Example #1
// x = n x c
// U = n x c
// D = c x c
// V = c x c
func (r *Ridge) Train(y []float64) error {
	// standarize matrix and have y_bar = 0
	y = subtractMean(y)

	r.response = y

	epsilon := math.Pow(2, -52.0)
	small := math.Pow(2, -966.0)

	svd := mat64.SVD(mat64.DenseCopyOf(r.x.data), epsilon, small, true, true)

	U := svd.U
	// D[0] >= D[1] >= ... >= D[n-1]
	d := svd.Sigma
	V := svd.V

	// convert the c x c diagonal matrix D into a mat64.Dense matrix
	D := mat64.NewDense(r.c, r.c, rep(0.0, r.c*r.c))
	for i := 0; i < r.c; i++ {
		val := d[i] / (d[i] + r.lambda)
		D.Set(i, i, val)

	// solve for beta_ridge
	beta := &mat64.Dense{}
	beta.Mul(V, D)
	beta.Mul(beta, U.T())
	Y := mat64.NewDense(len(y), 1, y)
	beta.Mul(beta, Y)

	// save beta values
	r.beta_ridge = beta.Col(nil, 0)

	// find the fitted values : X * \beta_ridge
	fitted := &mat64.Dense{}
	fitted.Mul(r.x.data, beta)
	r.fitted = fitted.Col(nil, 0)

	// get residuals
	fitted.Sub(fitted, Y)
	r.residuals = fitted.Col(nil, 0)

	return nil
Example #2
func (this *TaskGraphStructure) duplicateSubtasks(father *Task, node string, instance TaskInstance) *TaskGraphStructure {
	taskStructure := NewTaskGraphStructure()
	// Get all the tasks with origin father.Name
	myindex := 0
	// Define a new origin composed of the Id
	for _, task := range this.Tasks {
		if father.Father == task.OriginId && task.Id != father.Id {
			// task match, create a new task with the same informations...
			newTask := NewTask()
			newTask.Id = myindex
			newTask.Name = task.Name
			newTask.Node = node
			newTask.Father = task.Id
			newTask.OriginId = father.Id
			newTask.Origin = father.Name
			newTask.Module = instance.Module
			newTask.Args = instance.Args
			newTask.Debug = "duplicateSubtasks"
			// ... Add it to the structure...
			taskStructure.Tasks[myindex] = newTask
			// ... Extract the matrix associated
			taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.Grow(1, 1))
			taskStructure.DegreeMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(taskStructure.DegreeMatrix.Grow(1, 1))
			myindex += 1
			// And add it to the structure as well
	row, col := taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
	for r := 0; r < row; r++ {
		for c := 0; c < col; c++ {
			taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(r, c, this.AdjacencyMatrix.At(taskStructure.Tasks[r].Father, taskStructure.Tasks[c].Father))
	return taskStructure
Example #3
// Batch gradient descent finds the local minimum of a function.
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_descent for more details.
func BatchGradientDescent(x, y, theta *mat64.Dense, alpha float64, epoch int) *mat64.Dense {
	m, _ := y.Dims()
	for i := 0; i < epoch; i++ {
		xFlat := mat64.DenseCopyOf(x)
		temp := mat64.DenseCopyOf(x)

		// Calculate our best prediction, given theta
		temp.Mul(temp, theta)

		// Calculate our error from the real values
		temp.Sub(temp, y)
		xFlat.Mul(xFlat, temp)

		// Temporary hack to get around the fact there is no scalar division in mat64
		xFlatRow, _ := xFlat.Dims()
		gradient := make([]float64, 0)
		for k := 0; k < xFlatRow; k++ {
			row := xFlat.RowView(k)
			for v := range row {
				divd := row[v] / float64(m) * alpha
				gradient = append(gradient, divd)
		grows := len(gradient)
		grad := mat64.NewDense(grows, 1, gradient)
		theta.Sub(theta, grad)
	return theta
Example #4
// Stochastic gradient descent updates the parameters of theta on a random row selection from a matrix.
// It is faster as it does not compute the cost function over the entire dataset every time.
// It instead calculates the error parameters over only one row of the dataset at a time.
// In return, there is a trade off for accuracy. This is minimised by running multiple SGD processes
// (the number of goroutines spawned is specified by the procs variable) in parallel and taking an average of the result.
func StochasticGradientDescent(x, y, theta *mat64.Dense, alpha float64, epoch, procs int) *mat64.Dense {
	m, _ := y.Dims()
	resultPipe := make(chan *mat64.Dense)
	results := make([]*mat64.Dense, 0)

	for p := 0; p < procs; p++ {
		go func() {
			// Is this just a pointer to theta?
			thetaCopy := mat64.DenseCopyOf(theta)
			for i := 0; i < epoch; i++ {
				for k := 0; k < m; k++ {
					datXtemp := x.RowView(k)
					datYtemp := y.RowView(k)
					datX := mat64.NewDense(1, len(datXtemp), datXtemp)
					datY := mat64.NewDense(1, 1, datYtemp)
					datXFlat := mat64.DenseCopyOf(datX)
					datX.Mul(datX, thetaCopy)
					datX.Sub(datX, datY)
					datXFlat.Mul(datXFlat, datX)

					// Horrible hack to get around the fact there is no elementwise division in mat64
					xFlatRow, _ := datXFlat.Dims()
					gradient := make([]float64, 0)
					for i := 0; i < xFlatRow; i++ {
						row := datXFlat.RowView(i)
						for i := range row {
							divd := row[i] / float64(m) * alpha
							gradient = append(gradient, divd)
					grows := len(gradient)
					grad := mat64.NewDense(grows, 1, gradient)
					thetaCopy.Sub(thetaCopy, grad)

			resultPipe <- thetaCopy

	for {
		select {
		case d := <-resultPipe:
			results = append(results, d)
			if len(results) == procs {
				return averageTheta(results)
Example #5
// Returns a combination of the current structure
// and the one passed as argument
func (this *TaskGraphStructure) AugmentTaskStructure(taskStructure *TaskGraphStructure) *TaskGraphStructure {
	// merging adjacency matrix
	initialRowLen, initialColLen := this.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
	addedRowLen, addedColLen := taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
	this.AdjacencyMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.AdjacencyMatrix.Grow(addedRowLen, addedColLen))
	//a, b := this.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
	for r := 0; r < initialRowLen+addedRowLen; r++ {
		for c := 0; c < initialColLen+addedColLen; c++ {
			switch {
			case r < initialRowLen && c < initialColLen:
				// If we are in the original matrix: do nothing
			case r < initialRowLen && c > initialColLen:
				// If outside, put some zero
				this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(r, c, float64(0))
			case r > initialRowLen && c < initialColLen:
				// If outside, put some zero
				this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(r, c, float64(0))
			case r >= initialRowLen && c >= initialColLen:
				// Add the new matrix
				this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(r, c, taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.At(r-initialRowLen, c-initialColLen))
	// merging degree matrix
	initialRowLen, initialColLen = this.DegreeMatrix.Dims()
	addedRowLen, addedColLen = taskStructure.DegreeMatrix.Dims()
	this.DegreeMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.DegreeMatrix.Grow(addedRowLen, addedColLen))
	for r := 0; r < initialRowLen+addedRowLen; r++ {
		for c := 0; c < initialColLen+addedColLen; c++ {
			switch {
			case r < initialRowLen && c < initialColLen:
				// If we are in the original matrix: do nothing
			case r < initialRowLen && c > initialColLen:
				// If outside, set zero
				this.DegreeMatrix.Set(r, c, float64(0))
			case r > initialRowLen && c < initialColLen:
				// If outside, set zero
				this.DegreeMatrix.Set(r, c, float64(0))
			case r >= initialRowLen && c >= initialColLen:
				// Add the new matrix
				this.DegreeMatrix.Set(r, c, taskStructure.DegreeMatrix.At(r-initialRowLen, c-initialColLen))
	actualSize := len(this.Tasks)
	for i, task := range taskStructure.Tasks {
		task.Id = actualSize + i
		this.Tasks[actualSize+i] = task
	return this
Example #6
func (this *TaskGraphStructure) AddNode(parentGraph string, name string, attrs map[string]string) {
	for _, taskObject := range this.Tasks {
		if taskObject != nil && taskObject.Name == name {
	id := len(this.Tasks)
	taskObject := NewTask()
	taskObject.Name = name
	taskObject.Id = id
	taskObject.Origin = parentGraph
	this.Tasks[id] = taskObject
	this.DegreeMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.DegreeMatrix.Grow(1, 1))
	this.AdjacencyMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.AdjacencyMatrix.Grow(1, 1))
Example #7
func (this *TaskGraphStructure) AddPortEdge(src, srcPort, dst, dstPort string, directed bool, attrs map[string]string) {
	lastIndex := len(this.Tasks)
	// Find the index of the task src and the index of the task dst
	srcTaskId := -1
	dstTaskId := -1
	increment := 0 // The number of new lines and cols needed
	for taskId, taskObject := range this.Tasks {
		if taskObject != nil {
			// If the task exists, add src as a dependency
			if taskObject.Name == dst {
				dstTaskId = taskId
			if taskObject.Name == src {
				srcTaskId = taskId
	// If the task does not exists, create it and add it to the structure
	if srcTaskId == -1 {
		taskObject := NewTask()
		taskObject.Name = src
		this.Tasks[lastIndex] = taskObject
		increment += 1
		srcTaskId = lastIndex
		taskObject.Id = srcTaskId
		lastIndex += 1
	// If the task does not exists, create it and add it to the structure
	if dstTaskId == -1 {
		taskObject := NewTask()
		taskObject.Name = dst
		this.Tasks[lastIndex] = taskObject
		increment += 1
		dstTaskId = lastIndex
		taskObject.Id = dstTaskId
		lastIndex += 1
	// If the size of the increment is not null
	// use Grow...
	if increment > 0 {
		this.DegreeMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.DegreeMatrix.Grow(increment, increment))
		this.AdjacencyMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.AdjacencyMatrix.Grow(increment, increment))
	// Now fill the matrix
	this.DegreeMatrix.Set(dstTaskId, dstTaskId, this.DegreeMatrix.At(dstTaskId, dstTaskId)+1)
	this.DegreeMatrix.Set(srcTaskId, srcTaskId, this.DegreeMatrix.At(srcTaskId, srcTaskId)+1)
	this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(srcTaskId, dstTaskId, 1)
Example #8
// Calculates the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients
// defined as sigma*(XtX)-1
// Using QR decomposition: X = QR
// ((QR)tQR)-1 ---> (RtQtQR)-1 ---> (RtR)-1 ---> R-1Rt-1 --> sigma*R-1Rt-1
func (o *OLS) VarianceCovarianceMatrix() *mat64.Dense {
	x := mat64.DenseCopyOf(o.x.data)
	_, p := x.Dims()

	// it's easier to do things with X = QR
	qrFactor := mat64.QR(x)
	R := qrFactor.R()
	Rt := R.T()

	RtInv, err := mat64.Inverse(Rt)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Rt is not invertible")

	Rinverse, err := mat64.Inverse(R)
	if err != nil {
		panic("R matrix is not invertible")

	varCov := mat64.NewDense(p, p, nil)
	varCov.Mul(Rinverse, RtInv)

	// multiple each element by the mse
	mse := o.MeanSquaredError()
	mulEach := func(r, c int, v float64) float64 { return v * mse }
	varCov.Apply(mulEach, varCov)

	return varCov
Example #9
// A simple approach to identify collinearity among explanatory variables is the use of variance inflation factors (VIF).
// VIF calculations are straightforward and easily comprehensible; the higher the value, the higher the collinearity
// A VIF for a single explanatory variable is obtained using the r-squared value of the regression of that
// variable against all other explanatory variables:
// VIF_{j} = \frac{1}{1 - R_{j}^2}
func (o *OLS) VarianceInflationFactors() []float64 {
	// save a copy of the data
	orig := mat64.DenseCopyOf(o.x.data)

	m := NewOLS(DfFromMat(orig))

	n, p := orig.Dims()

	vifs := make([]float64, p)

	for idx := 0; idx < p; idx++ {
		x := o.x.data

		col := x.Col(nil, idx)

		x.SetCol(idx, rep(1.0, n))

		err := m.Train(col)
		if err != nil {
			panic("Error Occured calculating VIF")

		vifs[idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 - m.RSquared())

	// reset the data
	o.x.data = orig

	return vifs
Example #10
// The F statistic measures the change in residual sum-of-squares per
// additional parameter in the bigger model, and it is normalized by an estimate of sigma2
func (o *OLS) F_Test(toRemove ...int) (fval, pval float64) {
	if len(toRemove) > (o.p - 1) {
		panic("Too many columns to remove")

	data := mat64.DenseCopyOf(o.x.data)
	for _, col := range toRemove {
		data = removeCol(data, col)

	ols := NewOLS(DfFromMat(data))

	err := ols.Train(o.response)
	if err != nil {

	d1 := float64(o.p - ols.p)
	d2 := float64(o.n - o.p)

	f := (ols.ResidualSumofSquares() - o.ResidualSumofSquares()) / d1
	f /= o.ResidualSumofSquares() / d2

	Fdist := stat.F_CDF(d1, d2)
	p := 1 - Fdist(f)

	return f, p
Example #11
func (df *DataFrame) AppendCol(newCol []float64) {

	df.data = mat64.DenseCopyOf(df.data.Grow(0, 1))
	df.rows, df.cols = df.data.Dims()

	df.data.SetCol(df.cols-1, newCol)
Example #12
func (df *DataFrame) AppendRow(newRow []float64) {

	df.data = mat64.DenseCopyOf(df.data.Grow(1, 0))
	df.rows, df.cols = df.data.Dims()

	df.data.SetRow(df.rows-1, newRow)
Example #13
// Forward propagate the examples through the network.
func (m *Mind) Forward(in *mat64.Dense) {
	input := mat64.DenseCopyOf(in)
	m.Results.HiddenSum = mat64.NewDense(1, 1, nil)

	ir, ic := input.Dims()
	or, oc := m.Weights.InputHidden.Dims()
	log.Println("input dims(r,c):", ir, ic)
	log.Println("InputHidden dims(r,c):", or, oc)

	m.Results.HiddenSum = mat64.DenseCopyOf(input)
	m.Results.HiddenResult = m.Activate(m.Results.HiddenSum)
	//m.Results.OutputSum = mat64.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
	m.Results.OutputSum = mat64.DenseCopyOf(m.Results.HiddenResult)
	m.Results.OutputResult = m.Activate(m.Results.OutputSum)
Example #14
// Error computes the back-propagation error from a given size * 1 output
// vector and a size * 1 error vector for a given number of iterations.
// outArg should be the response from Activate.
// errArg should be the difference between the output neuron's output and
// that expected, and should be zero everywhere else.
// If the network is conceptually organised into n layers, maxIterations
// should be set to n.
func (n *Network) Error(outArg, errArg *mat64.Dense, maxIterations int) *mat64.Dense {

	// Copy the arguments
	out := mat64.DenseCopyOf(outArg)
	err := mat64.DenseCopyOf(errArg)

	// err should be the difference between observed and expected
	// for observation nodes only (everything else should be zero)

	// Allocate output vector
	outRows, outCols := out.Dims()
	if outCols != 1 {
		panic("Unsupported output size")

	ret := mat64.NewDense(outRows, 1, make([]float64, outRows))

	// Do differential calculation
	diffFunc := func(r, c int, v float64) float64 {
		return n.funcs[r].Backward(v)
	out.Apply(diffFunc, out)

	// Transpose weights matrix
	reverseWeights := mat64.DenseCopyOf(n.weights)

	// We only need a certain number of passes
	for i := 0; i < maxIterations; i++ {

		// Element-wise multiply errors and derivatives
		err.MulElem(err, out)

		// Add the accumulated error
		ret.Add(ret, err)

		if i != maxIterations-1 {
			// Feed the errors backwards through the network
			err.Mul(reverseWeights, err)

	return ret

Example #15
// LinearLeastSquares computes the least squares fit for the function
//   f(x) = ╬њРѓђtermsРѓђ(x) + ╬њРѓЂtermsРѓЂ(x) + ...
// to the data (xs[i], ys[i]). It returns the parameters ╬њРѓђ, ╬њРѓЂ, ...
// that minimize the sum of the squares of the residuals of f:
//   РѕЉ (ys[i] - f(xs[i]))┬▓
// If weights is non-nil, it is used to weight these residuals:
//   РѕЉ weights[i] ├Ќ (ys[i] - f(xs[i]))┬▓
// The function f is specified by one Go function for each linear
// term. For efficiency, the Go function is vectorized: it will be
// passed a slice of x values in xs and must fill the slice termOut
// with the value of the term for each value in xs.
func LinearLeastSquares(xs, ys, weights []float64, terms ...func(xs, termOut []float64)) (params []float64) {
	// The optimal parameters are found by solving for ╬њ╠ѓ in the
	// "normal equations":
	//    (­ЮљЌрхђ­Юљќ­ЮљЌ)╬њ╠ѓ = ­ЮљЌрхђ­Юљќ­Юљ▓
	// where ­Юљќ is a diagonal weight matrix (or the identity matrix
	// for the unweighted case).

	// TODO: Consider using orthogonal decomposition.

	if len(xs) != len(ys) {
		panic("len(xs) != len(ys)")
	if weights != nil && len(xs) != len(weights) {
		panic("len(xs) != len(weights")

	// Construct ­ЮљЌрхђ. This is the more convenient representation
	// for efficiently calling the term functions.
	xTVals := make([]float64, len(terms)*len(xs))
	for i, term := range terms {
		term(xs, xTVals[i*len(xs):i*len(xs)+len(xs)])
	XT := mat64.NewDense(len(terms), len(xs), xTVals)
	X := XT.T()

	// Construct ­ЮљЌрхђ­Юљќ.
	var XTW *mat64.Dense
	if weights == nil {
		// ­Юљќ is the identity matrix.
		XTW = XT
	} else {
		// Since ­Юљќ is a diagonal matrix, we do this directly.
		XTW = mat64.DenseCopyOf(XT)
		WDiag := mat64.NewVector(len(weights), weights)
		for row := 0; row < len(terms); row++ {
			rowView := XTW.RowView(row)
			rowView.MulElemVec(rowView, WDiag)

	// Construct ­Юљ▓.
	y := mat64.NewVector(len(ys), ys)

	// Compute ╬њ╠ѓ.
	lhs := mat64.NewDense(len(terms), len(terms), nil)
	lhs.Mul(XTW, X)

	rhs := mat64.NewVector(len(terms), nil)
	rhs.MulVec(XTW, y)

	BVals := make([]float64, len(terms))
	B := mat64.NewVector(len(terms), BVals)
	B.SolveVec(lhs, rhs)
	return BVals
Example #16
//gnEigen wraps the matrix.DenseMatrix.Eigen() function in order to guarantee
//That the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are sorted according to the eigenvalues
//It also guarantees orthonormality and handness. I don't know how many of
//these are already guaranteed by Eig(). Will delete the unneeded parts
//And even this whole function when sure. The main reason for this function
//Is the compatibiliy with go.matrix. This function should dissapear when we
//have a pure Go blas.
func EigenWrap(in *Matrix, epsilon float64) (*Matrix, []float64, error) {
	if epsilon < 0 {
		epsilon = appzero
	efacs := mat64.Eigen(mat64.DenseCopyOf(in.Dense), epsilon)
	evecsprev := &Matrix{efacs.V}
	evalsmat := efacs.D()
	d, _ := evalsmat.Dims()
	evals := make([]float64, d, d)
	for k, _ := range evals {
		evals[k] = evalsmat.At(k, k)
	evecs := Zeros(3)
	fn := func() { evecs.Copy(evecsprev.T()) }
	err := mat64.Maybe(fn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, Error{err.Error(), []string{"mat64.Copy/math64.T", "EigenWrap"}, true}

	eig := eigenpair{evecs, evals[:]}
	//Here I should orthonormalize vectors if needed instead of just complaining.
	//I think orthonormality is guaranteed by  DenseMatrix.Eig() If it is, Ill delete all this
	//If not I'll add ortonormalization routines.
	eigrows, _ := eig.evecs.Dims()
	for i := 0; i < eigrows; i++ {
		vectori := eig.evecs.VecView(i)
		for j := i + 1; j < eigrows; j++ {
			vectorj := eig.evecs.VecView(j)
			if math.Abs(vectori.Dot(vectorj)) > epsilon && i != j {
				reterr := Error{fmt.Sprintln("Eigenvectors ", i, "and", j, " not orthogonal. v", i, ":", vectori, "\nv", j, ":", vectorj, "\nDot:", math.Abs(vectori.Dot(vectorj)), "eigmatrix:", eig.evecs), []string{"EigenWrap"}, true}
				return eig.evecs, evals[:], reterr
		if math.Abs(vectori.Norm(0)-1) > epsilon {
			//Of course I could just normalize the vectors instead of complaining.
			//err= fmt.Errorf("Vectors not normalized %s",err.Error())

	//Checking and fixing the handness of the matrix.This if-else is Jannes idea,
	//I don't really know whether it works.
	//	eig.evecs.TCopy(eig.evecs)
	if det(eig.evecs) < 0 { //Right now, this will fail if the matrix is not 3x3 (30/10/2013)
		eig.evecs.Scale(-1, eig.evecs) //SSC
	} else {
	//	eig.evecs.TCopy(eig.evecs)
	return eig.evecs, eig.evals, nil //Returns a slice of evals
Example #17
func (o *OLS) Train(yvector []float64) error {
	// sanity check
	if len(yvector) != o.n {
		return DimensionError

	copy(o.response, yvector)
	y := mat64.NewDense(len(yvector), 1, yvector)

	o.x.PushCol(rep(1.0, o.x.rows))
	x := o.x.data

	// it's easier to do things with X = QR
	qrFactor := mat64.QR(mat64.DenseCopyOf(x))
	Q := qrFactor.Q()

	betas := qrFactor.Solve(mat64.DenseCopyOf(y))
	o.betas = betas.Col(nil, 0)
	if len(o.betas) != o.p {
		log.Printf("Unexpected dimension error. Betas: %v", o.betas)

	// calculate residuals and fitted vals
		fitted := &mat64.Dense{}
		fitted.Mul(x, betas)
		o.fitted = fitted.Col(nil, 0)
		y.Sub(y, fitted)
		o.residuals = y.Col(nil, 0)

	// y_hat = Q Qt y
	// e = y - y_hat
	qqt := &mat64.Dense{}
	qqt.Mul(Q, Q.T())
	yhat := &mat64.Dense{}
	yhat.Mul(qqt, y)
	o.fitted = yhat.Col(nil, 0)
	y.Sub(y, yhat)
	o.residuals = y.Col(nil, 0)

	return nil
Example #18
File: goem.go Project: 6br/goem
func (em EM) norm(x []float64, j int) float64 {
	xMat := mat64.NewDense(1, len(x), x)
	muMat := mat64.NewDense(1, len(em.mu[j]), em.mu[j])
	first := mat64.NewDense(1, len(em.mu[j]), nil)
	first.Sub(xMat, muMat)
	second := mat64.DenseCopyOf(first.T())
	resultMat := mat64.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
	resultMat.Mul(first, second)
	var jisuu = 0.5 * float64(em.d)
	return math.Exp(resultMat.At(0, 0)/(-2.0)/(em.sigma[j]*em.sigma[j])) / math.Pow(2*math.Pi*em.sigma[j]*em.sigma[j], jisuu)
Example #19
// Back propagate the error and update the weights.
func (m *Mind) Back(input *mat64.Dense, output *mat64.Dense) {
	ErrorOutputLayer := mat64.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
	ErrorOutputLayer.Sub(output, m.Results.OutputResult)
	DeltaOutputLayer := m.ActivatePrime(m.Results.OutputSum)
	DeltaOutputLayer.MulElem(DeltaOutputLayer, ErrorOutputLayer)

	HiddenOutputChanges := mat64.DenseCopyOf(m.Results.HiddenResult.T())
	HiddenOutputChanges.Scale(m.LearningRate, HiddenOutputChanges)
	m.Weights.HiddenOutput.Add(m.Weights.HiddenOutput, HiddenOutputChanges)

	DeltaHiddenLayer := mat64.DenseCopyOf(DeltaOutputLayer)
	DeltaHiddenLayer.Product(DeltaOutputLayer, m.Weights.HiddenOutput.T())
	DeltaHiddenLayer.MulElem(DeltaHiddenLayer, m.ActivatePrime(m.Results.HiddenSum))

	InputHiddenChanges := mat64.DenseCopyOf(input.T())
	InputHiddenChanges.Scale(m.LearningRate, InputHiddenChanges)
	m.Weights.InputHidden.Add(m.Weights.InputHidden, InputHiddenChanges)
Example #20
func BenchmarkCovToCorr(b *testing.B) {
	// generate a 10x10 covariance matrix
	m := randMat(small, small)
	c := CovarianceMatrix(nil, m, nil)
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		cc := mat64.DenseCopyOf(c)
Example #21
// Duplicate the task passed as argument, and returns the new task
func (this *TaskGraphStructure) instanciate(instance TaskInstance) []*Task {
	returnTasks := make([]*Task, 0)
	// First duplicate the tasks with same name
	for _, task := range this.Tasks {
		if task.Name == instance.Taskname {
			for _, node := range instance.Hosts {
				switch {
				case task.Father == FATHER:
					// Then duplicate
					log.Printf("Duplicating %v on node %v", task.Name, node)
					row, col := this.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
					newId := row
					newTask := NewTask()
					newTask.Father = task.Id
					newTask.OriginId = task.Id
					newTask.Id = newId
					newTask.Name = task.Name
					if task.Module != "meta" {
						newTask.Module = instance.Module
					newTask.Origin = task.Origin
					newTask.Node = node // Set the node to the new one
					newTask.Args = instance.Args
					this.Tasks[newId] = newTask
					returnTasks = append(returnTasks, newTask)
					this.AdjacencyMatrix = mat64.DenseCopyOf(this.AdjacencyMatrix.Grow(1, 1))
					for r := 0; r < row; r++ {
						for c := 0; c < col; c++ {
							if this.Tasks[r].Origin != instance.Taskname {
								this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(r, newId, this.AdjacencyMatrix.At(r, task.Id))
							if this.Tasks[c].Origin != instance.Taskname {
								this.AdjacencyMatrix.Set(newId, c, this.AdjacencyMatrix.At(task.Id, c))
					this = this.AugmentTaskStructure(this.duplicateSubtasks(newTask, node, instance))
				case task.Father == ORPHAN:
					// Do not duplicate, simply adapt
					task.Debug = "instanciate/ORPHAN"
					task.Node = node
					task.Module = instance.Module
					task.Args = instance.Args
					this.adaptSubtask(task, node, instance)
					task.Father = FATHER
				// Then duplicate the tasks with same Father
	return returnTasks
Example #22
func NewPCR(x *DataFrame, m int) *PCR {
	z := mat64.DenseCopyOf(x.data)
	r, c := z.Dims()

	// need to standardize x for best results

	return &PCR{
		x: x,
		z: &DataFrame{z, r, c, nil},
		m: m,
Example #23
func BenchmarkCorrToCov(b *testing.B) {
	// generate a 10x10 correlation matrix
	m := randMat(small, small)
	c := CorrelationMatrix(nil, m, nil)
	sigma := make([]float64, small)
	for i := range sigma {
		sigma[i] = 2
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		cc := mat64.DenseCopyOf(c)
		corrToCov(cc, sigma)
Example #24
// The advertize goroutine, reads the tasks from doneChannel and write the TaskGraphStructure back to the taskStructureChan
func Advertize(taskStructure *TaskGraphStructure, doneChan <-chan *Task) {
	// Let's launch the task that can initially run
	rowSize, _ := taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.Dims()
	for taskIndex, _ := range taskStructure.Tasks {
		sum := float64(0)
		for r := 0; r < rowSize; r++ {
			sum += taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix.At(r, taskIndex)
		if sum == 0 && taskStructure.Tasks[taskIndex].Status < 0 {
			taskStructure.Tasks[taskIndex].TaskCanRunChan <- true
	doneAdjacency := mat64.DenseCopyOf(taskStructure.AdjacencyMatrix)
	// Store the task that we have already advertized
	var advertized []int
	for {
		task := <-doneChan

		// TaskId is finished, it cannot be the source of any task anymore
		// Set the row at 0 if status is 0
		rowSize, colSize := doneAdjacency.Dims()
		if task.Status == 0 {
			for c := 0; c < colSize; c++ {
				doneAdjacency.Set(task.Id, c, float64(0))
		// For each dependency of the task
		// We can run if the sum of the element of the column Id of the current task is 0
		for taskIndex, _ := range taskStructure.Tasks {
			sum := float64(0)
			for r := 0; r < rowSize; r++ {
				sum += doneAdjacency.At(r, taskIndex)

			// This task can be advertized...
			if sum == 0 && taskStructure.Tasks[taskIndex].Status < -2 {
				taskStructure.Tasks[taskIndex].Status = -2
				// ... if it has not been advertized already
				advertized = append(advertized, taskIndex)
				taskStructure.Tasks[taskIndex].TaskCanRunChan <- true
Example #25
// UpdateWeights takes an output size * 1 output vector and a size * 1
// back-propagated error vector, as well as a learnRate and updates
// the internal weights matrix.
func (n *Network) UpdateWeights(out, err *mat64.Dense, learnRate float64) {

	if n.origWeights == nil {
		n.origWeights = mat64.DenseCopyOf(n.weights)

	// Multiply that by the learning rate
	mulFunc := func(target, source int, v float64) float64 {
		if target == source {
			return v
		if math.Abs(n.origWeights.At(target, source)) > 0.005 {
			return v + learnRate*out.At(source, 0)*err.At(target, 0)
		return 0.00

	// Add that to the weights
	n.weights.Apply(mulFunc, n.weights)
Example #26
// Leverage Points, the diagonal of the hat matrix
// H = X(X'X)^-1X'  , X = QR,  X' = R'Q'
//   = QR(R'Q'QR)-1 R'Q'
//	 = QR(R'R)-1 R'Q'
//	 = QRR'-1 R-1 R'Q'
//	 = QQ' (the first p cols of Q, where X = n x p)
// Leverage points are considered large if they exceed 2p/ n
func (o *OLS) LeveragePoints() []float64 {
	x := mat64.DenseCopyOf(o.x.data)
	qrf := mat64.QR(x)
	q := qrf.Q()

	H := &mat64.Dense{}
	H.Mul(q, q.T())
	o.hat = H

	// get diagonal elements
	n, _ := q.Dims()
	diag := make([]float64, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			if j == i {
				diag[i] = H.At(i, j)
	return diag
Example #27
func shuffleMatrix(returnDatasets []*mat.Dense, dataset mat.Matrix, testSize int, seed int64, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	numGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))

	// We don't want to alter the original dataset.
	shuffledSet := mat.DenseCopyOf(dataset)
	rowCount, colCount := shuffledSet.Dims()
	temp := make([]float64, colCount)

	// Fisher–Yates shuffle
	for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ {
		j := numGen.Intn(i + 1)
		if j != i {
			// Make a "hard" copy to avoid pointer craziness.
			copy(temp, shuffledSet.RowView(i))
			shuffledSet.SetRow(i, shuffledSet.RowView(j))
			shuffledSet.SetRow(j, temp)
	trainSize := rowCount - testSize
	returnDatasets[0] = mat.NewDense(trainSize, colCount, shuffledSet.RawMatrix().Data[:trainSize*colCount])
	returnDatasets[1] = mat.NewDense(testSize, colCount, shuffledSet.RawMatrix().Data[trainSize*colCount:])

Example #28
File: data.go Project: erubboli/mlt
func (d *Data) AppendRow(newRow []float64) {
	d.Data = mat64.DenseCopyOf(d.Data.Grow(1, 0))
	d.Rows, d.Cols = d.Data.Dims()
	d.Data.SetRow(d.Rows-1, newRow)
Example #29
func TestCorrCov(t *testing.T) {
	// test both Cov2Corr and Cov2Corr
	for i, test := range []struct {
		data    *mat64.Dense
		weights []float64
			data: mat64.NewDense(3, 3, []float64{
				1, 2, 3,
				3, 4, 5,
				5, 6, 7,
			weights: nil,
			data: mat64.NewDense(5, 2, []float64{
				-2, -4,
				-1, 2,
				0, 0,
				1, -2,
				2, 4,
			weights: nil,
		}, {
			data: mat64.NewDense(3, 2, []float64{
				1, 1,
				2, 4,
				3, 9,
			weights: []float64{
	} {
		corr := CorrelationMatrix(nil, test.data, test.weights)
		cov := CovarianceMatrix(nil, test.data, test.weights)

		r, _ := cov.Dims()

		// Get the diagonal elements from cov to determine the sigmas.
		sigmas := make([]float64, r)
		for i := range sigmas {
			sigmas[i] = math.Sqrt(cov.At(i, i))

		covFromCorr := mat64.DenseCopyOf(corr)
		corrToCov(covFromCorr, sigmas)
		corrFromCov := mat64.DenseCopyOf(cov)

		if !corr.EqualsApprox(corrFromCov, 1e-14) {
			t.Errorf("%d: corrToCov did not match direct Correlation calculation.  Want: %v, got: %v. ", i, corr, corrFromCov)
		if !cov.EqualsApprox(covFromCorr, 1e-14) {
			t.Errorf("%d: covToCorr did not match direct Covariance calculation.  Want: %v, got: %v. ", i, cov, covFromCorr)

		if !Panics(func() { corrToCov(mat64.NewDense(2, 2, nil), []float64{}) }) {
			t.Errorf("CorrelationMatrix did not panic with sigma size mismatch")