Example #1
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestDir() {
	datasetName := "TestDir"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	code := testfs.Mkdir("noms", 0777, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "noms", 0777|fuse.S_IFDIR, 0)
Example #2
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestRmdir() {
	datasetName := "TestRmdir"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	code := testfs.Mkdir("wikileaks", 0755, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "", 0777|fuse.S_IFDIR, 1) // 1 means it's there
	code = testfs.Rmdir("wikileaks", nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "", 0777|fuse.S_IFDIR, 0) // 0 means no entries
Example #3
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestDirError() {
	datasetName := "TestDirError"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	code := testfs.Mkdir("foo/bar", 0755, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.ENOENT, code)
	_, code = testfs.Create("foo", uint32(os.O_CREATE)|uint32(os.O_WRONLY), 0644, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	code = testfs.Mkdir("foo/bar", 0755, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.ENOTDIR, code)

	_, code = testfs.OpenDir("foo", nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.ENOTDIR, code)
Example #4
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestFileInDir() {
	datasetName := "TestFile"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	code := testfs.Mkdir("usr", 0555, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	code = testfs.Mkdir("usr/sbin", 0555, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	_, code = testfs.Create("usr/sbin/dtrace", uint32(os.O_CREATE)|uint32(os.O_WRONLY), 0555, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "usr", 0555|fuse.S_IFDIR, 1)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "usr/sbin", 0555|fuse.S_IFDIR, 1)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "usr/sbin/dtrace", 0555|fuse.S_IFREG, 0)
Example #5
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestHierarchy() {
	datasetName := "TestHierarchy"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	hierarchy := []string{

	for _, path := range hierarchy {
		if ll := len(path); path[ll-1] == '/' {
			code := testfs.Mkdir(path[:ll-1], 0555, nil)
			assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
		} else {
			_, code := testfs.Create(path, uint32(os.O_CREATE)|uint32(os.O_WRONLY), 0444, nil)
			assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)

	h := find(testfs)


	assert.Equal(s.T(), hierarchy, h)
Example #6
func (s *fuseTestSuite) TestRenameWhileOpen() {
	datasetName := "TestRenameWhileOpen"
	str := spec.CreateValueSpecString("ldb", s.LdbDir, datasetName)

	var testfs pathfs.FileSystem

	start(str, func(fs pathfs.FileSystem) { testfs = fs })

	code := testfs.Mkdir("foo", 0755, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	code = testfs.Mkdir("foo/bar", 0755, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	file, code := testfs.Create("foo/bar/file.txt", uint32(os.O_CREATE)|uint32(os.O_WRONLY), 0644, nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)

	// Validate renaming a file between opening it and writing to it.
	code = testfs.Rename("foo/bar/file.txt", "file.txt", nil)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)

	n, code := file.Write([]byte("howdy!"), 0)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), uint32(6), n)
	assert.Equal(s.T(), fuse.OK, code)
	assertAttr(s, testfs, "file.txt", 0644|fuse.S_IFREG, 6)