Example #1
// ParseServerTLS tries to parse out valid server TLS options from a Viper.
// The cert/key files are relative to the config file used to populate the instance
// of viper.
func ParseServerTLS(configuration *viper.Viper, tlsRequired bool) (*tls.Config, error) {
	//  unmarshalling into objects does not seem to pick up env vars
	tlsOpts := tlsconfig.Options{
		CertFile: GetPathRelativeToConfig(configuration, "server.tls_cert_file"),
		KeyFile:  GetPathRelativeToConfig(configuration, "server.tls_key_file"),
		CAFile:   GetPathRelativeToConfig(configuration, "server.client_ca_file"),
	if tlsOpts.CAFile != "" {
		tlsOpts.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert

	if !tlsRequired {
		cert, key, ca := tlsOpts.CertFile, tlsOpts.KeyFile, tlsOpts.CAFile
		if cert == "" && key == "" && ca == "" {
			return nil, nil

		if (cert == "" && key != "") || (cert != "" && key == "") || (cert == "" && key == "" && ca != "") {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf(
				"either include both a cert and key file, or no TLS information at all to disable TLS")

	return tlsconfig.Server(tlsOpts)
Example #2
// the config can provide all the TLS information necessary - the root ca file,
// the tls client files - they are all relative to the directory of the config
// file, and not the cwd, or absolute paths
func TestConfigFileTLSCanBeRelativeToConfigOrAbsolute(t *testing.T) {
	// Set up server that with a self signed cert
	var err error
	// add a handler for getting the root
	m := &recordingMetaStore{MemStorage: *storage.NewMemStorage()}
	s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(setupServerHandler(m))
	s.TLS, err = tlsconfig.Server(tlsconfig.Options{
		CertFile:   "../../fixtures/notary-server.crt",
		KeyFile:    "../../fixtures/notary-server.key",
		CAFile:     "../../fixtures/root-ca.crt",
		ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer s.Close()

	tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "config-test")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
	configFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(tempDir, "config.json"))
	require.NoError(t, err)
	fmt.Fprintf(configFile, `{
		"remote_server": {
			"url": "%s",
			"root_ca": "root-ca.crt",
			"tls_client_cert": "%s",
			"tls_client_key": "notary-server.key"
	}`, s.URL, filepath.Join(tempDir, "notary-server.crt"))

	// copy the certs to be relative to the config directory
	for _, fname := range []string{"notary-server.crt", "notary-server.key", "root-ca.crt"} {
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("../../fixtures", fname))
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, fname), content, 0766))

	// set a config file, so it doesn't check ~/.notary/config.json by default,
	// and execute a random command so that the flags are parsed
	cmd := NewNotaryCommand()
	cmd.SetArgs([]string{"-c", configFile.Name(), "-d", tempDir, "list", "repo"})
	cmd.SetOutput(new(bytes.Buffer)) // eat the output
	err = cmd.Execute()
	require.Error(t, err, "there was no repository, so list should have failed")
	require.NotContains(t, err.Error(), "TLS", "there was no TLS error though!")

	// validate that we actually managed to connect and attempted to download the root though
	require.Len(t, m.gotten, 1)
	require.Equal(t, m.gotten[0], "repo.root")
Example #3
// Whatever TLS config is in the config file can be overridden by the command line
// TLS flags, which are relative to the CWD (not the config) or absolute
func TestConfigFileOverridenByCmdLineFlags(t *testing.T) {
	// Set up server that with a self signed cert
	var err error
	// add a handler for getting the root
	m := &recordingMetaStore{MemStorage: *storage.NewMemStorage()}
	s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(setupServerHandler(m))
	s.TLS, err = tlsconfig.Server(tlsconfig.Options{
		CertFile:   "../../fixtures/notary-server.crt",
		KeyFile:    "../../fixtures/notary-server.key",
		CAFile:     "../../fixtures/root-ca.crt",
		ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer s.Close()

	tempDir := tempDirWithConfig(t, fmt.Sprintf(`{
		"remote_server": {
			"url": "%s",
			"root_ca": "nope",
			"tls_client_cert": "nope",
			"tls_client_key": "nope"
	}`, s.URL))
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
	configFile := filepath.Join(tempDir, "config.json")

	// set a config file, so it doesn't check ~/.notary/config.json by default,
	// and execute a random command so that the flags are parsed
	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	require.NoError(t, err)

	cmd := NewNotaryCommand()
		"-c", configFile, "-d", tempDir, "list", "repo",
		"--tlscacert", "../../fixtures/root-ca.crt",
		"--tlscert", filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(cwd, "../../fixtures/notary-server.crt")),
		"--tlskey", "../../fixtures/notary-server.key"})
	cmd.SetOutput(new(bytes.Buffer)) // eat the output
	err = cmd.Execute()
	require.Error(t, err, "there was no repository, so list should have failed")
	require.NotContains(t, err.Error(), "TLS", "there was no TLS error though!")

	// validate that we actually managed to connect and attempted to download the root though
	require.Len(t, m.gotten, 1)
	require.Equal(t, m.gotten[0], "repo.root")
Example #4
// the config can provide all the TLS information necessary - the root ca file,
// the tls client files - they are all relative to the directory of the config
// file, and not the cwd
func TestConfigFileTLSCannotBeRelativeToCWD(t *testing.T) {
	// Set up server that with a self signed cert
	var err error
	// add a handler for getting the root
	m := &recordingMetaStore{MemStorage: *storage.NewMemStorage()}
	s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(setupServerHandler(m))
	s.TLS, err = tlsconfig.Server(tlsconfig.Options{
		CertFile:   "../../fixtures/notary-server.crt",
		KeyFile:    "../../fixtures/notary-server.key",
		CAFile:     "../../fixtures/root-ca.crt",
		ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer s.Close()

	// test that a config file with certs that are relative to the cwd fail
	tempDir := tempDirWithConfig(t, fmt.Sprintf(`{
		"remote_server": {
			"url": "%s",
			"root_ca": "../../fixtures/root-ca.crt",
			"tls_client_cert": "../../fixtures/notary-server.crt",
			"tls_client_key": "../../fixtures/notary-server.key"
	}`, s.URL))
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
	configFile := filepath.Join(tempDir, "config.json")

	// set a config file, so it doesn't check ~/.notary/config.json by default,
	// and execute a random command so that the flags are parsed
	cmd := NewNotaryCommand()
	cmd.SetArgs([]string{"-c", configFile, "-d", tempDir, "list", "repo"})
	cmd.SetOutput(new(bytes.Buffer)) // eat the output
	err = cmd.Execute()
	require.Error(t, err, "expected a failure due to TLS")
	require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "TLS", "should have been a TLS error")

	// validate that we failed to connect and attempt any downloads at all
	require.Len(t, m.gotten, 0)
Example #5
func (cli *DaemonCli) start(opts daemonOptions) (err error) {
	stopc := make(chan bool)
	defer close(stopc)

	// warn from uuid package when running the daemon
	uuid.Loggerf = logrus.Warnf


	if opts.common.TrustKey == "" {
		opts.common.TrustKey = filepath.Join(
	if cli.Config, err = loadDaemonCliConfig(opts); err != nil {
		return err
	cli.configFile = &opts.configFile
	cli.flags = opts.flags

	if cli.Config.Debug {

	if utils.ExperimentalBuild() {
		logrus.Warn("Running experimental build")

		TimestampFormat: jsonlog.RFC3339NanoFixed,
		DisableColors:   cli.Config.RawLogs,

	if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set umask: %v", err)

	if len(cli.LogConfig.Config) > 0 {
		if err := logger.ValidateLogOpts(cli.LogConfig.Type, cli.LogConfig.Config); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set log opts: %v", err)

	if cli.Pidfile != "" {
		pf, err := pidfile.New(cli.Pidfile)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)
		defer func() {
			if err := pf.Remove(); err != nil {

	serverConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		Logging:     true,
		SocketGroup: cli.Config.SocketGroup,
		Version:     dockerversion.Version,
		EnableCors:  cli.Config.EnableCors,
		CorsHeaders: cli.Config.CorsHeaders,

	if cli.Config.TLS {
		tlsOptions := tlsconfig.Options{
			CAFile:   cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CAFile,
			CertFile: cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CertFile,
			KeyFile:  cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.KeyFile,

		if cli.Config.TLSVerify {
			// server requires and verifies client's certificate
			tlsOptions.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
		tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Server(tlsOptions)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		serverConfig.TLSConfig = tlsConfig

	if len(cli.Config.Hosts) == 0 {
		cli.Config.Hosts = make([]string, 1)

	api := apiserver.New(serverConfig)
	cli.api = api

	for i := 0; i < len(cli.Config.Hosts); i++ {
		var err error
		if cli.Config.Hosts[i], err = dopts.ParseHost(cli.Config.TLS, cli.Config.Hosts[i]); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error parsing -H %s : %v", cli.Config.Hosts[i], err)

		protoAddr := cli.Config.Hosts[i]
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			return fmt.Errorf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)

		proto := protoAddrParts[0]
		addr := protoAddrParts[1]

		// It's a bad idea to bind to TCP without tlsverify.
		if proto == "tcp" && (serverConfig.TLSConfig == nil || serverConfig.TLSConfig.ClientAuth != tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert) {
			logrus.Warn("[!] DON'T BIND ON ANY IP ADDRESS WITHOUT setting -tlsverify IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING [!]")
		ls, err := listeners.Init(proto, addr, serverConfig.SocketGroup, serverConfig.TLSConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		ls = wrapListeners(proto, ls)
		// If we're binding to a TCP port, make sure that a container doesn't try to use it.
		if proto == "tcp" {
			if err := allocateDaemonPort(addr); err != nil {
				return err
		logrus.Debugf("Listener created for HTTP on %s (%s)", proto, addr)
		api.Accept(addr, ls...)

	if err := migrateKey(); err != nil {
		return err
	// FIXME: why is this down here instead of with the other TrustKey logic above?
	cli.TrustKeyPath = opts.common.TrustKey

	registryService := registry.NewService(cli.Config.ServiceOptions)
	containerdRemote, err := libcontainerd.New(cli.getLibcontainerdRoot(), cli.getPlatformRemoteOptions()...)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	signal.Trap(func() {
		<-stopc // wait for daemonCli.start() to return

	d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService, containerdRemote)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)

	name, _ := os.Hostname()

	c, err := cluster.New(cluster.Config{
		Root:                   cli.Config.Root,
		Name:                   name,
		Backend:                d,
		NetworkSubnetsProvider: d,
		DefaultAdvertiseAddr:   cli.Config.SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr,
		RuntimeRoot:            cli.getSwarmRunRoot(),
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Error creating cluster component: %v", err)

	// Restart all autostart containers which has a swarm endpoint
	// and is not yet running now that we have successfully
	// initialized the cluster.

	logrus.Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

		"version":     dockerversion.Version,
		"commit":      dockerversion.GitCommit,
		"graphdriver": d.GraphDriverName(),
	}).Info("Docker daemon")

	cli.d = d

	// initMiddlewares needs cli.d to be populated. Dont change this init order.
	cli.initMiddlewares(api, serverConfig)
	initRouter(api, d, c)


	// The serve API routine never exits unless an error occurs
	// We need to start it as a goroutine and wait on it so
	// daemon doesn't exit
	serveAPIWait := make(chan error)
	go api.Wait(serveAPIWait)

	// after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

	// Daemon is fully initialized and handling API traffic
	// Wait for serve API to complete
	errAPI := <-serveAPIWait
	if errAPI != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Shutting down due to ServeAPI error: %v", errAPI)

	return nil
Example #6
// CmdDaemon is the daemon command, called the raw arguments after `docker daemon`.
func (cli *DaemonCli) CmdDaemon(args ...string) error {
	// warn from uuid package when running the daemon
	uuid.Loggerf = logrus.Warnf

	if !commonFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() || !clientFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() {
		// deny `docker -D daemon`
		illegalFlag := getGlobalFlag()
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "invalid flag '-%s'.\nSee 'docker daemon --help'.\n", illegalFlag.Names[0])
	} else {
		// allow new form `docker daemon -D`
		flag.Merge(cli.flags, commonFlags.FlagSet)

	configFile := cli.flags.String([]string{daemonConfigFileFlag}, defaultDaemonConfigFile, "Daemon configuration file")

	cli.flags.ParseFlags(args, true)

	if commonFlags.TrustKey == "" {
		commonFlags.TrustKey = filepath.Join(getDaemonConfDir(), defaultTrustKeyFile)
	cliConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(cli.Config, cli.flags, commonFlags, *configFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
	cli.Config = cliConfig

	if cli.Config.Debug {

	if utils.ExperimentalBuild() {
		logrus.Warn("Running experimental build")

		TimestampFormat: jsonlog.RFC3339NanoFixed,
		DisableColors:   cli.Config.RawLogs,

	if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set umask: %v", err)

	if len(cli.LogConfig.Config) > 0 {
		if err := logger.ValidateLogOpts(cli.LogConfig.Type, cli.LogConfig.Config); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set log opts: %v", err)

	var pfile *pidfile.PIDFile
	if cli.Pidfile != "" {
		pf, err := pidfile.New(cli.Pidfile)
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)
		pfile = pf
		defer func() {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	serverConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		AuthorizationPluginNames: cli.Config.AuthorizationPlugins,
		Logging:                  true,
		SocketGroup:              cli.Config.SocketGroup,
		Version:                  dockerversion.Version,
	serverConfig = setPlatformServerConfig(serverConfig, cli.Config)

	if cli.Config.TLS {
		tlsOptions := tlsconfig.Options{
			CAFile:   cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CAFile,
			CertFile: cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CertFile,
			KeyFile:  cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.KeyFile,

		if cli.Config.TLSVerify {
			// server requires and verifies client's certificate
			tlsOptions.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
		tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Server(tlsOptions)
		if err != nil {
		serverConfig.TLSConfig = tlsConfig

	if len(cli.Config.Hosts) == 0 {
		cli.Config.Hosts = make([]string, 1)

	api := apiserver.New(serverConfig)

	for i := 0; i < len(cli.Config.Hosts); i++ {
		var err error
		if cli.Config.Hosts[i], err = opts.ParseHost(cli.Config.TLS, cli.Config.Hosts[i]); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("error parsing -H %s : %v", cli.Config.Hosts[i], err)

		protoAddr := cli.Config.Hosts[i]
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			logrus.Fatalf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)
		l, err := listeners.Init(protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1], serverConfig.SocketGroup, serverConfig.TLSConfig)
		if err != nil {

		logrus.Debugf("Listener created for HTTP on %s (%s)", protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1])
		api.Accept(protoAddrParts[1], l...)

	if err := migrateKey(); err != nil {
	cli.TrustKeyPath = commonFlags.TrustKey

	registryService := registry.NewService(cli.Config.ServiceOptions)
	d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService)
	if err != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)

	logrus.Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

		"version":     dockerversion.Version,
		"commit":      dockerversion.GitCommit,
		"execdriver":  d.ExecutionDriver().Name(),
		"graphdriver": d.GraphDriverName(),
	}).Info("Docker daemon")

	initRouter(api, d)

	reload := func(config *daemon.Config) {
		if err := d.Reload(config); err != nil {
			logrus.Errorf("Error reconfiguring the daemon: %v", err)
		if config.IsValueSet("debug") {
			debugEnabled := utils.IsDebugEnabled()
			switch {
			case debugEnabled && !config.Debug: // disable debug
			case config.Debug && !debugEnabled: // enable debug


	setupConfigReloadTrap(*configFile, cli.flags, reload)

	// The serve API routine never exits unless an error occurs
	// We need to start it as a goroutine and wait on it so
	// daemon doesn't exit
	serveAPIWait := make(chan error)
	go api.Wait(serveAPIWait)

	signal.Trap(func() {
		shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	// after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

	// Daemon is fully initialized and handling API traffic
	// Wait for serve API to complete
	errAPI := <-serveAPIWait
	shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
	if errAPI != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Shutting down due to ServeAPI error: %v", errAPI)
	return nil
Example #7
// CmdDaemon is the daemon command, called the raw arguments after `docker daemon`.
func (cli *DaemonCli) CmdDaemon(args ...string) error {
	// warn from uuid package when running the daemon
	uuid.Loggerf = logrus.Warnf

	if !commonFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() || !clientFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() {
		// deny `docker -D daemon`
		illegalFlag := getGlobalFlag()
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "invalid flag '-%s'.\nSee 'docker daemon --help'.\n", illegalFlag.Names[0])
	} else {
		// allow new form `docker daemon -D`
		flag.Merge(daemonFlags, commonFlags.FlagSet)

	daemonFlags.ParseFlags(args, true)

	if commonFlags.TrustKey == "" {
		commonFlags.TrustKey = filepath.Join(getDaemonConfDir(), defaultTrustKeyFile)

	if utils.ExperimentalBuild() {
		logrus.Warn("Running experimental build")

	logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.TextFormatter{TimestampFormat: jsonlog.RFC3339NanoFixed})

	if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set umask: %v", err)

	if len(cli.LogConfig.Config) > 0 {
		if err := logger.ValidateLogOpts(cli.LogConfig.Type, cli.LogConfig.Config); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set log opts: %v", err)

	var pfile *pidfile.PIDFile
	if cli.Pidfile != "" {
		pf, err := pidfile.New(cli.Pidfile)
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)
		pfile = pf
		defer func() {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	serverConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		AuthZPluginNames: cli.Config.AuthZPlugins,
		Logging:          true,
		Version:          dockerversion.Version,
	serverConfig = setPlatformServerConfig(serverConfig, cli.Config)

	defaultHost := opts.DefaultHost
	if commonFlags.TLSOptions != nil {
		if !commonFlags.TLSOptions.InsecureSkipVerify {
			// server requires and verifies client's certificate
			commonFlags.TLSOptions.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
		tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Server(*commonFlags.TLSOptions)
		if err != nil {
		serverConfig.TLSConfig = tlsConfig
		defaultHost = opts.DefaultTLSHost

	if len(commonFlags.Hosts) == 0 {
		commonFlags.Hosts = make([]string, 1)
	for i := 0; i < len(commonFlags.Hosts); i++ {
		var err error
		if commonFlags.Hosts[i], err = opts.ParseHost(defaultHost, commonFlags.Hosts[i]); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("error parsing -H %s : %v", commonFlags.Hosts[i], err)
	for _, protoAddr := range commonFlags.Hosts {
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			logrus.Fatalf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)
		serverConfig.Addrs = append(serverConfig.Addrs, apiserver.Addr{Proto: protoAddrParts[0], Addr: protoAddrParts[1]})
	api, err := apiserver.New(serverConfig)
	if err != nil {

	if err := migrateKey(); err != nil {
	cli.TrustKeyPath = commonFlags.TrustKey

	registryService := registry.NewService(cli.registryOptions)
	d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService)
	if err != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)

	logrus.Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

		"version":     dockerversion.Version,
		"commit":      dockerversion.GitCommit,
		"execdriver":  d.ExecutionDriver().Name(),
		"graphdriver": d.GraphDriverName(),
	}).Info("Docker daemon")


	// The serve API routine never exits unless an error occurs
	// We need to start it as a goroutine and wait on it so
	// daemon doesn't exit
	serveAPIWait := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		if err := api.ServeAPI(); err != nil {
			logrus.Errorf("ServeAPI error: %v", err)
			serveAPIWait <- err
		serveAPIWait <- nil

	signal.Trap(func() {
		shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	// after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

	// Daemon is fully initialized and handling API traffic
	// Wait for serve API to complete
	errAPI := <-serveAPIWait
	shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
	if errAPI != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Shutting down due to ServeAPI error: %v", errAPI)
	return nil
Example #8
func (cli *DaemonCli) start() {
	// warn from uuid package when running the daemon
	uuid.Loggerf = logrus.Warnf

	flags := flag.CommandLine

	if cli.commonFlags.TrustKey == "" {
		cli.commonFlags.TrustKey = filepath.Join(getDaemonConfDir(), cliflags.DefaultTrustKeyFile)
	cliConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(cli.Config, flags, cli.commonFlags, *cli.configFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
	cli.Config = cliConfig

	if cli.Config.Debug {

	if utils.ExperimentalBuild() {
		logrus.Warn("Running experimental build")

		TimestampFormat: jsonlog.RFC3339NanoFixed,
		DisableColors:   cli.Config.RawLogs,

	if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set umask: %v", err)

	if len(cli.LogConfig.Config) > 0 {
		if err := logger.ValidateLogOpts(cli.LogConfig.Type, cli.LogConfig.Config); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set log opts: %v", err)

	var pfile *pidfile.PIDFile
	if cli.Pidfile != "" {
		pf, err := pidfile.New(cli.Pidfile)
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)
		pfile = pf
		defer func() {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	serverConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		Logging:     true,
		SocketGroup: cli.Config.SocketGroup,
		Version:     dockerversion.Version,
	serverConfig = setPlatformServerConfig(serverConfig, cli.Config)

	if cli.Config.TLS {
		tlsOptions := tlsconfig.Options{
			CAFile:   cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CAFile,
			CertFile: cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CertFile,
			KeyFile:  cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.KeyFile,

		if cli.Config.TLSVerify {
			// server requires and verifies client's certificate
			tlsOptions.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
		tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Server(tlsOptions)
		if err != nil {
		serverConfig.TLSConfig = tlsConfig

	if len(cli.Config.Hosts) == 0 {
		cli.Config.Hosts = make([]string, 1)

	api := apiserver.New(serverConfig)

	for i := 0; i < len(cli.Config.Hosts); i++ {
		var err error
		if cli.Config.Hosts[i], err = opts.ParseHost(cli.Config.TLS, cli.Config.Hosts[i]); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("error parsing -H %s : %v", cli.Config.Hosts[i], err)

		protoAddr := cli.Config.Hosts[i]
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			logrus.Fatalf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)

		proto := protoAddrParts[0]
		addr := protoAddrParts[1]

		// It's a bad idea to bind to TCP without tlsverify.
		if proto == "tcp" && (serverConfig.TLSConfig == nil || serverConfig.TLSConfig.ClientAuth != tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert) {
			logrus.Warn("[!] DON'T BIND ON ANY IP ADDRESS WITHOUT setting -tlsverify IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING [!]")
		l, err := listeners.Init(proto, addr, serverConfig.SocketGroup, serverConfig.TLSConfig)
		if err != nil {
		// If we're binding to a TCP port, make sure that a container doesn't try to use it.
		if proto == "tcp" {
			if err := allocateDaemonPort(addr); err != nil {
		logrus.Debugf("Listener created for HTTP on %s (%s)", protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1])
		api.Accept(protoAddrParts[1], l...)

	if err := migrateKey(); err != nil {
	cli.TrustKeyPath = cli.commonFlags.TrustKey

	registryService := registry.NewService(cli.Config.ServiceOptions)
	containerdRemote, err := libcontainerd.New(cli.getLibcontainerdRoot(), cli.getPlatformRemoteOptions()...)
	if err != nil {

	d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService, containerdRemote)
	if err != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)

	logrus.Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

		"version":     dockerversion.Version,
		"commit":      dockerversion.GitCommit,
		"graphdriver": d.GraphDriverName(),
	}).Info("Docker daemon")

	cli.initMiddlewares(api, serverConfig)
	initRouter(api, d)

	reload := func(config *daemon.Config) {
		if err := d.Reload(config); err != nil {
			logrus.Errorf("Error reconfiguring the daemon: %v", err)
		if config.IsValueSet("debug") {
			debugEnabled := utils.IsDebugEnabled()
			switch {
			case debugEnabled && !config.Debug: // disable debug
			case config.Debug && !debugEnabled: // enable debug


	setupConfigReloadTrap(*cli.configFile, flags, reload)

	// The serve API routine never exits unless an error occurs
	// We need to start it as a goroutine and wait on it so
	// daemon doesn't exit
	serveAPIWait := make(chan error)
	go api.Wait(serveAPIWait)

	signal.Trap(func() {
		shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	// after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

	// Daemon is fully initialized and handling API traffic
	// Wait for serve API to complete
	errAPI := <-serveAPIWait
	shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
	if errAPI != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Shutting down due to ServeAPI error: %v", errAPI)
Example #9
// CmdDaemon is the daemon command, called the raw arguments after `docker daemon`.
func (cli *DaemonCli) CmdDaemon(args ...string) error {
	// warn from uuid package when running the daemon
	uuid.Loggerf = logrus.Warnf

	if !commonFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() || !clientFlags.FlagSet.IsEmpty() {
		// deny `docker -D daemon`
		illegalFlag := getGlobalFlag()
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "invalid flag '-%s'.\nSee 'docker daemon --help'.\n", illegalFlag.Names[0])
	} else {
		// allow new form `docker daemon -D`
		flag.Merge(cli.flags, commonFlags.FlagSet)

	configFile := cli.flags.String([]string{daemonConfigFileFlag}, defaultDaemonConfigFile, "Daemon configuration file")

	cli.flags.ParseFlags(args, true)

	if commonFlags.TrustKey == "" {
		commonFlags.TrustKey = filepath.Join(getDaemonConfDir(), defaultTrustKeyFile)
	cliConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(cli.Config, cli.flags, commonFlags, *configFile)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
	cli.Config = cliConfig

	if cli.Config.Debug {

	if utils.ExperimentalBuild() {
		logrus.Warn("Running experimental build")

		TimestampFormat: jsonlog.RFC3339NanoFixed,
		DisableColors:   cli.Config.RawLogs,

	if err := setDefaultUmask(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set umask: %v", err)

	if len(cli.LogConfig.Config) > 0 {
		if err := logger.ValidateLogOpts(cli.LogConfig.Type, cli.LogConfig.Config); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Failed to set log opts: %v", err)

	var pfile *pidfile.PIDFile
	if cli.Pidfile != "" {
		pf, err := pidfile.New(cli.Pidfile)
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)
		pfile = pf
		defer func() {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	serverConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		AuthorizationPluginNames: cli.Config.AuthorizationPlugins,
		Logging:                  true,
		SocketGroup:              cli.Config.SocketGroup,
		Version:                  dockerversion.Version,
	serverConfig = setPlatformServerConfig(serverConfig, cli.Config)

	if cli.Config.TLS {
		tlsOptions := tlsconfig.Options{
			CAFile:   cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CAFile,
			CertFile: cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.CertFile,
			KeyFile:  cli.Config.CommonTLSOptions.KeyFile,

		if cli.Config.TLSVerify {
			// server requires and verifies client's certificate
			tlsOptions.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
		tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Server(tlsOptions)
		if err != nil {
		serverConfig.TLSConfig = tlsConfig

	if len(cli.Config.Hosts) == 0 {
		cli.Config.Hosts = make([]string, 1)

	type Server struct {
	    cfg           *Config
	    servers       []*HTTPServer
	    routers       []router.Router
	    authZPlugins  []authorization.Plugin
	    routerSwapper *routerSwapper
	api := apiserver.New(serverConfig)

	for i := 0; i < len(cli.Config.Hosts); i++ {
		var err error
		if cli.Config.Hosts[i], err = opts.ParseHost(cli.Config.TLS, cli.Config.Hosts[i]); err != nil {
			logrus.Fatalf("error parsin
			g -H %s : %v", cli.Config.Hosts[i], err)

		protoAddr := cli.Config.Hosts[i]
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			logrus.Fatalf("bad format %s, expected PROTO://ADDR", protoAddr)
		l, err := listeners.Init(protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1], serverConfig.SocketGroup, serverConfig.TLSConfig)
		if err != nil {

		logrus.Debugf("Listener created for HTTP on %s (%s)", protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1])
		api.Accept(protoAddrParts[1], l...)

	if err := migrateKey(); err != nil {
	cli.TrustKeyPath = commonFlags.TrustKey

	registryService := registry.NewService(cli.Config.ServiceOptions)

	containerdRemote, err := libcontainerd.New(filepath.Join(cli.Config.ExecRoot, "libcontainerd"), cli.getPlatformRemoteOptions()...)
	if err != nil {

	type Daemon struct {
	ID                        string
	repository                string
	containers                container.Store
	execCommands              *exec.Store
	referenceStore            reference.Store
	downloadManager           *xfer.LayerDownloadManager
	uploadManager             *xfer.LayerUploadManager
	distributionMetadataStore dmetadata.Store
	trustKey                  libtrust.PrivateKey
	idIndex                   *truncindex.TruncIndex
	configStore               *Config
	statsCollector            *statsCollector
	defaultLogConfig          containertypes.LogConfig
	RegistryService           *registry.Service
	EventsService             *events.Events
	netController             libnetwork.NetworkController
	volumes                   *store.VolumeStore
	discoveryWatcher          discoveryReloader
	root                      string
	seccompEnabled            bool
	shutdown                  bool
	uidMaps                   []idtools.IDMap
	gidMaps                   []idtools.IDMap
	layerStore                layer.Store
	imageStore                image.Store
	nameIndex                 *registrar.Registrar
	linkIndex                 *linkIndex
	containerd                libcontainerd.Client
	defaultIsolation          containertypes.Isolation // Default isolation mode on Windows
	d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService, containerdRemote)
	if err != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Error starting daemon: %v", err)

	logrus.Info("Daemon has completed initialization")

		"version":     dockerversion.Version,
		"commit":      dockerversion.GitCommit,
		"graphdriver": d.GraphDriverName(),
	}).Info("Docker daemon")

	//router.NewPostRoute("/containers/create", r.postContainersCreate),
	ccr, err := s.backend.ContainerCreate(types.ContainerCreateConfig{
		Name:             name,
		Config:           config,
		HostConfig:       hostConfig,
		NetworkingConfig: networkingConfig,
		AdjustCPUShares:  adjustCPUShares,
	initRouter(api, d)

	reload := func(config *daemon.Config) {
		if err := d.Reload(config); err != nil {
			logrus.Errorf("Error reconfiguring the daemon: %v", err)
		if config.IsValueSet("debug") {
			debugEnabled := utils.IsDebugEnabled()
			switch {
			case debugEnabled && !config.Debug: // disable debug
			case config.Debug && !debugEnabled: // enable debug


	setupConfigReloadTrap(*configFile, cli.flags, reload)

	// The serve API routine never exits unless an error occurs
	// We need to start it as a goroutine and wait on it so
	// daemon doesn't exit
	serveAPIWait := make(chan error)
	//具体的请查看api/server/server.go中的方法func (s *Server) serveAPI() error 
	go api.Wait(serveAPIWait)

	signal.Trap(func() {
		shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {

	// after the daemon is done setting up we can notify systemd api

	// Daemon is fully initialized and handling API traffic
	// Wait for serve API to complete
	errAPI := <-serveAPIWait
	shutdownDaemon(d, 15)
	if errAPI != nil {
		if pfile != nil {
			if err := pfile.Remove(); err != nil {
		logrus.Fatalf("Shutting down due to ServeAPI error: %v", errAPI)
	return nil