Example #1
// StartAutoDAG() spawns a go routine that checks the DAG every autoDAGcheckInterval
// by default that is 10 times per epoch
// in epoch n, if we past autoDAGepochHeight within-epoch blocks,
// it calls ethash.MakeDAG  to pregenerate the DAG for the next epoch n+1
// if it does not exist yet as well as remove the DAG for epoch n-1
// the loop quits if autodagquit channel is closed, it can safely restart and
// stop any number of times.
// For any more sophisticated pattern of DAG generation, use CLI subcommand
// makedag
func (self *Ethereum) StartAutoDAG() {
	if self.autodagquit != nil {
		return // already started
	go func() {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Automatic pregeneration of ethash DAG ON (ethash dir: %s)", ethash.DefaultDir)
		var nextEpoch uint64
		timer := time.After(0)
		self.autodagquit = make(chan bool)
		for {
			select {
			case <-timer:
				glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("checking DAG (ethash dir: %s)", ethash.DefaultDir)
				currentBlock := self.BlockChain().CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
				thisEpoch := currentBlock / epochLength
				if nextEpoch <= thisEpoch {
					if currentBlock%epochLength > autoDAGepochHeight {
						if thisEpoch > 0 {
							previousDag, previousDagFull := dagFiles(thisEpoch - 1)
							os.Remove(filepath.Join(ethash.DefaultDir, previousDag))
							os.Remove(filepath.Join(ethash.DefaultDir, previousDagFull))
							glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("removed DAG for epoch %d (%s)", thisEpoch-1, previousDag)
						nextEpoch = thisEpoch + 1
						dag, _ := dagFiles(nextEpoch)
						if _, err := os.Stat(dag); os.IsNotExist(err) {
							glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Pregenerating DAG for epoch %d (%s)", nextEpoch, dag)
							err := ethash.MakeDAG(nextEpoch*epochLength, "") // "" -> ethash.DefaultDir
							if err != nil {
								glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Error generating DAG for epoch %d (%s)", nextEpoch, dag)
						} else {
							glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("DAG for epoch %d (%s)", nextEpoch, dag)
				timer = time.After(autoDAGcheckInterval)
			case <-self.autodagquit:
Example #2
// MakeDAG creates the new DAG for the given block number
func (s *PrivateMinerAPI) MakeDAG(blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (bool, error) {
	if err := ethash.MakeDAG(uint64(blockNr.Int64()), ""); err != nil {
		return false, err
	return true, nil