Example #1
// GetContainer looks for a container using the provided information, which could be
// one of the following inputs from the caller:
//  - A full container ID, which will exact match a container in daemon's list
//  - A container name, which will only exact match via the GetByName() function
//  - A partial container ID prefix (e.g. short ID) of any length that is
//    unique enough to only return a single container object
//  If none of these searches succeed, an error is returned
func (daemon *Daemon) GetContainer(prefixOrName string) (*container.Container, error) {
	if len(prefixOrName) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewBadRequestError(fmt.Errorf("No container name or ID supplied"))

	if containerByID := daemon.containers.Get(prefixOrName); containerByID != nil {
		// prefix is an exact match to a full container ID
		return containerByID, nil

	// GetByName will match only an exact name provided; we ignore errors
	if containerByName, _ := daemon.GetByName(prefixOrName); containerByName != nil {
		// prefix is an exact match to a full container Name
		return containerByName, nil

	containerID, indexError := daemon.idIndex.Get(prefixOrName)
	if indexError != nil {
		// When truncindex defines an error type, use that instead
		if indexError == truncindex.ErrNotExist {
			err := fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", prefixOrName)
			return nil, errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(err)
		return nil, indexError
	return daemon.containers.Get(containerID), nil
Example #2
func getTask(ctx context.Context, c swarmapi.ControlClient, input string) (*swarmapi.Task, error) {
	// GetTask to match via full ID.
	rg, err := c.GetTask(ctx, &swarmapi.GetTaskRequest{TaskID: input})
	if err != nil {
		// If any error (including NotFound), ListTasks to match via full name.
		rl, err := c.ListTasks(ctx, &swarmapi.ListTasksRequest{Filters: &swarmapi.ListTasksRequest_Filters{Names: []string{input}}})

		if err != nil || len(rl.Tasks) == 0 {
			// If any error or 0 result, ListTasks to match via ID prefix.
			rl, err = c.ListTasks(ctx, &swarmapi.ListTasksRequest{Filters: &swarmapi.ListTasksRequest_Filters{IDPrefixes: []string{input}}})

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if len(rl.Tasks) == 0 {
			err := fmt.Errorf("task %s not found", input)
			return nil, errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(err)

		if l := len(rl.Tasks); l > 1 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("task %s is ambiguous (%d matches found)", input, l)

		return rl.Tasks[0], nil
	return rg.Task, nil
Example #3
func (d *Daemon) imageNotExistToErrcode(err error) error {
	if dne, isDNE := err.(ErrImageDoesNotExist); isDNE {
		if strings.Contains(dne.RefOrID, "@") {
			e := fmt.Errorf("No such image: %s", dne.RefOrID)
			return errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(e)
		tag := reference.DefaultTag
		ref, err := reference.ParseNamed(dne.RefOrID)
		if err != nil {
			e := fmt.Errorf("No such image: %s:%s", dne.RefOrID, tag)
			return errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(e)
		if tagged, isTagged := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); isTagged {
			tag = tagged.Tag()
		e := fmt.Errorf("No such image: %s:%s", ref.Name(), tag)
		return errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(e)
	return err
Example #4
func getSwarm(ctx context.Context, c swarmapi.ControlClient) (*swarmapi.Cluster, error) {
	rl, err := c.ListClusters(ctx, &swarmapi.ListClustersRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(rl.Clusters) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(errNoSwarm)

	// TODO: assume one cluster only
	return rl.Clusters[0], nil
Example #5
// createMux initializes the main router the server uses.
func (s *Server) createMux() *mux.Router {
	m := mux.NewRouter()

	logrus.Debug("Registering routers")
	for _, apiRouter := range s.routers {
		for _, r := range apiRouter.Routes() {
			f := s.makeHTTPHandler(r.Handler())

			logrus.Debugf("Registering %s, %s", r.Method(), r.Path())
			m.Path(versionMatcher + r.Path()).Methods(r.Method()).Handler(f)

	err := errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(fmt.Errorf("page not found"))
	notFoundHandler := httputils.MakeErrorHandler(err)
	m.HandleFunc(versionMatcher+"/{path:.*}", notFoundHandler)
	m.NotFoundHandler = notFoundHandler

	return m
Example #6
func errExecNotFound(id string) error {
	err := fmt.Errorf("No such exec instance '%s' found in daemon", id)
	return errors.NewRequestNotFoundError(err)