Example #1
func (ep *endpoint) assignAddress() error {
	var (
		ipam ipamapi.Ipam
		err  error
	n := ep.getNetwork()
	if n.Type() == "host" || n.Type() == "null" || n.Type() == "bridge" {
		return nil
	ipam, err = n.getController().getIpamDriver(n.ipamType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, d := range n.getIPInfo() {
		var addr *net.IPNet
		addr, _, err = ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, nil, nil)
		if err == nil {
			ep.iface.addr = addr
			ep.iface.poolID = d.PoolID
			return nil
		if err != ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs {
			return err
	return fmt.Errorf("no available ip addresses on this network address pools: %s (%s)", n.Name(), n.ID())
Example #2
func (ep *endpoint) assignAddressVersion(ipVer int, ipam ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	var (
		poolID  *string
		address **net.IPNet
		prefAdd net.IP
		progAdd net.IP

	n := ep.getNetwork()
	switch ipVer {
	case 4:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v4PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addr
		prefAdd = ep.prefAddress
	case 6:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v6PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addrv6
		prefAdd = ep.prefAddressV6
		return types.InternalErrorf("incorrect ip version number passed: %d", ipVer)

	ipInfo := n.getIPInfo(ipVer)

	// ipv6 address is not mandatory
	if len(ipInfo) == 0 && ipVer == 6 {
		return nil

	// The address to program may be chosen by the user or by the network driver in one specific
	// case to support backward compatibility with `docker daemon --fixed-cidrv6` use case
	if prefAdd != nil {
		progAdd = prefAdd
	} else if *address != nil {
		progAdd = (*address).IP

	for _, d := range ipInfo {
		if progAdd != nil && !d.Pool.Contains(progAdd) {
		addr, _, err := ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, progAdd, ep.ipamOptions)
		if err == nil {
			*address = addr
			*poolID = d.PoolID
			return nil
		if err != ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs || progAdd != nil {
			return err
	if progAdd != nil {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid address %s: It does not belong to any of this network's subnets", prefAdd)
	return fmt.Errorf("no available IPv%d addresses on this network's address pools: %s (%s)", ipVer, n.Name(), n.ID())
Example #3
func (ep *endpoint) assignAddressVersion(ipVer int, ipam ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	var (
		poolID  *string
		address **net.IPNet

	n := ep.getNetwork()
	switch ipVer {
	case 4:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v4PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addr
	case 6:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v6PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addrv6
		return types.InternalErrorf("incorrect ip version number passed: %d", ipVer)

	ipInfo := n.getIPInfo(ipVer)

	// ipv6 address is not mandatory
	if len(ipInfo) == 0 && ipVer == 6 {
		return nil

	for _, d := range ipInfo {
		var prefIP net.IP
		if *address != nil {
			prefIP = (*address).IP
		addr, _, err := ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, prefIP, nil)
		if err == nil {
			*address = addr
			*poolID = d.PoolID
			return nil
		if err != ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs {
			return err
	return fmt.Errorf("no available IPv%d addresses on this network's address pools: %s (%s)", ipVer, n.Name(), n.ID())
Example #4
func (n *network) ipamAllocateVersion(ipVer int, ipam ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	var (
		cfgList  *[]*IpamConf
		infoList *[]*IpamInfo
		err      error

	switch ipVer {
	case 4:
		cfgList = &n.ipamV4Config
		infoList = &n.ipamV4Info
	case 6:
		cfgList = &n.ipamV6Config
		infoList = &n.ipamV6Info
		return types.InternalErrorf("incorrect ip version passed to ipam allocate: %d", ipVer)

	if len(*cfgList) == 0 {
		if ipVer == 6 {
			return nil
		*cfgList = []*IpamConf{{}}

	*infoList = make([]*IpamInfo, len(*cfgList))

	log.Debugf("Allocating IPv%d pools for network %s (%s)", ipVer, n.Name(), n.ID())

	for i, cfg := range *cfgList {
		if err = cfg.Validate(); err != nil {
			return err
		d := &IpamInfo{}
		(*infoList)[i] = d

		d.AddressSpace = n.addrSpace
		d.PoolID, d.Pool, d.Meta, err = n.requestPoolHelper(ipam, n.addrSpace, cfg.PreferredPool, cfg.SubPool, n.ipamOptions, ipVer == 6)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				if err := ipam.ReleasePool(d.PoolID); err != nil {
					log.Warnf("Failed to release address pool %s after failure to create network %s (%s)", d.PoolID, n.Name(), n.ID())

		if gws, ok := d.Meta[netlabel.Gateway]; ok {
			if d.Gateway, err = types.ParseCIDR(gws); err != nil {
				return types.BadRequestErrorf("failed to parse gateway address (%v) returned by ipam driver: %v", gws, err)

		// If user requested a specific gateway, libnetwork will allocate it
		// irrespective of whether ipam driver returned a gateway already.
		// If none of the above is true, libnetwork will allocate one.
		if cfg.Gateway != "" || d.Gateway == nil {
			var gatewayOpts = map[string]string{
				ipamapi.RequestAddressType: netlabel.Gateway,
			if d.Gateway, _, err = ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, net.ParseIP(cfg.Gateway), gatewayOpts); err != nil {
				return types.InternalErrorf("failed to allocate gateway (%v): %v", cfg.Gateway, err)

		// Auxiliary addresses must be part of the master address pool
		// If they fall into the container addressable pool, libnetwork will reserve them
		if cfg.AuxAddresses != nil {
			var ip net.IP
			d.IPAMData.AuxAddresses = make(map[string]*net.IPNet, len(cfg.AuxAddresses))
			for k, v := range cfg.AuxAddresses {
				if ip = net.ParseIP(v); ip == nil {
					return types.BadRequestErrorf("non parsable secondary ip address (%s:%s) passed for network %s", k, v, n.Name())
				if !d.Pool.Contains(ip) {
					return types.ForbiddenErrorf("auxilairy address: (%s:%s) must belong to the master pool: %s", k, v, d.Pool)
				// Attempt reservation in the container addressable pool, silent the error if address does not belong to that pool
				if d.IPAMData.AuxAddresses[k], _, err = ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, ip, nil); err != nil && err != ipamapi.ErrIPOutOfRange {
					return types.InternalErrorf("failed to allocate secondary ip address (%s:%s): %v", k, v, err)

	return nil