Example #1
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) sendNewRoundStepMessage(peer *p2p.Peer) {
	rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
	nrsMsg, csMsg := makeRoundStepMessages(rs)
	if nrsMsg != nil {
		peer.Send(StateChannel, nrsMsg)
	if csMsg != nil {
		peer.Send(StateChannel, csMsg)
Example #2
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) gossipDataRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer, ps *PeerState) {
	log := log.New("peer", peer.Key)

	for {
		// Manage disconnects from self or peer.
		if !peer.IsRunning() || !conR.IsRunning() {
			log.Info(Fmt("Stopping gossipDataRoutine for %v.", peer))
		rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState()
		prs := ps.GetRoundState()

		// Send proposal Block parts?
		if rs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(prs.ProposalBlockPartsHeader) {
			//log.Debug("ProposalBlockParts matched", "blockParts", prs.ProposalBlockParts)
			if index, ok := rs.ProposalBlockParts.BitArray().Sub(prs.ProposalBlockParts.Copy()).PickRandom(); ok {
				part := rs.ProposalBlockParts.GetPart(index)
				msg := &BlockPartMessage{
					Height: rs.Height, // This tells peer that this part applies to us.
					Round:  rs.Round,  // This tells peer that this part applies to us.
					Part:   part,
				peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
				ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(prs.Height, prs.Round, index)
				continue OUTER_LOOP

		// If the peer is on a previous height, help catch up.
		if (0 < prs.Height) && (prs.Height < rs.Height) {
			//log.Debug("Data catchup", "height", rs.Height, "peerHeight", prs.Height, "peerProposalBlockParts", prs.ProposalBlockParts)
			if index, ok := prs.ProposalBlockParts.Not().PickRandom(); ok {
				// Ensure that the peer's PartSetHeader is correct
				blockMeta := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(prs.Height)
				if !blockMeta.PartsHeader.Equals(prs.ProposalBlockPartsHeader) {
					log.Debug("Peer ProposalBlockPartsHeader mismatch, sleeping",
						"peerHeight", prs.Height, "blockPartsHeader", blockMeta.PartsHeader, "peerBlockPartsHeader", prs.ProposalBlockPartsHeader)
					continue OUTER_LOOP
				// Load the part
				part := conR.blockStore.LoadBlockPart(prs.Height, index)
				if part == nil {
					log.Warn("Could not load part", "index", index,
						"peerHeight", prs.Height, "blockPartsHeader", blockMeta.PartsHeader, "peerBlockPartsHeader", prs.ProposalBlockPartsHeader)
					continue OUTER_LOOP
				// Send the part
				msg := &BlockPartMessage{
					Height: prs.Height, // Not our height, so it doesn't matter.
					Round:  prs.Round,  // Not our height, so it doesn't matter.
					Part:   part,
				peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
				ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(prs.Height, prs.Round, index)
				continue OUTER_LOOP
			} else {
				//log.Debug("No parts to send in catch-up, sleeping")
				continue OUTER_LOOP

		// If height and round don't match, sleep.
		if (rs.Height != prs.Height) || (rs.Round != prs.Round) {
			//log.Debug("Peer Height|Round mismatch, sleeping", "peerHeight", prs.Height, "peerRound", prs.Round, "peer", peer)
			continue OUTER_LOOP

		// By here, height and round match.
		// Proposal block parts were already matched and sent if any were wanted.
		// (These can match on hash so the round doesn't matter)
		// Now consider sending other things, like the Proposal itself.

		// Send Proposal && ProposalPOL BitArray?
		if rs.Proposal != nil && !prs.Proposal {
			// Proposal
				msg := &ProposalMessage{Proposal: rs.Proposal}
				peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
			// ProposalPOL.
			// Peer must receive ProposalMessage first.
			// rs.Proposal was validated, so rs.Proposal.POLRound <= rs.Round,
			// so we definitely have rs.Votes.Prevotes(rs.Proposal.POLRound).
			if 0 <= rs.Proposal.POLRound {
				msg := &ProposalPOLMessage{
					Height:           rs.Height,
					ProposalPOLRound: rs.Proposal.POLRound,
					ProposalPOL:      rs.Votes.Prevotes(rs.Proposal.POLRound).BitArray(),
				peer.Send(DataChannel, msg)
			continue OUTER_LOOP

		// Nothing to do. Sleep.
		continue OUTER_LOOP
Example #3
// Implements Reactor
func (bcR *BlockchainReactor) AddPeer(peer *p2p.Peer) {
	// Send peer our state.
	peer.Send(BlockchainChannel, &bcStatusResponseMessage{bcR.store.Height()})