Example #1
func blockRecovery(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if len(ctx.Args()) < 1 {
		glog.Fatal("recover requires block number or hash")
	arg := ctx.Args().First()

	cfg := utils.MakeEthConfig(ClientIdentifier, nodeNameVersion, ctx)
	blockDb, err := ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "blockchain"), cfg.DatabaseCache)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalln("could not open db:", err)

	var block *types.Block
	if arg[0] == '#' {
		block = core.GetBlock(blockDb, core.GetCanonicalHash(blockDb, common.String2Big(arg[1:]).Uint64()))
	} else {
		block = core.GetBlock(blockDb, common.HexToHash(arg))

	if block == nil {
		glog.Fatalln("block not found. Recovery failed")

	if err = core.WriteHeadBlockHash(blockDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalln("block write err", err)
	glog.Infof("Recovery succesful. New HEAD %x\n", block.Hash())
Example #2
// reportBlock reports the given block and error using the canonical block
// reporting tool. Reporting the block to the service is handled in a separate
// goroutine.
func reportBlock(block *types.Block, err error) {
	if glog.V(logger.Error) {
		glog.Errorf("Bad block #%v (%s)\n", block.Number(), block.Hash().Hex())
		glog.Errorf("    %v", err)
	go ReportBlock(block, err)
Example #3
func (self *Filter) getLogs(start, end uint64) (logs vm.Logs) {
	var block *types.Block

	for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
		hash := core.GetCanonicalHash(self.db, i)
		if hash != (common.Hash{}) {
			block = core.GetBlock(self.db, hash)
		} else { // block not found
			return logs

		// Use bloom filtering to see if this block is interesting given the
		// current parameters
		if self.bloomFilter(block) {
			// Get the logs of the block
			var (
				receipts   = core.GetBlockReceipts(self.db, block.Hash())
				unfiltered vm.Logs
			for _, receipt := range receipts {
				unfiltered = append(unfiltered, receipt.Logs...)
			logs = append(logs, self.FilterLogs(unfiltered)...)

	return logs
// Process processes the state changes according to the Expanse rules by running
// the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both
// the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.
// Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and
// returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the
// transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.
func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, vm.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		receipts     types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas = big.NewInt(0)
		err          error
		header       = block.Header()
		allLogs      vm.Logs
		gp           = new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())
	// Mutate the the block and state according to any hard-fork specs
	if p.config.DAOForkSupport && p.config.DAOForkBlock != nil && p.config.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 {
	// Iterate over and process the individual transactions
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)
		receipt, logs, _, err := ApplyTransaction(p.config, p.bc, gp, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, cfg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, totalUsedGas, err
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
		allLogs = append(allLogs, logs...)
	AccumulateRewards(statedb, header, block.Uncles())

	return receipts, allLogs, totalUsedGas, err
Example #5
// GenerateChain creates a chain of n blocks. The first block's
// parent will be the provided parent. db is used to store
// intermediate states and should contain the parent's state trie.
// The generator function is called with a new block generator for
// every block. Any transactions and uncles added to the generator
// become part of the block. If gen is nil, the blocks will be empty
// and their coinbase will be the zero address.
// Blocks created by GenerateChain do not contain valid proof of work
// values. Inserting them into BlockChain requires use of FakePow or
// a similar non-validating proof of work implementation.
func GenerateChain(parent *types.Block, db ethdb.Database, n int, gen func(int, *BlockGen)) ([]*types.Block, []types.Receipts) {
	statedb, err := state.New(parent.Root(), db)
	if err != nil {
	blocks, receipts := make(types.Blocks, n), make([]types.Receipts, n)
	genblock := func(i int, h *types.Header) (*types.Block, types.Receipts) {
		b := &BlockGen{parent: parent, i: i, chain: blocks, header: h, statedb: statedb}
		if gen != nil {
			gen(i, b)
		AccumulateRewards(statedb, h, b.uncles)
		root, err := statedb.Commit()
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("state write error: %v", err))
		h.Root = root
		return types.NewBlock(h, b.txs, b.uncles, b.receipts), b.receipts
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		header := makeHeader(parent, statedb)
		block, receipt := genblock(i, header)
		blocks[i] = block
		receipts[i] = receipt
		parent = block
	return blocks, receipts
Example #6
// makeCurrent creates a new environment for the current cycle.
func (self *worker) makeCurrent(parent *types.Block, header *types.Header) {
	state := state.New(parent.Root(), self.exp.ChainDb())
	work := &Work{
		state:     state,
		ancestors: set.New(),
		family:    set.New(),
		uncles:    set.New(),
		header:    header,
		coinbase:  state.GetOrNewStateObject(self.coinbase),
		createdAt: time.Now(),

	// when 08 is processed ancestors contain 07 (quick block)
	for _, ancestor := range self.chain.GetBlocksFromHash(parent.Hash(), 7) {
		for _, uncle := range ancestor.Uncles() {
	accounts, _ := self.exp.AccountManager().Accounts()

	// Keep track of transactions which return errors so they can be removed
	work.remove = set.New()
	work.tcount = 0
	work.ignoredTransactors = set.New()
	work.lowGasTransactors = set.New()
	work.ownedAccounts = accountAddressesSet(accounts)
	if self.current != nil {
		work.localMinedBlocks = self.current.localMinedBlocks
	self.current = work
Example #7
// makeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including parent.
// the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent. In addition, every 3rd block
// contains a transaction and every 5th an uncle to allow testing correct block
// reassembly.
func makeChain(n int, seed byte, parent *types.Block) ([]common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Block) {
	blocks, _ := core.GenerateChain(parent, testdb, n, func(i int, block *core.BlockGen) {

		// If the block number is multiple of 3, send a bonus transaction to the miner
		if parent == genesis && i%3 == 0 {
			tx, err := types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testAddress), common.Address{seed}, big.NewInt(1000), params.TxGas, nil, nil).SignECDSA(testKey)
			if err != nil {
		// If the block number is a multiple of 5, add a bonus uncle to the block
		if i%5 == 0 {
			block.AddUncle(&types.Header{ParentHash: block.PrevBlock(i - 1).Hash(), Number: big.NewInt(int64(i - 1))})
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, n+1)
	hashes[len(hashes)-1] = parent.Hash()
	blockm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block, n+1)
	blockm[parent.Hash()] = parent
	for i, b := range blocks {
		hashes[len(hashes)-i-2] = b.Hash()
		blockm[b.Hash()] = b
	return hashes, blockm
Example #8
// enqueue schedules a new future import operation, if the block to be imported
// has not yet been seen.
func (f *Fetcher) enqueue(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Ensure the peer isn't DOSing us
	count := f.queues[peer] + 1
	if count > blockLimit {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x], exceeded allowance (%d)", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], blockLimit)
	// Discard any past or too distant blocks
	if dist := int64(block.NumberU64()) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: discarded block #%d [%x], distance %d", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], dist)
	// Schedule the block for future importing
	if _, ok := f.queued[hash]; !ok {
		op := &inject{
			origin: peer,
			block:  block,
		f.queues[peer] = count
		f.queued[hash] = op
		f.queue.Push(op, -float32(block.NumberU64()))

		if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
			glog.Infof("Peer %s: queued block #%d [%x], total %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash.Bytes()[:4], f.queue.Size())
Example #9
func (self *Filter) bloomFilter(block *types.Block) bool {
	if len(self.addresses) > 0 {
		var included bool
		for _, addr := range self.addresses {
			if types.BloomLookup(block.Bloom(), addr) {
				included = true

		if !included {
			return false

	for _, sub := range self.topics {
		var included bool
		for _, topic := range sub {
			if (topic == common.Hash{}) || types.BloomLookup(block.Bloom(), topic) {
				included = true
		if !included {
			return false

	return true
Example #10
func sendBadBlockReport(block *types.Block, err error) {
	if !EnableBadBlockReporting {

	var (
		blockRLP, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(block)
		params      = map[string]interface{}{
			"block":     common.Bytes2Hex(blockRLP),
			"blockHash": block.Hash().Hex(),
			"errortype": err.Error(),
			"client":    "go",
	if !block.ReceivedAt.IsZero() {
		params["receivedAt"] = block.ReceivedAt.UTC().String()
	if p, ok := block.ReceivedFrom.(*peer); ok {
		params["receivedFrom"] = map[string]interface{}{
			"enode":           fmt.Sprintf("enode://%x@%v", p.ID(), p.RemoteAddr()),
			"name":            p.Name(),
			"protocolVersion": p.version,
	jsonStr, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{"method": "eth_badBlock", "id": "1", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": []interface{}{params}})
	client := http.Client{Timeout: 8 * time.Second}
	resp, err := client.Post(badBlocksURL, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(jsonStr))
	if err != nil {
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Bad Block Report posted (%d)", resp.StatusCode)
Example #11
// GetUnclesInChain retrieves all the uncles from a given block backwards until
// a specific distance is reached.
func (self *BlockChain) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.Block, length int) []*types.Header {
	uncles := []*types.Header{}
	for i := 0; block != nil && i < length; i++ {
		uncles = append(uncles, block.Uncles()...)
		block = self.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
	return uncles
Example #12
// GetLogs returns the logs of the given block. This method is using a two step approach
// where it tries to get it from the (updated) method which gets them from the receipts or
// the depricated way by re-processing the block.
func (sm *BlockProcessor) GetLogs(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
	receipts := GetBlockReceipts(sm.chainDb, block.Hash())
	// coalesce logs
	for _, receipt := range receipts {
		logs = append(logs, receipt.Logs()...)
	return logs, nil
Example #13
// CalcTD computes the total difficulty of block.
func CalcTD(block, parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
	if parent == nil {
		return block.Difficulty()
	d := block.Difficulty()
	d.Add(d, parent.Td)
	return d
Example #14
// WriteCanonNumber writes the canonical hash for the given block
func WriteCanonNumber(db common.Database, block *types.Block) error {
	key := append(blockNumPre, block.Number().Bytes()...)
	err := db.Put(key, block.Hash().Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #15
func (self *ChainManager) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.Block, length int) (uncles []*types.Header) {
	for i := 0; block != nil && i < length; i++ {
		uncles = append(uncles, block.Uncles()...)
		block = self.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())

Example #16
// WriteHead force writes the current head
func WriteHead(db common.Database, block *types.Block) error {
	err := WriteCanonNumber(db, block)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = db.Put([]byte("LastBlock"), block.Hash().Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #17
// makeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including parent.
// the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent.
func makeChain(n int, seed byte, parent *types.Block) ([]common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Block) {
	blocks := core.GenerateChain(parent, testdb, n, func(i int, gen *core.BlockGen) {
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, n+1)
	hashes[len(hashes)-1] = parent.Hash()
	blockm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block, n+1)
	blockm[parent.Hash()] = parent
	for i, b := range blocks {
		hashes[len(hashes)-i-2] = b.Hash()
		blockm[b.Hash()] = b
	return hashes, blockm
Example #18
// CalcGasLimit computes the gas limit of the next block after parent.
// The result may be modified by the caller.
// This is miner strategy, not consensus protocol.
func CalcGasLimit(parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
	// contrib = (parentGasUsed * 3 / 2) / 1024
	contrib := new(big.Int).Mul(parent.GasUsed(), big.NewInt(3))
	contrib = contrib.Div(contrib, big.NewInt(2))
	contrib = contrib.Div(contrib, params.GasLimitBoundDivisor)

	// decay = parentGasLimit / 1024 -1
	decay := new(big.Int).Div(parent.GasLimit(), params.GasLimitBoundDivisor)
	decay.Sub(decay, big.NewInt(1))

		strategy: gasLimit of block-to-mine is set based on parent's
		gasUsed value.  if parentGasUsed > parentGasLimit * (2/3) then we
		increase it, otherwise lower it (or leave it unchanged if it's right
		at that usage) the amount increased/decreased depends on how far away
		from parentGasLimit * (2/3) parentGasUsed is.
	gl := new(big.Int).Sub(parent.GasLimit(), decay)
	gl = gl.Add(gl, contrib)
	gl.Set(common.BigMax(gl, params.MinGasLimit))

	// however, if we're now below the target (GenesisGasLimit) we increase the
	// limit as much as we can (parentGasLimit / 1024 -1)
	if gl.Cmp(params.GenesisGasLimit) < 0 {
		gl.Add(parent.GasLimit(), decay)
		gl.Set(common.BigMin(gl, params.GenesisGasLimit))
	return gl
Example #19
// BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of it's peers, or
// will only announce it's availability (depending what's requested).
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
	hash := block.Hash()
	peers := pm.peers.PeersWithoutBlock(hash)

	// If propagation is requested, send to a subset of the peer
	if propagate {
		// Calculate the TD of the block (it's not imported yet, so block.Td is not valid)
		var td *big.Int
		if parent := pm.chainman.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()); parent != nil {
			td = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Td, block.Difficulty())
		} else {
			glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("propagating dangling block #%d [%x]", block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
		// Send the block to a subset of our peers
		transfer := peers[:int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(peers))))]
		for _, peer := range transfer {
			peer.SendNewBlock(block, td)
		glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("propagated block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(transfer), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))
	// Otherwise if the block is indeed in out own chain, announce it
	if pm.chainman.HasBlock(hash) {
		for _, peer := range peers {
		glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("announced block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(peers), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))
Example #20
func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransactions(gp GasPool, statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions, transientProcess bool) (types.Receipts, error) {
	var (
		receipts      types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas  = big.NewInt(0)
		err           error
		cumulativeSum = new(big.Int)
		header        = block.Header()

	for i, tx := range txs {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)

		receipt, txGas, err := self.ApplyTransaction(gp, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, transientProcess)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Core).Infoln("TX err:", err)
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)

		cumulativeSum.Add(cumulativeSum, new(big.Int).Mul(txGas, tx.GasPrice()))

	if block.GasUsed().Cmp(totalUsedGas) != 0 {
		return nil, ValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("gas used error (%v / %v)", block.GasUsed(), totalUsedGas))

	if transientProcess {
		go self.eventMux.Post(PendingBlockEvent{block, statedb.Logs()})

	return receipts, err
Example #21
func (bc *ChainManager) SetHead(head *types.Block) {
	defer bc.mu.Unlock()

	for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil && block.Hash() != head.Hash(); block = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()) {

	bc.cache, _ = lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
	bc.currentBlock = head

Example #22
func (self *GasPriceOracle) processBlock(block *types.Block) {
	i := block.NumberU64()
	if i > self.lastProcessed {
		self.lastProcessed = i

	lastBase := self.exp.GpoMinGasPrice
	bpl := self.blocks[i-1]
	if bpl != nil {
		lastBase = bpl.baseGasPrice
	if lastBase == nil {

	var corr int
	lp := self.lowestPrice(block)
	if lp == nil {

	if lastBase.Cmp(lp) < 0 {
		corr = self.exp.GpobaseStepUp
	} else {
		corr = -self.exp.GpobaseStepDown

	crand := int64(corr * (900 + rand.Intn(201)))
	newBase := new(big.Int).Mul(lastBase, big.NewInt(1000000+crand))
	newBase.Div(newBase, big.NewInt(1000000))

	if newBase.Cmp(self.minBase) < 0 {
		newBase = self.minBase

	bpi := self.blocks[i]
	if bpi == nil {
		bpi = &blockPriceInfo{}
		self.blocks[i] = bpi
	bpi.baseGasPrice = newBase
	self.lastBase = newBase

	glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Processed block #%v, base price is %v\n", block.NumberU64(), newBase.Int64())
Example #23
// insert spawns a new goroutine to run a block insertion into the chain. If the
// block's number is at the same height as the current import phase, if updates
// the phase states accordingly.
func (f *Fetcher) insert(peer string, block *types.Block) {
	hash := block.Hash()

	// Run the import on a new thread
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: importing block #%d [%x…]", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
	go func() {
		defer func() { f.done <- hash }()

		// If the parent's unknown, abort insertion
		parent := f.getBlock(block.ParentHash())
		if parent == nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: parent []%x] of block #%d [%x…] unknown", block.ParentHash().Bytes()[:4], peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4])
		// Quickly validate the header and propagate the block if it passes
		switch err := f.validateBlock(block, parent); err {
		case nil:
			// All ok, quickly propagate to our peers
			go f.broadcastBlock(block, true)

		case core.BlockFutureErr:
			// Weird future block, don't fail, but neither propagate

			// Something went very wrong, drop the peer
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x…] verification failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		// Run the actual import and log any issues
		if _, err := f.insertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Warn).Infof("Peer %s: block #%d [%x…] import failed: %v", peer, block.NumberU64(), hash[:4], err)
		// If import succeeded, broadcast the block
		go f.broadcastBlock(block, false)

		// Invoke the testing hook if needed
		if f.importedHook != nil {
Example #24
// PutBlockReceipts stores the block's transactions associated receipts
// and stores them by block hash in a single slice. This is required for
// forks and chain reorgs
func PutBlockReceipts(db common.Database, block *types.Block, receipts types.Receipts) error {
	rs := make([]*types.ReceiptForStorage, len(receipts))
	for i, receipt := range receipts {
		rs[i] = (*types.ReceiptForStorage)(receipt)
	bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(rs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	hash := block.Hash()
	err = db.Put(append(blockReceiptsPre, hash[:]...), bytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Example #25
func makeChainWithDiff(genesis *types.Block, d []int, seed byte) []*types.Block {
	var chain []*types.Block
	for i, difficulty := range d {
		header := &types.Header{
			Coinbase:   common.Address{seed},
			Number:     big.NewInt(int64(i + 1)),
			Difficulty: big.NewInt(int64(difficulty)),
		if i == 0 {
			header.ParentHash = genesis.Hash()
		} else {
			header.ParentHash = chain[i-1].Hash()
		block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
		chain = append(chain, block)
	return chain
Example #26
func makeHeader(parent *types.Block, state *state.StateDB) *types.Header {
	var time *big.Int
	if parent.Time() == nil {
		time = big.NewInt(10)
	} else {
		time = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Time(), big.NewInt(10)) // block time is fixed at 10 seconds
	return &types.Header{
		Root:       state.IntermediateRoot(),
		ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
		Coinbase:   parent.Coinbase(),
		Difficulty: CalcDifficulty(time.Uint64(), new(big.Int).Sub(time, big.NewInt(10)).Uint64(), parent.Number(), parent.Difficulty()),
		GasLimit:   CalcGasLimit(parent),
		GasUsed:    new(big.Int),
		Number:     new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number(), common.Big1),
		Time:       time,
Example #27
// WriteBlock serializes a block into the database, header and body separately.
func WriteBlock(db ethdb.Database, block *types.Block) error {
	// Store the body first to retain database consistency
	if err := WriteBody(db, block.Hash(), &types.Body{block.Transactions(), block.Uncles()}); err != nil {
		return err
	// Store the header too, signaling full block ownership
	if err := WriteHeader(db, block.Header()); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #28
// insert injects a block into the current chain block chain. Note, this function
// assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
func (bc *ChainManager) insert(block *types.Block) {
	err := WriteHead(bc.chainDb, block)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatal("db write fail:", err)

	if bc.checkpoint > checkpointLimit {
		err = bc.chainDb.Put([]byte("checkpoint"), block.Hash().Bytes())
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatal("db write fail:", err)

		bc.checkpoint = 0

	bc.currentBlock = block
	bc.lastBlockHash = block.Hash()
Example #29
func dump(ctx *cli.Context) {
	chain, chainDb := utils.MakeChain(ctx)
	for _, arg := range ctx.Args() {
		var block *types.Block
		if hashish(arg) {
			block = chain.GetBlock(common.HexToHash(arg))
		} else {
			num, _ := strconv.Atoi(arg)
			block = chain.GetBlockByNumber(uint64(num))
		if block == nil {
			utils.Fatalf("block not found")
		} else {
			state := state.New(block.Root(), chainDb)
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", state.Dump())
Example #30
// ResetWithGenesisBlock purges the entire blockchain, restoring it to the
// specified genesis state.
func (bc *BlockChain) ResetWithGenesisBlock(genesis *types.Block) {
	// Dump the entire block chain and purge the caches

	defer bc.mu.Unlock()

	// Prepare the genesis block and reinitialise the chain
	if err := WriteTd(bc.chainDb, genesis.Hash(), genesis.Difficulty()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to write genesis block TD: %v", err)
	if err := WriteBlock(bc.chainDb, genesis); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to write genesis block: %v", err)
	bc.genesisBlock = genesis
	bc.currentBlock = bc.genesisBlock
	bc.currentHeader = bc.genesisBlock.Header()
	bc.currentFastBlock = bc.genesisBlock