Example #1
func varianceF(img image.Image, disk int) (imageF, imageF) {
	m := meanF(img, disk) // gets a grayscale copy of local mean

	// create a grayscale version of the original
	//g := gift.New( gift.Grayscale() )
	//v := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	//g.Draw(v, img)

	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	floatData := make([][]float32, bounds.Max.Y-bounds.Min.Y)
	for i := range floatData {
		floatData[i] = make([]float32, bounds.Max.X-bounds.Min.X)
	for y := bounds.Min.X; y < bounds.Max.X; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.Y; x < bounds.Max.Y; x++ {
			p1r, p1g, p1b, _ := dst.At(x, y).RGBA()
			g1 := 0.2125*float64(p1r) + 0.7154*float64(p1g) + 0.0721*float64(p1b)
			g2 := float64(m[x][y])

			floatData[x][y] = float32((g1 - g2) * (g1 - g2))
	return m, floatData
Example #2
func makeThumb(source, destination string) error { // {{{
	file, err := os.Open(source)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer file.Close()

	// decode jpeg into image.Image
	img, err := jpeg.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	g := gift.New(
		gift.ResizeToFill(200, 200, gift.LanczosResampling, gift.CenterAnchor),

	out, err := os.Create(destination)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer out.Close()

	// write new image to file
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)
	return jpeg.Encode(out, dst, &jpeg.Options{100})
}                                                     // }}}
Example #3
// Render draws rune r front the specified font at the specified dpi and scale.  It returns a
// grayscale image that is just large enough to contain the rune.
func Render(font *truetype.Font, r rune, dpi, scale float64) (*image.Gray, error) {
	glyph := truetype.NewGlyphBuf()
	index := font.Index(r)
	glyph.Load(font, font.FUnitsPerEm(), index, truetype.FullHinting)
	ctx := freetype.NewContext()
	boxer := makeBoundingBoxer()
	if err := glyph.Load(font, font.FUnitsPerEm(), font.Index(r), truetype.FullHinting); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load glyph: %v\n", err)
	var rp raster.Point
	rp.X = ctx.PointToFix32(0)
	rp.Y = ctx.PointToFix32(100)
	ctx.DrawString(string(r), rp)

	g := gift.New(
		gift.Resize(int(float64(boxer.Bounds().Dx())*scale+0.5), int(float64(boxer.Bounds().Dy())*scale+0.5), gift.CubicResampling),
	dst := image.NewGray(g.Bounds(boxer.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, boxer)
	return dst, nil
Example #4
// TODO Too min images should not resized
func resizeImage(src image.Image, n int) image.Image {
	srcBounds := src.Bounds()
	gi := gift.New(gift.Resize(srcBounds.Max.Y/n, srcBounds.Max.Y/n, gift.LanczosResampling))
	dst := image.NewRGBA(gi.Bounds(srcBounds))
	gi.Draw(dst, src)
	return dst
Example #5
func blur(img image.Image, howmuch float32) image.Image {
	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)
	return (dst)
Example #6
func (fi *FileInfo) createThumb(buffer *bytes.Buffer, c context.Context) {
	if imageTypes.MatchString(fi.Type) {
		src, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(buffer.Bytes()))
		filter := gift.New(gift.ResizeToFit(
		dst := image.NewNRGBA(filter.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
		filter.Draw(dst, src)
		bWriter := bufio.NewWriter(buffer)
		switch fi.Type {
		case "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg":
			err = jpeg.Encode(bWriter, dst, nil)
		case "image/gif":
			err = gif.Encode(bWriter, dst, nil)
			err = png.Encode(bWriter, dst)
		thumbnailKey := fi.Key + thumbSuffix + filepath.Ext(fi.Name)
		item := &memcache.Item{
			Key:   thumbnailKey,
			Value: buffer.Bytes(),
		err = memcache.Set(c, item)
		fi.ThumbnailKey = thumbnailKey
Example #7
func mean(img image.Image, disk int) image.Image {
	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	g.Add(gift.Mean(disk, false)) // use square neighborhood
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)
	return (dst)
// DrawPicture .
func DrawPicture(src image.Image, width int, height int) *image.Gray {
	rect := image.Rect(0, 0, width, height)
	img := image.NewGray(rect)
	rander := rander()
	for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
		for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
			var c color.Gray
			if IsBlack(src, x, y) {
				if y > 1 && IsNotBlack(src, x, y-1) {
					c = borderColor(rander)
				} else {
					c = insideColor(rander)
			} else {
				c = outsideColor(rander)
			x1, y1 := transformCurve(x, y, width, height)
			//c = color.Gray{c.Y + ScaledLuminanceAt(90, src, x, y)}
			img.Set(x1, y1, c)
	g := gift.New(
	img2 := image.NewGray(rect)
	g.Draw(img2, img)
	return img2
Example #9
func analyzeFile(filename string, resize bool) (*Cover, error) {
	file, err := os.Open(filename)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	defer file.Close()

	img, _, err := image.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if resize {
		start := time.Now()
		g := gift.New(gift.Resize(500, 0, gift.LanczosResampling))
		dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
		g.Draw(dst, img)
		img = dst
		fmt.Printf("- RESIZE %s took %s\n", path.Base(filename), time.Since(start))

	start := time.Now()
	bg, c1, c2, c3 := colorart.Analyze(img)
	fmt.Printf("- ANALYZE %s took %s\n", path.Base(filename), time.Since(start))

	return &Cover{filename, bg.String(), c1.String(), c2.String(), c3.String()}, nil
Example #10
func procImage(fileName string) (string, error) {
	reader, err := os.Open(fileName)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Failed to open image with error: %s\n", err)
		return "", err
	defer reader.Close()

	src, _, err := image.Decode(reader)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode image with error: %s\n", err)
		return "", err

	g := gift.New(

	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, src)

	var opt jpeg.Options
	opt.Quality = 100

	fileName = fileName + "_processed.jpg"

	out, _ := os.Create(fileName)
	err = jpeg.Encode(out, dst, &opt)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Failed to encode image with error: %s\n", err)
		return "", err

	return fileName, nil
Example #11
// Sets skin.Processed to an isometric render of the head from a top-left angle (showing 3 sides).
func (skin *mcSkin) GetCube(width int) error {
	// Crop out the top of the head
	topFlat := imaging.Crop(skin.Image, image.Rect(8, 0, 16, 8))
	// Resize appropriately, so that it fills the `width` when rotated 45 def.
	topFlat = imaging.Resize(topFlat, int(float64(width)*math.Sqrt(2)/3+1), 0, imaging.NearestNeighbor)
	// Create the Gift filter
	filter := gift.New(
		gift.Rotate(45, color.Transparent, gift.LinearInterpolation),
	bounds := filter.Bounds(topFlat.Bounds())
	top := image.NewNRGBA(bounds)
	// Draw it on the filter, then smush it!
	filter.Draw(top, topFlat)
	top = imaging.Resize(top, width+2, width/3, imaging.NearestNeighbor)
	// Skew the front and sides at 15 degree angles to match up with the
	// head that has been smushed
	front := skin.cropHead(skin.Image).(*image.NRGBA)
	side := imaging.Crop(skin.Image, image.Rect(0, 8, 8, 16))
	front = imaging.Resize(front, width/2, int(float64(width)/1.75), imaging.NearestNeighbor)
	side = imaging.Resize(side, width/2, int(float64(width)/1.75), imaging.NearestNeighbor)
	front = skewVertical(front, math.Pi/12)
	side = skewVertical(imaging.FlipH(side), math.Pi/-12)

	// Create a new image to assemble upon
	skin.Processed = image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, width))
	// Draw each side
	draw.Draw(skin.Processed.(draw.Image), image.Rect(0, width/6, width/2, width), side, image.Pt(0, 0), draw.Src)
	draw.Draw(skin.Processed.(draw.Image), image.Rect(width/2, width/6, width, width), front, image.Pt(0, 0), draw.Src)
	// Draw the top we created
	draw.Draw(skin.Processed.(draw.Image), image.Rect(-1, 0, width+1, width/3), top, image.Pt(0, 0), draw.Over)

	return nil
Example #12
func main() {

	if len(os.Args) != 2 {
		fmt.Println("Usage:\tgoimger <file>")

	srcFileName := os.Args[1]
	srcFile, _ := os.Open(srcFileName)
	src, _, _ := image.Decode(srcFile)

	// let's make a new gift
	g := gift.New(
		gift.UnsharpMask(1.0, 0.5, 0.0),

	// dest - output image
	dest := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
	// draw result
	g.Draw(dest, src)

	outFileName := srcFileName + "_goimger.jpg"
	toimg, _ := os.Create(outFileName)
	defer toimg.Close()

	jpeg.Encode(toimg, dest, &jpeg.Options{jpeg.DefaultQuality})
Example #13
func main() {
	if len(os.Args) != 2 {
		fmt.Println("Usage:\tspiffy <file>")

	srcFileName := os.Args[1]
	srcFile, _ := os.Open(srcFileName)
	src, _, _ := image.Decode(srcFile)

	// 1. Create a new GIFT and add some filters:
	g := gift.New(
		gift.UnsharpMask(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),

	// 2. Create a new image of the corresponding size.
	// dst is a new target image, src is the original image
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))

	// 3. Use Draw func to apply the filters to src and store the result in dst:
	g.Draw(dst, src)

	outFileName := srcFileName + ".spiffy.jpg"
	toimg, _ := os.Create(outFileName)
	defer toimg.Close()

	jpeg.Encode(toimg, dst, &jpeg.Options{jpeg.DefaultQuality})
Example #14
func CropImage(img image.Image, rect image.Rectangle) (croped image.Image) {
	g := gift.New(
	croped_image := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(rect))
	g.Draw(croped_image, img)
	return croped_image
Example #15
func newResizeFuncGift(resampling gift.Resampling) resizeFunc {
	return func(im image.Image) image.Image {
		g := gift.New(gift.Resize(width, height, resampling))
		newIm := newImageFunc(g.Bounds(im.Bounds()))
		g.Draw(newIm, im)
		return newIm
Example #16
// take an image and revert its rgb channels (255-channel)
func invert(img image.Image) image.Image {

	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale(),
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)

	return dst
Example #17
// loadimage loads all the images of the deck into a map for later display
func loadimage(d deck.Deck, m map[string]image.Image) {
	w, h := d.Canvas.Width, d.Canvas.Height
	cw := openvg.VGfloat(w)
	ch := openvg.VGfloat(h)
	msize := int(cw * .01)
	mx := cw / 2
	my := ch * 0.05
	mbg := "white"
	mfg := "black"
	for ns, s := range d.Slide {
		for ni, i := range s.Image {
			if !modfile(i.Name, StartTime) {
			openvg.Start(w, h)
			if i.Link != "" {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Found altimg %s\n", i.Link)
			f, err := os.Open(i.Name)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
			img, _, err := image.Decode(f)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
			openvg.Rect(0, 0, cw, ch)
			openvg.TextMid(mx, my, fmt.Sprintf("Loading image %s %d from slide %d", i.Name, ni, ns), "sans", msize)
			bounds := img.Bounds()
			iw := i.Width
			ih := i.Height
			if i.Scale > 0 {
				iw = int(float64(iw) * (i.Scale / 100))
				ih = int(float64(ih) * (i.Scale / 100))
			// if the specified dimensions are native use those, otherwise resize
			if iw == (bounds.Max.X-bounds.Min.X) && ih == (bounds.Max.Y-bounds.Min.Y) {
				m[i.Name] = img
			} else {
				g := gift.New(gift.Resize(iw, ih, gift.BoxResampling))
				resized := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
				g.Draw(resized, img)
				m[i.Name] = resized
Example #18
func doit(fn string) (string, error) {
	file, err := os.Open(fn)

	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	defer file.Close()

	img, _, err := image.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	b := img.Bounds()
	var g *gift.GIFT

	if b.Max.X-b.Min.X >= resizeThreshold || b.Max.Y-b.Min.Y >= resizeThreshold {
		g = gift.New(
			gift.Resize(resizeSize, resizeSize, gift.LanczosResampling),
	} else {
		g = gift.New(gift.GaussianBlur(sigma))

	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)
	img = dst

	fn = path.Base(fn)
	ext := path.Ext(fn)
	fn = fmt.Sprintf("./%s.blur%s", fn[:len(fn)-len(ext)], ext)

	w, _ := os.Create(fn)
	defer w.Close()
	if err = jpeg.Encode(w, dst, nil); err != nil {
		return "", err

	return fn, nil
Example #19
func (this *AvatarController) Post() {
	w := this.ResponseWriter
	r := this.Request
	data := e.Data{Status: 1, Msg: "上传成功"}
	r.ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20)
	file, handler, err := r.FormFile("realPicFile")

	if err != nil {

	fileext := filepath.Ext(handler.Filename)
	log.Println("文件后缀名字" + fileext)
	if u.Check(fileext) == false {
		data.Status = 0
		data.Msg = "不允许的上传类型"
		u.OutputJson(w, &data)
	cookie := u.Cookie{HTTP: this.HTTP}

	filename := cookie.GetCookie().UserId.Value + ".png"
	log.Println("文件名称" + filename)

	imgfile, _ := os.OpenFile(Upload_Dir+filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0660)
	defer imgfile.Close()
	m1, err := jpeg.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {
	bounds := m1.Bounds()
	g := gift.New(
		gift.Resize(400, 400, gift.LanczosResampling),
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(bounds))
	g.Draw(dst, m1)
	err = png.Encode(imgfile, dst)

	if err != nil {
	filedir := Show_Dir + filename
	data.Data = filedir
	u.OutputJson(w, &data)
Example #20
func resizeImage(img image.Image, size image.Point) image.Image {
	g := gift.New(gift.Resize(size.X, size.Y, gift.LanczosResampling))
	rect := image.Rectangle{Max: size}
	switch img.(type) {
	case *image.Gray:
		dst := image.NewGray(rect)
		g.Draw(dst, img)
		return dst
		dst := image.NewRGBA(rect)
		g.Draw(dst, img)
		return dst
Example #21
func (prc *RotateProcessor) process(nim image.Image, params imageserver.Params) (image.Image, error) {
	rot, err := prc.getRotation(params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if rot == 0 {
		return nim, nil
	f, err := prc.getFilter(rot, params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	g := gift.New(f)
	out := imageserver_image_internal.NewDrawableSize(nim, g.Bounds(nim.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(out, nim)
	return out, nil
Example #22
// try to focus on a specific scale by using a mexican hat filter
func focus(img image.Image, s float32) image.Image {

	onethird := s / 3.0
	small := blur(img, s-onethird)
	large := blur(img, s+onethird)

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	floatData := make([][]float32, bounds.Max.X-bounds.Min.X)
	for i := range floatData {
		floatData[i] = make([]float32, bounds.Max.Y-bounds.Min.Y)

	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
			p1r, p1g, p1b, _ := small.At(x, y).RGBA()
			p2r, p2g, p2b, _ := large.At(x, y).RGBA()
			g1 := 0.2125*float64(p1r) + 0.7154*float64(p1g) + 0.0721*float64(p1b)
			g2 := 0.2125*float64(p2r) + 0.7154*float64(p2g) + 0.0721*float64(p2b)
			floatData[x][y] = float32(g1 - g2)

	min := floatData[0][0]
	max := floatData[0][0]
	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
			if min > floatData[x][y] {
				min = floatData[x][y]
			if max < floatData[x][y] {
				max = floatData[x][y]

	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)

	for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
			dst.Set(x, y, color.Gray16{uint16((floatData[x][y] - min) / (max - min) * 65535)})
	return dst
Example #23
func (prc *ResizeProcessor) process(nim image.Image, params imageserver.Params) (image.Image, error) {
	width, height, err := prc.getSize(params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if width == 0 && height == 0 {
		return nim, err
	f, err := prc.getFilter(width, height, params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	g := gift.New(f)
	out := imageserver_image_internal.NewDrawableSize(nim, g.Bounds(nim.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(out, nim)
	return out, nil
Example #24
func getimage(image_path string, w, h int, resized bool) (image.Image, error) {
	f, err := os.Open(image_path)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	defer f.Close()
	img, _, err := image.Decode(f)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	if resized {
		g := gift.New(gift.ResizeToFit(w, h, gift.BoxResampling))
		res := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
		g.Draw(res, img)
		return res, nil
	return img, nil
Example #25
func (this *AvatarController) Cut() {
	r := this.Request
	data := e.Data{Status: 1, Msg: "上传成功"}
	x, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("x"))
	y, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("y"))
	x2, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("x2"))
	y2, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("y2"))

	fileName := r.FormValue("fileName")
	log.Println(x, y, x2, y2, fileName)
	g := gift.New(
		gift.Crop(image.Rect(x, y, x2, y2)),
		gift.Resize(220, 220, gift.LanczosResampling),
	log.Println("图片名称" + fileName)
	file, err := os.Open(fileName)
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	m1, err := png.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {
	bounds := m1.Bounds()

	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(bounds))
	g.Draw(dst, m1)
	cookie := u.Cookie{HTTP: this.HTTP}

	filename := cookie.GetCookie().UserId.Value + ".png"

	imgfile, err := os.Create(Avatar_ReDir + filename)
	os.Remove(Upload_Dir + filename)
	defer imgfile.Close()
	err = png.Encode(imgfile, dst)
	u.OutputJson(this.ResponseWriter, &data)
Example #26
// nytheadlines retrieves data from the New York Times API, decodes and displays it.
func (d *display) nytheadlines(section string, thumb bool) {
	hdim := dimen{x: 0, y: 0, width: d.width, height: d.height / 2}
	r, err := netread(fmt.Sprintf(NYTfmt, section, NYTAPIkey))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "headline read error: %v\n", err)
		hdim.gerror(d.bgcolor, d.textcolor, "no headlines")
	defer r.Close()
	var data NYTHeadlines
	err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&data)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "decode: %v\n", err)
		hdim.gerror(d.bgcolor, d.textcolor, "no headlines")
	x := d.width * 0.10
	y := d.height * 0.10
	thumbsize := int(d.height * 0.05)
	hdim.regionFill(d.bgcolor, d.textcolor)
	headsize := d.width / 80
	spacing := openvg.VGfloat(thumbsize)
	for i := len(data.Results) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		openvg.Text(x, y, fromHTML.Replace(data.Results[i].Title), "serif", int(headsize))
		if len(data.Results[i].Thumbnail) > 0 {
			img, imerr := netimage(data.Results[i].Thumbnail)
			if imerr != nil {
			g := gift.New()
			g.Add(gift.Resize(0, thumbsize, gift.LanczosResampling))
			gift.Resize(thumbsize, thumbsize, gift.BoxResampling)
			resized := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
			g.Draw(resized, img)
			openvg.Img(x-100, y-(spacing*0.25), resized)
		y = y + spacing
	openvg.Image(d.width*0.05, 15, 30, 30, "poweredby_nytimes_30a.png")
Example #27
func meanF(img image.Image, disk int) imageF {

	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	g.Add(gift.Mean(disk, false)) // use square neighborhood
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, img)

	// now convert this to float array of arrays
	floatData := make([][]float32, dst.Bounds().Max.Y-dst.Bounds().Min.Y)
	for i := range floatData {
		floatData[i] = make([]float32, dst.Bounds().Max.X-dst.Bounds().Min.X)
	bounds := dst.Bounds()
	for y := bounds.Min.X; y < bounds.Max.X; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.Y; x < bounds.Max.Y; x++ {
			pr, _, _, _ := dst.At(x, y).RGBA()
			floatData[x][y] = float32(pr) // 0.2125*float32(pr) + 0.7154*float32(pg) + 0.0721*float32(pb)

	return floatData
Example #28
func analyzeFile(filename string) (bg, c1, c2, c3 colorart.Color) {
	file, err := os.Open(filename)
	defer file.Close()

	if err != nil {

	img, _, err := image.Decode(file)
	if err != nil {

	b := img.Bounds()
	if b.Max.X-b.Min.X > resizeThreshold || b.Max.Y-b.Min.Y > resizeThreshold {
		g := gift.New(gift.Resize(resizeSize, 0, gift.LanczosResampling))
		dst := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, resizeSize, resizeSize))
		g.Draw(dst, img)
		img = dst

	return colorart.Analyze(img)
Example #29
func variance(img image.Image, disk int) (image.Image, image.Image) {
	m := mean(img, disk) // gets a grayscale copy

	// create a grayscale version of the original
	g := gift.New(gift.Grayscale())
	v := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(img.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(v, img)

	bounds := img.Bounds()
	dst := image.NewGray(bounds)
	for y := bounds.Min.X; y < bounds.Max.X; y++ {
		for x := bounds.Min.Y; x < bounds.Max.Y; x++ {
			p1r, p1g, p1b, _ := v.At(x, y).RGBA()
			p2r, p2g, p2b, _ := m.At(x, y).RGBA()
			g1 := 0.2125*float64(p1r) + 0.7154*float64(p1g) + 0.0721*float64(p1b)
			g2 := 0.2125*float64(p2r) + 0.7154*float64(p2g) + 0.0721*float64(p2b)

			dst.Set(x, y, color.Gray16{uint16(math.Sqrt((g1 - g2) * (g1 - g2)))})
			//fmt.Println("value: ", math.Sqrt((g1-g2) * (g1-g2)))
	return m, dst
Example #30
// GreyscaleDctMatrix Computes the Dct of a greyscale image using matrixes
func GreyscaleDctMatrix(im image.Image) uint64 {
	greyFilter := gift.Grayscale()

	convFilter := gift.Convolution([]float32{
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
		1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
	}, true, false, false, 0)
	resizeFilter := gift.Resize(32, 32, gift.LinearResampling)
	g := gift.New(greyFilter, convFilter, resizeFilter)
	dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(im.Bounds()))
	g.Draw(dst, im)
		out, _ := os.Create("/Users/danielriley/desktop/output.jpg")
		var opt jpeg.Options
		opt.Quality = 80
		_ = jpeg.Encode(out, dst, &opt) // put quality to 80%

		out1, _ := os.Create("/Users/danielriley/desktop/output1.jpg")
		opt.Quality = 80
		_ = jpeg.Encode(out1, im, &opt) // put quality to 80%
		return 0
	//width := im.Bounds().Max.X
	//height := im.Bounds().Max.Y
	m := make([][]float64, 32)
	for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
		m[i] = make([]float64, 32)
		for j := 0; j < 32; j++ {
			_, _, b, _ := dst.At(i, j).RGBA()
			m[i][j] = float64(b)
		out, _ := os.Create("/Users/danielriley/desktop/output.jpg")
		var opt jpeg.Options
		opt.Quality = 80
		_ = jpeg.Encode(out, dst, &opt) // put quality to 80%

		out1, _ := os.Create("/Users/danielriley/desktop/output1.jpg")
		opt.Quality = 80
		_ = jpeg.Encode(out1, im, &opt) // put quality to 80%
	imMatrix := FloatMatrix(m)
	dctMatrix := NewDCTMatrix(32)

	// We can safely ignore errors here, since the sizes
	// always match.
	dct, _ := dctMatrix.Multiply(imMatrix)

	dct, _ = dct.Multiply(dctMatrix.Transposed())

	sub, _ := dct.SubMatrix(1, 1, 8, 8)

	values := sub.UnrollX()

	// We need the original values, so we must sort a copy
	cpy := make([]float64, len(values))
	copy(cpy, values)
	median := (cpy[64/2-1] + cpy[64/2]) / 2
	fmt.Println("got median ", median)
	bit := uint64(1)
	hash := uint64(0)
	for _, v := range values {
		if v > median {
			hash |= bit
		bit <<= 1

	fmt.Println("calculated hash ", hash)
	return hash

		imgMtx, err := manipulator.GrayImageToMatrix(img)
		if err != nil {
		dctMtx, err := createDctMatrix(img.Bounds().Max.X, img.Bounds().Max.Y)
		if err != nil {

		dctMtxTransp := dctMtx.T() // Transpose

		dctMtx.Mul(dctMtx, imgMtx)
		dctMtx.Mul(dctMtx, dctMtxTransp)

		dctImage, err := manipulator.CropMatrix(dctMtx, 0, 0, 7, 7)
		if err != nil {
		subsec := dctImage.RawMatrix().Data
		median := median(subsec)
		var one, hash uint64 = 1, 0
		for i := 0; i < len(subsec); i++ {
			current := subsec[i]
			if current > median {
				hash |= one
			one = one << 1
		return hash