Example #1
func configureDataContainer(srv *def.Service, ops *def.Operation, mainContOpts *docker.CreateContainerOptions) (docker.CreateContainerOptions, error) {
	// by default data containers will rely on the image used by
	//   the base service. sometimes, tho, especially for testing
	//   that base image will not be present. in such cases use
	//   the base eris data container.
	if srv.Image == "" {
		srv.Image = "eris/data"

	opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name: ops.DataContainerName,
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Image:           srv.Image,
			User:            srv.User,
			AttachStdin:     false,
			AttachStdout:    false,
			AttachStderr:    false,
			Tty:             false,
			OpenStdin:       false,
			NetworkDisabled: true, // data containers do not need to talk to the outside world.
			Entrypoint:      []string{},
			Cmd:             []string{"false"}, // just gracefully exit. data containers just need to "exist" not run.
		HostConfig: &docker.HostConfig{},

	if mainContOpts != nil {
		mainContOpts.HostConfig.VolumesFrom = append(mainContOpts.HostConfig.VolumesFrom, ops.DataContainerName)

	return opts, nil
Example #2
func configureDataContainer(srv *def.Service, ops *def.Operation, mainContOpts *docker.CreateContainerOptions) (docker.CreateContainerOptions, error) {
	// by default data containers will rely on the image used by
	//   the base service. sometimes, tho, especially for testing
	//   that base image will not be present. in such cases use
	//   the base eris data container.
	if srv.Image == "" {
		srv.Image = "quay.io/eris/data"

	// Manipulate labels locally.
	labels := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range ops.Labels {
		labels[k] = v

	// If connected to a service.
	if mainContOpts != nil {
		// Set the service container's VolumesFrom pointing to the data container.
		mainContOpts.HostConfig.VolumesFrom = append(mainContOpts.HostConfig.VolumesFrom, ops.DataContainerName)

		// Operations are inherited from the service container.
		labels = util.SetLabel(labels, def.LabelType, def.TypeData)

		// Set the data container service label pointing to the service.
		labels = util.SetLabel(labels, def.LabelService, mainContOpts.Name)

	opts := docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name: ops.DataContainerName,
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Image:        srv.Image,
			User:         srv.User,
			AttachStdin:  false,
			AttachStdout: false,
			AttachStderr: false,
			Tty:          false,
			OpenStdin:    false,
			Labels:       labels,

			// Data containers do not need to talk to the outside world.
			NetworkDisabled: true,

			// Just gracefully exit. Data containers just need to "exist" not run.
			Entrypoint: []string{"true"},
			Cmd:        []string{},
		HostConfig: &docker.HostConfig{},

	return opts, nil