Example #1
func TestStartWithdrawal(t *testing.T) {
	tearDown, pool, store := vp.TstCreatePoolAndTxStore(t)
	defer tearDown()
	mgr := pool.Manager()

	masters := []*hdkeychain.ExtendedKey{
		vp.TstCreateMasterKey(t, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00, 0x01}, 16)),
		vp.TstCreateMasterKey(t, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x02, 0x01}, 16)),
		vp.TstCreateMasterKey(t, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x03, 0x01}, 16))}
	def := vp.TstCreateSeriesDef(t, pool, 2, masters)
	vp.TstCreateSeries(t, pool, []vp.TstSeriesDef{def})
	// Create eligible inputs and the list of outputs we need to fulfil.
	vp.TstCreateSeriesCreditsOnStore(t, pool, def.SeriesID, []int64{5e6, 4e6}, store)
	address1 := "34eVkREKgvvGASZW7hkgE2uNc1yycntMK6"
	address2 := "3PbExiaztsSYgh6zeMswC49hLUwhTQ86XG"
	requests := []vp.OutputRequest{
		vp.TstNewOutputRequest(t, 1, address1, 4e6, mgr.ChainParams()),
		vp.TstNewOutputRequest(t, 2, address2, 1e6, mgr.ChainParams()),
	changeStart := vp.TstNewChangeAddress(t, pool, def.SeriesID, 0)

	startAddr := vp.TstNewWithdrawalAddress(t, pool, def.SeriesID, 0, 0)
	lastSeriesID := def.SeriesID
	dustThreshold := dcrutil.Amount(1e4)
	currentBlock := int32(vp.TstInputsBlock + vp.TstEligibleInputMinConfirmations + 1)
	var status *vp.WithdrawalStatus
	var err error
	vp.TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
		status, err = pool.StartWithdrawal(0, requests, *startAddr, lastSeriesID, *changeStart,
			store, currentBlock, dustThreshold)
	if err != nil {

	// Check that all outputs were successfully fulfilled.
	checkWithdrawalOutputs(t, status, map[string]dcrutil.Amount{address1: 4e6, address2: 1e6})

	if status.Fees() != dcrutil.Amount(1e3) {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong amount for fees; got %v, want %v", status.Fees(), dcrutil.Amount(1e3))

	// This withdrawal generated a single transaction with just one change
	// output, so the next change address will be on the same series with the
	// index incremented by 1.
	nextChangeAddr := status.NextChangeAddr()
	if nextChangeAddr.SeriesID() != changeStart.SeriesID() {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong nextChangeStart series; got %d, want %d", nextChangeAddr.SeriesID(),
	if nextChangeAddr.Index() != changeStart.Index()+1 {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong nextChangeStart index; got %d, want %d", nextChangeAddr.Index(),

	// NOTE: The ntxid is deterministic so we hardcode it here, but if the test
	// or the code is changed in a way that causes the generated transaction to
	// change (e.g. different inputs/outputs), the ntxid will change too and
	// this will have to be updated.
	ntxid := vp.Ntxid("d81876caf7b3214e10c1465ac701ae62205797dee249d5a3a2d035013bff03d7")
	txSigs := status.Sigs()[ntxid]

	// Finally we use SignTx() to construct the SignatureScripts (using the raw
	// signatures).  Must unlock the manager as signing involves looking up the
	// redeem script, which is stored encrypted.
	msgtx := status.TstGetMsgTx(ntxid)
	vp.TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
		if err = vp.SignTx(msgtx, txSigs, mgr, store); err != nil {

	// Any subsequent StartWithdrawal() calls with the same parameters will
	// return the previously stored WithdrawalStatus.
	var status2 *vp.WithdrawalStatus
	vp.TstRunWithManagerUnlocked(t, mgr, func() {
		status2, err = pool.StartWithdrawal(0, requests, *startAddr, lastSeriesID, *changeStart,
			store, currentBlock, dustThreshold)
	if err != nil {
	vp.TstCheckWithdrawalStatusMatches(t, *status, *status2)