Example #1
// vetDeregisterWithACL applies the given ACL's policy to the catalog update and
// determines if it is allowed. Since the catalog deregister request is so
// dynamic, this is a pretty complex algorithm and was worth breaking out of the
// endpoint. The NodeService for the referenced service must be supplied, and can
// be nil; similar for the HealthCheck for the referenced health check.
func vetDeregisterWithACL(acl acl.ACL, subj *structs.DeregisterRequest,
	ns *structs.NodeService, nc *structs.HealthCheck) error {
	// Fast path if ACLs are not enabled.
	if acl == nil {
		return nil

	// This order must match the code in applyRegister() in fsm.go since it
	// also evaluates things in this order, and will ignore fields based on
	// this precedence. This lets us also ignore them from an ACL perspective.
	if subj.ServiceID != "" {
		if ns == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unknown service '%s'", subj.ServiceID)
		if !acl.ServiceWrite(ns.Service) {
			return permissionDeniedErr
	} else if subj.CheckID != "" {
		if nc == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unknown check '%s'", subj.CheckID)
		if nc.ServiceID != "" {
			if !acl.ServiceWrite(nc.ServiceName) {
				return permissionDeniedErr
		} else {
			if !acl.NodeWrite(subj.Node) {
				return permissionDeniedErr
	} else {
		if !acl.NodeWrite(subj.Node) {
			return permissionDeniedErr

	return nil
Example #2
// vetRegisterWithACL applies the given ACL's policy to the catalog update and
// determines if it is allowed. Since the catalog register request is so
// dynamic, this is a pretty complex algorithm and was worth breaking out of the
// endpoint. The NodeServices record for the node must be supplied, and can be
// nil.
// This is a bit racy because we have to check the state store outside of a
// transaction. It's the best we can do because we don't want to flow ACL
// checking down there. The node information doesn't change in practice, so this
// will be fine. If we expose ways to change node addresses in a later version,
// then we should split the catalog API at the node and service level so we can
// address this race better (even then it would be super rare, and would at
// worst let a service update revert a recent node update, so it doesn't open up
// too much abuse).
func vetRegisterWithACL(acl acl.ACL, subj *structs.RegisterRequest,
	ns *structs.NodeServices) error {
	// Fast path if ACLs are not enabled.
	if acl == nil {
		return nil

	// Vet the node info. This allows service updates to re-post the required
	// node info for each request without having to have node "write"
	// privileges.
	needsNode := ns == nil || subj.ChangesNode(ns.Node)
	if needsNode && !acl.NodeWrite(subj.Node) {
		return permissionDeniedErr

	// Vet the service change. This includes making sure they can register
	// the given service, and that we can write to any existing service that
	// is being modified by id (if any).
	if subj.Service != nil {
		if !acl.ServiceWrite(subj.Service.Service) {
			return permissionDeniedErr

		if ns != nil {
			other, ok := ns.Services[subj.Service.ID]
			if ok && !acl.ServiceWrite(other.Service) {
				return permissionDeniedErr

	// Make sure that the member was flattened before we got there. This
	// keeps us from having to verify this check as well.
	if subj.Check != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("check member must be nil")

	// Vet the checks. Node-level checks require node write, and
	// service-level checks require service write.
	for _, check := range subj.Checks {
		// Make sure that the node matches - we don't allow you to mix
		// checks from other nodes because we'd have to pull a bunch
		// more state store data to check this. If ACLs are enabled then
		// we simply require them to match in a given request. There's a
		// note in state_store.go to ban this down there in Consul 0.8,
		// but it's good to leave this here because it's required for
		// correctness wrt. ACLs.
		if check.Node != subj.Node {
			return fmt.Errorf("Node '%s' for check '%s' doesn't match register request node '%s'",
				check.Node, check.CheckID, subj.Node)

		// Node-level check.
		if check.ServiceID == "" {
			if !acl.NodeWrite(subj.Node) {
				return permissionDeniedErr

		// Service-level check, check the common case where it
		// matches the service part of this request, which has
		// already been vetted above, and might be being registered
		// along with its checks.
		if subj.Service != nil && subj.Service.ID == check.ServiceID {

		// Service-level check for some other service. Make sure they've
		// got write permissions for that service.
		if ns == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unknown service '%s' for check '%s'",
				check.ServiceID, check.CheckID)
		} else {
			other, ok := ns.Services[check.ServiceID]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unknown service '%s' for check '%s'",
					check.ServiceID, check.CheckID)
			if !acl.ServiceWrite(other.Service) {
				return permissionDeniedErr

	return nil