Example #1
// VerifyProof checks merkle proofs. The given proof must contain the
// value for key in a trie with the given root hash. VerifyProof
// returns an error if the proof contains invalid trie nodes or the
// wrong value.
func VerifyProof(rootHash common.Hash, key []byte, proof []rlp.RawValue) (value []byte, err error) {
	key = compactHexDecode(key)
	sha := sha3.NewKeccak256()
	wantHash := rootHash.Bytes()
	for i, buf := range proof {
		if !bytes.Equal(sha.Sum(nil), wantHash) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad proof node %d: hash mismatch", i)
		n, err := decodeNode(buf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad proof node %d: %v", i, err)
		keyrest, cld := get(n, key)
		switch cld := cld.(type) {
		case nil:
			if i != len(proof)-1 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("key mismatch at proof node %d", i)
			} else {
				// The trie doesn't contain the key.
				return nil, nil
		case hashNode:
			key = keyrest
			wantHash = cld
		case valueNode:
			if i != len(proof)-1 {
				return nil, errors.New("additional nodes at end of proof")
			return cld, nil
	return nil, errors.New("unexpected end of proof")
Example #2
// GetTransaction retrieves a specific transaction from the database, along with
// its added positional metadata.
func GetTransaction(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) (*types.Transaction, common.Hash, uint64, uint64) {
	// Retrieve the transaction itself from the database
	data, _ := db.Get(hash.Bytes())
	if len(data) == 0 {
		return nil, common.Hash{}, 0, 0
	var tx types.Transaction
	if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &tx); err != nil {
		return nil, common.Hash{}, 0, 0
	// Retrieve the blockchain positional metadata
	data, _ = db.Get(append(hash.Bytes(), txMetaSuffix...))
	if len(data) == 0 {
		return nil, common.Hash{}, 0, 0
	var meta struct {
		BlockHash  common.Hash
		BlockIndex uint64
		Index      uint64
	if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &meta); err != nil {
		return nil, common.Hash{}, 0, 0
	return &tx, meta.BlockHash, meta.BlockIndex, meta.Index
Example #3
// AddSubTrie registers a new trie to the sync code, rooted at the designated parent.
func (s *TrieSync) AddSubTrie(root common.Hash, depth int, parent common.Hash, callback TrieSyncLeafCallback) {
	// Short circuit if the trie is empty or already known
	if root == emptyRoot {
	blob, _ := s.database.Get(root.Bytes())
	if local, err := decodeNode(blob); local != nil && err == nil {
	// Assemble the new sub-trie sync request
	node := node(hashNode(root.Bytes()))
	req := &request{
		object:   &node,
		hash:     root,
		depth:    depth,
		callback: callback,
	// If this sub-trie has a designated parent, link them together
	if parent != (common.Hash{}) {
		ancestor := s.requests[parent]
		if ancestor == nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("sub-trie ancestor not found: %x", parent))
		req.parents = append(req.parents, ancestor)
Example #4
// HashToUrl(contenthash) resolves the url for contenthash using UrlHint
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from  db
// if we use content addressed storage, this step is no longer necessary
func (self *Registrar) HashToUrl(chash common.Hash) (uri string, err error) {
	if zero.MatchString(UrlHintAddr) {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("UrlHint address is not set")
	// look up in URL reg
	var str string = " "
	var idx uint32
	for len(str) > 0 {
		mapaddr := storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), chash[:])
		key := storageAddress(storageFixedArray(mapaddr, storageIdx2Addr(idx)))
		hex := self.backend.StorageAt(UrlHintAddr[2:], key)
		str = string(common.Hex2Bytes(hex[2:]))
		l := 0
		for (l < len(str)) && (str[l] == 0) {

		str = str[l:]
		uri = uri + str

	if len(uri) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("HashToUrl: URL hint not found for '%v'", chash.Hex())
Example #5
// WriteHeadFastBlockHash stores the fast head block's hash.
func WriteHeadFastBlockHash(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) error {
	if err := db.Put(headFastKey, hash.Bytes()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store last fast block's hash into database: %v", err)
		return err
	return nil
Example #6
// WriteCanonicalHash stores the canonical hash for the given block number.
func WriteCanonicalHash(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash, number uint64) error {
	key := append(blockNumPrefix, big.NewInt(int64(number)).Bytes()...)
	if err := db.Put(key, hash.Bytes()); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store number to hash mapping into database: %v", err)
		return err
	return nil
Example #7
// GetTd retrieves a block's total difficulty corresponding to the hash, nil if
// none found.
func GetTd(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) *big.Int {
	data, _ := db.Get(append(append(blockPrefix, hash.Bytes()...), tdSuffix...))
	if len(data) == 0 {
		return nil
	td := new(big.Int)
	if err := rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(data), td); err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("invalid block total difficulty RLP for hash %x: %v", hash, err)
		return nil
	return td
Example #8
func (self *StateObject) GetState(key common.Hash) common.Hash {
	strkey := key.Str()
	value, exists := self.storage[strkey]
	if !exists {
		value = self.getAddr(key)
		if (value != common.Hash{}) {
			self.storage[strkey] = value

	return value
Example #9
// WriteBody serializes the body of a block into the database.
func WriteBody(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash, body *types.Body) error {
	data, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(body)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	key := append(append(blockPrefix, hash.Bytes()...), bodySuffix...)
	if err := db.Put(key, data); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store block body into database: %v", err)
		return err
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("stored block body [%x…]", hash.Bytes()[:4])
	return nil
Example #10
// WriteTd serializes the total difficulty of a block into the database.
func WriteTd(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) error {
	data, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(td)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	key := append(append(blockPrefix, hash.Bytes()...), tdSuffix...)
	if err := db.Put(key, data); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store block total difficulty into database: %v", err)
		return err
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("stored block total difficulty [%x…]: %v", hash.Bytes()[:4], td)
	return nil
Example #11
// GetTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt for the given transaction hash.
func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(txHash common.Hash) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	receipt := core.GetReceipt(s.chainDb, txHash)
	if receipt == nil {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("receipt not found for transaction %s", txHash.Hex())
		return nil, nil

	tx, _, err := getTransaction(s.chainDb, s.txPool, txHash)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("%v\n", err)
		return nil, nil

	txBlock, blockIndex, index, err := getTransactionBlockData(s.chainDb, txHash)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("%v\n", err)
		return nil, nil

	from, err := tx.From()
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("%v\n", err)
		return nil, nil

	fields := map[string]interface{}{
		"blockHash":         txBlock,
		"blockNumber":       rpc.NewHexNumber(blockIndex),
		"transactionHash":   txHash,
		"transactionIndex":  rpc.NewHexNumber(index),
		"from":              from,
		"to":                tx.To(),
		"gasUsed":           rpc.NewHexNumber(receipt.GasUsed),
		"cumulativeGasUsed": rpc.NewHexNumber(receipt.CumulativeGasUsed),
		"contractAddress":   nil,
		"logs":              receipt.Logs,

	if receipt.Logs == nil {
		fields["logs"] = []vm.Logs{}

	// If the ContractAddress is 20 0x0 bytes, assume it is not a contract creation
	if bytes.Compare(receipt.ContractAddress.Bytes(), bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, 20)) != 0 {
		fields["contractAddress"] = receipt.ContractAddress

	return fields, nil
Example #12
// New creates a trie with an existing root node from db.
// If root is the zero hash or the sha3 hash of an empty string, the
// trie is initially empty and does not require a database. Otherwise,
// New will panic if db is nil and returns a MissingNodeError if root does
// not exist in the database. Accessing the trie loads nodes from db on demand.
func New(root common.Hash, db Database) (*Trie, error) {
	trie := &Trie{db: db, originalRoot: root}
	if (root != common.Hash{}) && root != emptyRoot {
		if db == nil {
			panic("trie.New: cannot use existing root without a database")
		if v, _ := trie.db.Get(root[:]); len(v) == 0 {
			return nil, &MissingNodeError{
				RootHash: root,
				NodeHash: root,
		trie.root = hashNode(root.Bytes())
	return trie, nil
Example #13
func getTransaction(chainDb ethdb.Database, txPool *core.TxPool, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Transaction, bool, error) {
	txData, err := chainDb.Get(txHash.Bytes())
	isPending := false
	tx := new(types.Transaction)

	if err == nil && len(txData) > 0 {
		if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(txData, tx); err != nil {
			return nil, isPending, err
	} else {
		// pending transaction?
		tx = txPool.GetTransaction(txHash)
		isPending = true

	return tx, isPending, nil
Example #14
// HashToHash(key) resolves contenthash for key (a hash) using HashReg
// resolution is costless non-transactional
// implemented as direct retrieval from  db
func (self *Registrar) HashToHash(khash common.Hash) (chash common.Hash, err error) {
	if zero.MatchString(HashRegAddr) {
		return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("HashReg address is not set")

	// look up in hashReg
	at := HashRegAddr[2:]
	key := storageAddress(storageMapping(storageIdx2Addr(1), khash[:]))
	hash := self.backend.StorageAt(at, key)

	if hash == "0x0" || len(hash) < 3 || (hash == common.Hash{}.Hex()) {
		err = fmt.Errorf("HashToHash: content hash not found for '%v'", khash.Hex())
	copy(chash[:], common.Hex2BytesFixed(hash[2:], 32))
Example #15
// WriteBlockReceipts stores all the transaction receipts belonging to a block
// as a single receipt slice. This is used during chain reorganisations for
// rescheduling dropped transactions.
func WriteBlockReceipts(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash, receipts types.Receipts) error {
	// Convert the receipts into their storage form and serialize them
	storageReceipts := make([]*types.ReceiptForStorage, len(receipts))
	for i, receipt := range receipts {
		storageReceipts[i] = (*types.ReceiptForStorage)(receipt)
	bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(storageReceipts)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Store the flattened receipt slice
	if err := db.Put(append(blockReceiptsPrefix, hash.Bytes()...), bytes); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("failed to store block receipts into database: %v", err)
		return err
	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("stored block receipts [%x…]", hash.Bytes()[:4])
	return nil
Example #16
// getTransactionBlockData fetches the meta data for the given transaction from the chain database. This is useful to
// retrieve block information for a hash. It returns the block hash, block index and transaction index.
func getTransactionBlockData(chainDb ethdb.Database, txHash common.Hash) (common.Hash, uint64, uint64, error) {
	var txBlock struct {
		BlockHash  common.Hash
		BlockIndex uint64
		Index      uint64

	blockData, err := chainDb.Get(append(txHash.Bytes(), 0x0001))
	if err != nil {
		return common.Hash{}, uint64(0), uint64(0), err

	reader := bytes.NewReader(blockData)
	if err = rlp.Decode(reader, &txBlock); err != nil {
		return common.Hash{}, uint64(0), uint64(0), err

	return txBlock.BlockHash, txBlock.BlockIndex, txBlock.Index, nil
Example #17
// AddRawEntry schedules the direct retrieval of a state entry that should not be
// interpreted as a trie node, but rather accepted and stored into the database
// as is. This method's goal is to support misc state metadata retrievals (e.g.
// contract code).
func (s *TrieSync) AddRawEntry(hash common.Hash, depth int, parent common.Hash) {
	// Short circuit if the entry is empty or already known
	if hash == emptyState {
	if blob, _ := s.database.Get(hash.Bytes()); blob != nil {
	// Assemble the new sub-trie sync request
	req := &request{
		hash:  hash,
		depth: depth,
	// If this sub-trie has a designated parent, link them together
	if parent != (common.Hash{}) {
		ancestor := s.requests[parent]
		if ancestor == nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("raw-entry ancestor not found: %x", parent))
		req.parents = append(req.parents, ancestor)
Example #18
// handleMsg is invoked whenever an inbound message is received from a remote
// peer. The remote connection is torn down upon returning any error.
func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
	// Read the next message from the remote peer, and ensure it's fully consumed
	msg, err := p.rw.ReadMsg()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
		return errResp(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
	defer msg.Discard()

	// Handle the message depending on its contents
	switch {
	case msg.Code == StatusMsg:
		// Status messages should never arrive after the handshake
		return errResp(ErrExtraStatusMsg, "uncontrolled status message")

	case p.version < eth62 && msg.Code == GetBlockHashesMsg:
		// Retrieve the number of hashes to return and from which origin hash
		var request getBlockHashesData
		if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		if request.Amount > uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch) {
			request.Amount = uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch)
		// Retrieve the hashes from the block chain and return them
		hashes := pm.blockchain.GetBlockHashesFromHash(request.Hash, request.Amount)
		if len(hashes) == 0 {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("invalid block hash %x", request.Hash.Bytes()[:4])
		return p.SendBlockHashes(hashes)

	case p.version < eth62 && msg.Code == GetBlockHashesFromNumberMsg:
		// Retrieve and decode the number of hashes to return and from which origin number
		var request getBlockHashesFromNumberData
		if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		if request.Amount > uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch) {
			request.Amount = uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch)
		// Calculate the last block that should be retrieved, and short circuit if unavailable
		last := pm.blockchain.GetBlockByNumber(request.Number + request.Amount - 1)
		if last == nil {
			last = pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
			request.Amount = last.NumberU64() - request.Number + 1
		if last.NumberU64() < request.Number {
			return p.SendBlockHashes(nil)
		// Retrieve the hashes from the last block backwards, reverse and return
		hashes := []common.Hash{last.Hash()}
		hashes = append(hashes, pm.blockchain.GetBlockHashesFromHash(last.Hash(), request.Amount-1)...)

		for i := 0; i < len(hashes)/2; i++ {
			hashes[i], hashes[len(hashes)-1-i] = hashes[len(hashes)-1-i], hashes[i]
		return p.SendBlockHashes(hashes)

	case p.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHashesMsg:
		// A batch of hashes arrived to one of our previous requests
		var hashes []common.Hash
		if err := msg.Decode(&hashes); err != nil {
		// Deliver them all to the downloader for queuing
		err := pm.downloader.DeliverHashes(p.id, hashes)
		if err != nil {

	case p.version < eth62 && msg.Code == GetBlocksMsg:
		// Decode the retrieval message
		msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
		if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
			return err
		// Gather blocks until the fetch or network limits is reached
		var (
			hash   common.Hash
			bytes  common.StorageSize
			blocks []*types.Block
		for len(blocks) < downloader.MaxBlockFetch && bytes < softResponseLimit {
			//Retrieve the hash of the next block
			err := msgStream.Decode(&hash)
			if err == rlp.EOL {
			} else if err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
			// Retrieve the requested block, stopping if enough was found
			if block := pm.blockchain.GetBlock(hash); block != nil {
				blocks = append(blocks, block)
				bytes += block.Size()
		return p.SendBlocks(blocks)

	case p.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlocksMsg:
		// Decode the arrived block message
		var blocks []*types.Block
		if err := msg.Decode(&blocks); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("Decode error", err)
			blocks = nil
		// Update the receive timestamp of each block
		for _, block := range blocks {
			block.ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt
		// Filter out any explicitly requested blocks, deliver the rest to the downloader
		if blocks := pm.fetcher.FilterBlocks(blocks); len(blocks) > 0 {
			pm.downloader.DeliverBlocks(p.id, blocks)

	// Block header query, collect the requested headers and reply
	case p.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == GetBlockHeadersMsg:
		// Decode the complex header query
		var query getBlockHeadersData
		if err := msg.Decode(&query); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		hashMode := query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{})

		// Gather headers until the fetch or network limits is reached
		var (
			bytes   common.StorageSize
			headers []*types.Header
			unknown bool
		for !unknown && len(headers) < int(query.Amount) && bytes < softResponseLimit && len(headers) < downloader.MaxHeaderFetch {
			// Retrieve the next header satisfying the query
			var origin *types.Header
			if hashMode {
				origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeader(query.Origin.Hash)
			} else {
				origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(query.Origin.Number)
			if origin == nil {
			headers = append(headers, origin)
			bytes += estHeaderRlpSize

			// Advance to the next header of the query
			switch {
			case query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{}) && query.Reverse:
				// Hash based traversal towards the genesis block
				for i := 0; i < int(query.Skip)+1; i++ {
					if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeader(query.Origin.Hash); header != nil {
						query.Origin.Hash = header.ParentHash
					} else {
						unknown = true
			case query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{}) && !query.Reverse:
				// Hash based traversal towards the leaf block
				if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(origin.Number.Uint64() + query.Skip + 1); header != nil {
					if pm.blockchain.GetBlockHashesFromHash(header.Hash(), query.Skip+1)[query.Skip] == query.Origin.Hash {
						query.Origin.Hash = header.Hash()
					} else {
						unknown = true
				} else {
					unknown = true
			case query.Reverse:
				// Number based traversal towards the genesis block
				if query.Origin.Number >= query.Skip+1 {
					query.Origin.Number -= (query.Skip + 1)
				} else {
					unknown = true

			case !query.Reverse:
				// Number based traversal towards the leaf block
				query.Origin.Number += (query.Skip + 1)
		return p.SendBlockHeaders(headers)

	case p.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
		// A batch of headers arrived to one of our previous requests
		var headers []*types.Header
		if err := msg.Decode(&headers); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
		// Filter out any explicitly requested headers, deliver the rest to the downloader
		filter := len(headers) == 1
		if filter {
			headers = pm.fetcher.FilterHeaders(headers, time.Now())
		if len(headers) > 0 || !filter {
			err := pm.downloader.DeliverHeaders(p.id, headers)
			if err != nil {

	case p.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == GetBlockBodiesMsg:
		// Decode the retrieval message
		msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
		if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
			return err
		// Gather blocks until the fetch or network limits is reached
		var (
			hash   common.Hash
			bytes  int
			bodies []rlp.RawValue
		for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(bodies) < downloader.MaxBlockFetch {
			// Retrieve the hash of the next block
			if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
			} else if err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
			// Retrieve the requested block body, stopping if enough was found
			if data := pm.blockchain.GetBodyRLP(hash); len(data) != 0 {
				bodies = append(bodies, data)
				bytes += len(data)
		return p.SendBlockBodiesRLP(bodies)

	case p.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
		// A batch of block bodies arrived to one of our previous requests
		var request blockBodiesData
		if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
		// Deliver them all to the downloader for queuing
		trasactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, len(request))
		uncles := make([][]*types.Header, len(request))

		for i, body := range request {
			trasactions[i] = body.Transactions
			uncles[i] = body.Uncles
		// Filter out any explicitly requested bodies, deliver the rest to the downloader
		if trasactions, uncles := pm.fetcher.FilterBodies(trasactions, uncles, time.Now()); len(trasactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 {
			err := pm.downloader.DeliverBodies(p.id, trasactions, uncles)
			if err != nil {

	case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == GetNodeDataMsg:
		// Decode the retrieval message
		msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
		if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
			return err
		// Gather state data until the fetch or network limits is reached
		var (
			hash  common.Hash
			bytes int
			data  [][]byte
		for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(data) < downloader.MaxStateFetch {
			// Retrieve the hash of the next state entry
			if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
			} else if err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
			// Retrieve the requested state entry, stopping if enough was found
			if entry, err := pm.chaindb.Get(hash.Bytes()); err == nil {
				data = append(data, entry)
				bytes += len(entry)
		return p.SendNodeData(data)

	case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
		// A batch of node state data arrived to one of our previous requests
		var data [][]byte
		if err := msg.Decode(&data); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
		// Deliver all to the downloader
		if err := pm.downloader.DeliverNodeData(p.id, data); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("failed to deliver node state data: %v", err)

	case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == GetReceiptsMsg:
		// Decode the retrieval message
		msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
		if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
			return err
		// Gather state data until the fetch or network limits is reached
		var (
			hash     common.Hash
			bytes    int
			receipts []rlp.RawValue
		for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(receipts) < downloader.MaxReceiptFetch {
			// Retrieve the hash of the next block
			if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
			} else if err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
			// Retrieve the requested block's receipts, skipping if unknown to us
			results := core.GetBlockReceipts(pm.chaindb, hash)
			if results == nil {
				if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeader(hash); header == nil || header.ReceiptHash != types.EmptyRootHash {
			// If known, encode and queue for response packet
			if encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(results); err != nil {
				glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("failed to encode receipt: %v", err)
			} else {
				receipts = append(receipts, encoded)
				bytes += len(encoded)
		return p.SendReceiptsRLP(receipts)

	case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
		// A batch of receipts arrived to one of our previous requests
		var receipts [][]*types.Receipt
		if err := msg.Decode(&receipts); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
		// Deliver all to the downloader
		if err := pm.downloader.DeliverReceipts(p.id, receipts); err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("failed to deliver receipts: %v", err)

	case msg.Code == NewBlockHashesMsg:
		// Retrieve and deseralize the remote new block hashes notification
		type announce struct {
			Hash   common.Hash
			Number uint64
		var announces = []announce{}

		if p.version < eth62 {
			// We're running the old protocol, make block number unknown (0)
			var hashes []common.Hash
			if err := msg.Decode(&hashes); err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
			for _, hash := range hashes {
				announces = append(announces, announce{hash, 0})
		} else {
			// Otherwise extract both block hash and number
			var request newBlockHashesData
			if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
			for _, block := range request {
				announces = append(announces, announce{block.Hash, block.Number})
		// Mark the hashes as present at the remote node
		for _, block := range announces {
		// Schedule all the unknown hashes for retrieval
		unknown := make([]announce, 0, len(announces))
		for _, block := range announces {
			if !pm.blockchain.HasBlock(block.Hash) {
				unknown = append(unknown, block)
		for _, block := range unknown {
			if p.version < eth62 {
				pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, block.Hash, block.Number, time.Now(), p.RequestBlocks, nil, nil)
			} else {
				pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, block.Hash, block.Number, time.Now(), nil, p.RequestOneHeader, p.RequestBodies)

	case msg.Code == NewBlockMsg:
		// Retrieve and decode the propagated block
		var request newBlockData
		if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		if err := request.Block.ValidateFields(); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "block validation %v: %v", msg, err)
		request.Block.ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt

		// Mark the peer as owning the block and schedule it for import

		pm.fetcher.Enqueue(p.id, request.Block)

		// Update the peers total difficulty if needed, schedule a download if gapped
		if request.TD.Cmp(p.Td()) > 0 {
			td := pm.blockchain.GetTd(pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock().Hash())
			if request.TD.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(td, request.Block.Difficulty())) > 0 {
				go pm.synchronise(p)

	case msg.Code == TxMsg:
		// Transactions arrived, parse all of them and deliver to the pool
		var txs []*types.Transaction
		if err := msg.Decode(&txs); err != nil {
			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
		for i, tx := range txs {
			// Validate and mark the remote transaction
			if tx == nil {
				return errResp(ErrDecode, "transaction %d is nil", i)

		return errResp(ErrInvalidMsgCode, "%v", msg.Code)
	return nil
Example #19
// DeleteReceipt removes all receipt data associated with a transaction hash.
func DeleteReceipt(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) {
	db.Delete(append(receiptsPrefix, hash.Bytes()...))
Example #20
// DeleteTransaction removes all transaction data associated with a hash.
func DeleteTransaction(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) {
	db.Delete(append(hash.Bytes(), txMetaSuffix...))
Example #21
// DeleteTd removes all block total difficulty data associated with a hash.
func DeleteTd(db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) {
	db.Delete(append(append(blockPrefix, hash.Bytes()...), tdSuffix...))
Example #22
func (self *StateObject) SetState(k, value common.Hash) {
	self.storage[k.Str()] = value
	self.dirty = true
Example #23
// GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex returns the uncle block for the given block hash and index. When fullTx is true
// all transactions in the block are returned in full detail, otherwise only the transaction hash is returned.
func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash common.Hash, index rpc.HexNumber) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	if block := s.bc.GetBlock(blockHash); block != nil {
		uncles := block.Uncles()
		if index.Int() < 0 || index.Int() >= len(uncles) {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("uncle block on index %d not found for block %s", index.Int(), blockHash.Hex())
			return nil, nil
		block = types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index.Int()])
		return s.rpcOutputBlock(block, false, false)
	return nil, nil