Example #1
func simpleConsensusState(nValidators int) ([]*ConsensusState, []*types.PrivValidator) {
	// Get State
	state, privAccs, privVals := sm.RandGenesisState(10, true, 1000, nValidators, false, 10)
	_, _ = privAccs, privVals


	css := make([]*ConsensusState, nValidators)
	for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ {
		// Get BlockStore
		blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
		blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(blockDB)

		// Make MempoolReactor
		mempool := mempl.NewMempool(state.Copy())
		mempoolReactor := mempl.NewMempoolReactor(mempool)


		// Make ConsensusReactor
		cs := NewConsensusState(state, blockStore, mempoolReactor)

		evsw := events.NewEventSwitch()

		// read off the NewHeightStep

		css[i] = cs

	return css, privVals
Example #2
func RandGenesisState(numAccounts int, randBalance bool, minBalance int64, numValidators int, randBonded bool, minBonded int64) (*State, []*account.PrivAccount, []*PrivValidator) {
	db := dbm.NewMemDB()
	genDoc, privAccounts, privValidators := RandGenesisDoc(numAccounts, randBalance, minBalance, numValidators, randBonded, minBonded)
	s0 := MakeGenesisState(db, genDoc)
	return s0, privAccounts, privValidators
Example #3
func Status() (*ctypes.ResultStatus, error) {
	db := dbm.NewMemDB()
	if genesisState == nil {
		genesisState = sm.MakeGenesisState(db, genDoc)
	genesisHash := genesisState.Hash()
	latestHeight := blockStore.Height()
	var (
		latestBlockMeta *types.BlockMeta
		latestBlockHash []byte
		latestBlockTime int64
	if latestHeight != 0 {
		latestBlockMeta = blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(latestHeight)
		latestBlockHash = latestBlockMeta.Hash
		latestBlockTime = latestBlockMeta.Header.Time.UnixNano()

	return &ctypes.ResultStatus{
		NodeInfo:          p2pSwitch.NodeInfo(),
		GenesisHash:       genesisHash,
		PubKey:            privValidator.PubKey,
		LatestBlockHash:   latestBlockHash,
		LatestBlockHeight: latestHeight,
		LatestBlockTime:   latestBlockTime}, nil
Example #4
func TestPersistence(t *testing.T) {
	db := db.NewMemDB()

	// Create some random key value pairs
	records := make(map[string]string)
	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
		records[randstr(20)] = randstr(20)

	// Construct some tree and save it
	t1 := NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, binary.BasicCodec, 0, db)
	for key, value := range records {
		t1.Set(key, value)

	hash, _ := t1.HashWithCount()

	// Load a tree
	t2 := NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, binary.BasicCodec, 0, db)
	for key, value := range records {
		_, t2value := t2.Get(key)
		if t2value != value {
			t.Fatalf("Invalid value. Expected %v, got %v", value, t2value)
Example #5
func randConsensusState() (*ConsensusState, []*types.PrivValidator) {
	state, _, privValidators := sm.RandGenesisState(20, false, 1000, 10, false, 1000)
	blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(dbm.NewMemDB())
	mempool := mempl.NewMempool(state)
	mempoolReactor := mempl.NewMempoolReactor(mempool)
	cs := NewConsensusState(state, blockStore, mempoolReactor)
	return cs, privValidators
Example #6
// Call Start() after adding the listeners.
func (n *Node) Start() error {
	genState := sm.MakeGenesisState(dbm.NewMemDB(), n.genDoc)
	n.sw.SetNodeInfo(makeNodeInfo(n.sw, n.privKey, genState.Hash()))
	_, err := n.sw.Start()
	return err
Example #7
func TestGenesisMakeState(t *testing.T) {
	genDoc := GenesisDocFromJSON([]byte(g1))
	db := tdb.NewMemDB()
	st := MakeGenesisState(db, genDoc)
	acc := st.GetAccount(addr1)
	v, _ := acc.Permissions.Base.Get(ptypes.Send)
	if v != (send1 > 0) {
		t.Fatalf("Incorrect permission for send. Got %v, expected %v\n", v, send1 > 0)
Example #8
func TestCompatibleNodeInfo(t *testing.T) {
	sw := p2p.NewSwitch()
	priv1, priv2 := types.GenPrivValidator(), types.GenPrivValidator()
	genDoc1, _, _ := stypes.RandGenesisDoc(5, true, 100, 4, true, 1000)
	genState1 := sm.MakeGenesisState(dbm.NewMemDB(), genDoc1)
	genDoc2, _, _ := stypes.RandGenesisDoc(5, true, 100, 4, true, 1000)
	genState2 := sm.MakeGenesisState(dbm.NewMemDB(), genDoc2)

	// incompatible genesis states
	n1 := makeNodeInfo(sw, priv1.PrivKey, genState1.Hash())
	n2 := makeNodeInfo(sw, priv2.PrivKey, genState2.Hash())
	if err := n1.CompatibleWith(n2); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected nodes to be incompatible due to genesis state")

	// incompatible chain ids
	copy(n2.Genesis, n1.Genesis)
	n2.ChainID = "incryptowetrust"
	if err := n1.CompatibleWith(n2); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected nodes to be incompatible due to chain ID")

	// incompatible versions
	n2.ChainID = n1.ChainID
	v := n1.Version.Tendermint
	spl := strings.Split(v, ".")
	n, err := strconv.Atoi(spl[0])
	if err != nil {
	spl[0] = strconv.Itoa(n + 1)
	n2.Version.Tendermint = strings.Join(spl, ".")
	if err := n1.CompatibleWith(n2); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected nodes to be incompatible due to major version")

	// compatible
	n2.Version.Tendermint = n1.Version.Tendermint
	if err := n1.CompatibleWith(n2); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected nodes to be compatible")
Example #9
// Get the status.
func (this *blockchain) Info() (*BlockchainInfo, error) {
	chainId := config.GetString("chain_id")
	db := dbm.NewMemDB()
	_, genesisState := state.MakeGenesisStateFromFile(db, config.GetString("genesis_file"))
	genesisHash := genesisState.Hash()
	latestHeight := this.blockStore.Height()

	var latestBlockMeta *types.BlockMeta

	if latestHeight != 0 {
		latestBlockMeta = this.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(latestHeight)

	return &BlockchainInfo{
	}, nil
Example #10
func TestIAVLProof(t *testing.T) {

	// Convenient wrapper around binary.BasicCodec.
	toBytes := func(o interface{}) []byte {
		buf, n, err := new(bytes.Buffer), int64(0), error(nil)
		binary.BasicCodec.Encode(o, buf, &n, &err)
		if err != nil {
			panic(Fmt("Failed to encode thing: %v", err))
		return buf.Bytes()

	// Construct some random tree
	db := db.NewMemDB()
	var tree *IAVLTree = NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, binary.BasicCodec, 100, db)
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		key, value := randstr(20), randstr(20)
		tree.Set(key, value)

	// Persist the items so far

	// Add more items so it's not all persisted
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		key, value := randstr(20), randstr(20)
		tree.Set(key, value)

	// Now for each item, construct a proof and verify
	tree.Iterate(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
		proof := tree.ConstructProof(key)
		if !bytes.Equal(proof.RootHash, tree.Hash()) {
			t.Errorf("Invalid proof. Expected root %X, got %X", tree.Hash(), proof.RootHash)
		testProof(t, proof, toBytes(key), toBytes(value), tree.Hash())
		return false

Example #11
// Get the hash of the genesis block.
func (this *blockchain) GenesisHash() ([]byte, error) {
	db := dbm.NewMemDB()
	_, genesisState := state.MakeGenesisStateFromFile(db, config.GetString("genesis_file"))
	return genesisState.Hash(), nil