Example #1
func (r *Resource) PUT(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form = &struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(form)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not parse request data: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("mediatype.api.could_not_parse_request"))

	// get media type from database
	var entity pg.Entity
	entity, err = db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query media type id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("mediatype.api.could_not_query_media_type"))
	mediatype := entity.(*Model)

	// update the media type
	mediatype.Name = form.Name
	err = db.Update(mediatype)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not edit media type %s: %v", form.Name, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("mediatype.api.could_not_edit_media_type"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, mediatype)
Example #2
func (r *Resource) PUT(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form = &struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(form)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not parse request data: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("group.api.could_not_parse_request_data"))

	// get group from database
	var grp pg.Entity
	grp, err = db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query group id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("group.api.could_not_query_group"))

	// update the group
	grp.(*Model).Name = form.Name
	err = db.Update(grp)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not edit group %s: %v", form.Name, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("group.api.could_not_edit_group"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, grp)
Example #3
func (r *Begin) POST(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form struct {
		Email string `json:"email"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&form)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.begin.could_not_query"))

	// validate email address
	if ok := regexp.MustCompile(cfg.Email.Regex).MatchString(form.Email); !ok {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.begin.invalid_email_address"))

	// get user from database
	var u *user.Model
	u, err = user.GetByEmail(db, form.Email)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.begin.user_not_found"))

	go sendEmail(c, u)

	return ctx.OK(rw, c.T("reset.begin.email_sent"))
Example #4
func Response(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, token *jwt.Token) error {
	tokenString, err := ctx.SignToken(token)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("user.token.problem_signing_token"))
	return ctx.OK(rw, map[string]string{"token": tokenString})
Example #5
func (r *Collection) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)
	mediatypes, err := db.FindAll(&Model{}, "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Query error: %v", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("mediatype.api.could_not_query_media_type"))
	return ctx.OK(rw, mediatypes)
Example #6
func (r *Resource) PUT(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	// decode request data
	var form = &MediaForm{}
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(form)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not parse request data: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_parse_request_data"))

	// get location from database
	loc, err := location.GetById(db, form.LocationId)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not locate the requested location: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_locate_requested_location"))

	// get media type from database
	mediatype, err := mediatype.GetById(db, form.MediatypeId)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not locate the requested media type: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_locate_requested_media_type"))

	// move the uploaded file to the right place
	var dstPath string
	dstPath, err = mediaupload.MoveFile(loc, mediatype, form.Path)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not process the uploaded file: %s", err)
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_process_uploaded_file"))

	// get media from database
	entity, err := db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query media id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_query_media"))
	media := entity.(*Model)

	// update the media
	media.Name = form.Name
	media.LocationId = form.LocationId
	media.MediatypeId = form.MediatypeId
	media.Path = dstPath
	media.EncodeData(loc, mediatype)
	err = db.Update(media)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not edit media %s: %v", form.Name, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_edit_media"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, media)
Example #7
func (lc *Collection) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)
	locations, err := db.FindAll(&Model{}, "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query locations: %v", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("location.api.could_not_query_locations"))
	return ctx.OK(rw, locations)
Example #8
func (r *Collection) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)
	medias, err := db.FindAll(&Model{}, "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Query error: %v", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaresource.query_error"))
	return ctx.OK(rw, medias)
Example #9
func (r *Resource) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	grp, err := db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query group id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("group.api.could_not_query_group"))
	return ctx.OK(rw, grp)
Example #10
func (r *Resource) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	media, err := db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query media id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("media.mediaitemresource.could_not_query_media"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, media)
Example #11
func (r *Complete) POST(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form struct {
		Password      string   `json:"password"`
		PasswordAgain string   `json:"passwordAgain"`
		ValidKey      ValidKey `json:"validKey"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&form)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.complete.unable_to_change"))

	// validate the passwords
	if form.Password != form.PasswordAgain {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.complete.mismatch"))

	// validate the key again
	resetToken, err := getToken(db, form.ValidKey.Key)
	if err != nil || !resetToken.Valid() {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.token.invalid_key"))

	// get user from db
	u, err := user.GetById(db, resetToken.UserId)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("reset.complete.user_not_found"))

	// encode user password
	err = u.Password.Encode(form.Password)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("reset.complete.could_not_change_password"))

	// change user data in database
	err = user.Update(db, u)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("reset.complete.could_not_change_password"))

	// invalidate token
	err = updateToken(db, resetToken)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Unable to invalidate token: %s", err)

	return ctx.OK(rw, u)
Example #12
func (r *Profile) GET(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// get user id from current token
	userId, found := c.Token.Claims["uid"]
	if !found {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("user.me.could_not_extract"))

	// query user data
	user, err := GetById(db, int64(userId.(float64)))
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query user: %v", err)
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("user.me.could_not_query"))

	// return user data
	return ctx.OK(rw, user)
Example #13
func (r *ValidateKey) POST(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form struct {
		Key string `json:"key"`

	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&form)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.validate.unable_to_validate_key"))

	resetToken, err := getToken(db, form.Key)
	if err != nil || !resetToken.Valid() {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("reset.validate.invalid_key"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, ValidKey{resetToken.UserId, form.Key})
Example #14
func (lr *Resource) PUT(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	id := vars["id"]

	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form = &struct {
		Name       string `json:"name"`
		StaticURL  string `json:"staticURL"`
		StaticPath string `json:"staticPath"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(form)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not parse request data: %s", err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("location.api.could_not_parse_request_data"))

	// get location from database
	var entity pg.Entity
	entity, err = db.FindOne(&Model{}, "id = $1", id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query location id %s: %v", id, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("location.api.could_not_query_location"))
	location := entity.(*Model)

	// update the location
	location.Name = form.Name
	location.StaticURL = form.StaticURL
	location.StaticPath = form.StaticPath
	err = db.Update(location)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not edit location %s: %v", form.Name, err)
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("location.api.could_not_edit_location"))

	return ctx.OK(rw, location)
Example #15
func (r *Profile) PUT(c *ctx.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
	db := c.Vars["db"].(*pg.Session)

	// decode request data
	var form struct {
		Id       null.Int     `json:"id"`
		Email    string       `json:"email"`
		JsonData UserJsonData `json:"jsonData,omitempty"`
	err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&form)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("user.me.could_not_decode_profile_data"))

	// query user data
	u, err := GetById(db, form.Id.Int64)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not query user: %v", err)
		return ctx.InternalServerError(rw, c.T("user.me.could_not_query"))

	// get the json data from user
	jsonData, err := u.DecodeJsonData()
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.BadRequest(rw, c.T("user.me.could_not_decode_json_data"))

	// update the user
	u.Email = form.Email
	jsonData.FirstName = form.JsonData.FirstName
	jsonData.LastName = form.JsonData.LastName
	Update(db, u)

	// return user data
	return ctx.OK(rw, u)