func endpointsSet(c *client.Client, serviceNamespace, serviceID string, endpointCount int) wait.ConditionFunc {
	return func() (bool, error) {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(serviceNamespace).Get(serviceID)
		if err != nil {
			return false, nil
		return len(endpoints.Endpoints) == endpointCount, nil
Example #2
func endpointsSet(c *client.Client, serviceNamespace, serviceID string, endpointCount int) wait.ConditionFunc {
	return func() (bool, error) {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(serviceNamespace).Get(serviceID)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Infof("Error on creating endpoints: %v", err)
			return false, nil
		glog.Infof("endpoints: %v", endpoints.Endpoints)
		return len(endpoints.Endpoints) == endpointCount, nil
Example #3
func runMasterServiceTest(client *client.Client) {
	time.Sleep(12 * time.Second)
	svcList, err := client.Services(api.NamespaceDefault).List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("unexpected error listing services: %v", err)
	var foundRW bool
	found := util.StringSet{}
	for i := range svcList.Items {
		if svcList.Items[i].Name == "kubernetes" {
			foundRW = true
	if foundRW {
		ep, err := client.Endpoints(api.NamespaceDefault).Get("kubernetes")
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("unexpected error listing endpoints for kubernetes service: %v", err)
		if countEndpoints(ep) == 0 {
			glog.Fatalf("no endpoints for kubernetes service: %v", ep)
	} else {
		glog.Errorf("no RW service found: %v", found)
		glog.Fatal("Kubernetes service test failed")
	glog.Infof("Master service test passed.")
Example #4
func validateEndpointsOrFail(c *client.Client, ns, serviceName string, expectedPort int, expectedEndpoints []string) {
	for {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(ns).Get(serviceName)
		if err == nil {
			if len(endpoints.Endpoints) == len(expectedEndpoints) {
				validateIPsOrFail(c, ns, expectedPort, expectedEndpoints, endpoints)
			} else {
				By(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected number of endpoints: found %v, expected %v (ignoring for 1 second)", endpoints.Endpoints, expectedEndpoints))
		} else {
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get endpoints: %v (ignoring for 1 second)", err))
	By(fmt.Sprintf("successfully validated endpoints %v port %d on service %s/%s", expectedEndpoints, expectedPort, ns, serviceName))
Example #5
func endpointsSet(c *client.Client, serviceNamespace, serviceID string, endpointCount int) wait.ConditionFunc {
	return func() (bool, error) {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(serviceNamespace).Get(serviceID)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Infof("Error getting endpoints: %v", err)
			return false, nil
		count := 0
		for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets {
			for _, addr := range ss.Addresses {
				for _, port := range ss.Ports {
					glog.Infof("%s/%s endpoint: %s:%d %#v", serviceNamespace, serviceID, addr.IP, port.Port, addr.TargetRef)
		return count == endpointCount, nil
Example #6
func validateEndpointsOrFail(c *client.Client, namespace, serviceName string, expectedEndpoints map[string][]int) {
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting up to %v for service %s in namespace %s to expose endpoints %v", serviceStartTimeout, serviceName, namespace, expectedEndpoints))
	for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < serviceStartTimeout; time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(namespace).Get(serviceName)
		if err != nil {
			Logf("Get endpoints failed (%v elapsed, ignoring for 5s): %v", time.Since(start), err)
		Logf("Found endpoints %v", endpoints)

		portsByIp := getPortsByIp(endpoints.Subsets)
		Logf("Found ports by ip %v", portsByIp)

		if len(portsByIp) == len(expectedEndpoints) {
			expectedPortsByIp := translatePodNameToIpOrFail(c, namespace, expectedEndpoints)
			validatePortsOrFail(portsByIp, expectedPortsByIp)
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Successfully validated that service %s in namespace %s exposes endpoints %v (%v elapsed)", serviceName, namespace, expectedEndpoints, time.Since(start)))
		Logf("Unexpected number of endpoints: found %v, expected %v (%v elapsed, ignoring for 5s)", portsByIp, expectedEndpoints, time.Since(start))
	Failf("Timed out waiting for service %s in namespace %s to expose endpoints %v (%v elapsed)", serviceName, namespace, expectedEndpoints, serviceStartTimeout)
Example #7
func validateEndpointsOrFail(c *client.Client, ns, serviceName string, expectedEndpoints map[string][]int) {
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Validating endpoints %v with on service %s/%s", expectedEndpoints, ns, serviceName))
	for {
		endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(ns).Get(serviceName)
		if err == nil {
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Found endpoints %v", endpoints))

			portsByIp := getPortsByIp(endpoints.Subsets)

			By(fmt.Sprintf("Found ports by ip %v", portsByIp))
			if len(portsByIp) == len(expectedEndpoints) {
				expectedPortsByIp := translatePodNameToIpOrFail(c, ns, expectedEndpoints)
				validatePortsOrFail(portsByIp, expectedPortsByIp)
			} else {
				By(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected number of endpoints: found %v, expected %v (ignoring for 1 second)", portsByIp, expectedEndpoints))
		} else {
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get endpoints: %v (ignoring for 1 second)", err))
	By(fmt.Sprintf("successfully validated endpoints %v with on service %s/%s", expectedEndpoints, ns, serviceName))
Example #8
			controllerJson := mkpath("redis-master-controller.json")
			nsFlag := fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", ns)

			redisPort := 6379
			serviceTimeout := 30 * time.Second

			By("creating Redis RC")
			runKubectl("create", "-f", controllerJson, nsFlag)
			forEachPod(c, ns, "app", "redis", func(pod api.Pod) {
				lookForStringInLog(ns, pod.Name, "redis-master", "The server is now ready to accept connections", podStartTimeout)
			validateService := func(name string, servicePort int, timeout time.Duration) {
				endpointFound := false
				for t := time.Now(); time.Since(t) < timeout; time.Sleep(poll) {
					endpoints, err := c.Endpoints(ns).Get(name)

					ipToPort := getPortsByIp(endpoints.Subsets)
					if len(ipToPort) != 1 {
						Logf("No IP found, retrying")
					for _, port := range ipToPort {
						if port[0] != redisPort {
							Failf("Wrong endpoint port: %d", port[0])
					endpointFound = true
Example #9
								IP: serverIP,
						Ports: []api.EndpointPort{
								Name:     "gluster",
								Port:     24007,
								Protocol: api.ProtocolTCP,

			endClient := c.Endpoints(config.namespace)

			defer func() {
				if clean {
					endClient.Delete(config.prefix + "-server")

			if _, err := endClient.Create(&endpoints); err != nil {
				Failf("Failed to create endpoints for Gluster server: %v", err)

			volume := api.VolumeSource{
				Glusterfs: &api.GlusterfsVolumeSource{
					EndpointsName: config.prefix + "-server",
					// 'test_vol' comes from contrib/for-tests/volumes-tester/gluster/