Example #1
// EnsureCheck is used to create a check or updates it's state
func (s *StateStore) EnsureCheck(index uint64, check *structs.HealthCheck) error {
	// Ensure we have a status
	if check.Status == "" {
		check.Status = structs.HealthUnknown

	// Start the txn
	tx, err := s.tables.StartTxn(false)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to start txn: %v", err))
	defer tx.Abort()

	// Ensure the node exists
	res, err := s.nodeTable.GetTxn(tx, "id", check.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(res) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Missing node registration")

	// Ensure the service exists if specified
	if check.ServiceID != "" {
		res, err = s.serviceTable.GetTxn(tx, "id", check.Node, check.ServiceID)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(res) == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Missing service registration")
		// Ensure we set the correct service
		srv := res[0].(*structs.ServiceNode)
		check.ServiceName = srv.ServiceName

	// Invalidate any sessions if status is critical
	if check.Status == structs.HealthCritical {
		err := s.invalidateCheck(index, tx, check.Node, check.CheckID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Ensure the check is set
	if err := s.checkTable.InsertTxn(tx, check); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := s.checkTable.SetLastIndexTxn(tx, index); err != nil {
		return err
	tx.Defer(func() { s.watch[s.checkTable].Notify() })
	return tx.Commit()
Example #2
// AddCheck is used to add a health check to the agent.
// This entry is persistent and the agent will make a best effort to
// ensure it is registered. The Check may include a CheckType which
// is used to automatically update the check status
func (a *Agent) AddCheck(check *structs.HealthCheck, chkType *CheckType, persist bool, token string) error {
	if check.CheckID == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("CheckID missing")
	if chkType != nil && !chkType.Valid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Check type is not valid")

	if check.ServiceID != "" {
		svc, ok := a.state.Services()[check.ServiceID]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("ServiceID %q does not exist", check.ServiceID)
		check.ServiceName = svc.Service

	defer a.checkLock.Unlock()

	// Check if already registered
	if chkType != nil {
		if chkType.IsTTL() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID]; ok {

			ttl := &CheckTTL{
				Notify:  &a.state,
				CheckID: check.CheckID,
				TTL:     chkType.TTL,
				Logger:  a.logger,

			// Restore persisted state, if any
			if err := a.loadCheckState(check); err != nil {
				a.logger.Printf("[WARN] agent: failed restoring state for check %q: %s",
					check.CheckID, err)

			a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID] = ttl

		} else if chkType.IsHTTP() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			http := &CheckHTTP{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				HTTP:     chkType.HTTP,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Timeout:  chkType.Timeout,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID] = http

		} else {
			if existing, ok := a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			monitor := &CheckMonitor{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				Script:   chkType.Script,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID] = monitor

	// Add to the local state for anti-entropy
	a.state.AddCheck(check, token)

	// Persist the check
	if persist {
		return a.persistCheck(check, chkType)

	return nil
Example #3
// AddCheck is used to add a health check to the agent.
// This entry is persistent and the agent will make a best effort to
// ensure it is registered. The Check may include a CheckType which
// is used to automatically update the check status
func (a *Agent) AddCheck(check *structs.HealthCheck, chkType *CheckType, persist bool, token string) error {
	if check.CheckID == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("CheckID missing")
	if chkType != nil && !chkType.Valid() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Check type is not valid")

	if check.ServiceID != "" {
		svc, ok := a.state.Services()[check.ServiceID]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("ServiceID %q does not exist", check.ServiceID)
		check.ServiceName = svc.Service

	defer a.checkLock.Unlock()

	// Check if already registered
	if chkType != nil {
		if chkType.IsTTL() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID]; ok {

			ttl := &CheckTTL{
				Notify:  &a.state,
				CheckID: check.CheckID,
				TTL:     chkType.TTL,
				Logger:  a.logger,

			// Restore persisted state, if any
			if err := a.loadCheckState(check); err != nil {
				a.logger.Printf("[WARN] agent: failed restoring state for check %q: %s",
					check.CheckID, err)

			a.checkTTLs[check.CheckID] = ttl

		} else if chkType.IsHTTP() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			http := &CheckHTTP{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				HTTP:     chkType.HTTP,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Timeout:  chkType.Timeout,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkHTTPs[check.CheckID] = http

		} else if chkType.IsTCP() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkTCPs[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			tcp := &CheckTCP{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				TCP:      chkType.TCP,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Timeout:  chkType.Timeout,
				Logger:   a.logger,
			a.checkTCPs[check.CheckID] = tcp

		} else if chkType.IsDocker() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkDockers[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			dockerCheck := &CheckDocker{
				Notify:            &a.state,
				CheckID:           check.CheckID,
				DockerContainerID: chkType.DockerContainerID,
				Shell:             chkType.Shell,
				Script:            chkType.Script,
				Interval:          chkType.Interval,
				Logger:            a.logger,
			if err := dockerCheck.Init(); err != nil {
				return err
			a.checkDockers[check.CheckID] = dockerCheck
		} else if chkType.IsMonitor() {
			if existing, ok := a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID]; ok {
			if chkType.Interval < MinInterval {
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, MinInterval))
				chkType.Interval = MinInterval

			monitor := &CheckMonitor{
				Notify:   &a.state,
				CheckID:  check.CheckID,
				Script:   chkType.Script,
				Interval: chkType.Interval,
				Timeout:  chkType.Timeout,
				Logger:   a.logger,
				ReapLock: &a.reapLock,
			a.checkMonitors[check.CheckID] = monitor
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("Check type is not valid")

		if chkType.DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter > 0 {
			timeout := chkType.DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter
			if timeout < a.config.CheckDeregisterIntervalMin {
				timeout = a.config.CheckDeregisterIntervalMin
				a.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[WARN] agent: check '%s' has deregister interval below minimum of %v",
					check.CheckID, a.config.CheckDeregisterIntervalMin))
			a.checkReapAfter[check.CheckID] = timeout
		} else {
			delete(a.checkReapAfter, check.CheckID)

	// Add to the local state for anti-entropy
	a.state.AddCheck(check, token)

	// Persist the check
	if persist && !a.config.DevMode {
		return a.persistCheck(check, chkType)

	return nil
Example #4
// ensureCheckTransaction is used as the inner method to handle inserting
// a health check into the state store. It ensures safety against inserting
// checks with no matching node or service.
func (s *StateStore) ensureCheckTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager,
	hc *structs.HealthCheck) error {
	// Check if we have an existing health check
	existing, err := tx.First("checks", "id", hc.Node, string(hc.CheckID))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed health check lookup: %s", err)

	// Set the indexes
	if existing != nil {
		hc.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.HealthCheck).CreateIndex
		hc.ModifyIndex = idx
	} else {
		hc.CreateIndex = idx
		hc.ModifyIndex = idx

	// Use the default check status if none was provided
	if hc.Status == "" {
		hc.Status = structs.HealthCritical

	// Get the node
	node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", hc.Node)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
	if node == nil {
		return ErrMissingNode

	// If the check is associated with a service, check that we have
	// a registration for the service.
	if hc.ServiceID != "" {
		service, err := tx.First("services", "id", hc.Node, hc.ServiceID)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
		if service == nil {
			return ErrMissingService

		// Copy in the service name
		hc.ServiceName = service.(*structs.ServiceNode).ServiceName

	// Delete any sessions for this check if the health is critical.
	if hc.Status == structs.HealthCritical {
		mappings, err := tx.Get("session_checks", "node_check", hc.Node, string(hc.CheckID))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed session checks lookup: %s", err)

		var ids []string
		for mapping := mappings.Next(); mapping != nil; mapping = mappings.Next() {
			ids = append(ids, mapping.(*sessionCheck).Session)

		// Delete the session in a separate loop so we don't trash the
		// iterator.
		watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
		for _, id := range ids {
			if err := s.deleteSessionTxn(tx, idx, watches, id); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting session: %s", err)
		tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })

	// Persist the check registration in the db.
	if err := tx.Insert("checks", hc); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting check: %s", err)
	if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"checks", idx}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)

	return nil