Example #1
// Init returns the NaiveDiffDriver, a native diff driver for overlay filesystem.
// If overlay filesystem is not supported on the host, graphdriver.ErrNotSupported is returned as error.
// If an overlay filesystem is not supported over an existing filesystem then error graphdriver.ErrIncompatibleFS is returned.
func Init(home string, options []string, uidMaps, gidMaps []idtools.IDMap) (graphdriver.Driver, error) {

	if err := supportsOverlay(); err != nil {
		return nil, graphdriver.ErrNotSupported

	fsMagic, err := graphdriver.GetFSMagic(home)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if fsName, ok := graphdriver.FsNames[fsMagic]; ok {
		backingFs = fsName

	switch fsMagic {
	case graphdriver.FsMagicAufs, graphdriver.FsMagicBtrfs, graphdriver.FsMagicOverlay, graphdriver.FsMagicZfs, graphdriver.FsMagicEcryptfs:
		logrus.Errorf("'overlay' is not supported over %s", backingFs)
		return nil, graphdriver.ErrIncompatibleFS

	rootUID, rootGID, err := idtools.GetRootUIDGID(uidMaps, gidMaps)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Create the driver home dir
	if err := idtools.MkdirAllAs(home, 0700, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err

	if err := mount.MakePrivate(home); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	supportsDType, err := fsutils.SupportsDType(home)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !supportsDType {
		// not a fatal error until v1.16 (#27443)
		logrus.Warn(overlayutils.ErrDTypeNotSupported("overlay", backingFs))

	d := &Driver{
		home:          home,
		uidMaps:       uidMaps,
		gidMaps:       gidMaps,
		ctr:           graphdriver.NewRefCounter(graphdriver.NewFsChecker(graphdriver.FsMagicOverlay)),
		supportsDType: supportsDType,

	return NaiveDiffDriverWithApply(d, uidMaps, gidMaps), nil
Example #2
// Init returns the a native diff driver for overlay filesystem.
// If overlay filesystem is not supported on the host, graphdriver.ErrNotSupported is returned as error.
// If an overlay filesystem is not supported over an existing filesystem then error graphdriver.ErrIncompatibleFS is returned.
func Init(home string, options []string, uidMaps, gidMaps []idtools.IDMap) (graphdriver.Driver, error) {
	opts, err := parseOptions(options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := supportsOverlay(); err != nil {
		return nil, graphdriver.ErrNotSupported

	// require kernel 4.0.0 to ensure multiple lower dirs are supported
	v, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if kernel.CompareKernelVersion(*v, kernel.VersionInfo{Kernel: 4, Major: 0, Minor: 0}) < 0 {
		if !opts.overrideKernelCheck {
			return nil, graphdriver.ErrNotSupported
		logrus.Warn("Using pre-4.0.0 kernel for overlay2, mount failures may require kernel update")

	fsMagic, err := graphdriver.GetFSMagic(home)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if fsName, ok := graphdriver.FsNames[fsMagic]; ok {
		backingFs = fsName

	// check if they are running over btrfs, aufs, zfs, overlay, or ecryptfs
	switch fsMagic {
	case graphdriver.FsMagicBtrfs, graphdriver.FsMagicAufs, graphdriver.FsMagicZfs, graphdriver.FsMagicOverlay, graphdriver.FsMagicEcryptfs:
		logrus.Errorf("'overlay2' is not supported over %s", backingFs)
		return nil, graphdriver.ErrIncompatibleFS

	rootUID, rootGID, err := idtools.GetRootUIDGID(uidMaps, gidMaps)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Create the driver home dir
	if err := idtools.MkdirAllAs(path.Join(home, linkDir), 0700, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
		return nil, err

	if err := mount.MakePrivate(home); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	supportsDType, err := fsutils.SupportsDType(home)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !supportsDType {
		// not a fatal error until v1.16 (#27443)
		logrus.Warn(overlayutils.ErrDTypeNotSupported("overlay2", backingFs))

	d := &Driver{
		home:          home,
		uidMaps:       uidMaps,
		gidMaps:       gidMaps,
		ctr:           graphdriver.NewRefCounter(graphdriver.NewFsChecker(graphdriver.FsMagicOverlay)),
		supportsDType: supportsDType,

	d.naiveDiff = graphdriver.NewNaiveDiffDriver(d, uidMaps, gidMaps)

	if backingFs == "xfs" {
		// Try to enable project quota support over xfs.
		if d.quotaCtl, err = quota.NewControl(home); err == nil {
			projectQuotaSupported = true

	logrus.Debugf("backingFs=%s,  projectQuotaSupported=%v", backingFs, projectQuotaSupported)

	return d, nil