Example #1
File: http.go Project: urso/beats
// Init initializes the HTTP protocol analyser.
func (http *httpPlugin) init(results publish.Transactions, config *httpConfig) error {

	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("http")
	isDetailed = logp.IsDebug("httpdetailed")
	http.results = results
	return nil
Example #2
// annotateEvent adds fields that are common to all events. This adds the 'beat'
// field that contains name and hostname. It also adds 'tags' and 'fields'. See
// the documentation for Client for more information.
func (c *client) annotateEvent(event common.MapStr) {
	// Allow an event to override the destination index for an event by setting
	// beat.index in an event.
	beatMeta := c.beatMeta
	if beatIfc, ok := event["beat"]; ok {
		ms, ok := beatIfc.(common.MapStr)
		if ok {
			// Copy beatMeta so the defaults are not changed.
			beatMeta = common.MapStrUnion(beatMeta, ms)
	event["beat"] = beatMeta

	// Add the global tags and fields defined under shipper.
	common.AddTags(event, c.globalEventMetadata.Tags)
	common.MergeFields(event, c.globalEventMetadata.Fields, c.globalEventMetadata.FieldsUnderRoot)

	// Add the event specific fields last so that they precedence over globals.
	if metaIfc, ok := event[common.EventMetadataKey]; ok {
		eventMetadata, ok := metaIfc.(common.EventMetadata)
		if ok {
			common.AddTags(event, eventMetadata.Tags)
			common.MergeFields(event, eventMetadata.Fields, eventMetadata.FieldsUnderRoot)
		delete(event, common.EventMetadataKey)

	if logp.IsDebug("publish") {
Example #3
// Init initializes the HTTP protocol analyser.
func (http *HTTP) Init(testMode bool, results publish.Transactions) error {

	if !testMode {
		err := http.setFromConfig(config.ConfigSingleton.Protocols.Http)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("http")
	isDetailed = logp.IsDebug("httpdetailed")

	http.results = results

	return nil
Example #4
func (redis *Redis) init(results publish.Transactions, config *redisConfig) error {

	redis.results = results
	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("redis")

	return nil
Example #5
func (c *client) annotateEvent(event common.MapStr) {
	event["beat"] = c.beatMeta
	if len(c.tags) > 0 {
		event["tags"] = c.tags

	if logp.IsDebug("publish") {
Example #6
func (redis *Redis) Init(test_mode bool, results publisher.Client) error {
	if !test_mode {

	redis.results = results

	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("redis")

	return nil
Example #7
func (p *parser) init(
	cfg *parserConfig,
	onMessage func(*message) error,
) {
	*p = parser{
		buf:       streambuf.Buffer{},
		config:    cfg,
		onMessage: onMessage,

	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("cassandra")

Example #8
func (c *client) filterEvent(event common.MapStr) *common.MapStr {

	if event = common.ConvertToGenericEvent(event); event == nil {
		logp.Err("fail to convert to a generic event")
		return nil


	// filter the event by applying the configured rules
	publishEvent := c.publisher.Filters.Filter(event)
	if logp.IsDebug("publish") {
		logp.Debug("publish", "Publish: %s", publishEvent.StringToPrint())
	return &publishEvent
Example #9
func (c *client) annotateEvent(event common.MapStr) {

	// Check if index was set dynamically
	if _, ok := event["beat"]; ok {
		beatTemp := event["beat"].(common.MapStr)
		if _, ok := beatTemp["index"]; ok {
			c.beatMeta["index"] = beatTemp["index"]

	event["beat"] = c.beatMeta
	if len(c.tags) > 0 {
		event["tags"] = c.tags

	if logp.IsDebug("publish") {
Example #10
func (c *client) filterEvent(event common.MapStr) *common.MapStr {

	if event = common.ConvertToGenericEvent(event); event == nil {
		logp.Err("fail to convert to a generic event")
		return nil


	// process the event by applying the configured actions
	publishEvent := c.publisher.Processors.Run(event)
	if publishEvent == nil {
		// the event is dropped
		logp.Debug("publish", "Drop event %s", event.StringToPrint())
		return nil
	if logp.IsDebug("publish") {
		logp.Debug("publish", "Publish: %s", publishEvent.StringToPrint())
	return &publishEvent
Example #11
// Creates and returns a new Tcp.
func NewTcp(p protos.Protocols) (*Tcp, error) {
	isDebug = logp.IsDebug("tcp")

	portMap, err := buildPortsMap(p.GetAllTcp())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	tcp := &Tcp{
		protocols: p,
		portMap:   portMap,
		streams: common.NewCache(
	if isDebug {
		debugf("tcp", "Port map: %v", portMap)

	return tcp, nil
Example #12
// normalizeMap normalizes each element contained in the given map. If an error
// occurs during normalization, processing of m will continue, and all errors
// are returned at the end.
func normalizeMap(m MapStr, keys ...string) (MapStr, []error) {
	var errs []error

	out := make(MapStr, len(m))
	for key, value := range m {
		v, err := normalizeValue(value, append(keys, key)...)
		if len(err) > 0 {
			errs = append(errs, err...)

		// Drop nil values from maps.
		if v == nil {
			if logp.IsDebug(eventDebugSelector) {
				eventDebugf("Dropped nil value from event where key=%v", joinKeys(append(keys, key)...))

		out[key] = v

	return out, errs
Example #13
func (l *winEventLog) buildRecordFromXML(x string, recoveredErr error) (Record, error) {
	e, err := sys.UnmarshalEventXML([]byte(x))
	if err != nil {
		return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal XML='%s'. %v", x, err)

	err = sys.PopulateAccount(&e.User)
	if err != nil {
		debugf("%s SID %s account lookup failed. %v", l.logPrefix,
			e.User.Identifier, err)

	if e.RenderErrorCode != 0 {
		// Convert the render error code to an error message that can be
		// included in the "message_error" field.
		e.RenderErr = syscall.Errno(e.RenderErrorCode).Error()
	} else if recoveredErr != nil {
		e.RenderErr = recoveredErr.Error()

	if logp.IsDebug(detailSelector) {
		detailf("%s XML=%s Event=%+v", l.logPrefix, x, e)

	r := Record{
		API:           winEventLogAPIName,
		EventMetadata: l.eventMetadata,
		Event:         e,

	if l.config.IncludeXML {
		r.XML = x

	return r, nil
Example #14
func (p *preprocessor) onMessage(m message) {
	publisher := p.pub
	single := false
	events := m.events
	if m.event != nil {
		single = true
		events = []common.MapStr{m.event}

	var ignore []int // indices of events to be removed from events

	debug("Start Preprocessing")

	for i, event := range events {
		// validate some required field
		if err := filterEvent(event); err != nil {
			logp.Err("Publishing event failed: %v", err)
			ignore = append(ignore, i)

		// update address and geo-ip information. Ignore event
		// if address is invalid or event is found to be a duplicate
		ok := updateEventAddresses(publisher, event)
		if !ok {
			ignore = append(ignore, i)

		// add additional Beat meta data
		event["beat"] = common.MapStr{
			"name":     publisher.name,
			"hostname": publisher.hostname,
		if len(publisher.tags) > 0 {
			event["tags"] = publisher.tags

		if logp.IsDebug("publish") {

	// return if no event is left
	if len(ignore) == len(events) {
		debug("no event left, complete send")

	// remove invalid events.
	// TODO: is order important? Removal can be turned into O(len(ignore)) by
	//       copying last element into idx and doing
	//       events=events[:len(events)-len(ignore)] afterwards
	// Alternatively filtering could be implemented like:
	//   https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/SliceTricks#filtering-without-allocating
	for i := len(ignore) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		idx := ignore[i]
		debug("remove event[%v]", idx)
		events = append(events[:idx], events[idx+1:]...)

	if publisher.disabled {
		debug("publisher disabled")

	debug("Forward preprocessed events")
	if single {
		p.handler.onMessage(message{context: m.context, event: events[0]})
	} else {
		p.handler.onMessage(message{context: m.context, events: events})