Example #1
func TestCosi(t *testing.T) {
	//defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	for _, nbrHosts := range []int{1, 3, 13} {
		log.Lvl2("Running cosi with", nbrHosts, "hosts")
		local := onet.NewLocalTest()
		hosts, el, tree := local.GenBigTree(nbrHosts, nbrHosts, 3, true)
		aggPublic := network.Suite.Point().Null()
		for _, e := range el.List {
			aggPublic = aggPublic.Add(aggPublic, e.Public)

		done := make(chan bool)
		// create the message we want to sign for this round
		msg := []byte("Hello World Cosi")

		// Register the function generating the protocol instance
		var root *CoSi
		// function that will be called when protocol is finished by the root
		doneFunc := func(sig []byte) {
			suite := hosts[0].Suite()
			publics := el.Publics()
			if err := root.VerifyResponses(aggPublic); err != nil {
				t.Fatal("Error verifying responses", err)
			if err := VerifySignature(suite, publics, msg, sig); err != nil {
				t.Fatal("Error verifying signature:", err)
			done <- true

		// Start the protocol
		p, err := local.CreateProtocol("CoSi", tree)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't create new node:", err)
		root = p.(*CoSi)
		root.Message = msg
		responseFunc := func(in []abstract.Scalar) {
			log.Lvl1("Got response")
			if len(root.Children()) != len(in) {
				t.Fatal("Didn't get same number of responses")
		go root.StartProtocol()
		select {
		case <-done:
		case <-time.After(time.Second * 2):
			t.Fatal("Could not get signature verification done in time")
Example #2
func TestServiceCosi(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	local := onet.NewTCPTest()
	// generate 5 hosts, they don't connect, they process messages, and they
	// don't register the tree or entitylist
	hosts, el, _ := local.GenTree(5, false)
	defer local.CloseAll()

	// Send a request to the service
	client := NewTestClient(local)
	msg := []byte("hello cosi service")
	log.Lvl1("Sending request to service...")
	res, err := client.SignatureRequest(el, msg)
	log.ErrFatal(err, "Couldn't send")

	// verify the response still
	assert.Nil(t, cosi.VerifySignature(hosts[0].Suite(), el.Publics(),
		msg, res.Signature))