Example #1
func verifyContainerResources(resources *containertypes.Resources, isHyperv bool) ([]string, error) {
	warnings := []string{}

	if !isHyperv {
		// The processor resource controls are mutually exclusive on
		// Windows Server Containers, the order of precedence is
		// CPUCount first, then CPUShares, and CPUPercent last.
		if resources.CPUCount > 0 {
			if resources.CPUShares > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU shares on Windows Server Containers. CPU shares discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU shares on Windows Server Containers. CPU shares discarded")
				resources.CPUShares = 0
			if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				resources.CPUPercent = 0
		} else if resources.CPUShares > 0 {
			if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU shares takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU shares takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				resources.CPUPercent = 0

	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Percent cannot both be set")

	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUShares > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Shares cannot both be set")
	if resources.NanoCPUs < 0 || resources.NanoCPUs > int64(sysinfo.NumCPU())*1e9 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Range of Nano CPUs is from 1 to %d", int64(sysinfo.NumCPU())*1e9)

	// TODO Windows: Add more validation of resource settings not supported on Windows

	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block I/O weight. Block I/O weight discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O weight. Block I/O weight discarded.")
		resources.BlkioWeight = 0
	if len(resources.BlkioWeightDevice) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block I/O weight-device. Weight-device discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O weight-device. Weight-device discarded.")
		resources.BlkioWeightDevice = []*pblkiodev.WeightDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block read limit in bytes per second. Device read bps discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O read limit in bytes per second. Device read bps discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block write limit in bytes per second. Device write bps discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O write limit in bytes per second. Device write bps discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block read limit in IO per second. Device read iops discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O read limit in IO per second. Device read iops discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Windows does not support Block write limit in IO per second. Device write iops discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Windows does not support Block I/O write limit in IO per second. Device write iops discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	return warnings, nil
Example #2
func verifyContainerResources(resources *containertypes.Resources, sysInfo *sysinfo.SysInfo, update bool) ([]string, error) {
	warnings := []string{}

	// memory subsystem checks and adjustments
	if resources.Memory != 0 && resources.Memory < linuxMinMemory {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory limit allowed is 4MB")
	if resources.Memory > 0 && !sysInfo.MemoryLimit {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		resources.Memory = 0
		resources.MemorySwap = -1
	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemorySwap != -1 && !sysInfo.SwapLimit {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities,or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.")
		resources.MemorySwap = -1
	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemorySwap > 0 && resources.MemorySwap < resources.Memory {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memoryswap limit should be larger than memory limit, see usage")
	if resources.Memory == 0 && resources.MemorySwap > 0 && !update {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("You should always set the Memory limit when using Memoryswap limit, see usage")
	if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil && *resources.MemorySwappiness != -1 && !sysInfo.MemorySwappiness {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory swappiness capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory swappiness discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory swappiness capabilities, or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory swappiness discarded.")
		resources.MemorySwappiness = nil
	if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil {
		swappiness := *resources.MemorySwappiness
		if swappiness < -1 || swappiness > 100 {
			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value: %v, valid memory swappiness range is 0-100", swappiness)
	if resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && !sysInfo.MemoryReservation {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory soft limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory soft limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		resources.MemoryReservation = 0
	if resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && resources.MemoryReservation < linuxMinMemory {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory reservation allowed is 4MB")
	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && resources.Memory < resources.MemoryReservation {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory limit can not be less than memory reservation limit, see usage")
	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && !sysInfo.KernelMemory {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support kernel memory limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support kernel memory limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Limitation discarded.")
		resources.KernelMemory = 0
	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && resources.KernelMemory < linuxMinMemory {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum kernel memory limit allowed is 4MB")
	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && !kernel.CheckKernelVersion(4, 0, 0) {
		warnings = append(warnings, "You specified a kernel memory limit on a kernel older than 4.0. Kernel memory limits are experimental on older kernels, it won't work as expected and can cause your system to be unstable.")
		logrus.Warn("You specified a kernel memory limit on a kernel older than 4.0. Kernel memory limits are experimental on older kernels, it won't work as expected and can cause your system to be unstable.")
	if resources.OomKillDisable != nil && !sysInfo.OomKillDisable {
		// only produce warnings if the setting wasn't to *disable* the OOM Kill; no point
		// warning the caller if they already wanted the feature to be off
		if *resources.OomKillDisable {
			warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support OomKillDisable. OomKillDisable discarded.")
			logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support OomKillDisable. OomKillDisable discarded.")
		resources.OomKillDisable = nil

	if resources.PidsLimit != 0 && !sysInfo.PidsLimit {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. PIDs limit discarded.")
		resources.PidsLimit = 0

	// cpu subsystem checks and adjustments
	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUPeriod > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Period cannot both be set")
	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUQuota > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Quota cannot both be set")
	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && (!sysInfo.CPUCfsPeriod || !sysInfo.CPUCfsQuota) {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("NanoCPUs can not be set, as your kernel does not support CPU cfs period/quota or the cgroup is not mounted")
	// The highest precision we could get on Linux is 0.001, by setting
	//   cpu.cfs_period_us=1000ms
	//   cpu.cfs_quota=1ms
	// See the following link for details:
	// https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt
	// Here we don't set the lower limit and it is up to the underlying platform (e.g., Linux) to return an error.
	// The error message is 0.01 so that this is consistent with Windows
	if resources.NanoCPUs < 0 || resources.NanoCPUs > int64(sysinfo.NumCPU())*1e9 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Range of CPUs is from 0.01 to %d.00, as there are only %d CPUs available", sysinfo.NumCPU(), sysinfo.NumCPU())

	if resources.CPUShares > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUShares {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU shares or the cgroup is not mounted. Shares discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU shares or the cgroup is not mounted. Shares discarded.")
		resources.CPUShares = 0
	if resources.CPUPeriod > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUCfsPeriod {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU cfs period or the cgroup is not mounted. Period discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU cfs period or the cgroup is not mounted. Period discarded.")
		resources.CPUPeriod = 0
	if resources.CPUPeriod != 0 && (resources.CPUPeriod < 1000 || resources.CPUPeriod > 1000000) {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("CPU cfs period can not be less than 1ms (i.e. 1000) or larger than 1s (i.e. 1000000)")
	if resources.CPUQuota > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUCfsQuota {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU cfs quota or the cgroup is not mounted. Quota discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU cfs quota or the cgroup is not mounted. Quota discarded.")
		resources.CPUQuota = 0
	if resources.CPUQuota > 0 && resources.CPUQuota < 1000 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("CPU cfs quota can not be less than 1ms (i.e. 1000)")
	if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("%s does not support CPU percent. Percent discarded.", runtime.GOOS))
		logrus.Warnf("%s does not support CPU percent. Percent discarded.", runtime.GOOS)
		resources.CPUPercent = 0

	// cpuset subsystem checks and adjustments
	if (resources.CpusetCpus != "" || resources.CpusetMems != "") && !sysInfo.Cpuset {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support cpuset or the cgroup is not mounted. Cpuset discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support cpuset or the cgroup is not mounted. Cpuset discarded.")
		resources.CpusetCpus = ""
		resources.CpusetMems = ""
	cpusAvailable, err := sysInfo.IsCpusetCpusAvailable(resources.CpusetCpus)
	if err != nil {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value %s for cpuset cpus", resources.CpusetCpus)
	if !cpusAvailable {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Requested CPUs are not available - requested %s, available: %s", resources.CpusetCpus, sysInfo.Cpus)
	memsAvailable, err := sysInfo.IsCpusetMemsAvailable(resources.CpusetMems)
	if err != nil {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value %s for cpuset mems", resources.CpusetMems)
	if !memsAvailable {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Requested memory nodes are not available - requested %s, available: %s", resources.CpusetMems, sysInfo.Mems)

	// blkio subsystem checks and adjustments
	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWeight {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight or the cgroup is not mounted. Weight discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight or the cgroup is not mounted. Weight discarded.")
		resources.BlkioWeight = 0
	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 && (resources.BlkioWeight < 10 || resources.BlkioWeight > 1000) {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Range of blkio weight is from 10 to 1000")
	if resources.IOMaximumBandwidth != 0 || resources.IOMaximumIOps != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid QoS settings: %s does not support Maximum IO Bandwidth or Maximum IO IOps", runtime.GOOS)
	if len(resources.BlkioWeightDevice) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWeightDevice {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight_device or the cgroup is not mounted. Weight-device discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight_device or the cgroup is not mounted. Weight-device discarded.")
		resources.BlkioWeightDevice = []*pblkiodev.WeightDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioReadBpsDevice {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support BPS Block I/O read limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O BPS read limit discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support BPS Block I/O read limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O BPS read limit discarded")
		resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWriteBpsDevice {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support BPS Block I/O write limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O BPS write limit discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support BPS Block I/O write limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O BPS write limit discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioReadIOpsDevice {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support IOPS Block read limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O IOPS read limit discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support IOPS Block I/O read limit in IO or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O IOPS read limit discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWriteIOpsDevice {
		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support IOPS Block write limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O IOPS write limit discarded.")
		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support IOPS Block I/O write limit or the cgroup is not mounted. Block I/O IOPS write limit discarded.")
		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}

	return warnings, nil
Example #3
func verifyContainerResources(resources *containertypes.Resources, isHyperv bool) ([]string, error) {
	warnings := []string{}

	if !isHyperv {
		// The processor resource controls are mutually exclusive on
		// Windows Server Containers, the order of precedence is
		// CPUCount first, then CPUShares, and CPUPercent last.
		if resources.CPUCount > 0 {
			if resources.CPUShares > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU shares on Windows Server Containers. CPU shares discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU shares on Windows Server Containers. CPU shares discarded")
				resources.CPUShares = 0
			if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU count takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				resources.CPUPercent = 0
		} else if resources.CPUShares > 0 {
			if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
				warnings = append(warnings, "Conflicting options: CPU shares takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				logrus.Warn("Conflicting options: CPU shares takes priority over CPU percent on Windows Server Containers. CPU percent discarded")
				resources.CPUPercent = 0

	if resources.CPUShares < 0 || resources.CPUShares > windowsMaxCPUShares {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("range of CPUShares is from %d to %d", windowsMinCPUShares, windowsMaxCPUShares)
	if resources.CPUPercent < 0 || resources.CPUPercent > windowsMaxCPUPercent {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("range of CPUPercent is from %d to %d", windowsMinCPUPercent, windowsMaxCPUPercent)
	if resources.CPUCount < 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid CPUCount: CPUCount cannot be negative")

	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Percent cannot both be set")
	if resources.NanoCPUs > 0 && resources.CPUShares > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("conflicting options: Nano CPUs and CPU Shares cannot both be set")
	if resources.NanoCPUs < 0 || resources.NanoCPUs > int64(sysinfo.NumCPU())*1e9 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("range of Nano CPUs is from 1 to %d", int64(sysinfo.NumCPU())*1e9)

	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps) > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioDeviceReadBps")
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps) > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioDeviceReadIOps")
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps) > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioDeviceWriteBps")
	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps) > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioDeviceWriteIOps")
	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioWeight")
	if len(resources.BlkioWeightDevice) > 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support BlkioWeightDevice")
	if resources.CgroupParent != "" {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support CgroupParent")
	if resources.CPUPeriod != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support CPUPeriod")
	if resources.CpusetCpus != "" {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support CpusetCpus")
	if resources.CpusetMems != "" {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support CpusetMems")
	if resources.KernelMemory != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support KernelMemory")
	if resources.MemoryReservation != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support MemoryReservation")
	if resources.MemorySwap != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support MemorySwap")
	if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil && *resources.MemorySwappiness != -1 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support MemorySwappiness")
	if resources.OomKillDisable != nil && *resources.OomKillDisable {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support OomKillDisable")
	if resources.PidsLimit != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support PidsLimit")
	if len(resources.Ulimits) != 0 {
		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("invalid option: Windows does not support Ulimits")
	return warnings, nil