Example #1
// localMemberEvent is used to reconcile Serf events with the strongly
// consistent store if we are the current leader
func (s *Server) localMemberEvent(me serf.MemberEvent) {
	// Do nothing if we are not the leader
	if !s.IsLeader() {

	// Check if this is a reap event
	isReap := me.EventType() == serf.EventMemberReap

	// Queue the members for reconciliation
	for _, m := range me.Members {
		// Change the status if this is a reap event
		if isReap {
			m.Status = StatusReap
		select {
		case s.reconcileCh <- m:
Example #2
// reconcile is used to reconcile Serf events with the strongly
// consistent store if we are the current leader
func (s *SerfEventHandler) reconcile(me serf.MemberEvent) {

	// Do nothing if we are not the leader.
	if !s.IsLeader() {

	// Check if this is a reap event
	isReap := me.EventType() == serf.EventMemberReap

	// Queue the members for reconciliation
	for _, m := range me.Members {
		// Change the status if this is a reap event
		if isReap {
			m.Status = StatusReap

		// Call reconcile
		if s.Reconciler != nil {