Example #1
func startEth(ctx *cli.Context, eth *eth.Ethereum) {
	// Start Ethereum itself

	am := eth.AccountManager()
	account := ctx.GlobalString(utils.UnlockedAccountFlag.Name)
	accounts := strings.Split(account, " ")
	for i, account := range accounts {
		if len(account) > 0 {
			if account == "primary" {
				utils.Fatalf("the 'primary' keyword is deprecated. You can use integer indexes, but the indexes are not permanent, they can change if you add external keys, export your keys or copy your keystore to another node.")
			unlockAccount(ctx, am, account, i)
	// Start auxiliary services if enabled.
	if !ctx.GlobalBool(utils.IPCDisabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := utils.StartIPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Error string IPC: %v", err)
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.RPCEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := utils.StartRPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Error starting RPC: %v", err)
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := eth.StartMining(ctx.GlobalInt(utils.MinerThreadsFlag.Name)); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
Example #2
func startEth(ctx *cli.Context, eth *eth.Ethereum) {
	// Start Ethereum itself
	am := eth.AccountManager()

	account := ctx.GlobalString(utils.UnlockedAccountFlag.Name)
	if len(account) > 0 {
		if account == "primary" {
			accbytes, err := am.Primary()
			if err != nil {
				utils.Fatalf("no primary account: %v", err)
			account = common.ToHex(accbytes)
		unlockAccount(ctx, am, account)
	// Start auxiliary services if enabled.
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.RPCEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := utils.StartRPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Error starting RPC: %v", err)
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := eth.StartMining(); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
Example #3
// startNode boots up the system node and all registered protocols, after which
// it unlocks any requested accounts, and starts the RPC/IPC interfaces and the
// miner.
func startNode(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) {
	// Start up the node itself

	// Unlock any account specifically requested
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	if err := stack.Service(&ethereum); err != nil {
		utils.Fatalf("ethereum service not running: %v", err)
	accman := ethereum.AccountManager()
	passwords := utils.MakePasswordList(ctx)

	accounts := strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(utils.UnlockedAccountFlag.Name), ",")
	for i, account := range accounts {
		if trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(account); trimmed != "" {
			unlockAccount(ctx, accman, trimmed, i, passwords)
	// Start auxiliary services if enabled
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := ethereum.StartMining(ctx.GlobalInt(utils.MinerThreadsFlag.Name), ctx.GlobalString(utils.MiningGPUFlag.Name)); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Failed to start mining: %v", err)
Example #4
// New creates an XEth that uses the given frontend.
// If a nil Frontend is provided, a default frontend which
// confirms all transactions will be used.
func New(eth *eth.Ethereum, frontend Frontend) *XEth {
	xeth := &XEth{
		backend:          eth,
		frontend:         frontend,
		quit:             make(chan struct{}),
		filterManager:    filter.NewFilterManager(eth.EventMux()),
		logQueue:         make(map[int]*logQueue),
		blockQueue:       make(map[int]*hashQueue),
		transactionQueue: make(map[int]*hashQueue),
		messages:         make(map[int]*whisperFilter),
		agent:            miner.NewRemoteAgent(),
	if eth.Whisper() != nil {
		xeth.whisper = NewWhisper(eth.Whisper())
	if frontend == nil {
		xeth.frontend = dummyFrontend{}
	xeth.state = NewState(xeth, xeth.backend.ChainManager().TransState())

	go xeth.start()
	go xeth.filterManager.Start()

	return xeth
Example #5
func pendingTransactions(repl *testjethre, t *testing.T) (txc int64, err error) {
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum

	txs := ethereum.TxPool().GetTransactions()
	return int64(len(txs)), nil
Example #6
func TestBlockChain(t *testing.T) {
	tmp, repl, node := testJEthRE(t)
	defer node.Stop()
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
	// get current block dump before export/import.
	val, err := repl.re.Run("JSON.stringify(debug.dumpBlock(eth.blockNumber))")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)
	beforeExport := val.String()

	// do the export
	extmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "geth-test-export")
	if err != nil {
	defer os.RemoveAll(extmp)
	tmpfile := filepath.Join(extmp, "export.chain")
	tmpfileq := strconv.Quote(tmpfile)

	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum

	checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.exportChain(`+tmpfileq+`)`, `true`)
	if _, err := os.Stat(tmpfile); err != nil {

	// check import, verify that dumpBlock gives the same result.
	checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `admin.importChain(`+tmpfileq+`)`, `true`)
	checkEvalJSON(t, repl, `debug.dumpBlock(eth.blockNumber)`, beforeExport)
Example #7
func testREPL(t *testing.T, config func(*eth.Config)) (string, *testjethre, *node.Node) {
	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "geth-test")
	if err != nil {
	// Create a networkless protocol stack
	stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{DataDir: tmp, PrivateKey: testNodeKey, Name: "test", NoDiscovery: true})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create node: %v", err)
	// Initialize and register the Ethereum protocol
	accman := accounts.NewPlaintextManager(filepath.Join(tmp, "keystore"))
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	core.WriteGenesisBlockForTesting(db, core.GenesisAccount{
		Address: common.HexToAddress(testAddress),
		Balance: common.String2Big(testBalance),
	ethConf := &eth.Config{
		ChainConfig:      &core.ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
		TestGenesisState: db,
		AccountManager:   accman,
		DocRoot:          "/",
		SolcPath:         testSolcPath,
		PowTest:          true,
	if config != nil {
	if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return eth.New(ctx, ethConf)
	}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to register ethereum protocol: %v", err)
	// Initialize all the keys for testing
	a, err := accman.ImportECDSA(testAccount, "")
	if err != nil {
	if err := accman.Unlock(a, ""); err != nil {
	// Start the node and assemble the REPL tester
	if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to start test stack: %v", err)
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum

	assetPath := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "src", "github.com", "ethereum", "go-ethereum", "cmd", "mist", "assets", "ext")
	client, err := stack.Attach()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to attach to node: %v", err)
	tf := &testjethre{client: ethereum.HTTPClient()}
	repl := newJSRE(stack, assetPath, "", client, false)
	tf.jsre = repl
	return tmp, tf, stack
Example #8
// New creates an XEth that uses the given frontend.
// If a nil Frontend is provided, a default frontend which
// confirms all transactions will be used.
func New(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, frontend Frontend) *XEth {
	xeth := &XEth{
		backend:          ethereum,
		frontend:         frontend,
		quit:             make(chan struct{}),
		filterManager:    filters.NewFilterSystem(ethereum.EventMux()),
		logQueue:         make(map[int]*logQueue),
		blockQueue:       make(map[int]*hashQueue),
		transactionQueue: make(map[int]*hashQueue),
		messages:         make(map[int]*whisperFilter),
		agent:            miner.NewRemoteAgent(),
		gpo:              eth.NewGasPriceOracle(ethereum),
	if ethereum.Whisper() != nil {
		xeth.whisper = NewWhisper(ethereum.Whisper())
	if frontend == nil {
		xeth.frontend = dummyFrontend{}
	state, _ := xeth.backend.BlockChain().State()
	xeth.state = NewState(xeth, state)
	go xeth.start()
	return xeth
// InsertPreState populates the given database with the genesis
// accounts defined by the test.
func (t *BlockTest) InsertPreState(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) (*state.StateDB, error) {
	db := ethereum.StateDb()
	statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
	for addrString, acct := range t.preAccounts {
		addr, err := hex.DecodeString(addrString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		code, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.TrimPrefix(acct.Code, "0x"))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		balance, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(acct.Balance, 0)
		if !ok {
			return nil, err
		nonce, err := strconv.ParseUint(prepInt(16, acct.Nonce), 16, 64)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if acct.PrivateKey != "" {
			privkey, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.TrimPrefix(acct.PrivateKey, "0x"))
			err = crypto.ImportBlockTestKey(privkey)
			err = ethereum.AccountManager().TimedUnlock(common.BytesToAddress(addr), "", 999999*time.Second)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		obj := statedb.CreateAccount(common.HexToAddress(addrString))
		for k, v := range acct.Storage {
			statedb.SetState(common.HexToAddress(addrString), common.HexToHash(k), common.HexToHash(v))
	// sync objects to trie
	// sync trie to disk

	if !bytes.Equal(t.Genesis.Root().Bytes(), statedb.Root().Bytes()) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("computed state root does not match genesis block %x %x", t.Genesis.Root().Bytes()[:4], statedb.Root().Bytes()[:4])
	return statedb, nil
Example #10
// New creates a new Ether APIs instance, connects with it to the Ethereum network
// via an embedded Geth instance and attaches an RPC in-process endpoint to it.
func New(datadir string, network geth.EthereumNetwork, address common.Address) (*EtherAPIs, error) {
	// Create a Geth instance and boot it up
	client, err := geth.New(datadir, network)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := client.Start(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Retrieve the underlying ethereum service and attach global RPC interface
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	if err := client.Stack().Service(&ethereum); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	api, err := client.Attach()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Assemble an interface around the consensus contract
	contract, err := contract.New(ethereum.ChainDb(), ethereum.EventMux(), ethereum.BlockChain(), ethereum.Miner().PendingState)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Assemble and return the Ether APIs instance
	return &EtherAPIs{
		client:   client,
		ethereum: ethereum,
		eventmux: client.Stack().EventMux(),
		rpcapi:   api,
		contract: contract,
	}, nil
Example #11
// New creates a new Ether APIs instance, connects with it to the Ethereum network
// via an embedded Geth instance and attaches an RPC in-process endpoint to it.
func New(datadir string, network geth.EthereumNetwork, address common.Address) (*EtherAPIs, error) {
	// Create a Geth instance and boot it up
	client, err := geth.New(datadir, network)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := client.Start(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Retrieve the underlying ethereum service and attach global RPC interface
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	if err := client.Stack().Service(&ethereum); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	api, err := client.Attach()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Assemble an interface around the consensus contract
	rpcClient, err := client.Stack().Attach()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	contract, err := contract.NewEtherAPIs(address, backends.NewRPCBackend(rpcClient))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Assemble and return the Ether APIs instance
	return &EtherAPIs{
		client:   client,
		ethereum: ethereum,
		eventmux: client.Stack().EventMux(),
		rpcapi:   api,
		contract: contract,
		signer: func(from common.Address, tx *types.Transaction) (*types.Transaction, error) {
			signature, err := ethereum.AccountManager().Sign(accounts.Account{Address: from}, tx.SigHash().Bytes())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return tx.WithSignature(signature)
	}, nil
Example #12
func (self *jsre) UnlockAccount(addr []byte) bool {
	fmt.Printf("Please unlock account %x.\n", addr)
	pass, err := utils.Stdin.PasswordPrompt("Passphrase: ")
	if err != nil {
		return false
	// TODO: allow retry
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	if err := self.stack.Service(&ethereum); err != nil {
		return false
	a := accounts.Account{Address: common.BytesToAddress(addr)}
	if err := ethereum.AccountManager().Unlock(a, pass); err != nil {
		return false
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Account is now unlocked for this session.")
		return true
Example #13
func processTxs(repl *testjethre, t *testing.T, expTxc int) bool {
	var txc int64
	var err error
	for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
		txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
			return false
		if expTxc < int(txc) {
			t.Errorf("too many pending transactions: expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
			return false
		} else if expTxc == int(txc) {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	if int(txc) != expTxc {
		t.Errorf("incorrect number of pending transactions, expected %v, got %v", expTxc, txc)
		return false
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum

	err = ethereum.StartMining(runtime.NumCPU(), "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error mining: %v", err)
		return false
	defer ethereum.StopMining()

	timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Second)
	blockNr := ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock().Number()
	height := new(big.Int).Add(blockNr, big.NewInt(1))
	repl.wait <- height
	select {
	case <-timer.C:
		// if times out make sure the xeth loop does not block
		go func() {
			select {
			case repl.wait <- nil:
			case <-repl.wait:
	case <-repl.wait:
	txc, err = pendingTransactions(repl, t)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error checking pending transactions: %v", err)
		return false
	if txc != 0 {
		t.Errorf("%d trasactions were not mined", txc)
		return false
	return true
Example #14
func StartEthereumForTest(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) {
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Starting ", ethereum.Name())
	RegisterInterrupt(func(sig os.Signal) {
Example #15
func NewUiLib(engine *qml.Engine, eth *eth.Ethereum, assetPath, libPath string) *UiLib {
	x := xeth.New(eth, nil)
	lib := &UiLib{
		XEth:            x,
		engine:          engine,
		eth:             eth,
		assetPath:       assetPath,
		filterCallbacks: make(map[int][]int),
	lib.filterManager = filter.NewFilterManager(eth.EventMux())
	go lib.filterManager.Start()

	return lib
Example #16
// RunTest executes the specified test against an already pre-configured protocol
// stack to ensure basic checks pass before running RPC tests.
func RunTest(stack *node.Node, test *tests.BlockTest) error {
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum
	blockchain := ethereum.BlockChain()

	// Process the blocks and verify the imported headers
	blocks, err := test.TryBlocksInsert(blockchain)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := test.ValidateImportedHeaders(blockchain, blocks); err != nil {
		return err
	// Retrieve the assembled state and validate it
	stateDb, err := blockchain.State()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := test.ValidatePostState(stateDb); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #17
func startEth(ctx *cli.Context, eth *eth.Ethereum) {
	// Start Ethereum itself

	am := eth.AccountManager()

	account := ctx.GlobalString(utils.UnlockedAccountFlag.Name)
	accounts := strings.Split(account, " ")
	for _, account := range accounts {
		if len(account) > 0 {
			if account == "primary" {
				primaryAcc, err := am.Primary()
				if err != nil {
					utils.Fatalf("no primary account: %v", err)
				account = primaryAcc.Hex()
			unlockAccount(ctx, am, account)
	// Start auxiliary services if enabled.
	if !ctx.GlobalBool(utils.IPCDisabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := utils.StartIPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Error string IPC: %v", err)
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.RPCEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := utils.StartRPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("Error starting RPC: %v", err)
	if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) {
		if err := eth.StartMining(ctx.GlobalInt(utils.MinerThreadsFlag.Name)); err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
Example #18
func StartEthereum(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) {
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Starting ", ethereum.Name())
	if err := ethereum.Start(); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Error starting Ethereum: %v", err)
	RegisterInterrupt(func(sig os.Signal) {
Example #19
func StartIPC(eth *eth.Ethereum, ctx *cli.Context) error {
	config := comms.IpcConfig{
		Endpoint: IpcSocketPath(ctx),

	initializer := func(conn net.Conn) (comms.Stopper, shared.EthereumApi, error) {
		fe := useragent.NewRemoteFrontend(conn, eth.AccountManager())
		xeth := xeth.New(eth, fe)
		apis, err := api.ParseApiString(ctx.GlobalString(IPCApiFlag.Name), codec.JSON, xeth, eth)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		return xeth, api.Merge(apis...), nil

	return comms.StartIpc(config, codec.JSON, initializer)
Example #20
func StartEthereum(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) {
	glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Starting", ethereum.Name())
	if err := ethereum.Start(); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Error starting Ethereum: %v", err)
	go func() {
		sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(sigc, os.Interrupt)
		defer signal.Stop(sigc)
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Got interrupt, shutting down...")
		go ethereum.Stop()
		for i := 10; i > 0; i-- {
			if i > 1 {
				glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Already shutting down, please be patient.")
				glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Interrupt", i-1, "more times to induce panic.")
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Force quitting: this might not end so well.")