set
	var changedPrincipals, changedRoleUsers []string
	var docSequence uint64
	var inConflict = false

	err := db.Bucket.WriteUpdate(key, 0, func(currentValue []byte) (raw []byte, writeOpts walrus.WriteOptions, err error) {
		// Be careful: this block can be invoked multiple times if there are races!
		if doc, err = unmarshalDocument(docid, currentValue); err != nil {
		} else if !allowImport && currentValue != nil && !doc.hasValidSyncData() {
			err = base.HTTPErrorf(409, "Not imported")

		// Invoke the callback to update the document and return a new revision body:
		body, err = callback(doc)
		if err != nil {

		// Determine which is the current "winning" revision (it's not necessarily the new one):
		newRevID = body["_rev"].(string)
		parentRevID = doc.History[newRevID].Parent
		prevCurrentRev := doc.CurrentRev
		doc.CurrentRev, inConflict = doc.History.winningRevision()
		doc.Deleted = doc.History[doc.CurrentRev].Deleted

		if doc.CurrentRev != prevCurrentRev && prevCurrentRev != "" && doc.body != nil {
			// Store the doc's previous body into the revision tree:
			bodyJSON, _ := json.Marshal(doc.body)
			doc.History.setRevisionBody(prevCurrentRev, bodyJSON)

		// Store the new revision body into the doc:
		doc.setRevision(newRevID, body)

		if doc.CurrentRev == newRevID {
			doc.NewestRev = ""
		} else {
			doc.NewestRev = newRevID
			if doc.CurrentRev != prevCurrentRev {
				// If the new revision is not current, transfer the current revision's
				// body to the top level doc.body:
				doc.body = doc.History.getParsedRevisionBody(doc.CurrentRev)
				doc.History.setRevisionBody(doc.CurrentRev, nil)

		// Run the sync function, to validate the update and compute its channels/access:
		body["_id"] = doc.ID
		channels, access, roles, err := db.getChannelsAndAccess(doc, body, parentRevID)
		if err != nil {
		if len(channels) > 0 {
			doc.History[newRevID].Channels = channels

		// Move the body of the replaced revision out of the document so it can be compacted later.
		db.backupAncestorRevs(doc, newRevID)

		// Now that we know doc is valid, assign it the next sequence number, for _changes feed.
		// But be careful not to request a second sequence # on a retry if we don't need one.
		if docSequence <= doc.Sequence {
			if docSequence, err = db.sequences.nextSequence(); err != nil {
		doc.Sequence = docSequence

		if doc.CurrentRev != prevCurrentRev {
			// Most of the time this update will change the doc's current rev. (The exception is
			// if the new rev is a conflict that doesn't win the revid comparison.) If so, we
			// need to update the doc's top-level Channels and Access properties to correspond
			// to the current rev's state.
			if newRevID != doc.CurrentRev {
				// In some cases an older revision might become the current one. If so, get its
				// channels & access, for purposes of updating the doc:
				var curBody Body
				if curBody, err = db.getAvailableRev(doc, doc.CurrentRev); curBody != nil {
					base.LogTo("CRUD+", "updateDoc(%q): Rev %q causes %q to become current again",
						docid, newRevID, doc.CurrentRev)
					curParent := doc.History[doc.CurrentRev].Parent
					channels, access, roles, err = db.getChannelsAndAccess(doc, curBody, curParent)
					if err != nil {
				} else {
					// Shouldn't be possible (CurrentRev is a leaf so won't have been compacted)
					base.Warn("updateDoc(%q): Rev %q missing, can't call getChannelsAndAccess "+
						"on it (err=%v)", docid, doc.CurrentRev, err)
					channels = nil
					access = nil
					roles = nil

			// Update the document struct's channel assignment and user access.
			// (This uses the new sequence # so has to be done after updating doc.Sequence)
			changedChannels = doc.updateChannels(channels) //FIX: Incorrect if new rev is not current!
			changedPrincipals = doc.Access.updateAccess(doc, access)
			changedRoleUsers = doc.RoleAccess.updateAccess(doc, roles)
			if len(changedPrincipals) > 0 || len(changedRoleUsers) > 0 {
				// If this update affects user/role access privileges, make sure the write blocks till
				// the new value is indexable, otherwise when a User/Role updates (using a view) it
				// might not incorporate the effects of this change.
				writeOpts |= walrus.Indexable
		} else {
			base.LogTo("CRUD+", "updateDoc(%q): Rev %q leaves %q still current",
				docid, newRevID, prevCurrentRev)

		// Prune old revision history to limit the number of revisions:
		if pruned := doc.History.pruneRevisions(db.RevsLimit); pruned > 0 {
			base.LogTo("CRUD+", "updateDoc(%q): Pruned %d old revisions", docid, pruned)

		// Return the new raw document value for the bucket to store.
		raw, err = json.Marshal(doc)

	if err == couchbase.UpdateCancel {
		return "", nil
	} else if err == couchbase.ErrOverwritten {
		// ErrOverwritten is ok; if a later revision got persisted, that's fine too
		base.LogTo("CRUD+", "Note: Rev %q/%q was overwritten in RAM before becoming indexable",
			docid, newRevID)
	} else if err != nil {
		return "", err

	dbExpvars.Add("revs_added", 1)

	// Store the new revision in the cache
	history := doc.History.getHistory(newRevID)
	if doc.History[newRevID].Deleted {
		body["_deleted"] = true
	revChannels := doc.History[newRevID].Channels
	db.revisionCache.Put(body, encodeRevisions(history), revChannels)

	// Now that the document has successfully been stored, we can make other db changes:
	base.LogTo("CRUD", "Stored doc %q / %q", docid, newRevID)

	// Mark affected users/roles as needing to recompute their channel access:
	for _, name := range changedPrincipals {
	for _, name := range changedRoleUsers {

	// Add the new revision to the change logs of all affected channels:
	newEntry := channels.LogEntry{
		Sequence: doc.Sequence,
		DocID:    docid,
		RevID:    newRevID,
	if doc.History[newRevID].Deleted {
		newEntry.Flags |= channels.Deleted
	if newRevID != doc.CurrentRev {
		newEntry.Flags |= channels.Hidden
	if inConflict {
		newEntry.Flags |= channels.Conflict
	db.changesWriter.addToChangeLogs(changedChannels, doc.Channels, newEntry, parentRevID)

	return newRevID, nil
Example #4
// Returns a list of all the changes made on a channel.
// Does NOT handle the Wait option. Does NOT check authorization.
func (db *Database) changesFeed(channel string, options ChangesOptions) (<-chan *ChangeEntry, error) {
	since := options.Since[channel]
	channelLog, err := db.GetChangeLog(channel, since)
	if err != nil {
		base.Warn("Error reading channel-log %q (using view instead) %v", channel, err)
		channelLog = nil
	rebuildLog := channelLog == nil && err == nil && (EnableStarChannelLog || channel != "*")
	var log []*channels.LogEntry
	if channelLog != nil {
		log = channelLog.Entries

	var viewFeed <-chan *ChangeEntry
	if channelLog == nil || channelLog.Since > since {
		// Channel log may not go back far enough, so also fetch view-based change feed:
		viewFeed, err = db.changesFeedFromView(channel, options)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry, 5)
	go func() {
		defer close(feed)

		// First, if we need to backfill from the view, write its early entries to the channel:
		if viewFeed != nil {
			newLog := channels.ChangeLog{Since: since}
			for change := range viewFeed {
				if len(log) > 0 && change.seqNo >= log[0].Sequence {
					// TODO: Close the view-based feed somehow
				feed <- change
				if rebuildLog {
					// If there wasn't any channel log, build up a new one from the view:
					entry := channels.LogEntry{
						Sequence: change.seqNo,
						DocID:    change.ID,
						RevID:    change.Changes[0]["rev"],
					if change.Deleted {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Deleted
					if change.Removed != nil {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Removed

			if rebuildLog {
				// Save the missing channel log we just rebuilt:
				base.LogTo("Changes", "Saving rebuilt channel log %q with %d sequences",
					channel, len(newLog.Entries))
				if _, err := db.AddChangeLog(channel, &newLog); err != nil {
					base.Warn("ChangesFeed: AddChangeLog failed, %v", err)

		// Now write each log entry to the 'feed' channel in turn:
		for _, logEntry := range log {
			hidden := (logEntry.Flags & channels.Hidden) != 0
			if logEntry.RevID == "" || (hidden && !options.Conflicts) {
			change := ChangeEntry{
				seqNo:   logEntry.Sequence,
				ID:      logEntry.DocID,
				Deleted: (logEntry.Flags & channels.Deleted) != 0,
				Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": logEntry.RevID}},
			if logEntry.Flags&channels.Removed != 0 {
				change.Removed = channels.SetOf(channel)
			} else if options.IncludeDocs || options.Conflicts {
				doc, _ := db.getDoc(logEntry.DocID)
				db.addDocToChangeEntry(doc, &change, options.IncludeDocs, false)
			feed <- &change

			if options.Limit > 0 {
				if options.Limit == 0 {
	return feed, nil