Example #1
// initialize a repo with keys, so they can be rotated
func setUpRepo(t *testing.T, tempBaseDir, gun string, ret notary.PassRetriever) (
	*httptest.Server, map[string]string) {

	// Set up server
	ctx := context.WithValue(
		context.Background(), "metaStore", storage.NewMemStorage())

	// Do not pass one of the const KeyAlgorithms here as the value! Passing a
	// string is in itself good test that we are handling it correctly as we
	// will be receiving a string from the configuration.
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "keyAlgorithm", "ecdsa")

	// Eat the logs instead of spewing them out
	l := logrus.New()
	l.Out = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, logrus.NewEntry(l))

	cryptoService := cryptoservice.NewCryptoService(trustmanager.NewKeyMemoryStore(ret))
	ts := httptest.NewServer(server.RootHandler(nil, ctx, cryptoService, nil, nil, nil))

	repo, err := client.NewNotaryRepository(
		tempBaseDir, gun, ts.URL, http.DefaultTransport, ret, trustpinning.TrustPinConfig{})
	require.NoError(t, err, "error creating repo: %s", err)

	rootPubKey, err := repo.CryptoService.Create("root", "", data.ECDSAKey)
	require.NoError(t, err, "error generating root key: %s", err)

	err = repo.Initialize(rootPubKey.ID())
	require.NoError(t, err)

	return ts, repo.CryptoService.ListAllKeys()
Example #2
func setupServerHandler(metaStore storage.MetaStore) http.Handler {
	ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "metaStore", metaStore)

	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "keyAlgorithm", data.ECDSAKey)

	// Eat the logs instead of spewing them out
	var b bytes.Buffer
	l := logrus.New()
	l.Out = &b
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, logrus.NewEntry(l))

	cryptoService := cryptoservice.NewCryptoService(trustmanager.NewKeyMemoryStore(passphrase.ConstantRetriever("pass")))
	return server.RootHandler(nil, ctx, cryptoService, nil, nil, nil)
Example #3
// makes a testing notary-server
func setupServer() *httptest.Server {
	// Set up server
	ctx := context.WithValue(
		context.Background(), "metaStore", storage.NewMemStorage())

	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "keyAlgorithm", data.ECDSAKey)

	// Eat the logs instead of spewing them out
	var b bytes.Buffer
	l := logrus.New()
	l.Out = &b
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, logrus.NewEntry(l))

	cryptoService := cryptoservice.NewCryptoService(
		"", trustmanager.NewKeyMemoryStore(retriever))
	return httptest.NewServer(server.RootHandler(nil, ctx, cryptoService))
Example #4
func fullTestServer(t *testing.T) *httptest.Server {
	// Set up server
	ctx := context.WithValue(
		context.Background(), "metaStore", storage.NewMemStorage())

	// Do not pass one of the const KeyAlgorithms here as the value! Passing a
	// string is in itself good test that we are handling it correctly as we
	// will be receiving a string from the configuration.
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "keyAlgorithm", "ecdsa")

	// Eat the logs instead of spewing them out
	var b bytes.Buffer
	l := logrus.New()
	l.Out = &b
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, logrus.NewEntry(l))

	cryptoService := cryptoservice.NewCryptoService(
		"", trustmanager.NewKeyMemoryStore(passphraseRetriever))
	return httptest.NewServer(server.RootHandler(nil, ctx, cryptoService))