func dump(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var jsonData interface{} defer r.Body.Close() r.Header.Set("Host", r.Host) for _, header := range sortHeaderKeys(r.Header) { fmt.Printf("%s %s: %s\n", color.YellowString("[H]"), header, r.Header.Get(header)) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("error: unable to read request body: %s", err) return } if getContentType(r) == "application/json" { if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonData); err != nil { fmt.Printf("%s error: request Content-Type is application/json, but unable to process JSON %s\n", color.RedString("[!]"), err) fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", color.CyanString("[B]"), body) } else { jf := prettyjson.NewFormatter() j, _ := jf.Format(body) fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", color.CyanString("[B]"), j) } } else { fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", color.CyanString("[B]"), body) } }
func showResult(commits []*commit, keyword string) { repoWidth := maxRepoWidth(commits) repoFmt := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", repoWidth) urlWidth := maxURLWidth(commits) urlFmt := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", urlWidth) msgWidth := maxMessageWidth(commits) fmt.Printf(" %s | %s | %s | message \n", color.BlueString(repoFmt, "Repository"), color.CyanString("%-7s", "sha1"), fmt.Sprintf(urlFmt, "url"), ) fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("-", repoWidth+msgWidth+urlWidth+18)) for _, c := range commits { fmt.Printf(" %s | %7s | %s | %s\n", color.BlueString(repoFmt, c.Repo), color.CyanString(c.Sha1), fmt.Sprintf(urlFmt, c.CommitURL), highlightWords(c.Message, keyword), ) } }
// // required for serach options // func getSearchOpt() (SearchType, FilterType) { var ( search SearchType = SearchBySubject filter FilterType = SearchFilterAll ) for { color.White("Please select search range:\n") for k := SearchFilterAll; k <= SearchConference; k++ { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: %s\n", color.CyanString("%d", k), searchFilterHints[k]) } fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "$ %s", color.CyanString("select: ")) s := getInputString() if len(s) > 0 { selected, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 16, 32) if err != nil || selected < int64(SearchFilterAll) || selected > int64(SearchConference) { color.Red("Invalid selection\n") continue } filter = FilterType(selected) } break } return search, filter }
func (o *Decorator) DecorateRequest(req model.Request) { fmt.Println() c := color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold) c.Println("Request") fmt.Printf(" • Query: %s", color.CyanString(req.Query)) fmt.Println() fmt.Printf(" • Time start: %s", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(req.TimeStart.Format(time.Stamp)))) fmt.Println() fmt.Printf(" • Time end: %s", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(req.TimeEnd.Format(time.Stamp)))) fmt.Println() fmt.Printf(" • Size: %s", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(req.Size))) fmt.Println() fmt.Println() }
func (fs *fsSort) sortAllFiles() error { fs.verbf("sorting files...") //perform sort if fs.DryRun { log.Println(color.CyanString("[Dryrun]")) } //sort concurrency-many files at a time, //wait for all to complete and show errors queue := make(chan bool, fs.Concurrency) wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} sortFile := func(file *fileSort) { if err := fs.sortFile(file); err != nil { log.Printf("[#%d/%d] %s\n └─> %s\n",, len(fs.sorts), color.RedString(file.path), err) } <-queue wg.Done() } for _, file := range fs.sorts { wg.Add(1) queue <- true go sortFile(file) } wg.Wait() return nil }
func printProject(project *Project, depth int, buffer *bytes.Buffer, noColor bool, showpath bool) { color.NoColor = noColor buffer.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", depth)) buffer.WriteString(color.GreenString(project.ArtifactID)) buffer.WriteString(" (") buffer.WriteString(project.Version) buffer.WriteString(")") if project.MismatchParentVersion != "" { buffer.WriteString(color.YellowString(" Warning: looking for parent version: ")) buffer.WriteString(project.MismatchParentVersion) } else if project.MissingParent != "" { buffer.WriteString(color.YellowString(" Warning: parent not found: ")) buffer.WriteString(project.MissingParent) } if showpath { buffer.WriteString(color.CyanString(" " + project.FullPath)) } buffer.WriteString("\n") sort.Sort(project.Children) for _, child := range project.Children { printProject(child, depth+1, buffer, noColor, showpath) } }
func (obj *Decorator) replacePlaceholders( str string, placeholders map[string]interface{}, ) string { r := regexp.MustCompile(":\\w+") for _, key := range r.FindAllString(str, -1) { name := strings.Replace(key, ":", "", -1) if value, ok := placeholders[name]; ok { switch reflect.TypeOf(value).String() { case "string": value = color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(value)) break case "int64": value = color.BlueString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", value)) case "float64": if regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+(.[0]+)?").MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%f", value)) { value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(value.(float64))) } else { value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", value) } value = color.BlueString(value.(string)) break default: value = fmt.Sprint(value) } str = strings.Replace(str, key, value.(string), -1) } } return str }
func (this *Options) Echo() { output := color.CyanString("replacing: ") output += color.GreenString("%s\n", this.From) output += color.CyanString("with: ") output += color.GreenString("%s\n", this.To) output += color.CyanString("in files: ") output += color.GreenString("%s\n", this.File) output += color.CyanString("starting in: ") output += color.GreenString("%s\n", this.Dir) if this.Ignore != "" { output += color.CyanString("ignoring: ") output += color.GreenString("%s\n", this.Ignore) } fmt.Print(output) }
func (c container) cacheHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method == "POST" { var cacheStatus string var urlComponents = []string{ "http://", config.backend, r.URL.Path, } backendURL := strings.Join(urlComponents, "") body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) identifier := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", body, r.URL.Path)) sum := md5.Sum(identifier) hash := hex.EncodeToString(sum[:16]) redisConn := c.pool.Get() defer redisConn.Close() repl, err := redisConn.Do("GET", hash) if err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) return } if repl == nil { log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", hash, color.YellowString("MISS"))) w.Header().Set("X-postcache", "MISS") response, cacheError := c.updateCache(hash, string(body), backendURL, false) if cacheError != nil { log.Error(cacheError.Error()) } w.Write([]byte(response)) } else { ttlrepl, ttlerr := redisConn.Do("TTL", hash) if ttlerr != nil { log.Error("key is gone? maybe the TTL expired before we got here.") } else { if ttlrepl.(int64) < int64((config.expire - config.freshness)) { cacheStatus = color.YellowString("STALE") go c.updateCache(hash, string(body), backendURL, true) } else { cacheStatus = color.CyanString("HIT") } } log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s ", hash, cacheStatus)) w.Header().Set("X-postcache", cacheStatus) w.Write(repl.([]byte)) } } else { w.Header().Set("X-postcache", "CANT-CACHE") proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{ Director: func(req *http.Request) { req.URL.Scheme = "http" req.URL.Host = config.backend }, } proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r) } }
// PrettyID returns a terminal colored format of the connection ID. func (c *Conn) PrettyID() string { var remote string if c.Peer != nil { remote = c.Peer.Id } else { remote = c.RemoteAddr().String() } return color.CyanString(remote) }
func (e *LogoCmd) Exec(args []string) error { Server.Exec(client.StatusChannel, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View, s *client.Server) error { fmt.Fprintln(v, color.CyanString(ui.Logo)) fmt.Fprintln(v, color.GreenString(ui.VersionLine)) return nil }) return nil }
func main() { manifestFile := kingpin.Flag("manifest", "Path to manifest.yml file.").Default("manifest.yml").String() plugin := kingpin.Arg("plugin", "Plugin name for run.").String() vars := *kingpin.Flag("var", "key=value pairs with manifest vars.").StringMap() dryRun := kingpin.Flag("dry-run", "Show manifest section only").Bool() noColor := kingpin.Flag("no-color", "Disable colored output").Bool() pluginData := kingpin.Flag("plugin-data", "Data for plugin").String() kingpin.Version(version) kingpin.Parse() var plugins []manifest.PluginData var err error var manifestData *manifest.Manifest color.NoColor = *noColor if *pluginData != "" { manifestData = manifest.LoadJSON(*pluginData) } else { manifestData = manifest.Load(*manifestFile, vars) } if *plugin == "" && *dryRun { fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", color.GreenString(">>> manifest:"), manifestData.String(), color.GreenString("<<< manifest: OK\n")) return } if *pluginData != "" { plugins = []manifest.PluginData{manifestData.GetPluginWithData(*plugin)} } else { plugins, err = manifestData.FindPlugins(*plugin) } if err != nil { log.Fatalln(color.RedString("Error find plugins for '%s': %v", *plugin, err)) } for _, pair := range plugins { log.Printf("%s\n%s\n\n", color.GreenString(">>> %s:", pair.PluginName), color.CyanString("%s", pair.Data)) if !*dryRun { if err := pair.Plugin.Run(pair.Data); err != nil { fmt.Println("") log.Fatalln(color.RedString("Error on run plugin `%s`: %v", pair.PluginName, err)) } else { log.Println(color.GreenString("<<< %s: OK", pair.PluginName)) } } } }
// // required for serach options // func getSearchOpt() *searchOption { seletor := func(min, max, defaultValue int8, hint string, optHints map[int8]string) int8 { for { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s:\n", color.GreenString(hint)) for k := min; k <= max; k++ { if k == defaultValue { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: %s (%s)\n", color.CyanString("%d", k), optHints[k], color.GreenString("DEFAULT")) } else { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: %s\n", color.CyanString("%d", k), optHints[k]) } } fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "$ %s", color.CyanString("select: ")) s := getInputString() if len(s) > 0 { selected, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 16, 32) if err != nil || selected < int64(min) || selected > int64(max) { color.Red("Invalid selection\n") continue } return int8(selected) } break } return defaultValue } // now , let the user to choose filter := seletor(SearchBySubject, SearchByKeyword, SearchBySubject, "What's you input means?", searchFilterHints) database := seletor(SearchAllDoc, SearchConference, SearchAllDoc, "Which database you wanna query?", searchRangeHints) order := seletor(OrderByDownloadedTime, OrderBySubject, OrderByDownloadedTime, "How should I sort the result?", searchOrderHints) opt := &searchOption{ filter: searchFilterDefs[filter], databse: searchRangeDefs[database], order: searchOrderDefs[order], } return opt }
func (e *Entry) Row() []string { y, m, d := e.Time.Date() date := color.BlueString("%d/%d/%d", m, d, y) ip := color.RedString("%s", e.Ip) attempts := color.GreenString("%d", e.Attempts) user := color.YellowString("%s", e.User) auth := color.WhiteString("%s", e.AuthType) proto := color.CyanString("%s", e.Protocol) port := e.Port server := e.Server return []string{date, ip, attempts, user, auth, proto, port, server} }
// Logo with color func Logo() string { var logo string logo += "\n\n" logo += color.GreenString(" ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ███╗ ██╗██████╗ █████╗\n") logo += color.MagentaString(" ██║ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗████╗ ████║██╔══██╗████╗ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗\n") logo += color.YellowString(" █████╔╝ ██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║███████║\n") logo += color.CyanString(" ██╔═██╗ ██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔══██║\n") logo += color.BlueString(" ██║ ██╗╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║██║ ╚████║██████╔╝██║ ██║\n") logo += color.RedString(" ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝") return logo }
func showResult(result QueryResult, url, keyword string, page int) { commits := result.Commits if len(commits) == 0 { fmt.Println("No Results Found.") fmt.Printf(" url: %s\n\n", url) return } fmt.Printf("Search Result : %s : %d/%s pages\n", result.ResultCount, page, result.TotalPages, ) fmt.Printf(" url: %s\n\n", url) repoWidth := maxRepoWidth(commits) repoFmt := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", repoWidth) urlWidth := maxURLWidth(commits) urlFmt := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", urlWidth) msgWidth := maxMessageWidth(commits) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, " %s | %s | %s | message \n", color.BlueString(repoFmt, "Repository"), color.CyanString("%-7s", "sha1"), fmt.Sprintf(urlFmt, "url"), ) fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("-", repoWidth+msgWidth+urlWidth+18)) for _, c := range commits { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, " %s | %7s | %s | %s\n", color.BlueString(repoFmt, c.Repo), color.CyanString(c.Sha1), fmt.Sprintf(urlFmt, c.CommitURL), highlightWords(c.Message, keyword), ) } }
// // print a set of articles // func printArticles(page int, articles []Article) { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\n-----------------------------------------------------------(%s)--\n", color.MagentaString("page:%d", page)) for id, entry := range articles { source := entry.Information.SourceName if len(source) == 0 { source = "N/A" } fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s: %s (%s)\n", color.CyanString("%02d", id+1), color.WhiteString(entry.Information.Title), color.YellowString("%s", source)) } fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "-----------------------------------------------------------(%s)--\n\n", color.MagentaString("page%d", page)) }
// PrintSearchResponse prints out a nice formatted list of responses func (wd *WhatDownloader) PrintSearchResponse(r gozelle.TorrentSearchResponse) { for i, x := range r.Response.Results { // Print torrent group bold.Printf("\n%s - %s [%d] [%s]\n", x.Artist, html.UnescapeString(x.GroupName), x.GroupYear, x.ReleaseType) currentRemaster := "" for k, y := range x.Torrents { // Print release info if !y.Remastered && currentRemaster != "Original Release" { currentRemaster = "Original Release" fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%3s | %s / %s\n", "", color.CyanString(currentRemaster), color.CyanString(y.Media)) } else if y.Remastered && currentRemaster != y.RemasterTitle { currentRemaster = y.RemasterTitle fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%3s | %s / %s / %s\n", "", color.CyanString(strconv.Itoa(y.RemasterYear)), color.CyanString(html.UnescapeString(y.RemasterTitle)), color.CyanString(y.Media)) } // Print the torrent fmt.Printf("%3s | %-4s / %-8s | %6.2f MB | %d\n", fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", i, k), y.Format, y.Encoding, float64(y.Size)/1024.0/1024.0, y.Seeders) } } }
func newServer(port int, peers []string, diskAllocated int) (*server, error) { log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile) s := &server{ Logger: log.New(os.Stdout, color.CyanString(":%d ", port), log.Flags()), diskAllocated: diskAllocated, port: port, } if err := s.init(); err != nil { return nil, err } go s.connectPeers(peers) return s, nil }
func Main(port int, peers []string, diskAllocated int) { log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile) s := &server{ Logger: log.New(os.Stdout, color.CyanString(":%d ", port), log.Flags()), diskAllocated: diskAllocated, port: port, } if err := s.init(); err != nil { s.Fatal(err) } go s.connectPeers(peers) s.Fatal( }
//ConsolePrint outputs the result of each audit func ConsolePrint(res actuary.Result) { var status string bold := color.New(color.Bold).SprintFunc() if res.Status == "PASS" { status = color.GreenString("[PASS]") } else if res.Status == "WARN" { status = color.RedString("[WARN]") } else if res.Status == "SKIP" { status = color.YellowString("[SKIP]") } else { status = color.CyanString("[INFO]") } fmt.Printf("%s - %s \n", status, bold(res.Name)) if res.Output != "" { fmt.Printf("\t %s\n\n", res.Output) } }
func (e *ClearCmd) Exec(args []string) error { Server.Exec(Server.CurrentChannel, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View, s *client.Server) error { v.Autoscroll = true v.Clear() v.SetCursor(0, 0) if Server.CurrentChannel == client.StatusChannel { fmt.Fprintln(v, "") fmt.Fprintln(v, color.CyanString(ui.Logo)) fmt.Fprintln(v, color.RedString(ui.VersionLine)) } else { fmt.Fprintln(v, "\n\n") } return nil }) return nil }
func makeDesc(desc []string, colors ...string) (str string) { var color string if len(colors) > 0 { color = colors[0] } for i, _ := range desc { switch color { case "green": str += fcolor.GreenString(desc[i]) + "\n" case "yellow": str += fcolor.YellowString(desc[i]) + "\n" case "cyan": str += fcolor.CyanString(desc[i]) + "\n" default: str += desc[i] + "\n" } } return }
func (r *Reporter) writeReports(name string) { for _, err := range r.Errors { fmt.Printf("%s ERR: %s\n", name, err.Error()) } for _, report := range r.Reports { out := color.Output stat := color.GreenString("PASS") if report.Warn { stat = color.RedString("FAIL") } else { if report.Result == "" { report.Result = "OK" } } fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s: %s \n %s - %s\n", color.CyanString(name), report.Name, stat, report.Result) } for _, c := range r.Children { c.writeReports(name + "." + c.Name) } }
func healthCheck() { fmt.Println("== health check") fleetAPI := os.Getenv("FH_FLEET_API") if fleetAPI == "" { fleetAPI = "" } url := "http://" + fleetAPI + "/fleet/v1/state" response, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%s", err) os.Exit(1) } else { defer response.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } var data FleetState json.Unmarshal(body, &data) for _, unit := range data.States { var unitState string if unit.SystemdSubState != "running" { unitDown := color.CyanString(unit.Name) if unit.SystemdSubState == "failed" { unitState = color.RedString(unit.SystemdSubState) } else { unitState = color.YellowString(unit.SystemdSubState) } fmt.Println(unitDown + " : " + unitState) } } } }
func (obj *Decorator) colorizeLevel(level log.LogLevel) string { var str string switch level.Code { case log.DEBUG_CODE: str = color.BlackString(log.DEBUG_SHORT_STRING) break case log.INFO_CODE: str = color.BlueString(log.INFO_SHORT_STRING) break case log.NOTICE_CODE: str = color.CyanString(log.NOTICE_SHORT_STRING) break case log.WARNING_CODE: str = color.YellowString(log.WARNING_SHORT_STRING) break case log.ERROR_CODE: str = color.RedString(log.ERROR_SHORT_STRING) break case log.CRITICAL_CODE: s := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgRed).SprintFunc() str = fmt.Sprint(s(log.CRITICAL_SHORT_STRING)) break case log.ALERT_CODE: s := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgRed).SprintFunc() str = fmt.Sprint(s(log.ALERT_SHORT_STRING)) break case log.EMERGENCY_CODE: s := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.Bold, color.BgHiRed).SprintFunc() str = fmt.Sprint(s(log.EMERGENCY_SHORT_STRING)) break default: str = string(level.Code) } return str }
func (fs *fsSort) watch() error { if len(fs.dirs) == 0 { return errors.New("No directories to watch") } watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create file watcher: %s", err) } for dir, _ := range fs.dirs { if err := watcher.Add(dir); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to watch directory: %s", err) } log.Printf("Watching %s for changes...", color.CyanString(dir)) } select { case <-watcher.Events: case err := <-watcher.Errors: fs.verbf("watch error detected: %s", err) } go watcher.Close() log.Printf("Change detected, re-sorting in %s...", fs.WatchDelay) time.Sleep(fs.WatchDelay) return nil }
func Report(cl component.Client, duration int) { object := `Psp.Module.Notification.Components.Adapter.PastabankAdapter` var request model.Request var logs []log.Log c := color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Bold) c.Println("Pastabank") // Received mails request = worker.Request(object, "Created mail with id :id", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Mail (Received / Processed):", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) fmt.Println() // Processed mails request = worker.Request(object, "Found mail with id :id", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Processed:", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) fmt.Println() // Files request = worker.Request(object, "Starts parsing attach :file", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Files (found / unknown):", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) request = worker.Request(object, "Unknown file :file", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" / %s", color.BlackString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) fmt.Println() // Processed chb request = worker.Request(object, "Processed :c1 and stored :c2 chargebacks", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) var chargeback int for _, log := range logs { chargeback += int(log.Source["c1"].(float64)) } fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Chargebacks (new / similar):", color.RedString(fmt.Sprint(chargeback))) // Similar chb request = worker.Request(object, "Found similar chargeback with id :id", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" / %s", color.BlackString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) fmt.Println() // Processed alerts request = worker.Request(object, "Processed :c1 and stored :c2 alerts", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) var alerts int for _, log := range logs { alerts += int(log.Source["c1"].(float64)) } fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Alerts (new / similar):", color.RedString(fmt.Sprint(alerts))) // Similar alerts request = worker.Request(object, "Found similar alert with id :id", "", duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) fmt.Printf(" / %s", color.BlackString(fmt.Sprint(cap(logs)))) fmt.Println() // Total request = worker.Request(object, "Send :count rows", ` NOT count: "0"`, duration) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) var sendCount int for _, log := range logs { sendCount += int(log.Source["count"].(float64)) } fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Send:", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(sendCount))) fmt.Println() // Instances request = worker.Request(object, "Start pasta bank adapter", "", 1) logs = cl.FindLogs(request) instances := map[string]string{} for _, log := range logs { if _, ok := instances[log.ScriptId]; !ok { instances[log.ScriptId] = "" } } fmt.Printf(" • %-30s %s", "Instances (last h):", color.CyanString(fmt.Sprint(len(instances)))) fmt.Println() }
func LogInfo(format string, a ...interface{}) { log.Println("[INFO]", color.CyanString(format, a...)) }
// // lord commander // func main() { color.Cyan("***************************************************************************\n") color.Cyan("**** Welcome use CNKI-Downloader, Let's f**k these knowledge mongers ****\n") color.Cyan("**** Good luck. ****\n") color.Cyan("***************************************************************************\n") defer func() { color.Yellow("** Bye.\n") }() // // note // fmt.Println() fmt.Println("** NOTE: if you cannot download any document, maybe the service of") fmt.Println("** CNKI is unavailable again, in this situation, nothing ") fmt.Println("** we can do but wait, please do not open a issue on GitHub, thanks") fmt.Println("**") // // update // v := update() if !v { return } // // login // downloader := &CNKIDownloader{ username: "******", password: "******", http_client: &http.Client{}, } fmt.Printf("** Login...") err := downloader.Auth() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s : %s \n", color.RedString("Failure"), err.Error()) return } else { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\n\n", color.GreenString("Success")) } for { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "$ %s", color.CyanString("input anything you wanna search: ")) s := getInputString() if len(s) == 0 { continue } // // search first page // opt := getSearchOpt() result, err := downloader.SearchFirst(s, opt) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Search %s %s (%s)\n", "zzr", color.RedString("Failure"), err.Error()) continue } printArticles(1, result.GetPageData()) // // tips // fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "We got (%s) entries in total. (if u don't know how to do next, just type '%s') \n", color.GreenString("%d", result.GetRecordInfo()), color.RedString("help")) for { out := false ctx, err := downloader.CurrentPage() if err != nil { break } psize, pindex, pcount := ctx.GetPageInfo() fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "$ [%d/%d] %s", pindex, pcount, color.CyanString("command: ")) s = getInputString() cmd_parts := strings.Split(s, " ") switch strings.ToLower(cmd_parts[0]) { case "help": { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Support follow commands:\n") fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: show page's information\n", color.YellowString("INFO")) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: turn to next page\n", color.YellowString("NEXT")) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: turn to previous page\n", color.YellowString("PREV")) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: (GET ID), download the specified item in this page, eg: GET 1, GET 14...etc\n", color.YellowString("GET")) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t %s: (SHOW ID), show the information about specified item, eg: SHOW 2, SHOW 9...etc\n", color.YellowString("SHOW")) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "\t%s: break out, and search the other papers\n", color.YellowString("BREAK")) } case "info": { color.White(" page size: %d\n page index: %d\ntotal pages: %d\n", psize, pindex, pcount) } case "next": { next_page, err := downloader.SearchNext(pindex + 1) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Next page is invalid (%s)\n", color.RedString(err.Error())) } else { _, index, _ := next_page.GetPageInfo() printArticles(index, next_page.GetPageData()) } } case "prev": { prev_page, err := downloader.SearchPrev() if err != nil { color.Red("Previous page is invalid") } else { _, index, _ := prev_page.GetPageInfo() printArticles(index, prev_page.GetPageData()) } } case "show": { if len(cmd_parts) < 2 { color.Red("Invalid input") break } id, err := strconv.ParseInt(cmd_parts[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Invalid input %s\n", color.RedString(err.Error())) break } id-- entries := ctx.GetPageData() entry := entries[id] fmt.Println() fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* PAGE: %s\n", color.WhiteString("%d", pindex)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* ID: %s\n", color.WhiteString("%d", id+1)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Title: %s\n", color.WhiteString(entry.Information.Title)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Created: %s\n", color.WhiteString(entry.Information.CreateTime)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Authors: %s\n", color.GreenString(strings.Join(entry.Information.Creator, " "))) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Source: %s\n", color.GreenString("%s(%s)", entry.Information.SourceName, entry.Information.SourceAlias)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Code: %s\n", color.WhiteString("%s.%s", entry.Information.ClassifyName, entry.Information.ClassifyCode)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Reference: %s\n", color.RedString("%d", entry.Information.RefCount)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "* Downloaded: %s\n", color.WhiteString("%d", entry.Information.DownloadCount)) fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "*Description: \n") //text := mahonia.NewDecoder("gbk").ConvertString(entry.Information.Description) textSeq := []rune(entry.Information.Description) for j := 0; j < len(textSeq); { end := j + 40 if len(textSeq)-j < 40 { end = len(textSeq) - 1 } fmt.Printf("* %s\n", string(textSeq[j:end])) j = end + 1 } fmt.Println() } case "get": { if len(cmd_parts) < 2 { color.Red("Invalid input") break } id, err := strconv.ParseInt(cmd_parts[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Invalid input %s\n", color.RedString(err.Error())) break } id-- entries := ctx.GetPageData() color.White("Downloading... %s\n", entries[id].Information.Title) path, err := downloader.Download(&entries[id]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Download failed %s\n", color.RedString(err.Error())) break } fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Download success (%s) \n", color.GreenString(path)) } case "break": { downloader.SearchStop() color.YellowString("Break out.\n") out = true } } if out { break } } } return }