Example #1
func (MigrateSuite) TestMigrateRedisService(c *C) {
	db := setupTestDB(c, "controllertest_migrate_redis_service")
	m := &testMigrator{c: c, db: db}

	// start from ID 19

	type procType struct {
		Service string `json:"service"`

	// add a Redis app
	appName := "redis-" + random.UUID()
	appMeta := map[string]string{"flynn-system-app": "true"}
	releaseID := random.UUID()
	procs := map[string]*procType{
		"redis": {Service: "redis"},
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id, processes) VALUES ($1, $2)`, releaseID, procs), IsNil)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO apps (app_id, name, release_id, meta) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`, random.UUID(), appName, releaseID, appMeta), IsNil)

	// migrate to 20 and check the service got updated
	var updatedProcs map[string]*procType
	c.Assert(db.QueryRow(`SELECT processes FROM releases WHERE release_id = $1`, releaseID).Scan(&updatedProcs), IsNil)
	proc, ok := updatedProcs["redis"]
	if !ok {
		c.Fatal("missing redis process type")
	c.Assert(proc.Service, Equals, appName)
Example #2
// TestMigrateJobStates checks that migrating to ID 9 does not break existing
// job records
func (MigrateSuite) TestMigrateJobStates(c *C) {
	db := setupTestDB(c, "controllertest_migrate_job_states")
	m := &testMigrator{c: c, db: db}

	// start from ID 7

	// insert a job
	hostID := "host1"
	uuid := random.UUID()
	jobID := cluster.GenerateJobID(hostID, uuid)
	appID := random.UUID()
	releaseID := random.UUID()
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO apps (app_id, name) VALUES ($1, $2)`, appID, "migrate-app"), IsNil)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id) VALUES ($1)`, releaseID), IsNil)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO job_cache (job_id, app_id, release_id, state) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`, jobID, appID, releaseID, "up"), IsNil)

	// migrate to 8 and check job states are still constrained
	err := db.Exec(`UPDATE job_cache SET state = 'foo' WHERE job_id = $1`, jobID)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
	if !postgres.IsPostgresCode(err, postgres.ForeignKeyViolation) {
		c.Fatalf("expected postgres foreign key violation, got %s", err)

	// migrate to 9 and check job IDs are correct, pending state is valid
	var clusterID, dbUUID, dbHostID string
	c.Assert(db.QueryRow("SELECT cluster_id, job_id, host_id FROM job_cache WHERE cluster_id = $1", jobID).Scan(&clusterID, &dbUUID, &dbHostID), IsNil)
	c.Assert(clusterID, Equals, jobID)
	c.Assert(dbUUID, Equals, uuid)
	c.Assert(dbHostID, Equals, hostID)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`UPDATE job_cache SET state = 'pending' WHERE job_id = $1`, uuid), IsNil)
Example #3
func (MigrateSuite) TestMigrateReleaseArtifactIndex(c *C) {
	db := setupTestDB(c, "controllertest_migrate_release_artifact_index")
	m := &testMigrator{c: c, db: db}

	// start from ID 16

	// create some releases and artifacts
	releaseIDs := []string{random.UUID(), random.UUID()}
	for _, releaseID := range releaseIDs {
		c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id) VALUES ($1)`, releaseID), IsNil)
	artifactIDs := []string{random.UUID(), random.UUID()}
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, artifactIDs[0], "docker", "http://example.com"), IsNil)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, artifactIDs[1], "file", "http://example.com"), IsNil)

	// insert some rows into release_artifacts
	for _, releaseID := range releaseIDs {
		for _, artifactID := range artifactIDs {
			c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO release_artifacts (release_id, artifact_id) VALUES ($1, $2)`, releaseID, artifactID), IsNil)

	// migrate to 17 and check the index column was set correctly
	for _, releaseID := range releaseIDs {
		for i, artifactID := range artifactIDs {
			var index int32
			c.Assert(db.QueryRow(`SELECT index FROM release_artifacts WHERE release_id = $1 AND artifact_id = $2`, releaseID, artifactID).Scan(&index), IsNil)
			c.Assert(index, Equals, int32(i))
Example #4
func (s *S) TestJobLogWait(c *C) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: "joblog-wait"})
	hostID, jobID := random.UUID(), random.UUID()
	hc := tu.NewFakeHostClient(hostID)
	hc.SetAttachFunc(jobID, func(req *host.AttachReq, wait bool) (cluster.AttachClient, error) {
		if !wait {
			return nil, cluster.ErrWouldWait
		return cluster.NewAttachClient(newFakeLog(strings.NewReader("foo"))), nil
	s.cc.SetHostClient(hostID, hc)

	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s/apps/%s/jobs/%s-%s/log", s.srv.URL, app.ID, hostID, jobID), nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	req.SetBasicAuth("", authKey)
	res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(res.StatusCode, Equals, 404)

	req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s/apps/%s/jobs/%s-%s/log?wait=true", s.srv.URL, app.ID, hostID, jobID), nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	req.SetBasicAuth("", authKey)
	res, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	_, err = buf.ReadFrom(res.Body)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(buf.String(), Equals, "foo")
Example #5
// TestMigrateReleaseArtifacts checks that migrating to ID 15 correctly
// migrates releases by creating appropriate records in the release_artifacts
// table
func (MigrateSuite) TestMigrateReleaseArtifacts(c *C) {
	db := setupTestDB(c, "controllertest_migrate_release_artifacts")
	m := &testMigrator{c: c, db: db}

	// start from ID 14

	// add some artifacts and releases
	releaseArtifacts := map[string]string{
		random.UUID(): random.UUID(),
		random.UUID(): random.UUID(),
		random.UUID(): random.UUID(),
	for releaseID, artifactID := range releaseArtifacts {
		c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, artifactID, "docker", "http://example.com/"+artifactID), IsNil)
		c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id, artifact_id) VALUES ($1, $2)`, releaseID, artifactID), IsNil)
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id) VALUES ($1)`, random.UUID()), IsNil)

	// insert multiple slug based releases with the same slug URI
	slugReleaseIDs := []string{random.UUID(), random.UUID()}
	imageArtifactID := random.UUID()
	slugEnv := map[string]string{"SLUG_URL": "http://example.com/slug.tgz"}
	c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, imageArtifactID, "docker", "http://example.com/"+imageArtifactID), IsNil)
	for _, id := range slugReleaseIDs {
		c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO releases (release_id, artifact_id, env) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, id, imageArtifactID, slugEnv), IsNil)
		releaseArtifacts[id] = imageArtifactID

	// migrate to 15 and check release_artifacts was populated correctly
	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT release_id, artifact_id FROM release_artifacts INNER JOIN artifacts USING (artifact_id) WHERE type = 'docker'")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer rows.Close()
	actual := make(map[string]string)
	for rows.Next() {
		var releaseID, artifactID string
		c.Assert(rows.Scan(&releaseID, &artifactID), IsNil)
		actual[releaseID] = artifactID
	c.Assert(rows.Err(), IsNil)
	c.Assert(actual, DeepEquals, releaseArtifacts)

	for _, id := range slugReleaseIDs {
		// check the slug releases got "git=true" in metadata
		var releaseMeta map[string]string
		err = db.QueryRow("SELECT meta FROM releases WHERE release_id = $1", id).Scan(&releaseMeta)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(releaseMeta, DeepEquals, map[string]string{"git": "true"})

		// check the slug releases got a file artifact with the correct URI and meta
		var slugURI string
		var artifactMeta map[string]string
		err = db.QueryRow("SELECT uri, meta FROM artifacts INNER JOIN release_artifacts USING (artifact_id) WHERE type = 'file' AND release_id = $1", id).Scan(&slugURI, &artifactMeta)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(slugURI, Equals, slugEnv["SLUG_URL"])
		c.Assert(artifactMeta, DeepEquals, map[string]string{"blobstore": "true"})
Example #6
func (s *S) createLogTestApp(c *C, name string, stream io.Reader) (*ct.App, string, string) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: name})
	hostID, jobID := random.UUID(), random.UUID()
	hc := tu.NewFakeHostClient(hostID)
	hc.SetAttach(jobID, cluster.NewAttachClient(newFakeLog(stream)))
	s.cc.SetHostClient(hostID, hc)
	return app, hostID, jobID
Example #7
func (s *S) TestKillJob(c *C) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: "killjob"})
	hostID, jobID := random.UUID(), random.UUID()
	hc := tu.NewFakeHostClient(hostID)

	c.Assert(s.c.DeleteJob(app.ID, hostID+"-"+jobID), IsNil)
	c.Assert(hc.IsStopped(jobID), Equals, true)
Example #8
// TestMigrateArtifactMeta checks that migrating to ID 16 correctly
// sets artifact metadata for those stored in the blobstore
func (MigrateSuite) TestMigrateArtifactMeta(c *C) {
	db := setupTestDB(c, "controllertest_migrate_artifact_meta")
	m := &testMigrator{c: c, db: db}

	// start from ID 15

	type artifact struct {
		ID         string
		URI        string
		MetaBefore map[string]string
		MetaAfter  map[string]string

	artifacts := []*artifact{
			ID:         random.UUID(),
			URI:        "http://example.com/file1.tar",
			MetaBefore: nil,
			MetaAfter:  nil,
			ID:         random.UUID(),
			URI:        "http://example.com/file2.tar",
			MetaBefore: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			MetaAfter:  map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			ID:         random.UUID(),
			URI:        "http://blobstore.discoverd/file1.tar",
			MetaBefore: nil,
			MetaAfter:  map[string]string{"blobstore": "true"},
			ID:         random.UUID(),
			URI:        "http://blobstore.discoverd/file2.tar",
			MetaBefore: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			MetaAfter:  map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "blobstore": "true"},

	// create the artifacts
	for _, a := range artifacts {
		c.Assert(db.Exec(`INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri, meta) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`, a.ID, "file", a.URI, a.MetaBefore), IsNil)

	// migrate to 16 and check the artifacts have the appropriate metadata
	for _, a := range artifacts {
		var meta map[string]string
		c.Assert(db.QueryRow("SELECT meta FROM artifacts WHERE artifact_id = $1", a.ID).Scan(&meta), IsNil)
		c.Assert(meta, DeepEquals, a.MetaAfter)
Example #9
func (s *S) TestKillJob(c *C) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: "killjob"})
	hostID, jobID := random.UUID(), random.UUID()
	hc := tu.NewFakeHostClient(hostID)
	s.cc.SetHostClient(hostID, hc)

	res, err := s.Delete("/apps/" + app.ID + "/jobs/" + hostID + "-" + jobID)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(res.StatusCode, Equals, 200)
	c.Assert(hc.IsStopped(jobID), Equals, true)
Example #10
func (TestSuite) TestFormationChange(c *C) {
	s := runTestScheduler(c, nil, true)
	defer s.Stop()


	app, err := s.GetApp(testAppID)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	release, err := s.GetRelease(testReleaseID)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	artifact, err := s.GetArtifact(release.ImageArtifactID())
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Test scaling up an existing formation
	c.Log("Test scaling up an existing formation. Wait for formation change and job start")
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: map[string]int{"web": 4}})
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		job := s.waitJobStart()
		c.Assert(job.Type, Equals, testJobType)
		c.Assert(job.AppID, Equals, app.ID)
		c.Assert(job.ReleaseID, Equals, testReleaseID)
	c.Assert(s.RunningJobs(), HasLen, 4)

	// Test scaling down an existing formation
	c.Log("Test scaling down an existing formation. Wait for formation change and job stop")
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: map[string]int{"web": 1}})
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
	c.Assert(s.RunningJobs(), HasLen, 1)

	// Test creating a new formation
	c.Log("Test creating a new formation. Wait for formation change and job start")
	artifact = &ct.Artifact{ID: random.UUID()}
	processes := map[string]int{testJobType: testJobCount}
	release = NewRelease(random.UUID(), artifact, processes)
	c.Assert(len(s.formations), Equals, 1)
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: processes})
	c.Assert(len(s.formations), Equals, 2)
	job := s.waitJobStart()
	c.Assert(job.Type, Equals, testJobType)
	c.Assert(job.AppID, Equals, app.ID)
	c.Assert(job.ReleaseID, Equals, release.ID)
Example #11
File: zfs.go Project: imjorge/flynn
func (p *Provider) ForkVolume(vol volume.Volume) (volume.Volume, error) {
	zvol, err := p.owns(vol)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !vol.IsSnapshot() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can only fork a snapshot")
	id := random.UUID()
	info := &volume.Info{ID: id, Type: vol.Info().Type}
	v2 := &zfsVolume{
		info:      info,
		provider:  zvol.provider,
		basemount: p.mountPath(info),
	cloneID := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", zvol.provider.dataset.Name, id)
	v2.dataset, err = zvol.dataset.Clone(cloneID, map[string]string{
		"mountpoint": v2.basemount,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not fork volume: %s", err)
	p.volumes[id] = v2
	return v2, nil
Example #12
func (s *S) TestCreateArtifact(c *C) {
	for i, id := range []string{"", random.UUID()} {
		in := &ct.Artifact{
			ID:   id,
			Type: ct.ArtifactTypeFlynn,
			RawManifest: ct.ImageManifest{
				Type: ct.ImageManifestTypeV1,
			URI: fmt.Sprintf("https://example.com/manifest%d.json", i),
		out := s.createTestArtifact(c, in)

		c.Assert(out.Type, Equals, in.Type)
		c.Assert(out.RawManifest, DeepEquals, in.RawManifest)
		c.Assert(out.URI, Equals, in.URI)
		c.Assert(out.ID, Not(Equals), "")
		if id != "" {
			c.Assert(out.ID, Equals, id)

		gotArtifact, err := s.c.GetArtifact(out.ID)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(gotArtifact, DeepEquals, out)

		_, err = s.c.GetArtifact("fail" + out.ID)
		c.Assert(err, Equals, controller.ErrNotFound)
Example #13
func (a *GenRandomAction) Run(s *State) error {
	if a.Length == 0 {
		a.Length = 16
	data := interpolate(s, a.Data)
	if data == "" {
		switch a.Encoding {
		case "", "hex":
			data = random.Hex(a.Length)
		case "base64":
			data = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(random.Bytes(a.Length))
		case "base64safe":
			data = random.Base64(a.Length)
		case "uuid":
			data = random.UUID()
			return fmt.Errorf("bootstrap: unknown random type: %q", a.Encoding)
	s.StepData[a.ID] = &RandomData{Data: data}
	if a.ControllerKey {
	return nil
Example #14
func main() {
	serviceName := os.Getenv("FLYNN_POSTGRES")
	if serviceName == "" {
		serviceName = "postgres"
	singleton := os.Getenv("SINGLETON") == "true"
	password := os.Getenv("PGPASSWORD")

	const dataDir = "/data"
	idFile := filepath.Join(dataDir, "instance_id")
	idBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(idFile)
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		shutdown.Fatalf("error reading instance ID: %s", err)
	id := string(idBytes)
	if len(id) == 0 {
		id = random.UUID()
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(idFile, []byte(id), 0644); err != nil {
			shutdown.Fatalf("error writing instance ID: %s", err)

	err = discoverd.DefaultClient.AddService(serviceName, &discoverd.ServiceConfig{
		LeaderType: discoverd.LeaderTypeManual,
	if err != nil && !httphelper.IsObjectExistsError(err) {
	inst := &discoverd.Instance{
		Addr: ":5432",
		Meta: map[string]string{pgIdKey: id},
	hb, err := discoverd.DefaultClient.RegisterInstance(serviceName, inst)
	if err != nil {
	shutdown.BeforeExit(func() { hb.Close() })

	log := log15.New("app", "postgres")

	pg := NewPostgres(Config{
		ID:           id,
		Singleton:    singleton,
		DataDir:      filepath.Join(dataDir, "db"),
		BinDir:       "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/",
		Password:     password,
		Logger:       log.New("component", "postgres"),
		ExtWhitelist: true,
		WaitUpstream: true,
		SHMType:      "posix",
	dd := sd.NewDiscoverd(discoverd.DefaultClient.Service(serviceName), log.New("component", "discoverd"))

	peer := state.NewPeer(inst, id, pgIdKey, singleton, dd, pg, log.New("component", "peer"))
	shutdown.BeforeExit(func() { peer.Close() })

	go peer.Run()
	shutdown.Fatal(ServeHTTP(pg.(*Postgres), peer, hb, log.New("component", "http")))
	// TODO(titanous): clean shutdown of postgres
Example #15
func (r *ArtifactRepo) Add(data interface{}) error {
	a := data.(*ct.Artifact)
	// TODO: actually validate
	if a.ID == "" {
		a.ID = random.UUID()
	if a.Type == "" {
		return ct.ValidationError{Field: "type", Message: "must not be empty"}
	if a.URI == "" {
		return ct.ValidationError{Field: "uri", Message: "must not be empty"}
	if a.Type == ct.ArtifactTypeFlynn && a.RawManifest == nil {
		if a.Size <= 0 {
			return ct.ValidationError{Field: "size", Message: "must be greater than zero"}
		if err := downloadManifest(a); err != nil {
			return ct.ValidationError{Field: "manifest", Message: fmt.Sprintf("failed to download from %s: %s", a.URI, err)}

	tx, err := r.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = tx.QueryRow("artifact_insert", a.ID, string(a.Type), a.URI, a.Meta, []byte(a.RawManifest), a.Hashes, a.Size, a.LayerURLTemplate).Scan(&a.CreatedAt)
	if postgres.IsUniquenessError(err, "") {
		tx, err = r.db.Begin()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var size *int64
		var layerURLTemplate *string
		err = tx.QueryRow("artifact_select_by_type_and_uri", string(a.Type), a.URI).Scan(&a.ID, &a.Meta, &a.RawManifest, &a.Hashes, &size, &layerURLTemplate, &a.CreatedAt)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if size != nil {
			a.Size = *size
		if layerURLTemplate != nil {
			a.LayerURLTemplate = *layerURLTemplate
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := createEvent(tx.Exec, &ct.Event{
		ObjectID:   a.ID,
		ObjectType: ct.EventTypeArtifact,
	}, a); err != nil {
		return err
	return tx.Commit()
Example #16
File: http.go Project: leroyg/flynn
func (r *httpRoute) ServeHTTP(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	start, _ := ctxhelper.StartTimeFromContext(ctx)
	req.Header.Set("X-Request-Start", strconv.FormatInt(start.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond), 10))
	req.Header.Set("X-Request-Id", random.UUID())

	r.rp.ServeHTTP(w, req)
Example #17
func (TestSuite) TestScaleCriticalApp(c *C) {
	s := runTestScheduler(c, nil, true)
	defer s.Stop()

	// scale a critical app up
	app := &ct.App{ID: "critical-app", Meta: map[string]string{"flynn-system-critical": "true"}}
	artifact := &ct.Artifact{ID: random.UUID()}
	processes := map[string]int{"critical": 1}
	release := NewRelease("critical-release-1", artifact, processes)
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: processes})

	// check we can't scale it down
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: nil})
	_, err := s.waitForEvent("refusing to scale down critical app")
	s.c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// scale up another formation
	newRelease := NewRelease("critical-release-2", artifact, processes)
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: newRelease.ID, Processes: processes})

	// check we can now scale the original down
	s.PutFormation(&ct.Formation{AppID: app.ID, ReleaseID: release.ID, Processes: nil})
Example #18
func (api *HTTPAPI) CreateProvider(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
	pspec := &volume.ProviderSpec{}
	if err := httphelper.DecodeJSON(r, &pspec); err != nil {
		httphelper.Error(w, err)
	if pspec.ID == "" {
		pspec.ID = random.UUID()
	if pspec.Kind == "" {
		httphelper.ValidationError(w, "kind", "must not be blank")
	var provider volume.Provider
	provider, err := volumemanager.NewProvider(pspec)
	if err == volume.UnknownProviderKind {
		httphelper.ValidationError(w, "kind", fmt.Sprintf("%q is not known", pspec.Kind))

	if err := api.vman.AddProvider(pspec.ID, provider); err != nil {
		switch err {
		case volumemanager.ErrProviderExists:
			httphelper.ObjectExistsError(w, fmt.Sprintf("provider %q already exists", pspec.ID))
			httphelper.Error(w, err)

	httphelper.JSON(w, 200, pspec)
Example #19
func (s *S) TestJobGet(c *C) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: "job-get"})
	release := s.createTestRelease(c, &ct.Release{})
	s.createTestFormation(c, &ct.Formation{ReleaseID: release.ID, AppID: app.ID})
	uuid := random.UUID()
	hostID := "host0"
	jobID := cluster.GenerateJobID(hostID, uuid)
	s.createTestJob(c, &ct.Job{
		ID:        jobID,
		UUID:      uuid,
		HostID:    hostID,
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Type:      "web",
		State:     ct.JobStateStarting,
		Meta:      map[string]string{"some": "info"},

	// test getting the job with both the job ID and the UUID
	for _, id := range []string{jobID, uuid} {
		job, err := s.c.GetJob(app.ID, id)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(job.ID, Equals, jobID)
		c.Assert(job.UUID, Equals, uuid)
		c.Assert(job.HostID, Equals, hostID)
		c.Assert(job.AppID, Equals, app.ID)
		c.Assert(job.ReleaseID, Equals, release.ID)
		c.Assert(job.Meta, DeepEquals, map[string]string{"some": "info"})
Example #20
func (s *S) TestCreateArtifact(c *C) {
	for i, id := range []string{"", random.UUID()} {
		in := &ct.Artifact{
			ID:   id,
			Type: "docker-image",
			URI:  fmt.Sprintf("docker://flynn/host?id=adsf%d", i),
		out := s.createTestArtifact(c, in)

		c.Assert(out.Type, Equals, in.Type)
		c.Assert(out.URI, Equals, in.URI)
		c.Assert(out.ID, Not(Equals), "")
		if id != "" {
			c.Assert(out.ID, Equals, id)

		gotArtifact := &ct.Artifact{}
		res, err := s.Get("/artifacts/"+out.ID, gotArtifact)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(gotArtifact, DeepEquals, out)

		res, err = s.Get("/artifacts/fail"+out.ID, gotArtifact)
		c.Assert(res.StatusCode, Equals, 404)
Example #21
func (r *ReleaseRepo) Add(data interface{}) error {
	release := data.(*ct.Release)
	releaseCopy := *release

	releaseCopy.ID = ""
	releaseCopy.ArtifactID = ""
	releaseCopy.CreatedAt = nil

	for typ, proc := range releaseCopy.Processes {
		releaseCopy.Processes[typ] = proc

	data, err := json.Marshal(&releaseCopy)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if release.ID == "" {
		release.ID = random.UUID()

	var artifactID *string
	if release.ArtifactID != "" {
		artifactID = &release.ArtifactID

	err = r.db.QueryRow("INSERT INTO releases (release_id, artifact_id, data) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING created_at",
		release.ID, artifactID, data).Scan(&release.CreatedAt)

	release.ID = postgres.CleanUUID(release.ID)
	if release.ArtifactID != "" {
		release.ArtifactID = postgres.CleanUUID(release.ArtifactID)
	return err
Example #22
func (r *DeploymentRepo) Add(data interface{}) (*ct.Deployment, error) {
	d := data.(*ct.Deployment)
	if d.ID == "" {
		d.ID = random.UUID()
	var oldReleaseID *string
	if d.OldReleaseID != "" {
		oldReleaseID = &d.OldReleaseID
	tx, err := r.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := tx.QueryRow("deployment_insert", d.ID, d.AppID, oldReleaseID, d.NewReleaseID, d.Strategy, d.Processes, d.DeployTimeout).Scan(&d.CreatedAt); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// fake initial deployment
	if d.FinishedAt != nil {
		if err := tx.Exec("deployment_update_finished_at", d.ID, d.FinishedAt); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err = createDeploymentEvent(tx.Exec, d, "complete"); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		d.Status = "complete"
		return d, tx.Commit()
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	args, err := json.Marshal(ct.DeployID{ID: d.ID})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	tx, err = r.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err = createDeploymentEvent(tx.Exec, d, "pending"); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	d.Status = "pending"

	job := &que.Job{Type: "deployment", Args: args}
	if err := r.q.EnqueueInTx(job, tx.Tx); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return d, err
Example #23
func (b *s3Backend) Put(tx *postgres.DBTx, info FileInfo, r io.Reader, append bool) error {
	if append {
		// This is a hack, the next easiest thing to do if we need to handle
		// upload resumption is to finalize the multipart upload when the client
		// disconnects and when the rest of the data arrives, start a new
		// multi-part upload copying the existing object as the first part
		// (which is supported by S3 as a specific API call). This requires
		// replacing the simple uploader, so it was not done in the first pass.
		existing, err := b.Open(tx, info, false)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		r = io.MultiReader(existing, r)

	info.ExternalID = random.UUID()
	if err := tx.Exec("UPDATE files SET external_id = $2 WHERE file_id = $1", info.ID, info.ExternalID); err != nil {
		return err

	u := s3manager.NewUploaderWithClient(b.client)
	_, err := u.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{
		Bucket:      &b.bucket,
		Key:         &info.ExternalID,
		ContentType: &info.Type,
		Body:        r,

	return err
Example #24
func (s *Scheduler) handleFormationDiff(f *Formation, diff Processes) {
	log := logger.New("fn", "handleFormationDiff", "app.id", f.App.ID, "release.id", f.Release.ID)
	log.Info("formation in incorrect state", "diff", diff)
	for typ, n := range diff {
		if n > 0 {
			log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("starting %d new %s jobs", n, typ))
			for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
				job := &Job{
					ID:        random.UUID(),
					Type:      typ,
					AppID:     f.App.ID,
					ReleaseID: f.Release.ID,
					Formation: f,
					startedAt: time.Now(),
					state:     JobStateNew,
				go s.StartJob(job)
		} else if n < 0 {
			log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("stopping %d %s jobs", -n, typ))
			for i := 0; i < -n; i++ {
				s.stopJob(f, typ)
Example #25
func (s *Scheduler) restartJob(job *Job) {
	restarts := job.restarts
	// reset the restart count if it has been running for longer than the
	// back off period
	if job.startedAt.Before(time.Now().Add(-s.backoffPeriod)) {
		restarts = 0
	backoff := s.getBackoffDuration(restarts)

	// create a new job so its state is tracked separately from the job
	// it is replacing
	newJob := &Job{
		ID:        random.UUID(),
		Type:      job.Type,
		AppID:     job.AppID,
		ReleaseID: job.ReleaseID,
		Formation: job.Formation,
		startedAt: time.Now(),
		state:     JobStateScheduled,
		restarts:  restarts + 1,

	logger.Info("scheduling job restart", "fn", "restartJob", "attempts", newJob.restarts, "delay", backoff)
	newJob.restartTimer = time.AfterFunc(backoff, func() { s.StartJob(newJob) })
Example #26
func (s *S) TestPutResource(c *C) {
	app := s.createTestApp(c, &ct.App{Name: "put-resource"})
	provider := s.createTestProvider(c, &ct.Provider{URL: "https://example.ca", Name: "put-resource"})

	resource := &ct.Resource{
		ExternalID: "/foo/bar",
		Env:        map[string]string{"FOO": "BAR"},
		Apps:       []string{app.ID},
	id := random.UUID()
	path := fmt.Sprintf("/providers/%s/resources/%s", provider.ID, id)
	created := &ct.Resource{}
	_, err := s.Put(path, resource, created)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(created.ID, Equals, id)
	c.Assert(created.ProviderID, Equals, provider.ID)
	c.Assert(created.Env, DeepEquals, resource.Env)
	c.Assert(created.Apps, DeepEquals, resource.Apps)
	c.Assert(created.CreatedAt, Not(IsNil))

	gotResource := &ct.Resource{}
	_, err = s.Get(path, gotResource)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(gotResource, DeepEquals, created)
Example #27
func convert(imageURL string) (string, error) {
	id := random.UUID()
	cmd := exec.Command("/bin/docker-artifact", imageURL)
	cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("ARTIFACT_ID=%s", id))
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stdout
	return id, cmd.Run()
Example #28
func (r *AppRepo) Add(data interface{}) error {
	app := data.(*ct.App)
	tx, err := r.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if app.Name == "" {
		var nameID uint32
		if err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT nextval('name_ids')").Scan(&nameID); err != nil {
			return err
		app.Name = name.Get(nameID)
	if len(app.Name) > 100 || !utils.AppNamePattern.MatchString(app.Name) {
		return ct.ValidationError{Field: "name", Message: "is invalid"}
	if app.ID == "" {
		app.ID = random.UUID()
	if app.Strategy == "" {
		app.Strategy = "all-at-once"
	meta, err := json.Marshal(app.Meta)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := tx.QueryRow("INSERT INTO apps (app_id, name, meta, strategy) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING created_at, updated_at", app.ID, app.Name, meta, app.Strategy).Scan(&app.CreatedAt, &app.UpdatedAt); err != nil {
		if postgres.IsUniquenessError(err, "apps_name_idx") {
			return httphelper.ObjectExistsErr(fmt.Sprintf("application %q already exists", app.Name))
		return err

	if err := createEvent(tx.Exec, &ct.Event{
		AppID:      app.ID,
		ObjectID:   app.ID,
		ObjectType: ct.EventTypeApp,
	}, app); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return err

	if !app.System() && r.defaultDomain != "" {
		route := (&router.HTTPRoute{
			Domain:  fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", app.Name, r.defaultDomain),
			Service: app.Name + "-web",
		if err := createRoute(r.db, r.router, app.ID, route); err != nil {
			log.Printf("Error creating default route for %s: %s", app.Name, err)
	return nil
Example #29
File: app.go Project: BobbWu/flynn
func (r *AppRepo) Add(data interface{}) error {
	app := data.(*ct.App)
	tx, err := r.db.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if app.Name == "" {
		var nameID int64
		if err := tx.QueryRow("app_next_name_id").Scan(&nameID); err != nil {
			return err
		// Safe cast because name_ids is limited to 32 bit size in schema
		app.Name = name.Get(uint32(nameID))
	if len(app.Name) > 100 || !utils.AppNamePattern.MatchString(app.Name) {
		return ct.ValidationError{Field: "name", Message: "is invalid"}
	if app.ID == "" {
		app.ID = random.UUID()
	if app.Strategy == "" {
		app.Strategy = "all-at-once"
	if app.DeployTimeout == 0 {
		app.DeployTimeout = ct.DefaultDeployTimeout
	if err := tx.QueryRow("app_insert", app.ID, app.Name, app.Meta, app.Strategy, app.DeployTimeout).Scan(&app.CreatedAt, &app.UpdatedAt); err != nil {
		if postgres.IsUniquenessError(err, "apps_name_idx") {
			return httphelper.ObjectExistsErr(fmt.Sprintf("application %q already exists", app.Name))
		return err

	if err := createEvent(tx.Exec, &ct.Event{
		AppID:      app.ID,
		ObjectID:   app.ID,
		ObjectType: ct.EventTypeApp,
	}, app); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return err

	if !app.System() && r.defaultDomain != "" {
		route := (&router.HTTPRoute{
			Domain:  fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", app.Name, r.defaultDomain),
			Service: app.Name + "-web",
		if err := createRoute(r.db, r.router, app.ID, route); err != nil {
			log.Printf("Error creating default route for %s: %s", app.Name, err)
	return nil
Example #30
func (b *gcsBackend) Copy(tx *postgres.DBTx, dst, src FileInfo) error {
	dst.ExternalID = random.UUID()
	if err := tx.Exec("UPDATE files SET external_id = $2 WHERE file_id = $1", dst.ID, dst.ExternalID); err != nil {
		return err

	_, err := b.bucket.Object(src.ExternalID).CopyTo(context.Background(), b.bucket.Object(dst.ExternalID), nil)
	return err