Example #1
// Set up the drawingwand "dw" for the given font name, font size, and colour.
// If the font or size changes sx get the new width of a space
// (the magickwand is required if it is necessary to query the font metrics)
func draw_setfont(mw *imagick.MagickWand, dw *imagick.DrawingWand, font string, size float64, colour string, sx *float64) {
	sflag := false

	if len(font) > 0 {
		sflag = true

	if len(colour) > 0 {
		pw := imagick.NewPixelWand()
		sflag = true

	if size > 0 {

	// If either the font or the fontsize (or both) have changed
	// we need to get the size of a space again
	if sflag {
		fm := mw.QueryFontMetrics(dw, " ")
		*sx = fm.TextWidth
Example #2
func glitchImage(wand *imagick.MagickWand, q url.Values) ([]byte, error) {
	data := wand.GetImage().GetImageBlob()
	jpgHeaderLength := getJpegHeaderSize(data)
	maxIndex := len(data) - jpgHeaderLength - 4
	params := getParams(q)
	length := int(params["iterations"])
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		pxMin := math.Floor(float64(maxIndex) / params["iterations"] * float64(i))
		pxMax := math.Floor(float64(maxIndex) / params["iterations"] * float64((i + 1)))
		delta := pxMax - pxMin
		pxI := math.Floor(pxMin + delta*params["seed"])
		if int(pxI) > maxIndex {
			pxI = float64(maxIndex)
		index := math.Floor(float64(jpgHeaderLength) + pxI)
		data[int(index)] = byte(math.Floor(params["amount"] * float64(256)))
	wand2 := imagick.NewMagickWand()
	if err := wand2.ReadImageBlob(data); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := wand2.SetImageFormat("PNG"); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return wand2.GetImage().GetImageBlob(), nil
Example #3
func createChunk(mask, image *imagick.MagickWand, x, y int) error {
	if err := mask.CompositeImage(image, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_IN, -x, -y); err != nil {
		return err
		// fmt.Sprintf("Chunking for (%d;%d) failed: %v", x, y, err)

	if err := mask.WriteImage("tmp/" + strconv.Itoa(x) + "_" + strconv.Itoa(y) + ".png"); err != nil {
		return err
		// fmt.Sprintf("Saving chunk for (%d;%d) failed: %v", x, y, err)
	return nil
Example #4
func calcDnR(image *imagick.MagickWand) (d uint, r float64) {
	width := image.GetImageWidth()
	height := image.GetImageHeight()

	if height > width {
		d = width / minChunksPerSide
	} else {
		d = height / minChunksPerSide
	r = float64(d) / 2
Example #5
func (orientation *Orientation) Fix(wand *imagick.MagickWand) error {
	if orientation.fn == nil {
		return nil
	if err := orientation.fn(wand); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := wand.SetImageOrientation(imagick.ORIENTATION_TOP_LEFT); err != nil {
		return err

	*orientation = Orientation{swapXY: false, flipX: false, flipY: false, fn: nil}
	return nil
Example #6
func (i *Image) resize(wand *imagick.MagickWand, w, h uint) {
	ow := wand.GetImageWidth()
	oh := wand.GetImageHeight()

	if (float64(ow) / float64(oh)) < (float64(w) / float64(h)) {
		h = oh * w / ow
	} else {
		w = ow * h / oh

	wand.ResizeImage(w, h, imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS2_SHARP, 1)
Example #7
func crop(mw *imagick.MagickWand, x, y int, cols, rows uint) error {
	var result error
	result = nil

	imCols := mw.GetImageWidth()
	imRows := mw.GetImageHeight()

	if x < 0 {
		x = 0
	if y < 0 {
		y = 0

	if uint(x) >= imCols || uint(y) >= imRows {
		result = fmt.Errorf("x, y more than image cols, rows")
		return result

	if cols == 0 || imCols < uint(x)+cols {
		cols = imCols - uint(x)

	if rows == 0 || imRows < uint(y)+rows {
		rows = imRows - uint(y)

	fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("wi_crop(im, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, cols, rows))

	result = mw.CropImage(cols, rows, x, y)

	return result
Example #8
func resize(mw *imagick.MagickWand, geo btcdn.GeoBox) (err error) {
	var height uint
	width := geo.Width()
	baseWidth := int(mw.GetImageWidth())
	if width > baseWidth {
		width = baseWidth

	if geo.Mode() == "!" {
		height = uint(geo.Height())
	} else {
		ratio := heightToWidthRatio(mw)
		height = uint((float64)(width) * ratio)

	err = mw.ResizeImage(uint(width), height, imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1)
	if err != nil {

Example #9
// Shrink an image so that its longest dimension is no longer than maxSize
func shrinkImage(wand *imagick.MagickWand, maxSize int) (w, h uint) {

	w, h = getDimensions(wand)

	shrinkBy := 1

	if w >= h {
		shrinkBy = int(w) / maxSize
	} else {
		shrinkBy = int(h) / maxSize


	// Sharpen the image to bring back some of the color lost in the shrinking
	wand.AdaptiveSharpenImage(0, AdaptiveSharpenVal)

	w, h = getDimensions(wand)

Example #10
// The easiest (?) way to handle vertical text placement is
// not to use gravity at all because then you know that all the text is
// placed relative to ImageMagick's (0,0) coordinate which is the top left of
// the screen and the baseline will be y=0.
func draw_metrics(mw *imagick.MagickWand, dw *imagick.DrawingWand, dx *float64, dy, sx float64, text string) {
	mw.AnnotateImage(dw, *dx, dy, 0, text)

	// get the font metrics
	fm := mw.QueryFontMetrics(dw, text)
	if fm != nil {
		// Adjust the new x coordinate
		*dx += fm.TextWidth + sx
Example #11
File: image.go Project: npk/captcha
func drawMetrics(mw *imagick.MagickWand, dw *imagick.DrawingWand, dx *float64, text string) {
	rotation := float64(random(-30, 30))
	mw.AnnotateImage(dw, *dx, 35, rotation, text)
	// get the font metrics
	fm := mw.QueryFontMetrics(dw, text)
	if fm != nil {
		// Adjust the new x coordinate
		*dx += fm.TextWidth + 2
Example #12
func crop(mw *imagick.MagickWand, geo btcdn.GeoBox) (err error) {
	offsetX, offsetY, err := calculateGravityOffsets(int(mw.GetImageWidth()), int(mw.GetImageHeight()), geo)
	if err != nil {
	err = mw.CropImage(uint(geo.Width()), uint(geo.Height()), offsetX, offsetY)
	if err != nil {

Example #13
func speedLine(mw *imagick.MagickWand, aw *imagick.MagickWand) error {
	cols, rows := mw.GetImageHeight(), mw.GetImageWidth()

	dw := imagick.NewDrawingWand()
	defer dw.Destroy()
	cw := imagick.NewPixelWand()

	center := []float64{float64(rows) / 2.0, float64(cols) / 2.0}
	const radiusCenter float64 = 0.75
	const step float64 = 0.02
	const bold float64 = 1.0
	var theeta float64

	for theeta < math.Pi*2 {
		stepNoise := rand.Float64() + 0.5
		theeta += step * stepNoise
		radiusCenterNoise := rand.Float64()*0.3 + 1.0
		boldNoise := rand.Float64() + 0.7 + 0.3

		point0 := imagick.PointInfo{
			X: math.Sin(theeta)*center[0]*radiusCenter*radiusCenterNoise + center[0],
			Y: math.Cos(theeta)*center[1]*radiusCenter*radiusCenterNoise + center[1],
		point1 := imagick.PointInfo{
			X: math.Sin(theeta)*center[0]*2 + center[0],
			Y: math.Cos(theeta)*center[1]*2 + center[1],
		point2 := imagick.PointInfo{
			X: math.Sin(theeta+step*bold*boldNoise)*center[0]*2 + center[0],
			Y: math.Cos(theeta+step*bold*boldNoise)*center[1]*2 + center[1],

		dw.Polygon([]imagick.PointInfo{point0, point1, point2})

	if err := aw.DrawImage(dw); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Example #14
// make-tile creates a tileable image from an input image.
// ( +clone -flop ) +append  ( +clone -flip ) -append -resize 50%
func make_tile(mw *imagick.MagickWand, outfile string) {
	mwc := mw.Clone()
	mwc = mw.AppendImages(false)
	mwf := mwc.Clone()
	mwf = mwc.AppendImages(true)

	w := mwf.GetImageWidth()
	h := mwf.GetImageHeight()
	// 1 = Don't blur or sharpen image
	mwf.ResizeImage(w/2, h/2, imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1)
Example #15
func (i *Image) sizeFrames(sz *imgry.Sizing) error {
	var canvas *imagick.MagickWand
	var bg *imagick.PixelWand

	// Shortcut if there is nothing to size
	if sz.Size.Equal(imgry.ZeroRect) && sz.CropBox.Equal(imgry.ZeroFloatingRect) {
		return nil

	coalesceAndDeconstruct := !sz.Flatten && i.mw.GetNumberImages() > 1
	if coalesceAndDeconstruct {
		i.mw = i.mw.CoalesceImages()

	if sz.Canvas != nil {
		// If the user requested a canvas.
		canvas = imagick.NewMagickWand()
		bg = imagick.NewPixelWand()

		defer func() {
			if canvas != nil && canvas != i.mw {

	for n := true; n; n = i.mw.NextImage() {
		pw, ph := int(i.mw.GetImageWidth()), int(i.mw.GetImageHeight())
		srcSize := imgry.NewRect(pw, ph)

		// Initial crop of the source image
		cropBox, cropOrigin, err := sz.CalcCropBox(srcSize)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if cropBox != nil && cropOrigin != nil && !cropBox.Equal(imgry.ZeroRect) {
			err := i.mw.CropImage(uint(cropBox.Width), uint(cropBox.Height), cropOrigin.X, cropOrigin.Y)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			srcSize = cropBox

		// Resize the image
		resizeRect, cropBox, cropOrigin := sz.CalcResizeRect(srcSize)
		if resizeRect != nil && !resizeRect.Equal(imgry.ZeroRect) {
			err := i.mw.ResizeImage(uint(resizeRect.Width), uint(resizeRect.Height), imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1.0)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		// Perform any final crops from an operation
		if cropBox != nil && cropOrigin != nil && !cropBox.Equal(imgry.ZeroRect) {
			err := i.mw.CropImage(uint(cropBox.Width), uint(cropBox.Height), cropOrigin.X, cropOrigin.Y)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		// If we have a canvas we put the image at its center.
		if canvas != nil {
			canvas.NewImage(uint(sz.Canvas.Width), uint(sz.Canvas.Height), bg)

			x := (sz.Canvas.Width - int(i.mw.GetImageWidth())) / 2
			y := (sz.Canvas.Height - int(i.mw.GetImageHeight())) / 2
			canvas.CompositeImage(i.mw, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_OVER, x, y)

		if sz.Flatten {

	if canvas != nil {
		i.mw = canvas

	if coalesceAndDeconstruct {
		// Compares each frame of the image, removes pixels that are already on the
		// background and updates offsets accordingly.
		i.mw = i.mw.DeconstructImages()

	return nil
Example #16
func proportion(mw *imagick.MagickWand, proportion int, cols uint, rows uint) error {
	var result error
	result = nil

	imCols := mw.GetImageWidth()
	imRows := mw.GetImageHeight()

	if proportion == 0 {
		fmt.Sprintf("p=0, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", cols, rows)
		result = mw.ResizeImage(cols, rows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)

	} else if proportion == 1 {

		if cols == 0 || rows == 0 {
			if cols > 0 {
				rows = uint(round(float64((cols / imCols) * imRows)))
			} else {
				cols = uint(round(float64((rows / imRows) * imCols)))
			fmt.Sprintf("p=1, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", cols, rows)
			result = mw.ResizeImage(cols, rows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)
		} else {
			var x, y, sCols, sRows uint
			x, y = 0, 0

			colsRate := cols / imCols
			rowsRate := rows / imRows

			if colsRate > rowsRate {
				sCols = cols
				sRows = uint(round(float64(colsRate * imRows)))
				y = uint(math.Floor(float64((sRows - rows) / 2.0)))
			} else {
				sCols = uint(round(float64(rowsRate * imCols)))
				sRows = rows
				x = uint(math.Floor(float64((sCols - cols) / 2.0)))

			fmt.Sprintf("p=2, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", sCols, sRows)
			result = mw.ResizeImage(sCols, sRows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)

			fmt.Sprintf("p=2, wi_crop(im, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, cols, rows)
			result = mw.CropImage(cols, rows, int(x), int(y))

	} else if proportion == 2 {
		x := int(math.Floor(float64((imCols - cols) / 2.0)))
		y := int(math.Floor(float64((imRows - rows) / 2.0)))
		fmt.Sprintf("p=3, wi_crop(im, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, cols, rows)
		result = mw.CropImage(cols, rows, x, y)

	} else if proportion == 3 {
		if cols == 0 || rows == 0 {
			var rate uint
			if cols > 0 {
				rate = cols
			} else {
				rate = rows
			rows = uint(round(float64(imRows * rate / 100)))
			cols = uint(round(float64(imCols * rate / 100)))
			fmt.Sprintf("p=3, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", cols, rows)
			result = mw.ResizeImage(cols, rows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)
		} else {
			rows = uint(round(float64(imRows * rows / 100)))
			cols = uint(round(float64(imCols * cols / 100)))
			fmt.Sprintf("p=3, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", cols, rows)
			result = mw.ResizeImage(cols, rows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)

	} else if proportion == 4 {
		var rate float64
		rate = 1.0
		if cols == 0 || rows == 0 {
			if cols > 0 {
				rate = float64(cols / imCols)
			} else {
				rate = float64(rows / imRows)
		} else {
			rateCol := cols / imCols
			rateRow := rows / imRows
			if rateCol < rateRow {
				rate = float64(rateCol)
			} else {
				rate = float64(rateRow)

		cols = uint(round(float64(float64(imCols) * rate)))
		rows = uint(round(float64(float64(imRows) * rate)))
		fmt.Sprintf("p=4, wi_scale(im, %d, %d)\n", cols, rows)
		result = mw.ResizeImage(cols, rows, imagick.FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1.0)

	return result

Example #17
func convert(mw *imagick.MagickWand, request *ZRequest) error {


	var result error
	result = nil

	x := request.X
	y := request.Y
	cols := uint(request.Width)
	rows := uint(request.Height)

	fmt.Sprintf("image cols %d, rows %d \n", cols, rows)

	if !(cols == 0 && rows == 0) {
		//fmt.Println("call crop&scal function......")

		/* crop and scale */
		if x == -1 && y == -1 {
			//	fmt.Println("call crop&scal function......")

			//	fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("proportion(im, %d, %d, %d) \n", request.Proportion, cols, rows))
			result = proportion(mw, request.Proportion, cols, rows)
			if result != nil {
				return result
		} else {

			//	fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("crop(im, %d, %d, %d, %d) \n", x, y, cols, rows))

			result = crop(mw, x, y, cols, rows)
			if result != nil {
				return result

	/* rotate image */
	if request.Rotate != 0 {
		//	fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("wi_rotate(im, %d) \n", request.Rotate))

		background := imagick.NewPixelWand()
		if background == nil {
			result = fmt.Errorf("init new pixelwand faile.")
			return result
		defer background.Destroy()
		isOk := background.SetColor("#ffffff")
		if !isOk {
			result = fmt.Errorf("set background color faile.")
			return result

		result = mw.RotateImage(background, float64(request.Rotate))
		if result != nil {
			return result

	/* set gray */
	if request.Gary == 1 {
		//	fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("wi_gray(im) \n"))
		result = mw.SetImageType(imagick.IMAGE_TYPE_GRAYSCALE)
		if result != nil {
			return result

	/* set quality */
	//fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("wi_set_quality(im, %d) \n", request.Quality))
	result = mw.SetImageCompressionQuality(uint(request.Quality))
	if result != nil {
		return result

	/* set format */
	if "none" != request.Format {
		//		fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("wi_set_format(im, %s) \n", request.Format))
		result = mw.SetImageFormat(request.Format)
		if result != nil {
			return result

	//fmt.Print(fmt.Sprintf("convert(im, req) %s \n", result))

	return result
Example #18
// Returns an the width and height of magick wand
func getDimensions(wand *imagick.MagickWand) (w, h uint) {
	h = wand.GetImageHeight()
	w = wand.GetImageWidth()
Example #19
func resizeImage(wand *imagick.MagickWand, size int, mozaic bool) *imagick.MagickWand {
	width := float32(wand.GetImageWidth())
	height := float32(wand.GetImageHeight())
	var rate float32
	if width > height {
		rate = float32(size) / width
	} else {
		rate = float32(size) / height
	if mozaic {
		wand.ResizeImage(uint(width*rate/20), uint(height*rate/20), imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1)
		wand.ResizeImage(uint(width*rate), uint(height*rate), imagick.FILTER_POINT, 1)
	} else {
		wand.ResizeImage(uint(width*rate), uint(height*rate), imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1)
	return wand.GetImage()
Example #20
func heightToWidthRatio(im *imagick.MagickWand) float64 {
	return (float64)(im.GetImageHeight()) / (float64)(im.GetImageWidth())
Example #21
func resizeRatio(im *imagick.MagickWand, width, height int) float64 {
	return math.Abs((float64)(width*height) / (float64)(im.GetImageWidth()*im.GetImageHeight()))
Example #22
func tileLineImage(wand *imagick.MagickWand) {
	it := wand.NewPixelIterator()
	width := float32(wand.GetImageWidth())
	height := float32(wand.GetImageHeight())
	heightRemain := float32(int(height / 20))
	if heightRemain != 0 {
		heightRemain = height/float32(heightRemain) - 20
	widthRemain := float32(int(width / 20))
	if widthRemain != 0 {
		widthRemain = width/float32(widthRemain) - 20
	cnt := it.GetIteratorRow()
	heightCount := 0
	nextHeight := 21
	hLineCount := 0
	hRemainCount := heightRemain
	widthCount := 0
	nextWidth := 21
	wLineCount := 0
	wRemainCount := widthRemain
	for i := 0; i <= cnt; i++ {
		pws := it.GetCurrentIteratorRow()
		if nextHeight-heightCount < 2 {
			for j := 0; j < len(pws); j++ {
			if nextHeight == heightCount {
				heightCount = 0
				hRemainCount += heightRemain
				if hRemainCount > 1 {
					hRemainCount -= 1
					nextHeight = 21
				} else {
					nextHeight = 20
		} else {
			for j := 0; j < len(pws); j++ {
				if nextWidth-widthCount < 2 {
					if nextWidth == widthCount {
						widthCount = 0
						wRemainCount += widthRemain
						if wRemainCount > 1 {
							wRemainCount -= 1
							nextWidth = 21
						} else {
							nextWidth = 20
				// if j % 20 < 2 {
				// 	pws[j].SetColor("#ffffff")
				// }
Example #23
func (i *Image) Process(wand *imagick.MagickWand, q *Query) {
	defer wand.Clear()

	// wand.SetOption("jpeg:size", fmt.Sprintf("%dx%d", q.ResizedWidth, q.ResizedHeight))

	bench("wand read", func() { wand.ReadImage(i.Path) })
	bench("wand set image format", func() { wand.SetImageFormat("jpeg") })
	bench("wand set compress", func() { wand.SetCompression(imagick.COMPRESSION_JPEG2000) })
	bench("wand set image quality", func() { wand.SetImageCompressionQuality(95) })

	bench("wand resize", func() {
		i.resize(wand, q.ResizedWidth, q.ResizedHeight)

	bench("wand strip", func() {

	i.Blob = wand.GetImageBlob()
	i.Processed = true