Example #1
func (constor *Constor) Lookup(header *fuse.InHeader, name string, out *fuse.EntryOut) fuse.Status {
	var stat syscall.Stat_t
	if len(name) > 255 {
		constor.error("name too long : %s", name)
		return fuse.Status(syscall.ENAMETOOLONG)
	li := -1
	parent := constor.inodemap.findInodePtr(header.NodeId)
	if parent == nil {
		constor.error("Unable to find parent inode : %d", header.NodeId)
		return fuse.ENOENT
	constor.log("%s(%s)", parent.id, name)
	id, err := constor.getid(-1, parent.id, name)
	if err != nil {
		// logging this error will produce too many logs as there will be too many
		// lookps on non-existant files
		return fuse.ToStatus(err)
	inode := constor.inodemap.findInodeId(id)
	if inode != nil {
		li = inode.layer
	} else {
		li = constor.getLayer(id)
	if li == -1 {
		constor.error("Unable to find inode for %s(%s) id %s", parent.id, name, id)
		return fuse.ENOENT
	err = constor.Lstat(li, id, &stat)
	if err != nil {
		constor.error("Unable to Lstat inode for %s(%s) id %s", parent.id, name, id)
		return fuse.ToStatus(err)
	if inode == nil {
		inode = NewInode(constor, id)
		inode.layer = li
	} else {
	attr := (*fuse.Attr)(&out.Attr)
	out.NodeId = uint64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(inode)))
	out.Ino = attr.Ino
	out.EntryValid = 1000
	out.AttrValid = 1000
	constor.log("%s", id)
	return fuse.OK