Example #1
func defaultFormatFunc(email *Email) Formatter {
	var err error
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// apparently there is a race condition when I was using
	// email.to... below in the SetHeader for whatever reason
	// so copying the "to" values solves the issue
	// I wonder if it's a flase positive in the race detector.....
	to := make([]string, len(email.to), len(email.to))
	copy(to, email.to)

	template := email.Template()
	message := gomail.NewMessage()

	message.SetHeader("From", email.from)
	message.SetHeader("To", to...)

	return func(e *log.Entry) *gomail.Message {
		if err = template.ExecuteTemplate(b, "email", e); err != nil {
			log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Error("Error parsing Email handler template")

		message.SetHeader("Subject", e.Message)
		message.SetBody(contentType, b.String())

		return message
Example #2
func defaultFormatFunc(h http.HTTP) http.Formatter {

	var bt []byte
	var err error

	hc := h.(*HipChat)
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	template := hc.Template()

	body := new(Body)
	body.Notify = true

	return func(e *log.Entry) []byte {

		bt = bt[0:0]
		body.From = e.ApplicationID
		body.Color = hc.GetDisplayColor(e.Level)

		if err = template.ExecuteTemplate(b, "hipchat", e); err != nil {
			log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Error("Error parsing HipChat handler template")

		body.Message = b.String()

		// shouldn't be possible to fail here
		// at least with the default handler...
		bt, _ = json.Marshal(body)

		return bt
Example #3
func BenchmarkLogConsoleTenFieldsParallel(b *testing.B) {

	// log setup in TestMain
	b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
		for pb.Next() {
				log.F("int", 1),
				log.F("int64", int64(1)),
				log.F("float", 3.0),
				log.F("string", "four!"),
				log.F("bool", true),
				log.F("time", time.Unix(0, 0)),
				log.F("error", errExample.Error()),
				log.F("duration", time.Second),
				log.F("user-defined type", _jane),
				log.F("another string", "done!"),
			).Info("Go fast.")

Example #4
// this will redirect the output of
func handleStdLogger(done chan<- struct{}) {
	r, w := io.Pipe()
	defer r.Close()
	defer w.Close()


	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)

	go func() {
		done <- struct{}{}

	for scanner.Scan() {
		log.WithFields(log.F("stdlog", true)).Notice(scanner.Text())
Example #5
func main() {

	cLog := console.New()

	log.RegisterHandler(cLog, log.AllLevels...)

	// Trace
	defer log.Trace("trace").End()

	// log.Panic("panic") // this will panic
	// log.Fatal("fatal") // this will call os.Exit(1)

	// logging with fields can be used with any of the above
	log.WithFields(log.F("key", "value")).Info("test info")
Example #6
func testFormatFunc(email *Email) Formatter {
	var err error
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)

	return func(e *log.Entry) *gomail.Message {

		message := gomail.NewMessage()
		message.SetHeader("From", email.From())
		message.SetHeader("To", email.To()...)

		if err = email.template.ExecuteTemplate(b, "email", e); err != nil {
			log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Error("Error parsing Email handler template")

		message.SetHeader("Subject", e.Message)
		message.SetBody(contentType, b.String())

		return message
Example #7
func getConsoleLoggerColorTests() []test {
	return []test{
			lvl:    log.DebugLevel,
			msg:    "debugf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debugf\n",
			lvl:  log.DebugLevel,
			msg:  "debug",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug\n",
			lvl:    log.InfoLevel,
			msg:    "infof",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC   INFO infof\n",
			lvl:  log.InfoLevel,
			msg:  "info",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   INFO info\n",
			lvl:    log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:    "noticef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC NOTICE noticef\n",
			lvl:  log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:  "notice",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC NOTICE notice\n",
			lvl:    log.WarnLevel,
			msg:    "warnf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:170 warnf\n",
			lvl:  log.WarnLevel,
			msg:  "warn",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:168 warn\n",
			lvl:    log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:    "errorf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:176 errorf\n",
			lvl:  log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:  "error",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:174 error\n",
			lvl:    log.AlertLevel,
			msg:    "alertf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:194 alertf\n",
			lvl:  log.AlertLevel,
			msg:  "alert",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:192 alert\n",
			lvl:    log.PanicLevel,
			msg:    "panicf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:187 panicf\n",
			lvl:  log.PanicLevel,
			msg:  "panic",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:185 panic\n",
			lvl:    log.DebugLevel,
			msg:    "debugf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debugf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.DebugLevel,
			msg: "debug",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.InfoLevel,
			msg:    "infof",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   INFO infof key=value\n",
			lvl: log.InfoLevel,
			msg: "info",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   INFO info key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:    "noticef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC NOTICE noticef key=value\n",
			lvl: log.NoticeLevel,
			msg: "notice",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC NOTICE notice key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.WarnLevel,
			msg:    "warnf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:170 warnf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.WarnLevel,
			msg: "warn",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:168 warn key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:    "errorf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:176 errorf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.ErrorLevel,
			msg: "error",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:174 error key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.AlertLevel,
			msg:    "alertf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:194 alertf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.AlertLevel,
			msg: "alert",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:192 alert key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.PanicLevel,
			msg:    "panicf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:187 panicf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.PanicLevel,
			msg: "panic",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:185 panic key=value\n",
			lvl: log.DebugLevel,
			msg: "debug",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "string"),
				log.F("key", int(1)),
				log.F("key", int8(2)),
				log.F("key", int16(3)),
				log.F("key", int32(4)),
				log.F("key", int64(5)),
				log.F("key", uint(1)),
				log.F("key", uint8(2)),
				log.F("key", uint16(3)),
				log.F("key", uint32(4)),
				log.F("key", uint64(5)),
				log.F("key", true),
				log.F("key", struct{ value string }{"struct"}),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug key=string key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=true key={struct}\n",
Example #8
func getConsoleLoggerTests() []test {
	return []test{
			lvl:  log.DebugLevel,
			msg:  "debug",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug\n",
			lvl:    log.DebugLevel,
			msg:    "debugf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC  DEBUG debugf\n",
			lvl:  log.InfoLevel,
			msg:  "info",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   INFO info\n",
			lvl:    log.InfoLevel,
			msg:    "infof",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC   INFO infof\n",
			lvl:  log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:  "notice",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC NOTICE notice\n",
			lvl:    log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:    "noticef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC NOTICE noticef\n",
			lvl:  log.WarnLevel,
			msg:  "warn",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:73 warn\n",
			lvl:    log.WarnLevel,
			msg:    "warnf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC   WARN console_test.go:75 warnf\n",
			lvl:  log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:  "error",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:79 error\n",
			lvl:    log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:    "errorf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:81 errorf\n",
			lvl:  log.AlertLevel,
			msg:  "alert",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:97 alert\n",
			lvl:    log.AlertLevel,
			msg:    "alertf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:99 alertf\n",
			lvl:  log.PanicLevel,
			msg:  "panic",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:90 panic\n",
			lvl:    log.PanicLevel,
			msg:    "panicf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:92 panicf\n",
			lvl: log.DebugLevel,
			msg: "debug",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.DebugLevel,
			msg:    "debugf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debugf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.InfoLevel,
			msg: "info",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   INFO info key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.InfoLevel,
			msg:    "infof",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   INFO infof key=value\n",
			lvl: log.NoticeLevel,
			msg: "notice",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC NOTICE notice key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:    "noticef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC NOTICE noticef key=value\n",
			lvl: log.WarnLevel,
			msg: "warn",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:73 warn key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.WarnLevel,
			msg:    "warnf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC   WARN console_test.go:75 warnf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.ErrorLevel,
			msg: "error",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:79 error key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.ErrorLevel,
			msg:    "errorf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ERROR console_test.go:81 errorf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.AlertLevel,
			msg: "alert",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:97 alert key=value\n",
			lvl: log.AlertLevel,
			msg: "alert",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:97 alert key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.AlertLevel,
			msg:    "alertf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  ALERT console_test.go:99 alertf key=value\n",
			lvl:    log.PanicLevel,
			msg:    "panicf",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:92 panicf key=value\n",
			lvl: log.PanicLevel,
			msg: "panic",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  PANIC console_test.go:90 panic key=value\n",
			lvl:  log.TraceLevel,
			msg:  "trace",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  TRACE trace",
			lvl:    log.TraceLevel,
			msg:    "tracef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds:   nil,
			want:   "UTC  TRACE tracef",
			lvl: log.TraceLevel,
			msg: "trace",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  TRACE trace key=value",
			lvl:    log.TraceLevel,
			msg:    "tracef",
			printf: "%s",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "value"),
			want: "UTC  TRACE tracef key=value",
			lvl: log.DebugLevel,
			msg: "debug",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "string"),
				log.F("key", int(1)),
				log.F("key", int8(2)),
				log.F("key", int16(3)),
				log.F("key", int32(4)),
				log.F("key", int64(5)),
				log.F("key", uint(1)),
				log.F("key", uint8(2)),
				log.F("key", uint16(3)),
				log.F("key", uint32(4)),
				log.F("key", uint64(5)),
				log.F("key", true),
				log.F("key", struct{ value string }{"struct"}),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug key=string key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=true key={struct}\n",
Example #9
func getTestHTTPLoggerTests() []test {
	return []test{
			lvl:  log.DebugLevel,
			msg:  "debug",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug",
			lvl:  log.PanicLevel,
			msg:  "panic",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  PANIC http_test.go:85 panic",
			lvl:  log.InfoLevel,
			msg:  "info",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   INFO info",
			lvl:  log.NoticeLevel,
			msg:  "notice",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC NOTICE notice",
			lvl:  log.WarnLevel,
			msg:  "warn",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC   WARN http_test.go:76 warn",
		// {
		// 	lvl:  log.ErrorLevel,
		// 	msg:  "error",
		// 	flds: nil,
		// 	want: "UTC  ERROR http_test.go:78 error",
		// },
			lvl:  log.AlertLevel,
			msg:  "alert",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  ALERT http_test.go:88 alert",
			lvl: log.DebugLevel,
			msg: "debug",
			flds: []log.Field{
				log.F("key", "string"),
				log.F("key", int(1)),
				log.F("key", int8(2)),
				log.F("key", int16(3)),
				log.F("key", int32(4)),
				log.F("key", int64(5)),
				log.F("key", uint(1)),
				log.F("key", uint8(2)),
				log.F("key", uint16(3)),
				log.F("key", uint32(4)),
				log.F("key", uint64(5)),
				log.F("key", true),
				log.F("key", struct{ value string }{"struct"}),
			want: "UTC  DEBUG debug key=string key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=1 key=2 key=3 key=4 key=5 key=true key={struct}",
			lvl:  log.TraceLevel,
			msg:  "trace",
			flds: nil,
			want: "UTC  TRACE trace ",
Example #10
func (email *Email) handleLog(entries <-chan *log.Entry) {
	var e *log.Entry
	var s gomail.SendCloser
	var err error
	var open bool
	var alreadyTriedSending bool
	var message *gomail.Message
	var count uint8

	formatter := email.formatFunc(email)

	d := gomail.NewDialer(email.host, email.port, email.username, email.password)

	for {
		select {
		case e = <-entries:
			count = 0
			alreadyTriedSending = false
			message = formatter(e)

			// check if smtp connection open
			if !open {
				if s, err = d.Dial(); err != nil {
					log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Warn("ERROR connection to smtp server")

					if count == 3 {
						// we tried to reconnect...

					goto REOPEN
				count = 0
				open = true

			if err = gomail.Send(s, message); err != nil {

				log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Warn("ERROR sending to smtp server, retrying")

				if count == 3 && !alreadyTriedSending {
					// maybe we got disconnected...
					alreadyTriedSending = true
					open = false
					goto REOPEN
				} else if alreadyTriedSending {
					// we reopened and tried 2 more times, can;t say we didn't try
					log.WithFields(log.F("error", err)).Alert("ERROR sending log via EMAIL, RETRY and REOPEN failed")

				goto RESEND


		case <-time.After(email.keepalive):
			if open {
				open = false