Example #1
func Bond(nodeAddr, signAddr, pubkey, unbondAddr, amtS, nonceS string) (*types.BondTx, error) {
	pub, amt, nonce, err := checkCommon(nodeAddr, signAddr, pubkey, "", amtS, nonceS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var pubKey account.PubKeyEd25519
	var unbondAddrBytes []byte

	if unbondAddr == "" {
		pkb, _ := hex.DecodeString(pubkey)
		copy(pubKey[:], pkb)
		unbondAddrBytes = pubKey.Address()
	} else {
		unbondAddrBytes, err = hex.DecodeString(unbondAddr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unbondAddr is bad hex: %v", err)


	tx, err := types.NewBondTx(pub)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tx.AddInputWithNonce(pub, amt, int(nonce))
	tx.AddOutput(unbondAddrBytes, amt)

	return tx, nil
Example #2
func TestBondPermission(t *testing.T) {
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	genDoc := newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache := NewBlockCache(st)
	var bondAcc *acm.Account

	// one bonder without permission should fail
	tx, _ := types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[1])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// one bonder with permission should pass
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input without send should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")
	} else {

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input with send should pass
	sendAcc := blockCache.GetAccount(user[2].Address)
	sendAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true)
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input with bond should pass
	sendAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected error", err)

	// reset state (we can only bond with an account once ..)
	genDoc = newBaseGenDoc(PermsAllFalse, PermsAllFalse)
	st = MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
	blockCache = NewBlockCache(st)
	bondAcc = blockCache.GetAccount(user[1].Address)
	bondAcc.Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Bond, true)
	// one bonder with permission and an input from that bonder and an input without send or bond should fail
	tx, _ = types.NewBondTx(user[1].PubKey)
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[1].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	if err := tx.AddInput(blockCache, user[2].PubKey, 5); err != nil {
	tx.AddOutput(user[1].Address, 5)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[1])
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 1, user[2])
	tx.SignBond(chainID, user[1])
	if err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, nil); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error")