func (suite *sessionRecoverySuite) TestExpiredCacheRecovery() { scope := New().(*realScope) scope.userCache = newTestCache() mock := multiclient.NewMock() stub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: readSessionEndpoint, Response: &sessreadproto.Response{ SessId: proto.String(testSessId), Token: proto.String(testToken), }, } mock.Stub(stub) multiclient.SetCaller(mock.Caller()) u, err := FromSessionToken(testSessId, testToken) suite.Assertions.Equal(testSessId, u.SessId) suite.Assertions.NoError(err) suite.Assertions.NotNil(u) u.RenewTs = time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute) u.ExpiryTs = u.RenewTs.Add(1 * time.Minute) suite.Assertions.NoError(scope.userCache.Store(u)) suite.Assertions.Equal(0, stub.CountCalls()) // As this session has expired, the login service should be called to recover (and renew) it suite.Assertions.False(scope.IsAuth()) suite.Assertions.NoError(scope.RecoverSession(testSessId)) suite.Assertions.True(scope.IsAuth()) u = scope.AuthUser() suite.Assertions.NotNil(u) suite.Assertions.Equal(1, stub.CountCalls()) }
// ToProtobuf takes a Error and returns a protobuf error func ToProtobuf(err Error) *pe.PlatformError { return &pe.PlatformError{ Type: pe.PlatformError_ErrorType(pe.PlatformError_ErrorType_value[err.Type()]).Enum(), Code: proto.String(err.Code()), Description: proto.String(err.Description()), Context: err.Context(), HttpCode: proto.Uint32(err.HttpCode()), } }
func healthCheckSampleToProto(hc *HealthCheck, sample *Sample) *hcproto.HealthCheck { return &hcproto.HealthCheck{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(sample.At.Unix()), HealthCheckId: proto.String(hc.Id), ServiceName: proto.String(hc.ServiceName), ServiceVersion: proto.Uint64(hc.ServiceVersion), Hostname: proto.String(hc.Hostname), InstanceId: proto.String(hc.InstanceId), IsHealthy: proto.Bool(sample.IsHealthy), ErrorDescription: proto.String(sample.ErrorDescription), Measurements: mapToProto(sample.Measurements), Priority: hcproto.HealthCheck_Priority(hc.Priority).Enum(), } }
func mapToProto(m map[string]string) []*hcproto.HealthCheck_KeyValue { if m == nil { return []*hcproto.HealthCheck_KeyValue{} } ret := make([]*hcproto.HealthCheck_KeyValue, len(m)) i := 0 for k, v := range m { ret[i] = &hcproto.HealthCheck_KeyValue{ Key: proto.String(k), Value: proto.String(v), } i++ } return ret }
// SignOut destroys the current session so that it cannot be used again func (s *realScope) SignOut(user *User) error { cl := multiclient.New().DefaultScopeFrom(s.getRpcScope()) cl.AddScopedReq(&multiclient.ScopedReq{ Uid: "deletesess", Service: loginService, Endpoint: deleteSessionEndpoint, Req: &sessdelproto.Request{ SessId: proto.String(user.SessId), }, Rsp: &sessdelproto.Response{}, }) if cl.Execute().AnyErrors() { return cl.Succeeded("deletesess") } if err := s.userCache.Purge(user.SessId); err != nil { log.Errorf("[Auth] Error purging session cache: %v", err) } s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() s.authUser = nil s.triedAuth = false return nil }
// jsonschemaHandler returns all registered endpoints in json schema format as per ITF draft4 // func jsonschemaHandler(req *Request) (proto.Message, errors.Error) { // Get all endpoints request := req.Data().(*jsonschemaproto.Request) endpoint := request.GetEndpoint() endpoints := reg.iterate() schemas := make([]*jsonschema.JsonSchema, 0) for _, ep := range endpoints { if endpoint != "" && endpoint != ep.GetName() { continue } schema, err := marshalEndpoint(ep) if err == nil && schema != nil { schemas = append(schemas, schema) } } rsp, err := json.Marshal(schemas) if err != nil { return nil, errors.InternalServerError("com.hailocab.kernel.marshal.error", fmt.Sprintf("Unable to unmarshal response data: %v", err.Error())) } return &jsonschemaproto.Response{ Jsonschema: proto.String(string(rsp)), }, nil }
func (s *realScope) doAuth(mech, device string, creds map[string]string) (*User, error) { reqProto := &authproto.Request{ Mech: proto.String(mech), DeviceType: proto.String(device), Meta: make([]*loginproto.KeyValue, 0), } for k, v := range creds { switch k { case "username": reqProto.Username = proto.String(v) case "password": reqProto.Password = proto.String(v) case "newPassword": reqProto.NewPassword = proto.String(v) case "application": reqProto.Application = proto.String(v) default: // Add additional fields to Meta, such as DeviceId, osVersion, appVersion reqProto.Meta = append(reqProto.Meta, &loginproto.KeyValue{ Key: proto.String(k), Value: proto.String(v), }) } } cl := multiclient.New().DefaultScopeFrom(s.getRpcScope()) rsp := &authproto.Response{} cl.AddScopedReq(&multiclient.ScopedReq{ Uid: "auth", Service: loginService, Endpoint: authEndpoint, Req: reqProto, Rsp: rsp, Options: client.Options{"retries": 0}, }) if cl.Execute().AnyErrors() { // specfically map out bad credentials error err := cl.Succeeded("auth") if err.Code() == badCredentialsErrCode { return nil, BadCredentialsError } return nil, err } // recover this user u, err := FromSessionToken(rsp.GetSessId(), rsp.GetToken()) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := s.userCache.Store(u); err != nil { log.Errorf("[Auth] Error caching session: %v", err) } return u, nil }
func (s *stats) endpoint(ep Endpoint, t endpointTimers) *pstats.EndpointStats { return &pstats.EndpointStats{ EndpointName: proto.String(ep.GetName()), Sla: endpointSLA(ep), Success: endpointStat(t.success), Error: endpointStat(t.errors), } }
// publishFailure publishes a failure/panic event to be monitored. func publishFailure(r interface{}) { var p string switch r.(type) { case string: p = r.(string) case error: p = fmt.Sprintf("%v", r.(error)) default: p = "Unknown panic" } b := make([]byte, 1024) runtime.Stack(b, true) if err := client.Pub("com.hailocab.monitor.failure", &fproto.Failure{ ServiceName: proto.String(Name), ServiceVersion: proto.Uint64(Version), AzName: proto.String(az), Hostname: proto.String(hostname), InstanceId: proto.String(InstanceID), Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().Unix()), Uptime: proto.Int64(int64(time.Since(serviceStarted).Seconds())), Type: proto.String("PANIC"), Reason: proto.String(p), Stack: proto.String(string(b)), }); err != nil { log.Errorf("[Server] Failed to publish failure event: %v", err) } }
func TestResponder(t *testing.T) { stub := &Stub{ Service: mockFooService, Endpoint: mockHealthEndpoint, Responder: func(invocation int, req *client.Request) (proto.Message, errors.Error) { if invocation == 1 { return &hcproto.Response{ Healthchecks: []*hcproto.HealthCheck{ &hcproto.HealthCheck{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(1403629015), ServiceName: proto.String("foo"), ServiceVersion: proto.Uint64(1403629015), Hostname: proto.String("localhost"), InstanceId: proto.String("foobar"), HealthCheckId: proto.String("boom"), IsHealthy: proto.Bool(true), }, }, }, nil } return nil, errors.InternalServerError("", "First call only works") }, } mock := NewMock().Stub(stub) caller := mock.Caller() req, _ := client.NewRequest(mockFooService, mockHealthEndpoint, &hcproto.Request{}) rsp := &hcproto.Response{} e := caller(req, rsp) assert.Nil(t, e, "Expecting our mocked call to be intercepted and stubbed response returned, got err: %v", e) assert.Len(t, rsp.GetHealthchecks(), 1, "Response does not contain our mocked content: no healthchecks") // now repeat, and we SHOULD get an error e = caller(req, rsp) assert.NotNil(t, e, "Expecting our mocked call to be intercepted and error response returned on 2nd call") assert.Equal(t, e.Code(), "", "Expecting code '', got '%s'", e.Code()) }
// doRecoverSession is the meat and veg for RecoverSession func (s *realScope) doRecoverSession(sessId string) (*User, error) { // Check cache; ignore errors (will have impact on service performance, but not functionality) queryLogin := false u, hit, err := s.userCache.Fetch(sessId) if err != nil { log.Warnf("[Auth] Error fetching session from cache (will call login service): %v", err) queryLogin = true } else if u != nil && u.ExpiryTs.Before(time.Now()) && u.CanAutoRenew() { // Cached token has expired log.Infof("[Auth] Cache-recovered token has expired (%s); will call login service", u.ExpiryTs.String()) queryLogin = true } else { queryLogin = u == nil && !hit } if queryLogin { cl := multiclient.New().DefaultScopeFrom(s.getRpcScope()) rsp := &sessreadproto.Response{} cl.AddScopedReq(&multiclient.ScopedReq{ Uid: "readsess", Service: loginService, Endpoint: readSessionEndpoint, Req: &sessreadproto.Request{ SessId: proto.String(sessId), }, Rsp: rsp, }) if cl.Execute().AnyErrorsIgnoring([]string{errors.ErrorNotFound}, nil) { err := cl.Succeeded("readsess") log.Errorf("[Auth] Auth scope recovery error [%s: %s] %v", err.Type(), err.Code(), err.Description()) return nil, err } // found a session? if rsp.GetSessId() == "" && rsp.GetToken() == "" { log.Debugf("[Auth] Session '%s' not found (not valid) when trying to recover from login service", sessId) // @todo we could cache this (at least for a short time) to prevent repeated hammering of login service } else { u, err = FromSessionToken(rsp.GetSessId(), rsp.GetToken()) if err != nil { log.Errorf("[Auth] Error getting user from session: %v", err) } else { log.Tracef("[Auth] Auth scope - recovered user '%s' from session '%s'", u.Id, rsp.GetSessId()) } } // ignore errors; just means we have no user if u != nil { s.userCache.Store(u) } } return u, nil }
// TestRecoverSessionHappyFound tests happy case (no service call failures) when we do find a user func (suite *sessionRecoverySuite) TestRecoverSessionHappyFound() { scope := New().(*realScope) scope.userCache = newTestCache() mock := multiclient.NewMock() stub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: readSessionEndpoint, Response: &sessreadproto.Response{ SessId: proto.String(testSessId), Token: proto.String(testToken), }, } mock.Stub(stub) multiclient.SetCaller(mock.Caller()) err := scope.RecoverSession(testSessId) suite.Assertions.NoError(err, "Unexpected recovery error") suite.Assertions.True(scope.IsAuth()) suite.Assertions.True(scope.HasTriedAuth()) suite.Assertions.Equal(1, stub.CountCalls(), "Expecting 1 call to readsession") req := &sessreadproto.Request{} err = stub.Request(0).Unmarshal(req) suite.Assertions.NoError(err) suite.Assertions.Equal(testSessId, req.GetSessId()) suite.Assertions.False(req.GetNoRenew()) u := scope.authUser suite.Assertions.NotNil(u) suite.Assertions.Equal("dave", u.Id) // Clean out scope scope.Clean() suite.Assertions.False(scope.IsAuth(), "Expecting scope to be IsAuth==false after Clean()") suite.Assertions.False(scope.HasTriedAuth(), "Expecting scope to have HasTriedAuth()==false after Clean()") suite.Assertions.Nil(scope.AuthUser(), "Expecting AuthUser()==nil after Clean()") // recover AGAIN -- this time it shoud be cached suite.Assertions.NoError(scope.RecoverSession(testSessId), "Unexpected recovery error") suite.Assertions.True(scope.IsAuth()) suite.Assertions.Equal(1, stub.CountCalls(), "Expecting 1 call to readsession (should be cached now)") }
// reloadSlas loads timeouts from discovery service for all services we know about (have tried to call) func (t *Timeout) reloadSlas() { replacement := make(map[string]map[string]time.Duration) for service := range t.endpoints { // load from discovery service log.Debugf("[Client] Loading SLAs from discovery service for %v...", service) req, err := NewRequest("com.hailocab.kernel.discovery", "endpoints", &eps.Request{ Service: proto.String(service), }) if err != nil { log.Warnf("[Client] Failed to create proto request to get endpoints for service: %s", service) continue } rsp := &eps.Response{} // explicitly define timeout since we're in no rush if err := t.client.Req(req, rsp, Options{"retries": 0, "timeout": time.Second * 5}); err != nil { log.Warnf("[Client] Trouble getting endpoint response back from discovery-service for service: %s", service) continue } for _, ep := range rsp.GetEndpoints() { endpoint := strings.TrimLeft(strings.TrimPrefix(ep.GetFqName(), service), ".") if _, ok := replacement[service]; !ok { replacement[service] = make(map[string]time.Duration) } replacement[service][endpoint] = msToDuration(ep.GetUpper95()) } } // double check we have all the things we started with -- if not, but back the "last known" (probably defaults) for service, serviceEndpoints := range t.endpoints { for endpoint, timeout := range serviceEndpoints { if _, ok := replacement[service]; !ok { replacement[service] = make(map[string]time.Duration) } if _, ok := replacement[service][endpoint]; !ok { log.Debugf("[Client] Failed to find SLA for %s.%s, falling back to %v", service, endpoint, timeout) replacement[service][endpoint] = timeout } } } // SLAs changed? if not, don't bother switching+logging if hashSlas(replacement) == t.hashEndpoints() { return } t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() t.endpoints = replacement log.Infof("[Client] Loaded new SLAs from discovery service: %v", t.endpoints) }
// traceIn traces a request inbound to a service to handle func traceIn(req *Request) { if req.shouldTrace() { go trace.Send(&traceproto.Event{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano()), TraceId: proto.String(req.TraceID()), Type: traceproto.Event_IN.Enum(), MessageId: proto.String(req.MessageID()), ParentMessageId: proto.String(req.ParentMessageID()), From: proto.String(req.From()), To: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", req.Service(), req.Endpoint())), Hostname: proto.String(hostname), Az: proto.String(az), Payload: proto.String(""), // @todo HandlerInstanceId: proto.String(InstanceID), PersistentTrace: proto.Bool(req.TraceShouldPersist()), }) } }
// traceReq decides if we want to trigger a trace event (when sending a request) and if so deals with it func (c *client) traceReq(req *Request) { if req.shouldTrace() { trace.Send(&traceproto.Event{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano()), TraceId: proto.String(req.TraceID()), Type: traceproto.Event_REQ.Enum(), MessageId: proto.String(req.MessageID()), ParentMessageId: proto.String(req.ParentMessageID()), From: proto.String(req.From()), FromEndpoint: proto.String(req.FromEndpoint()), To: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", req.Service(), req.Endpoint())), Hostname: proto.String(c.hostname), Az: proto.String(, Payload: proto.String(""), // @todo PersistentTrace: proto.Bool(req.TraceShouldPersist()), }) } }
func Foo(req h2.Request) (proto.Message, h2.Error) { request := req.Data().(*foo.Request) log.Debugf("Received bar=%v", request.GetBar()) s := services.Response{} err := h2.Call("com.hailocab.kernel.discovery", "services", &services.Request{}, &s) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Ouch... the discovery services seems to be down ): %v", err) } rsp := &foo.Response{ Baz: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("There are %v services running on your h2 cluster", len(s.GetServices()))), } return rsp, nil }
// load config via login service func (s *serviceToService) load() error { svc := s.getService() if svc == "" { log.Debug("[Auth] Skipping loading service-to-service auth rules (no service defined)") return nil } log.Tracef("[Auth] Loading service-to-service auth rules for %s", svc) reqProto := &endpointauth.Request{ Service: proto.String(svc), } req, err := client.NewRequest("com.hailocab.service.login", "endpointauth", reqProto) if err != nil { return err } // scope it req.SetFrom(svc) rsp := &endpointauth.Response{} if err := client.Req(req, rsp); err != nil { return err } newEndpoints := make(map[string]grantedServices) for _, ep := range rsp.GetEndpoints() { name := ep.GetEndpoint() if _, ok := newEndpoints[name]; !ok { newEndpoints[name] = make(grantedServices) } // add in the granted services to this endpoint for _, gs := range ep.GetGranted() { newEndpoints[name][gs.GetName()] = role(gs.GetRole()) } } // check if changed - to avoid locking/changing/logging if not if hashEndpoints(newEndpoints) == s.hash() { return nil } // switch in config s.Lock() defer s.Unlock() s.endpoints = newEndpoints log.Debugf("[Auth] Loaded service-to-service auth rules: %#v", s.endpoints) return nil }
func Endpoint(name string, configStruct interface{}) *service.Endpoint { handler := func(req *server.Request) (proto.Message, errors.Error) { return &schemaProto.Response{ Schema: proto.String(schema.Of(configStruct).String()), }, nil } return &server.Endpoint{ Name: name, Mean: 200, Upper95: 400, Handler: handler, Authoriser: service.OpenToTheWorldAuthoriser(), } }
// Hello provides a func to process an incoming 'hello' request. // A handler requires a request parameter and will return either a response or an error func Hello(req h2.Request) (proto.Message, h2.Error) { request := req.Data().(*protoHello.Request) // Error example if len(request.GetName()) == 0 { // We specify multi error types in the platform layer repository in the 'errors' // package. See: return nil, errors.BadRequest(HelloEndpoint, "You didn't specify a name in the request") } // Return response with the message set to `Hello <name>` return &protoHello.Response{ Message: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("Hello %q", request.GetName())), }, nil }
func TestMockCallerPopulatesResponse(t *testing.T) { req, _ := client.NewRequest(mockFooService, mockHealthEndpoint, &hcproto.Request{}) stub := &Stub{ Service: mockFooService, Endpoint: mockHealthEndpoint, Response: &hcproto.Response{ Healthchecks: []*hcproto.HealthCheck{ &hcproto.HealthCheck{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(1403629015), ServiceName: proto.String("foo"), ServiceVersion: proto.Uint64(1403629015), Hostname: proto.String("localhost"), InstanceId: proto.String("foobar"), HealthCheckId: proto.String("boom"), IsHealthy: proto.Bool(true), }, }, }, } mock := NewMock().Stub(stub) caller := mock.Caller() rsp := &hcproto.Response{} e := caller(req, rsp) assert.Nil(t, e, "Expecting our mocked call to be intercepted and stubbed response returned, got err: %v", e) // ensure stub has what we expect assert.Len(t, stub.matched, 1, "Expecting 1 match payload to be stored after execution") assert.Equal(t, stub.CountCalls(), 1, "CountCalls should return 1 too") assert.Len(t, rsp.GetHealthchecks(), 1, "Response does not contain our mocked content: no healthchecks") }
// get returns a snapshot of platform stats func (s *stats) get(status string) *pstats.PlatformStats { rusageStats := s.rusage() runtimeStats := s.runtime() endpointStats := s.endpoints() return &pstats.PlatformStats{ ServiceName: proto.String(ServiceName), ServiceVersion: proto.Uint64(ServiceVersion), ServiceType: proto.String(ServiceType), AzName: proto.String(AzName), Hostname: proto.String(hostname), InstanceId: proto.String(InstanceID), Status: proto.String(status), Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().Unix()), Uptime: proto.Int64(int64(time.Since(s.startTime).Seconds())), Rusage: rusageStats, Runtime: runtimeStats, Endpoints: endpointStats, } }
// ConfiguredHttpCaller with more explicit configuration options than simple HttpCaller func ConfiguredHttpCaller(opts Options) Caller { tp := &httpclient.Transport{ ConnectTimeout: durationOrDefault(opts.ConnectTimeout, 5*time.Second), RequestTimeout: durationOrDefault(opts.RequestTimeout, 5*time.Second), ResponseHeaderTimeout: durationOrDefault(opts.ResponseHeaderTimeout, 5*time.Second), } if opts.TlsSkipVerify { tp.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} } httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: tp} return func(req *client.Request, rsp proto.Message) errors.Error { u, err := url.Parse(opts.BaseUrl) q := u.Query() q.Set("session_id", req.SessionID()) q.Set("service", req.Service()) q.Set("endpoint", req.Endpoint()) u.Path = "/rpc" u.RawQuery = q.Encode() var httpReq *http.Request // send JSON req content-type to thin API as form-encoded data // send proto req content-type directly as bytes, with proto content type if req.ContentType() == jsonContentType { values := make(url.Values) values.Set("service", req.Service()) values.Set("endpoint", req.Endpoint()) values.Set("request", string(req.Payload())) httpReq, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", u.String(), bytes.NewReader([]byte(values.Encode()))) httpReq.Header.Set("Content-Type", formEncodedContentType) } else { httpReq, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", u.String(), bytes.NewReader(req.Payload())) httpReq.Header.Set("Content-Type", protoContentType) } log.Tracef("[Multiclient] HTTP caller - calling '%s' : content-type '%s'", u.String(), req.ContentType()) httpRsp, err := httpClient.Do(httpReq) if err != nil { log.Warnf("[Multiclient] HTTP caller error calling %s.%s via %s : %s", req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), u.String(), err) return errors.InternalServerError("multiclienthttp.postform", fmt.Sprintf("Error calling %s.%s via %s : %s", req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), u.String(), err)) } defer httpRsp.Body.Close() rspBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpRsp.Body) if err != nil { return errors.BadResponse("multiclienthttp.readresponse", fmt.Sprintf("Error reading response bytes: %v", err)) } // what status code? if httpRsp.StatusCode != 200 { // deal with error e := &protoerror.PlatformError{} var err error if req.ContentType() == jsonContentType { jsonErr := &errorBody{} err = json.Unmarshal(rspBody, jsonErr) e.Code = proto.String(jsonErr.DottedCode) e.Context = jsonErr.Context e.Description = proto.String(jsonErr.Payload) e.HttpCode = proto.Uint32(uint32(httpRsp.StatusCode)) // this conversion is lossy, since the JSON response for errors, as crafted // by the "thin API", does not currently include the error type, so we have // to guess from HTTP status code, but there is no distinct code for "BAD_RESPONSE" switch httpRsp.StatusCode { case 400: e.Type = protoerror.PlatformError_BAD_REQUEST.Enum() case 403: e.Type = protoerror.PlatformError_FORBIDDEN.Enum() case 404: e.Type = protoerror.PlatformError_NOT_FOUND.Enum() case 500: e.Type = protoerror.PlatformError_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.Enum() case 504: e.Type = protoerror.PlatformError_TIMEOUT.Enum() } } else { err = proto.Unmarshal(rspBody, e) } // some issue understanding error rsp if err != nil { return errors.BadResponse("multiclienthttp.unmarshalerr", fmt.Sprintf("Error unmarshaling error response '%s': %v", string(rspBody), err)) } return errors.FromProtobuf(e) } // unmarshal response if req.ContentType() == jsonContentType { err = json.Unmarshal(rspBody, rsp) } else { err = proto.Unmarshal(rspBody, rsp) } if err != nil { return errors.BadResponse("multiclienthttp.unmarshal", fmt.Sprintf("Error unmarshaling response: %v", err)) } return nil } }
// traceAttemptTimeout decides if we want to trigger a trace event for an attempt timeout, and processes it func (c *client) traceAttemptTimeout(req *Request, attemptNum int, timeout time.Duration) { if req.shouldTrace() { desc := fmt.Sprintf("Attempt %v timeout talking to '%s.%s' after '%v' for '%s'", attemptNum, req.Service(), req.Endpoint(), timeout, req.MessageID()) trace.Send(&traceproto.Event{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano()), TraceId: proto.String(req.TraceID()), Type: traceproto.Event_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT.Enum(), MessageId: proto.String(req.MessageID()), From: proto.String(req.From()), FromEndpoint: proto.String(req.FromEndpoint()), To: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", req.Service(), req.Endpoint())), ParentMessageId: proto.String(req.ParentMessageID()), Hostname: proto.String(c.hostname), Az: proto.String(, Payload: proto.String(""), // @todo ErrorCode: proto.String("com.hailocab.kernel.platform.attemptTimeout"), ErrorDescription: proto.String(desc), Duration: proto.Int64(int64(timeout)), PersistentTrace: proto.Bool(req.TraceShouldPersist()), }) } }
// traceRsp decides if we want to trigger a trace event (when processing response) and if so deals with it func (c *client) traceRsp(req *Request, rsp *Response, err errors.Error, d time.Duration) { if req.shouldTrace() { e := &traceproto.Event{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano()), TraceId: proto.String(req.TraceID()), Type: traceproto.Event_REP.Enum(), MessageId: proto.String(req.MessageID()), From: proto.String(req.From()), FromEndpoint: proto.String(req.FromEndpoint()), To: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", req.Service(), req.Endpoint())), ParentMessageId: proto.String(req.ParentMessageID()), Hostname: proto.String(c.hostname), Az: proto.String(, Payload: proto.String(""), // @todo Duration: proto.Int64(int64(d)), PersistentTrace: proto.Bool(req.TraceShouldPersist()), } if err != nil { e.ErrorCode = proto.String(err.Code()) e.ErrorDescription = proto.String(err.Description()) } trace.Send(e) } }
// callDiscoveryService sends off a request to register or unregister to the discovery service func (self *discovery) callDiscoveryService(action string, successState bool) error { log.Infof("[Server] Attempting to %s with the discovery service...", action) azName, _ := util.GetAwsAZName() regSize := reg.size() machineClass := os.Getenv("H2O_MACHINE_CLASS") endpoints := make([]*register.MultiRequest_Endpoint, regSize) i := 0 for _, endpoint := range reg.iterate() { endpoints[i] = ®ister.MultiRequest_Endpoint{ Name: proto.String(endpoint.Name), Mean: proto.Int32(endpoint.Mean), Upper95: proto.Int32(endpoint.Upper95), Subscribe: proto.String(endpoint.Subscribe), } i++ } service := &dscShared.Service{ Name: proto.String(Name), Description: proto.String(Description), Version: proto.Uint64(Version), Source: proto.String(Source), OwnerEmail: proto.String(OwnerEmail), OwnerMobile: proto.String(OwnerMobile), OwnerTeam: proto.String(OwnerTeam), } request, err := ScopedRequest( "com.hailocab.kernel.discovery", action, ®ister.MultiRequest{ InstanceId: proto.String(InstanceID), Hostname: proto.String(self.hostname), MachineClass: proto.String(machineClass), AzName: proto.String(azName), Service: service, Endpoints: endpoints, }, ) if err != nil { log.Warnf("[Server] Failed to build request when %sing services", action) return err } // explicitly define timeout, since we're happy to wait clientOptions := client.Options{"retries": 0, "timeout": 5 * time.Second} rsp := ®ister.Response{} if err := client.Req(request, rsp, clientOptions); err != nil { log.Warnf("[Server] Failed to %s services: %v", action, err) return err } // ok -- all done! self.connected = successState log.Infof("[Server] Successfully %sed with the hive mind!", action) return nil }
// loadedConfigHandler handles inbound requests to `loadedconfig` endpoint func loadedConfigHandler(req *Request) (proto.Message, errors.Error) { configJson := string(config.Raw()) return &loadedconfigproto.Response{ Config: proto.String(configJson), }, nil }
// TestAuthHappyCaseValid tests when things work, and when the credentials are valid func (suite *sessionRecoverySuite) TestAuthHappyCaseValid() { t := suite.T() scope := New().(*realScope) scope.userCache = newTestCache() mock := multiclient.NewMock() stub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: authEndpoint, Response: &authproto.Response{ SessId: proto.String(testSessId), Token: proto.String(testToken), }, } sessLookupStub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: readSessionEndpoint, Response: &sessreadproto.Response{ SessId: proto.String(testSessId), Token: proto.String(testToken), }, } mock.Stub(stub).Stub(sessLookupStub) multiclient.SetCaller(mock.Caller()) testMech, testDeviceType := "h2", "cli" testUsername, testPassword := "******", "Securez1" testCreds := map[string]string{ "username": testUsername, "password": testPassword, } err := scope.Auth(testMech, testDeviceType, testCreds) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected auth error: %v", err) } if !scope.IsAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to be IsAuth==true after auth") } if !scope.HasTriedAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to have HasTriedAuth()==true after auth") } // verify we made correct request(s) if stub.CountCalls() != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expecting 1 call to auth; got %v", stub.CountCalls()) } req := &authproto.Request{} err = stub.Request(0).Unmarshal(req) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error unmarshaling our request: %v", err) } if req.GetMech() != testMech { t.Errorf("Request did not contain our expected mech '%s', got '%s'", testMech, req.GetMech()) } if req.GetDeviceType() != testDeviceType { t.Errorf("Request did not contain our expected device type '%s', got '%s'", testDeviceType, req.GetDeviceType()) } if req.GetUsername() != testUsername { t.Errorf("Request did not contain our expected username '%s', got '%s'", testUsername, req.GetUsername()) } if req.GetPassword() != testPassword { t.Errorf("Request did not contain our expected password '%s', got '%s'", testPassword, req.GetPassword()) } // verify user returned u := scope.AuthUser() if u == nil { t.Fatal("IsAuthed scope returned nil user") } if u.Id != "dave" { t.Errorf("Expecting user ID 'dave'; got '%s'", u.Id) } // clean out scope scope.Clean() if scope.IsAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to be IsAuth==false after Clean()") } if scope.HasTriedAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to have HasTriedAuth()==false after Clean()") } if u := scope.AuthUser(); u != nil { t.Error("Expecting AuthUser()==nil after Clean()") } // auth AGAIN -- we should be calling login service _again_ err = scope.Auth(testMech, testDeviceType, testCreds) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected recover error: %v", err) } if !scope.IsAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to be IsAuth=true after recovery") } // verify we haven't made _any more_ requests if stub.CountCalls() != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expecting 2 call to auth (because it should be called each time); got %v", stub.CountCalls()) } // session should be pushed into cache err = scope.RecoverSession(testSessId) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected recover error: %v", err) } if sessLookupStub.CountCalls() != 0 { t.Fatalf("Expecting 0 call to readsession (because it should be cached); got %v", stub.CountCalls()) } }
// TestSignOutHappy tests signout when it works func (suite *sessionRecoverySuite) TestSignOutHappy() { t := suite.T() scope := New().(*realScope) scope.userCache = newTestCache() mock := multiclient.NewMock() stub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: deleteSessionEndpoint, Response: &sessdelproto.Response{}, } readSessStub := &multiclient.Stub{ Service: loginService, Endpoint: readSessionEndpoint, Response: &sessreadproto.Response{ SessId: proto.String(testSessId), Token: proto.String(testToken), }, } mock.Stub(stub).Stub(readSessStub) multiclient.SetCaller(mock.Caller()) // need to recover first err := scope.RecoverSession(testSessId) if err != nil || !scope.IsAuth() { t.Errorf("Unexpected recover error, or not Authed as expected: %v", err) } // now signout err = scope.SignOut(scope.AuthUser()) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected signout error: %v", err) } // verify we made correct request(s) if stub.CountCalls() != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expecting 1 call to deletesession; got %v", stub.CountCalls()) } req := &sessdelproto.Request{} err = stub.Request(0).Unmarshal(req) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error unmarshaling our request: %v", err) } if req.GetSessId() != testSessId { t.Errorf("Request did not contain our expected sessId '%s', got '%s'", testSessId, req.GetSessId()) } if scope.IsAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to be IsAuth==false after SignOut()") } if scope.HasTriedAuth() { t.Error("Expecting scope to have HasTriedAuth()==false after SignOut()") } if u := scope.AuthUser(); u != nil { t.Error("Expecting AuthUser()==nil after SignOut()") } // make sure we have purged cache err = scope.RecoverSession(testSessId) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Expecting error when recovering session again") } if readSessStub.CountCalls() != 2 { t.Error("Expecting 2 calls to readsession - sincee we should have purged the cache after SignOut()") } }
// traceOut traces a request outbound from a service handler func traceOut(req *Request, msg proto.Message, err perrors.Error, d time.Duration) { if req.shouldTrace() { e := &traceproto.Event{ Timestamp: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano()), TraceId: proto.String(req.TraceID()), Type: traceproto.Event_OUT.Enum(), MessageId: proto.String(req.MessageID()), ParentMessageId: proto.String(req.ParentMessageID()), From: proto.String(req.From()), To: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", req.Service(), req.Endpoint())), Hostname: proto.String(hostname), Az: proto.String(az), Payload: proto.String(""), // @todo HandlerInstanceId: proto.String(InstanceID), Duration: proto.Int64(int64(d)), PersistentTrace: proto.Bool(req.TraceShouldPersist()), } if err != nil { e.ErrorCode = proto.String(err.Code()) e.ErrorDescription = proto.String(err.Description()) } trace.Send(e) } }