func makeCheck(service baseftrwapp.Service, cr neoutils.CypherRunner) v1a.Check {
	return v1a.Check{
		BusinessImpact:   "Cannot read/write subjects via this writer",
		Name:             "Check connectivity to Neo4j - neoUrl is a parameter in hieradata for this service",
		PanicGuide:       "TODO - write panic guide",
		Severity:         1,
		TechnicalSummary: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to Neo4j instance %s with at least one subject loaded in it", cr),
		Checker:          func() (string, error) { return "", service.Check() },
Example #2
func makeCheck(service baseftrwapp.Service, cr neoutils.CypherRunner) v1a.Check {
	return v1a.Check{
		BusinessImpact:   "Cannot read/write brands via this writer",
		Name:             "Check connectivity to Neo4j - neoUrl is a parameter in hieradata for this service",
		PanicGuide:       "",
		Severity:         1,
		TechnicalSummary: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to Neo4j instance %s with at least one brand loaded in it", cr),
		Checker:          func() (string, error) { return "", service.Check() },