func TestTypeResolver_AdditionalItems(t *testing.T) {
	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	tpe := spec.StringProperty()
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
		// arrays of primitives and string formats with additional formats
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			var sch spec.Schema
			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			var coll spec.Schema
			coll.Type = []string{"array"}
			coll.Items = new(spec.SchemaOrArray)
			coll.Items.Schema = tpe
			coll.AdditionalItems = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			coll.AdditionalItems.Schema = &sch

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(&coll, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) && assert.True(t, rt.IsArray) {
				assert.True(t, rt.HasAdditionalItems)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsNullable)
				//if assert.NotNil(t, rt.ElementType) {
				//assertPrimitiveResolve(t, "string", "", "string", *rt.ElementType)
Example #2
func assertBuiltinSliceElem(t testing.TB, resolver *typeResolver, aliased bool, i int, val builtinVal) bool {
	val.Nullable = false
	if nullableExtension(val.Extensions) != nil {
		val.Nullable = *nullableExtension(val.Extensions)
	sliceType := "[]" + val.Expected
	if val.Nullable {
		sliceType = "[]*" + val.Expected
	val.Expected = sliceType

	val.Aliased = aliased
	if aliased {
		val.AliasedType = val.Expected
		val.Expected = "models.MyAliasedThing"

	// fmt.Println("nullable:", val.Nullable)
	items := new(spec.Schema)
	items.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
	items.Default = val.Default
	items.ReadOnly = val.ReadOnly
	items.Extensions = val.Extensions
	items.Minimum = val.Minimum
	items.Maximum = val.Maximum
	items.MultipleOf = val.MultipleOf
	items.MinLength = val.MinLength
	items.MaxLength = val.MaxLength

	sch := spec.ArrayProperty(items)

	rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, !aliased, val.Required)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {

		if val.Nullable {
			if !assert.True(t, rt.ElemType.IsNullable, "expected nullable for item at: %d", i) {
				return false
		} else {
			if !assert.False(t, rt.ElemType != nil && rt.ElemType.IsNullable, "expected not nullable for item at: %d", i) {
				return false

		if val.Aliased {
			if !assert.Equal(t, val.Aliased, rt.IsAliased, "expected (%q, %q) to be an aliased type at: %d", val.Type, val.Format, i) {
				return false
			if !assert.Equal(t, val.AliasedType, rt.AliasedType, "expected %q (%q, %q) to be aliased as %q, but got %q at %d", val.Expected, val.Type, val.Format, val.AliasedType, rt.AliasedType, i) {
				return false

		if !assertBuiltinSliceElemnResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt, i) {
			return false
	return true
Example #3
func (sg *schemaGenContext) buildItems() error {
	presentsAsSingle := sg.Schema.Items != nil && sg.Schema.Items.Schema != nil
	if presentsAsSingle && sg.Schema.AdditionalItems != nil { // unsure if htis a valid of invalid schema
		return fmt.Errorf("single schema (%s) can't have additional items", sg.Name)
	if presentsAsSingle {
		return sg.buildArray()
	if sg.Schema.Items == nil {
		return nil
	// This is a tuple, build a new model that represents this
	if sg.Named {
		sg.GenSchema.Name = sg.Name
		sg.GenSchema.GoType = sg.TypeResolver.goTypeName(sg.Name)
		for i, s := range sg.Schema.Items.Schemas {
			elProp := sg.NewTupleElement(&s, i)
			if err := elProp.makeGenSchema(); err != nil {
				return err
			sg.MergeResult(elProp, false)
			elProp.GenSchema.Name = "p" + strconv.Itoa(i)
			sg.GenSchema.Properties = append(sg.GenSchema.Properties, elProp.GenSchema)
		return nil

	// for an anonoymous object, first build the new object
	// and then replace the current one with a $ref to the
	// new tuple object
	var sch spec.Schema
	sch.Typed("object", "")
	sch.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
	for i, v := range sg.Schema.Items.Schemas {
		sch.Required = append(sch.Required, "P"+strconv.Itoa(i))
		sch.Properties["P"+strconv.Itoa(i)] = v
	sch.AdditionalItems = sg.Schema.AdditionalItems
	tup := sg.makeNewStruct(sg.GenSchema.Name+"Tuple"+strconv.Itoa(sg.Index), sch)
	tup.IsTuple = true
	if err := tup.makeGenSchema(); err != nil {
		return err
	tup.GenSchema.IsTuple = true
	tup.GenSchema.IsComplexObject = false
	tup.GenSchema.Title = tup.GenSchema.Name + " a representation of an anonymous Tuple type"
	tup.GenSchema.Description = ""
	sg.ExtraSchemas[tup.Name] = tup.GenSchema

	sg.Schema = *spec.RefProperty("#/definitions/" + tup.Name)
	if err := sg.makeGenSchema(); err != nil {
		return err
	sg.MergeResult(tup, false)
	return nil
Example #4
func assertBuiltinVal(t testing.TB, resolver *typeResolver, aliased bool, i int, val builtinVal) bool {
	val.Aliased = aliased
	if aliased {
		val.AliasedType = val.Expected
		val.Expected = "models.MyAliasedThing"

	sch := new(spec.Schema)
	sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
	sch.Default = val.Default
	sch.ReadOnly = val.ReadOnly
	sch.Extensions = val.Extensions
	sch.Minimum = val.Minimum
	sch.Maximum = val.Maximum
	sch.MultipleOf = val.MultipleOf
	sch.MinLength = val.MinLength
	sch.MaxLength = val.MaxLength

	rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, !aliased, val.Required)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
		if val.Nullable {
			if !assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected nullable for item at: %d", i) {
				// fmt.Println("isRequired:", val.Required)
				// pretty.Println(sch)
				return false
		} else {
			if !assert.False(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected not nullable for item at: %d", i) {
				// fmt.Println("isRequired:", val.Required)
				// pretty.Println(sch)
				return false
		if !assert.Equal(t, val.Aliased, rt.IsAliased, "expected (%q, %q) to be an aliased type", val.Type, val.Format) {
			return false
		if val.Aliased {
			if !assert.Equal(t, val.AliasedType, rt.AliasedType, "expected %q (%q, %q) to be aliased as %q, but got %q", val.Expected, val.Type, val.Format, val.AliasedType, rt.AliasedType) {
				return false
		if !assertBuiltinResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt, i) {
			return false
	return true
Example #5
func bodyTypable(in string, schema *spec.Schema) (swaggerTypable, *spec.Schema) {
	if in == "body" {
		// get the schema for items on the schema property
		if schema == nil {
			schema = new(spec.Schema)
		if schema.Items == nil {
			schema.Items = new(spec.SchemaOrArray)
		if schema.Items.Schema == nil {
			schema.Items.Schema = new(spec.Schema)
		schema.Typed("array", "")
		return schemaTypable{schema.Items.Schema, 0}, schema
	return nil, nil
func TestTypeResolver_AnonymousStructs(t *testing.T) {

	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
		// anonymous structs should be accounted for
		parent := new(spec.Schema)
		parent.Typed("object", "")
		parent.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
		parent.Properties["name"] = *spec.StringProperty()
		parent.Properties["age"] = *spec.Int32Property()

		rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsAnonymous)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)

		parent.Extensions = make(spec.Extensions)
		parent.Extensions[xIsNullable] = true

		rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsAnonymous)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)

		// Also test that it's nullable with just x-nullable
		parent.Extensions[xIsNullable] = false
		parent.Extensions[xNullable] = false

		rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsAnonymous)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
func TestTypeResolver_TupleTypes(t *testing.T) {
	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
		// tuple type (items with multiple schemas)
		parent := new(spec.Schema)
		parent.Typed("array", "")
		parent.Items = new(spec.SchemaOrArray)
		parent.Items.Schemas = append(

		rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.False(t, rt.IsArray)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsTuple)
Example #8
func (scp *schemaParser) parseStructType(gofile *ast.File, bschema *spec.Schema, tpe *ast.StructType, seenPreviously map[string]struct{}) error {
	if tpe.Fields == nil {
		return nil
	var schema *spec.Schema
	seenProperties := seenPreviously
	hasAllOf := false

	for _, fld := range tpe.Fields.List {
		if len(fld.Names) == 0 {
			// if this created an allOf property then we have to rejig the schema var
			// because all the fields collected that aren't from embedded structs should go in
			// their own proper schema
			// first process embedded structs in order of embedding
			if allOfMember(fld.Doc) {
				hasAllOf = true
				if schema == nil {
					schema = new(spec.Schema)
				var newSch spec.Schema
				// when the embedded struct is annotated with swagger:allOf it will be used as allOf property
				// otherwise the fields will just be included as normal properties
				if err := scp.parseAllOfMember(gofile, &newSch, fld.Type, seenProperties); err != nil {
					return err

				if fld.Doc != nil {
					for _, cmt := range fld.Doc.List {
						for _, ln := range strings.Split(cmt.Text, "\n") {
							matches := rxAllOf.FindStringSubmatch(ln)
							ml := len(matches)
							if ml > 1 {
								mv := matches[ml-1]
								if mv != "" {
									bschema.AddExtension("x-class", mv)

				bschema.AllOf = append(bschema.AllOf, newSch)
			if schema == nil {
				schema = bschema

			// when the embedded struct is annotated with swagger:allOf it will be used as allOf property
			// otherwise the fields will just be included as normal properties
			if err := scp.parseEmbeddedType(gofile, schema, fld.Type, seenProperties); err != nil {
				return err
	if schema == nil {
		schema = bschema

	// then add and possibly override values
	if schema.Properties == nil {
		schema.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
	schema.Typed("object", "")
	for _, fld := range tpe.Fields.List {
		var tag string
		if fld.Tag != nil {
			val, err := strconv.Unquote(fld.Tag.Value)
			if err == nil {
				tag = reflect.StructTag(val).Get("json")
		if len(fld.Names) > 0 && fld.Names[0] != nil && fld.Names[0].IsExported() && (tag == "" || tag[0] != '-') {
			var nm, gnm string
			nm = fld.Names[0].Name
			gnm = nm
			if fld.Tag != nil && len(strings.TrimSpace(fld.Tag.Value)) > 0 /*&& fld.Tag.Value[0] != '-'*/ {
				tv, err := strconv.Unquote(fld.Tag.Value)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				if strings.TrimSpace(tv) != "" {
					st := reflect.StructTag(tv)
					if st.Get("json") != "" {
						nm = strings.Split(st.Get("json"), ",")[0]

			ps := schema.Properties[nm]
			if err := parseProperty(scp, gofile, fld.Type, schemaTypable{&ps, 0}); err != nil {
				return err

			if err := scp.createParser(nm, schema, &ps, fld).Parse(fld.Doc); err != nil {
				return err

			if nm != gnm {
				ps.AddExtension("x-go-name", gnm)
			seenProperties[nm] = struct{}{}
			schema.Properties[nm] = ps
	if schema != nil && hasAllOf {
		bschema.AllOf = append(bschema.AllOf, *schema)
	for k := range schema.Properties {
		if _, ok := seenProperties[k]; !ok {
			delete(schema.Properties, k)
	return nil
Example #9
func (scp *schemaParser) parseInterfaceType(gofile *ast.File, bschema *spec.Schema, tpe *ast.InterfaceType, seenPreviously map[string]struct{}) error {
	if tpe.Methods == nil {
		return nil

	// first check if this has embedded interfaces, if so make sure to refer to those by ref
	// when they are decorated with an allOf annotation
	// go over the method list again and this time collect the nullary methods and parse the comments
	// as if they are properties on a struct
	var schema *spec.Schema
	seenProperties := seenPreviously
	hasAllOf := false

	for _, fld := range tpe.Methods.List {
		if len(fld.Names) == 0 {
			// if this created an allOf property then we have to rejig the schema var
			// because all the fields collected that aren't from embedded structs should go in
			// their own proper schema
			// first process embedded structs in order of embedding
			if allOfMember(fld.Doc) {
				hasAllOf = true
				if schema == nil {
					schema = new(spec.Schema)
				var newSch spec.Schema
				// when the embedded struct is annotated with swagger:allOf it will be used as allOf property
				// otherwise the fields will just be included as normal properties
				if err := scp.parseAllOfMember(gofile, &newSch, fld.Type, seenProperties); err != nil {
					return err

				if fld.Doc != nil {
					for _, cmt := range fld.Doc.List {
						for _, ln := range strings.Split(cmt.Text, "\n") {
							matches := rxAllOf.FindStringSubmatch(ln)
							ml := len(matches)
							if ml > 1 {
								mv := matches[ml-1]
								if mv != "" {
									bschema.AddExtension("x-class", mv)

				bschema.AllOf = append(bschema.AllOf, newSch)

			var newSch spec.Schema
			// when the embedded struct is annotated with swagger:allOf it will be used as allOf property
			// otherwise the fields will just be included as normal properties
			if err := scp.parseEmbeddedType(gofile, &newSch, fld.Type, seenProperties); err != nil {
				return err
			bschema.AllOf = append(bschema.AllOf, newSch)
			hasAllOf = true
	if schema == nil {
		schema = bschema
	// then add and possibly override values
	if schema.Properties == nil {
		schema.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
	schema.Typed("object", "")
	for _, fld := range tpe.Methods.List {
		if mtpe, ok := fld.Type.(*ast.FuncType); ok && mtpe.Params.NumFields() == 0 && mtpe.Results.NumFields() == 1 {
			gnm := fld.Names[0].Name
			nm := gnm
			if fld.Doc != nil {
				for _, cmt := range fld.Doc.List {
					for _, ln := range strings.Split(cmt.Text, "\n") {
						matches := rxName.FindStringSubmatch(ln)
						ml := len(matches)
						if ml > 1 {
							nm = matches[ml-1]

			ps := schema.Properties[nm]
			if err := parseProperty(scp, gofile, mtpe.Results.List[0].Type, schemaTypable{&ps, 0}); err != nil {
				return err

			if err := scp.createParser(nm, schema, &ps, fld).Parse(fld.Doc); err != nil {
				return err

			if nm != gnm {
				ps.AddExtension("x-go-name", gnm)
			seenProperties[nm] = struct{}{}
			schema.Properties[nm] = ps

	if schema != nil && hasAllOf {
		bschema.AllOf = append(bschema.AllOf, *schema)
	for k := range schema.Properties {
		if _, ok := seenProperties[k]; !ok {
			delete(schema.Properties, k)
	return nil
func TestTypeResolver_BasicTypes(t *testing.T) {

	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {

		// primitives and string formats
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)
			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, false)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.False(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected %s with format %q to not be nullable", val.Type, val.Format)
				assertPrimitiveResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt)

		// arrays of primitives and string formats
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			var sch spec.Schema
			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(new(spec.Schema).CollectionOf(sch), true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsArray)

		// primitives and string formats
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)
			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			sch.Extensions = make(spec.Extensions)
			sch.Extensions[xIsNullable] = true

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, false)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected %q (%q) to be nullable", val.Type, val.Format)
				assertPrimitiveResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt)

			// Test x-nullable overrides x-isnullable
			sch.Extensions[xIsNullable] = false
			sch.Extensions[xNullable] = true
			rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected %q (%q) to be nullable", val.Type, val.Format)
				assertPrimitiveResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt)

			// Test x-nullable without x-isnullable
			delete(sch.Extensions, xIsNullable)
			sch.Extensions[xNullable] = true
			rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsNullable, "expected %q (%q) to be nullable", val.Type, val.Format)
				assertPrimitiveResolve(t, val.Type, val.Format, val.Expected, rt)

		// arrays of primitives and string formats
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			var sch spec.Schema
			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			sch.AddExtension(xIsNullable, true)

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(new(spec.Schema).CollectionOf(sch), true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsArray)


func TestTypeResolver_ObjectType(t *testing.T) {
	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	resolver.ModelName = "TheModel"
	resolver.KnownDefs["TheModel"] = struct{}{}
	defer func() { resolver.ModelName = "" }()

	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
		//very poor schema definitions (as in none)
		types := []string{"object", ""}
		for _, tpe := range types {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)
			sch.Typed(tpe, "")
			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.Equal(t, "interface{}", rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

			sch.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
			var ss spec.Schema
			sch.Properties["tags"] = *(&ss).CollectionOf(*spec.StringProperty())
			rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, false, true)
			assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
			assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
			assert.Equal(t, "models.TheModel", rt.GoType)
			assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

			sch.Properties = nil
			nsch := new(spec.Schema)
			nsch.Typed(tpe, "")
			nsch.AllOf = []spec.Schema{*sch}
			rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(nsch, false, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.Equal(t, "models.TheModel", rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)
		sch := new(spec.Schema)
		rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.True(t, rt.IsMap)
			assert.False(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
			assert.Equal(t, "interface{}", rt.GoType)
			assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		sch = new(spec.Schema)
		var sp spec.Schema
		sp.Typed("object", "")
		sch.AllOf = []spec.Schema{sp}
		rt, err = resolver.ResolveSchema(sch, true, true)
		if assert.NoError(t, err) {
			assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
			assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
			assert.Equal(t, "models.TheModel", rt.GoType)
			assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)
func TestTypeResolver_AdditionalProperties(t *testing.T) {
	_, resolver, err := basicTaskListResolver(t)
	if assert.NoError(t, err) {

		// primitives as additional properties
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)

			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = sch

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, false)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		// array of primitives as additional properties
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)

			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = new(spec.Schema).CollectionOf(*sch)

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, false)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string][]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		// refs as additional properties
		for _, val := range schRefVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)
			sch.Ref, _ = spec.NewRef("#/definitions/" + val.Type)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = sch

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		// when additional properties and properties present, it's a complex object

		// primitives as additional properties
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)

			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties["id"] = *spec.Int32Property()
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = sch

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		// array of primitives as additional properties
		for _, val := range schTypeVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)

			sch.Typed(val.Type, val.Format)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties["id"] = *spec.Int32Property()
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = new(spec.Schema).CollectionOf(*sch)

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string][]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)

		// refs as additional properties
		for _, val := range schRefVals {
			sch := new(spec.Schema)
			sch.Ref, _ = spec.NewRef("#/definitions/" + val.Type)
			parent := new(spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
			parent.Properties["id"] = *spec.Int32Property()
			parent.AdditionalProperties = new(spec.SchemaOrBool)
			parent.AdditionalProperties.Schema = sch

			rt, err := resolver.ResolveSchema(parent, true, true)
			if assert.NoError(t, err) {
				assert.True(t, rt.IsComplexObject)
				assert.False(t, rt.IsMap)
				assert.Equal(t, "map[string]"+val.Expected, rt.GoType)
				assert.Equal(t, "object", rt.SwaggerType)
