func urlScan(ctx *bot.Context) { words := strings.Split(ctx.Text(), " ") n, c := ctx.Storable() for _, w := range words { if util.LooksURLish(w) { if u := uc.GetByUrl(w); u != nil { if u.Nick != bot.Nick(ctx.Nick) && time.Since(u.Timestamp) > 2*time.Hour { ctx.Reply("that URL first mentioned by %s %s ago", u.Nick, util.TimeSince(u.Timestamp)) } continue } u := urls.NewUrl(w, n, c) if len(w) > autoShortenLimit && ctx.Public() { u.Shortened = Encode(w) } if err := uc.Insert(u); err != nil { ctx.ReplyN("Couldn't insert url '%s': %s", w, err) continue } if u.Shortened != "" { ctx.Reply("%s's URL shortened as %s%s%s", ctx.Nick, bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) } lastseen[ctx.Target()] = u.Id } } }
func urlScan(line *base.Line) { words := strings.Split(line.Args[1], " ") n, c := line.Storable() for _, w := range words { if util.LooksURLish(w) { if u := uc.GetByUrl(w); u != nil { bot.Reply(line, "%s first mentioned by %s at %s", w, u.Nick, u.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC1123)) continue } u := urls.NewUrl(w, n, c) if len(w) > autoShortenLimit { u.Shortened = Encode(w) } if err := uc.Insert(u); err != nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "Couldn't insert url '%s': %s", w, err) continue } if u.Shortened != "" { bot.Reply(line, "%s's URL shortened as %s%s%s", line.Nick, bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) } lastseen[line.Args[0]] = u.Id } } }
func cache(ctx *bot.Context) { var u *urls.Url if ctx.Text() == "" { // assume we have been given "cache that" if u = uc.GetById(lastseen[ctx.Target()]); u == nil { ctx.ReplyN("I seem to have forgotten what to cache") return } if u.CachedAs != "" { ctx.ReplyN("That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s", bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs, datetime.Format(u.CacheTime)) return } } else { url := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Text()) if idx := strings.Index(url, " "); idx != -1 { url = url[:idx] } if !util.LooksURLish(url) { ctx.ReplyN("'%s' doesn't look URLish", url) return } if u = uc.GetByUrl(url); u == nil { n, c := ctx.Storable() u = urls.NewUrl(url, n, c) } else if u.CachedAs != "" { ctx.ReplyN("That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s", bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs, datetime.Format(u.CacheTime)) return } } if err := Cache(u); err != nil { ctx.ReplyN("Failed to store cached url: %s", err) return } ctx.ReplyN("%s cached as %s%s%s", u.Url, bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs) }
func shorten(ctx *bot.Context) { var u *urls.Url if ctx.Text() == "" { // assume we have been given "shorten that" if u = uc.GetById(lastseen[ctx.Target()]); u == nil { ctx.ReplyN("I seem to have forgotten what to shorten") return } if u.Shortened != "" { ctx.ReplyN("That was already shortened as %s%s%s", bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) return } } else { url := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Text()) if idx := strings.Index(url, " "); idx != -1 { url = url[:idx] } if !util.LooksURLish(url) { ctx.ReplyN("'%s' doesn't look URLish", url) return } if u = uc.GetByUrl(url); u == nil { n, c := ctx.Storable() u = urls.NewUrl(url, n, c) } else if u.Shortened != "" { ctx.ReplyN("That was already shortened as %s%s%s", bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) return } } if err := Shorten(u); err != nil { ctx.ReplyN("Failed to store shortened url: %s", err) return } ctx.ReplyN("%s shortened to %s%s%s", u.Url, bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) }
func config() *oauth2.Config { return &oauth2.Config{ ClientID: bot.GetSecret(*pushClientID), ClientSecret: bot.GetSecret(*pushClientSecret), Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: "", TokenURL: pushAPI("/oauth2/token"), }, RedirectURL: bot.HttpHost() + "/oauth/auth", Scopes: []string{"everything"}, } }
func cache(line *base.Line) { var u *urls.Url if line.Args[1] == "" { // assume we have been given "cache that" if u = uc.GetById(lastseen[line.Args[0]]); u == nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "I seem to have forgotten what to cache") return } if u.CachedAs != "" { bot.ReplyN(line, "That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s", bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs, u.CacheTime.Format(time.RFC1123)) return } } else { url := strings.TrimSpace(line.Args[1]) if idx := strings.Index(url, " "); idx != -1 { url = url[:idx] } if !util.LooksURLish(url) { bot.ReplyN(line, "'%s' doesn't look URLish", url) return } if u = uc.GetByUrl(url); u == nil { n, c := line.Storable() u = urls.NewUrl(url, n, c) } else if u.CachedAs != "" { bot.ReplyN(line, "That was already cached as %s%s%s at %s", bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs, u.CacheTime.Format(time.RFC1123)) return } } if err := Cache(u); err != nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "Failed to store cached url: %s", err) return } bot.ReplyN(line, "%s cached as %s%s%s", u.Url, bot.HttpHost(), cachePath, u.CachedAs) }
func shorten(line *base.Line) { var u *urls.Url if line.Args[1] == "" { // assume we have been given "shorten that" if u = uc.GetById(lastseen[line.Args[0]]); u == nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "I seem to have forgotten what to shorten") return } if u.Shortened != "" { bot.ReplyN(line, "That was already shortened as %s%s%s", bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) return } } else { url := strings.TrimSpace(line.Args[1]) if idx := strings.Index(url, " "); idx != -1 { url = url[:idx] } if !util.LooksURLish(url) { bot.ReplyN(line, "'%s' doesn't look URLish", url) return } if u = uc.GetByUrl(url); u == nil { n, c := line.Storable() u = urls.NewUrl(url, n, c) } else if u.Shortened != "" { bot.ReplyN(line, "That was already shortened as %s%s%s", bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) return } } if err := Shorten(u); err != nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "Failed to store shortened url: %s", err) return } bot.ReplyN(line, "%s shortened to %s%s%s", u.Url, bot.HttpHost(), shortenPath, u.Shortened) }
func pushDeviceURL(state string) string { return bot.HttpHost() + "/oauth/device?state=" + state }
func pushSuccessURL() string { return bot.HttpHost() + "/oauth/success" }
func pushFailureURL(fail string) string { return bot.HttpHost() + "/oauth/failure?fail=" + fail }