func Test_Injector_Invoke(t *testing.T) { Convey("Invokes function", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) dep := "some dependency" injector.Map(dep) dep2 := "another dep" injector.MapTo(dep2, (*SpecialString)(nil)) dep3 := make(chan *SpecialString) dep4 := make(chan *SpecialString) typRecv := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.RecvDir, reflect.TypeOf(dep3).Elem()) typSend := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.SendDir, reflect.TypeOf(dep4).Elem()) injector.Set(typRecv, reflect.ValueOf(dep3)) injector.Set(typSend, reflect.ValueOf(dep4)) _, err := injector.Invoke(func(d1 string, d2 SpecialString, d3 <-chan *SpecialString, d4 chan<- *SpecialString) { So(d1, ShouldEqual, dep) So(d2, ShouldEqual, dep2) So(reflect.TypeOf(d3).Elem(), ShouldEqual, reflect.TypeOf(dep3).Elem()) So(reflect.TypeOf(d4).Elem(), ShouldEqual, reflect.TypeOf(dep4).Elem()) So(reflect.TypeOf(d3).ChanDir(), ShouldEqual, reflect.RecvDir) So(reflect.TypeOf(d4).ChanDir(), ShouldEqual, reflect.SendDir) }) So(err, ShouldBeNil) _, err = injector.Invoke(myFastInvoker(func(string) {})) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Invokes function with return value", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) dep := "some dependency" injector.Map(dep) dep2 := "another dep" injector.MapTo(dep2, (*SpecialString)(nil)) result, err := injector.Invoke(func(d1 string, d2 SpecialString) string { So(d1, ShouldEqual, dep) So(d2, ShouldEqual, dep2) return "Hello world" }) So(result[0].String(), ShouldEqual, "Hello world") So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }
func Test_Injector_SetParent(t *testing.T) { Convey("Set parent of injector", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) injector.MapTo("another dep", (*SpecialString)(nil)) injector2 := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) injector2.SetParent(injector) So(injector2.GetVal(inject.InterfaceOf((*SpecialString)(nil))).IsValid(), ShouldBeTrue) }) }
func benchmarkInjectorInvoke(b *testing.B, isFast, isSimple bool) { b.StopTimer() injector := inject.New() dep := "some dependency" injector.Map(dep) dep2 := "another dep" injector.MapTo(dep2, (*SpecialString)(nil)) var f1, f2 interface{} if isSimple { //func() f1 = f1SimpleInjectorInvoke f2 = f2SimpleInjectorInvokeHandler(f2SimpleInjectorInvoke) } else { //func(p1, p2) ret f1 = f1InjectorInvoke f2 = f2InjectorInvokeHandler(f2InjectorInvoke) } injector.Invoke(f1) injector.Invoke(f2) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if isFast { injector.Invoke(f2) } else { injector.Invoke(f1) } } }
func Test_Injector_Implementors(t *testing.T) { Convey("Check implementors", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) g := &Greeter{"Jeremy"} injector.Map(g) So(injector.GetVal(inject.InterfaceOf((*fmt.Stringer)(nil))).IsValid(), ShouldBeTrue) }) }
func Test_Injector_GetVal(t *testing.T) { Convey("Map and get type", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) injector.Map("some dependency") So(injector.GetVal(reflect.TypeOf("string")).IsValid(), ShouldBeTrue) So(injector.GetVal(reflect.TypeOf(11)).IsValid(), ShouldBeFalse) }) }
func Test_Injector_Apply(t *testing.T) { Convey("Apply a type", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) injector.Map("a dep").MapTo("another dep", (*SpecialString)(nil)) s := TestStruct{} So(injector.Apply(&s), ShouldBeNil) So(s.Dep1, ShouldEqual, "a dep") So(s.Dep2, ShouldEqual, "another dep") }) }
// NewWithLogger creates a bare bones Macaron instance. // Use this method if you want to have full control over the middleware that is used. // You can specify logger output writer with this function. func NewWithLogger(out io.Writer) *Macaron { m := &Macaron{ Injector: inject.New(), action: func() {}, Router: NewRouter(), logger: log.New(out, "[Macaron] ", 0), } m.Router.m = m m.Map(m.logger) m.Map(defaultReturnHandler()) m.NotFound(http.NotFound) m.InternalServerError(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, err error) { http.Error(rw, err.Error(), 500) }) return m }
func (m *Macaron) createContext(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) *Context { c := &Context{ Injector: inject.New(), handlers: m.handlers, action: m.action, index: 0, Router: m.Router, Req: Request{req}, Resp: NewResponseWriter(rw), Data: make(map[string]interface{}), } c.SetParent(m) c.Map(c) c.MapTo(c.Resp, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)) c.Map(req) return c }
func Test_Injector_Set(t *testing.T) { Convey("Set and get type", t, func() { injector := inject.New() So(injector, ShouldNotBeNil) typ := reflect.TypeOf("string") typSend := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.SendDir, typ) typRecv := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.RecvDir, typ) // instantiating unidirectional channels is not possible using reflect // chanRecv := reflect.MakeChan(reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, typ), 0) chanSend := reflect.MakeChan(reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, typ), 0) injector.Set(typSend, chanSend) injector.Set(typRecv, chanRecv) So(injector.GetVal(typSend).IsValid(), ShouldBeTrue) So(injector.GetVal(typRecv).IsValid(), ShouldBeTrue) So(injector.GetVal(chanSend.Type()).IsValid(), ShouldBeFalse) }) }