func resourceVultrServerRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*lib.Client)

	server, err := client.GetServer(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		// check if the server not longer exists.
		if err.Error() == "Invalid server." {
			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving server: %s", err)

	d.Set("name", server.Name)
	d.Set("region_id", server.RegionID)
	d.Set("plan_id", server.PlanID)
	d.Set("status", server.Status)
	d.Set("power_status", server.PowerStatus)
	d.Set("default_password", server.DefaultPassword)
	d.Set("ipv4_address", server.MainIP)
	d.Set("ipv6_address", server.MainIPV6)
	d.Set("ipv4_private_address", server.InternalIP)

		"type":     "ssh",
		"host":     server.MainIP,
		"password": server.DefaultPassword,

	return nil
func resourceScalewayServerRead(d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) error {
	scaleway := m.(*Client).scaleway
	server, err := scaleway.GetServer(d.Id())

	if err != nil {
		if serr, ok := err.(api.ScalewayAPIError); ok {
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error reading server: %q\n", serr.APIMessage)

			if serr.StatusCode == 404 {
				return nil

		return err

	d.Set("private_ip", server.PrivateIP)
	d.Set("public_ip", server.PublicAddress.IP)

	d.Set("state", server.State)
	d.Set("state_detail", server.StateDetail)
	d.Set("tags", server.Tags)

		"type": "ssh",
		"host": server.PublicAddress.IP,

	return nil
func resourceServerRead(d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) error {
	scaleway := m.(*api.ScalewayAPI)
	server, err := scaleway.GetServer(d.Id())

	if err != nil {
		// TODO: make sure it's ScalewayAPIError or it might crash
		serr := err.(api.ScalewayAPIError)

		// if the resource was destroyed, destroy the resource locally
		if serr.StatusCode == 404 {
			return nil
		return err

	// S.t. it's compactible with terraform-ansible
	d.Set("ipv4_address_private", server.PrivateIP)
	d.Set("state", server.State)
	d.Set("state_detail", server.StateDetail)

		"type": "ssh",
		"host": server.PublicAddress.IP,

	// TODO: set more fields
	return nil
func resourceLxdContainerRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*LxdProvider).Client

	sshIP := ""
	gotIp := false
	cycles := 0

	// wait for NIC to come up and get IP from DHCP
	for !gotIp && cycles < 15 {
		cycles += 1
		ct, _ := client.ContainerState(d.Get("name").(string))
		d.Set("status", ct.Status)
		for iface, net := range ct.Network {
			if iface != "lo" {
				for _, ip := range net.Addresses {
					if ip.Family == "inet" {
						d.Set("ip_address", ip.Address)
						d.Set("mac_address", net.Hwaddr)
						gotIp = true
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": sshIP,

	return nil
Example #5
func resourceVIXVMCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)

	vm := new(vix.VM)
	vm.Provider = config.Product
	vm.VerifySSL = config.VerifySSL

	if err := tf_to_vix(d, vm); err != nil {
		return err

	id, err := vm.Create()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Resource ID: %s\n", id)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": vm.IPAddress,

	return resourceVIXVMRead(d, meta)
func resourceVMRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	vm, err := vbox.GetMachine(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		/* VM no longer exist */
		if err == vbox.ErrMachineNotExist {
			return nil
		return err

	// if vm.State != vbox.Running {
	// 	setState(d, vm.State)
	// 	return nil
	// }

	setState(d, vm.State)
	d.Set("name", vm.Name)
	d.Set("cpus", vm.CPUs)
	bytes := uint64(vm.Memory) * humanize.MiByte
	repr := humanize.IBytes(bytes)
	d.Set("memory", strings.ToLower(repr))

	userData, err := vm.GetExtraData("user_data")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if userData != nil && *userData != "" {
		d.Set("user_data", *userData)

	err = net_vbox_to_tf(vm, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	/* Set connection info to first non NAT IPv4 address */
	for i, nic := range vm.NICs {
		if nic.Network == vbox.NICNetNAT {
		availKey := fmt.Sprintf("network_adapter.%d.ipv4_address_available", i)
		if d.Get(availKey).(string) != "yes" {
		ipv4Key := fmt.Sprintf("network_adapter.%d.ipv4_address", i)
		ipv4 := d.Get(ipv4Key).(string)
		if ipv4 == "" {
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": ipv4,

	return nil
func resourceDigitalOceanDropletRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*godo.Client)

	id, err := strconv.Atoi(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid droplet id: %v", err)

	// Retrieve the droplet properties for updating the state
	droplet, resp, err := client.Droplets.Get(id)
	if err != nil {
		// check if the droplet no longer exists.
		if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
			log.Printf("[WARN] DigitalOcean Droplet (%s) not found", d.Id())
			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving droplet: %s", err)

	if droplet.Image.Slug != "" {
		d.Set("image", droplet.Image.Slug)
	} else {
		d.Set("image", droplet.Image.ID)

	d.Set("name", droplet.Name)
	d.Set("region", droplet.Region.Slug)
	d.Set("size", droplet.Size.Slug)
	d.Set("status", droplet.Status)
	d.Set("locked", strconv.FormatBool(droplet.Locked))

	if publicIPv6 := findIPv6AddrByType(droplet, "public"); publicIPv6 != "" {
		d.Set("ipv6", true)
		d.Set("ipv6_address", publicIPv6)
		d.Set("ipv6_address_private", findIPv6AddrByType(droplet, "private"))

	d.Set("ipv4_address", findIPv4AddrByType(droplet, "public"))

	if privateIPv4 := findIPv4AddrByType(droplet, "private"); privateIPv4 != "" {
		d.Set("private_networking", true)
		d.Set("ipv4_address_private", privateIPv4)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": findIPv4AddrByType(droplet, "public"),

	return nil
func resourcePacketDeviceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*packngo.Client)

	// Retrieve the device properties for updating the state
	device, _, err := client.Devices.Get(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving device: %s", err)

	d.Set("name", device.Hostname)
	d.Set("plan", device.Plan.Slug)
	d.Set("facility", device.Facility.Code)
	d.Set("operating_system", device.OS.Slug)
	d.Set("state", device.State)
	d.Set("billing_cycle", device.BillingCycle)
	d.Set("locked", device.Locked)
	d.Set("created", device.Created)
	d.Set("updated", device.Updated)

	tags := make([]string, 0)
	for _, tag := range device.Tags {
		tags = append(tags, tag)
	d.Set("tags", tags)

	provisionerAddress := ""

	networks := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1)
	for _, ip := range device.Network {
		network := make(map[string]interface{})
		network["address"] = ip.Address
		network["gateway"] = ip.Gateway
		network["family"] = ip.Family
		network["cidr"] = ip.Cidr
		network["public"] = ip.Public
		networks = append(networks, network)
		if ip.Family == 4 && ip.Public == true {
			provisionerAddress = ip.Address
	d.Set("network", networks)

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Provisioner Address set to %v", provisionerAddress)

	if provisionerAddress != "" {
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": provisionerAddress,

	return nil
func resourceComputeInstanceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)

	instance, err := config.clientCompute.Instances.Get(
		config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id()).Do()
	if err != nil {
		if gerr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && gerr.Code == 404 {
			// The resource doesn't exist anymore

			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Error reading instance: %s", err)

	d.Set("can_ip_forward", instance.CanIpForward)

	// Set the networks
	externalIP := ""
	for i, iface := range instance.NetworkInterfaces {
		prefix := fmt.Sprintf("network.%d", i)
		d.Set(prefix+".name", iface.Name)

		// Use the first external IP found for the default connection info.
		natIP := resourceInstanceNatIP(iface)
		if externalIP == "" && natIP != "" {
			externalIP = natIP
		d.Set(prefix+".external_address", natIP)

		d.Set(prefix+".internal_address", iface.NetworkIP)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": externalIP,

	// Set the metadata fingerprint if there is one.
	if instance.Metadata != nil {
		d.Set("metadata_fingerprint", instance.Metadata.Fingerprint)

	// Set the tags fingerprint if there is one.
	if instance.Tags != nil {
		d.Set("tags_fingerprint", instance.Tags.Fingerprint)

	return nil
func resourceServerCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) error {
	address := d.Get("address").(string)
	d.Set("increment", d.Get("increment").(string))
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": address,
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ")
	log.Printf("%+v\n", d)
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ")
	return nil
func resourceDigitalOceanDropletRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*digitalocean.Client)

	// Retrieve the droplet properties for updating the state
	droplet, err := client.RetrieveDroplet(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		// check if the droplet no longer exists.
		if err.Error() == "Error retrieving droplet: API Error: 404 Not Found" {
			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving droplet: %s", err)

	if droplet.ImageSlug() != "" {
		d.Set("image", droplet.ImageSlug())
	} else {
		d.Set("image", droplet.ImageId())

	d.Set("name", droplet.Name)
	d.Set("region", droplet.RegionSlug())
	d.Set("size", droplet.SizeSlug)
	d.Set("status", droplet.Status)
	d.Set("locked", droplet.IsLocked())

	if droplet.IPV6Address("public") != "" {
		d.Set("ipv6", true)
		d.Set("ipv6_address", droplet.IPV6Address("public"))
		d.Set("ipv6_address_private", droplet.IPV6Address("private"))

	d.Set("ipv4_address", droplet.IPV4Address("public"))

	if droplet.NetworkingType() == "private" {
		d.Set("private_networking", true)
		d.Set("ipv4_address_private", droplet.IPV4Address("private"))

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": droplet.IPV4Address("public"),

	return nil
func resourcePacketDeviceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*packngo.Client)

	// Retrieve the device properties for updating the state
	dev, _, err := client.Devices.Get(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		// check if the device no longer exists.
		// TODO: This is all wrong for Packet.
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "404 Not Found") {
			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving device: %s", err)

	d.Set("os", dev.OS.Slug)
	d.Set("hostname", dev.Hostname)
	d.Set("facility", dev.Facility.Code)
	d.Set("plan", dev.Plan.Slug)
	d.Set("state", dev.State)
	d.Set("locked", dev.Locked)

	var publicIPv4 string
	for _, addr := range dev.Network {
		switch addr.Family {
		case 4:
			if addr.Public {
				publicIPv4 = addr.Address
				d.Set("ipv4_address", addr.Address)
			} else {
				d.Set("ipv4_address_private", addr.Address)
		case 6:
			if addr.Public {
				d.Set("ipv6_address", addr.Address)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": publicIPv4,

	return nil
func readInstance(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	resp, err := conn.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
		InstanceIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Get("spot_instance_id").(string))},
	if err != nil {
		// If the instance was not found, return nil so that we can show
		// that the instance is gone.
		if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound" {
			return fmt.Errorf("no instance found")

		// Some other error, report it
		return err

	// If nothing was found, then return no state
	if len(resp.Reservations) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no instances found")

	instance := resp.Reservations[0].Instances[0]

	// Set these fields for connection information
	if instance != nil {
		d.Set("public_dns", instance.PublicDnsName)
		d.Set("public_ip", instance.PublicIpAddress)
		d.Set("private_dns", instance.PrivateDnsName)
		d.Set("private_ip", instance.PrivateIpAddress)

		// set connection information
		if instance.PublicIpAddress != nil {
				"type": "ssh",
				"host": *instance.PublicIpAddress,
		} else if instance.PrivateIpAddress != nil {
				"type": "ssh",
				"host": *instance.PrivateIpAddress,

	return nil
func resourceFromJson(d *schema.ResourceData, vmJson []byte) error {
	l := log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)

	l.Printf("VM definition: %s", vmJson)

	vm := &bigvServer{}

	if err := json.Unmarshal(vmJson, vm); err != nil {
		return err

	d.Set("name", vm.Name)
	d.Set("cores", vm.Cores)
	d.Set("memory", vm.Memory)
	d.Set("power_on", vm.Power)
	d.Set("reboot", vm.Reboot)
	d.Set("group_id", vm.GroupId)
	d.Set("zone", vm.Zone)

	// If we don't get discs back, this was probably an update request
	if len(vm.Discs) == 1 {
		d.Set("disk_size", vm.Discs[0].Size)

	// Distribution is empty in create response, leave it with what we sent in
	if vm.Distribution != "" {
		d.Set("os", vm.Distribution)

	// Not finding the ips is fine, because they're not sent back in the create request
	if len(vm.Nics) > 0 {
		// This is fairly^Wvery^Wacceptably hacky
		d.Set("ipv4", vm.Nics[0].Ips[0])
		d.Set("ipv6", vm.Nics[0].Ips[1])

			"type":     "ssh",
			"host":     vm.Nics[0].Ips[0],
			"password": d.Get("root_password").(string),

	return nil
func resourceChefNodeCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*chefGo.Client)

	name := d.Get("name").(string)
	environment := d.Get("environment").(string)
	attributes, err := readAttributes(d.Get("attributes").(string))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var run_list []string
	schema_run_list := d.Get("run_list").(interface{})

	if err := mapstructure.Decode(schema_run_list, &run_list); err != nil {
		return err

	node := chefGo.Node{
		Name:                name,
		Environment:         environment,
		NormalAttributes:    attributes,
		AutomaticAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
		DefaultAttributes:   map[string]interface{}{},
		OverrideAttributes:  map[string]interface{}{},
		ChefType:            "node",
		JsonClass:           "Chef::Node",
		RunList:             run_list,

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] node create configuration: %#v", node)

	_, err = client.Nodes.Post(node)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating chef node: %s", err)

		"type": "ssh",
		"host": node.Name,

	return resourceChefNodeRead(d, meta)
func resourceMachineRead(d *schema.ResourceData, config *Config) error {
	api, err := config.Cloud()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	machine, err := api.GetMachine(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	d.Set("name", machine.Name)
	d.Set("type", machine.Type)
	d.Set("state", machine.State)
	d.Set("dataset", machine.Dataset)
	d.Set("memory", machine.Memory)
	d.Set("disk", machine.Disk)
	d.Set("ips", machine.IPs)
	d.Set("tags", machine.Tags)
	d.Set("created", machine.Created)
	d.Set("updated", machine.Updated)
	d.Set("package", machine.Package)
	d.Set("image", machine.Image)
	d.Set("primaryip", machine.PrimaryIP)
	d.Set("networks", machine.Networks)
	// d.Set("firewall_enabled", machine.FirewallEnabled) // but that field doesn't exist...

	// computed attributes from metadata
	for schemaName, metadataKey := range resourceMachineMetadataKeys {
		d.Set(schemaName, machine.Metadata[metadataKey])

	// Initialize connection info to enable remote-exec
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": machine.PrimaryIP,

	return nil
func SetConnectionDetails(d *schema.ResourceData) {
	var preferredSSHAddress string
	if attr, ok := d.GetOk("public_hostname"); ok {
		preferredSSHAddress = attr.(string)
	} else if attr, ok := d.GetOk("ipv6_hostname"); ok {
		preferredSSHAddress = attr.(string)
	} else if attr, ok := d.GetOk("fqdn"); ok {
		preferredSSHAddress = attr.(string)

	if preferredSSHAddress != "" {
		connection_details := map[string]string{
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": preferredSSHAddress,
		if attr, ok := d.GetOk("username"); ok {
			connection_details["user"] = attr.(string)
func resourceSoftLayerVirtualserverRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*Client).virtualGuestService
	id, err := strconv.Atoi(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Not a valid ID, must be an integer: %s", err)
	result, err := client.GetObject(id)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving virtual server: %s", err)

	d.Set("name", result.Hostname)
	d.Set("domain", result.Domain)
	if result.Datacenter != nil {
		d.Set("region", result.Datacenter.Name)
	d.Set("public_network_speed", result.NetworkComponents[0].MaxSpeed)
	d.Set("cpu", result.StartCpus)
	d.Set("ram", result.MaxMemory)
	d.Set("has_public_ip", result.PrimaryIpAddress != "")
	d.Set("ipv4_address", result.PrimaryIpAddress)
	d.Set("ipv4_address_private", result.PrimaryBackendIpAddress)

	connIpAddress := ""
	if result.PrimaryIpAddress != "" {
		connIpAddress = result.PrimaryIpAddress
	} else {
		connIpAddress = result.PrimaryBackendIpAddress

	log.Printf("[INFO] Setting ConnInfo IP: %s", connIpAddress)
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": connIpAddress,

	return nil
func resourceLxdContainerRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*LxdProvider).Client
	name := d.Id()

	container, err := client.ContainerInfo(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Retrieved container %s: %#v", name, container)

	ct, err := client.ContainerState(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	d.Set("status", ct.Status)

	sshIP := ""
	for iface, net := range ct.Network {
		if iface != "lo" {
			for _, ip := range net.Addresses {
				if ip.Family == "inet" {
					d.Set("ip_address", ip.Address)
					sshIP = ip.Address
					d.Set("mac_address", net.Hwaddr)

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": sshIP,

	return nil
Example #20
func lxcIPAddressConfiguration(c *lxc.Container, d *schema.ResourceData) error {
	// Loop through all interfaces and see if one is marked as management
	managementNIC := "eth0"
	i := 0
	networkInterfaces := d.Get("network_interface").([]interface{})
	for _, n := range networkInterfaces {
		nic := n.(map[string]interface{})
		if nic["management"] == true {
			managementNIC = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", "eth", strconv.Itoa(i))

	// Get the IP addresses of the management NIC
	// For now, we'll just use the first returned IP.
	d.Set("address_v4", "")
	ipv4s, err := c.IPv4Address(managementNIC)
	if err == nil {
		if len(ipv4s) > 0 {
			d.Set("address_v4", ipv4s[0])
				"type": "ssh",
				"host": ipv4s[0],

	d.Set("address_v6", "")
	ipv6s, err := c.IPv6Address(managementNIC)
	if err == nil {
		if len(ipv6s) > 0 {
			d.Set("address_v6", ipv6s[0])

	return nil
func resourceIcfInstanceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	c := meta.(*icf.Client)

	instance, err := c.GetInstance(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		errs := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
		if strings.Contains(errs, "404") || strings.Contains(errs, "400") {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Error reading ICF instannce %s error %v", d.Id(), err)
	//d.Set("public_ip", instance.PublicIp)
	d.Set("public_ip", instance.Nics[0].Ip)
	d.Set("private_ip", instance.PrivateIp)
	d.Set("enterprise_ip", instance.Nics[0].Ip)
	d.Set("name", instance.Name)

		"type": "ssh",
		"host": instance.Nics[0].Ip,

	return nil
func resourceComputeInstanceV2Read(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)
	computeClient, err := config.computeV2Client(d.Get("region").(string))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack compute client: %s", err)

	server, err := servers.Get(computeClient, d.Id()).Extract()
	if err != nil {
		return CheckDeleted(d, err, "server")

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Retreived Server %s: %+v", d.Id(), server)

	d.Set("name", server.Name)

	// Get the instance network and address information
	networks, err := getInstanceNetworksAndAddresses(computeClient, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Determine the best IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to access the instance with
	hostv4, hostv6 := getInstanceAccessAddresses(d, networks)

	d.Set("network", networks)
	d.Set("access_ip_v4", hostv4)
	d.Set("access_ip_v6", hostv6)

	// Determine the best IP address to use for SSH connectivity.
	// Prefer IPv4 over IPv6.
	preferredSSHAddress := ""
	if hostv4 != "" {
		preferredSSHAddress = hostv4
	} else if hostv6 != "" {
		preferredSSHAddress = hostv6

	if preferredSSHAddress != "" {
		// Initialize the connection info
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": preferredSSHAddress,

	d.Set("metadata", server.Metadata)

	secGrpNames := []string{}
	for _, sg := range server.SecurityGroups {
		secGrpNames = append(secGrpNames, sg["name"].(string))
	d.Set("security_groups", secGrpNames)

	flavorId, ok := server.Flavor["id"].(string)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting OpenStack server's flavor: %v", server.Flavor)
	d.Set("flavor_id", flavorId)

	flavor, err := flavors.Get(computeClient, flavorId).Extract()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	d.Set("flavor_name", flavor.Name)

	// Set the instance's image information appropriately
	if err := setImageInformation(computeClient, server, d); err != nil {
		return err

	// volume attachments
	if err := getVolumeAttachments(computeClient, d); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func resourceCloudStackInstanceCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)

	// Retrieve the service_offering ID
	serviceofferingid, e := retrieveID(cs, "service_offering", d.Get("service_offering").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Retrieve the zone ID
	zoneid, e := retrieveID(cs, "zone", d.Get("zone").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Retrieve the zone object
	zone, _, err := cs.Zone.GetZoneByID(zoneid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Retrieve the template ID
	templateid, e := retrieveTemplateID(cs, zone.Id, d.Get("template").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Create a new parameter struct
	p := cs.VirtualMachine.NewDeployVirtualMachineParams(serviceofferingid, templateid, zone.Id)

	// Set the name
	name, hasName := d.GetOk("name")
	if hasName {

	// Set the display name
	if displayname, ok := d.GetOk("display_name"); ok {
	} else if hasName {

	if zone.Networktype == "Advanced" {
		// Retrieve the network ID
		networkid, e := retrieveID(cs, "network", d.Get("network").(string))
		if e != nil {
			return e.Error()
		// Set the default network ID

	// If there is a ipaddres supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	if ipaddres, ok := d.GetOk("ipaddress"); ok {

	// If there is a project supplied, we retrieve and set the project id
	if project, ok := d.GetOk("project"); ok {
		// Retrieve the project ID
		projectid, e := retrieveID(cs, "project", project.(string))
		if e != nil {
			return e.Error()
		// Set the default project ID

	// If a keypair is supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	if keypair, ok := d.GetOk("keypair"); ok {

	// If the user data contains any info, it needs to be base64 encoded and
	// added to the parameter struct
	if userData, ok := d.GetOk("user_data"); ok {
		ud := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(userData.(string)))

		// deployVirtualMachine uses POST by default, so max userdata is 32K
		maxUD := 32768

		if cs.HTTPGETOnly {
			// deployVirtualMachine using GET instead, so max userdata is 2K
			maxUD = 2048

		if len(ud) > maxUD {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"The supplied user_data contains %d bytes after encoding, "+
					"this exeeds the limit of %d bytes", len(ud), maxUD)


	// Create the new instance
	r, err := cs.VirtualMachine.DeployVirtualMachine(p)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating the new instance %s: %s", name, err)


	// Set the connection info for any configured provisioners
		"host":     r.Nic[0].Ipaddress,
		"password": r.Password,

	return resourceCloudStackInstanceRead(d, meta)
func resourceCloudStackInstanceCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)

	// Retrieve the service_offering ID
	serviceofferingid, e := retrieveID(cs, "service_offering", d.Get("service_offering").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Retrieve the zone ID
	zoneid, e := retrieveID(cs, "zone", d.Get("zone").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Retrieve the zone object
	zone, _, err := cs.Zone.GetZoneByID(zoneid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Retrieve the template ID
	templateid, e := retrieveTemplateID(cs, zone.Id, d.Get("template").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()

	// Create a new parameter struct
	p := cs.VirtualMachine.NewDeployVirtualMachineParams(serviceofferingid, templateid, zone.Id)

	// Set the name
	name, hasName := d.GetOk("name")
	if hasName {

	// Set the display name
	if displayname, ok := d.GetOk("display_name"); ok {
	} else if hasName {

	if zone.Networktype == "Advanced" {
		network, ok := d.GetOk("network_id")
		if !ok {
			network, ok = d.GetOk("network")
		if !ok {
			return errors.New(
				"Either `network_id` or [deprecated] `network` must be provided when using a zone with network type `advanced`.")

		// Retrieve the network ID
		networkid, e := retrieveID(
		if e != nil {
			return e.Error()

		// Set the default network ID

	// If there is a ipaddres supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	ipaddress, ok := d.GetOk("ip_address")
	if !ok {
		ipaddress, ok = d.GetOk("ipaddress")
	if ok {

	if ags := d.Get("affinity_group_ids").(*schema.Set); ags.Len() > 0 {
		var groups []string

		for _, group := range ags.List() {
			groups = append(groups, group.(string))


	// If there is a project supplied, we retrieve and set the project id
	if err := setProjectid(p, cs, d); err != nil {
		return err

	// If a keypair is supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	if keypair, ok := d.GetOk("keypair"); ok {

	// If the user data contains any info, it needs to be base64 encoded and
	// added to the parameter struct
	if userData, ok := d.GetOk("user_data"); ok {
		ud := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(userData.(string)))

		// deployVirtualMachine uses POST by default, so max userdata is 32K
		maxUD := 32768

		if cs.HTTPGETOnly {
			// deployVirtualMachine using GET instead, so max userdata is 2K
			maxUD = 2048

		if len(ud) > maxUD {
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"The supplied user_data contains %d bytes after encoding, "+
					"this exeeds the limit of %d bytes", len(ud), maxUD)


	// If there is a group supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	if group, ok := d.GetOk("group"); ok {

	// If there is a root_disk_size supplied, add it to the parameter struct
	if rootdisksize, ok := d.GetOk("root_disk_size"); ok {

	// Create the new instance
	r, err := cs.VirtualMachine.DeployVirtualMachine(p)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating the new instance %s: %s", name, err)


	// Set the connection info for any configured provisioners
		"host":     r.Nic[0].Ipaddress,
		"password": r.Password,

	return resourceCloudStackInstanceRead(d, meta)
func resourceBigvVMCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {

	l := log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)

	bigvClient := meta.(*client)

	vm := bigvVMCreate{
		VirtualMachine: bigvVm{
			Name:   d.Get("name").(string),
			Cores:  d.Get("cores").(int),
			Memory: d.Get("memory").(int),
			Power:  d.Get("power_on").(bool),
			Reboot: d.Get("reboot").(bool),
			Group:  d.Get("group").(string),
			Zone:   d.Get("zone").(string),
		Discs: []bigvDisc{{
			Label:        "root",
			StorageGrade: "sata",
			Size:         d.Get("disc_size").(int),
		Image: bigvImage{
			Distribution:    d.Get("os").(string),
			RootPassword:    randomPassword(),
			SshPublicKey:    d.Get("ssh_public_key").(string),
			FirstBootScript: d.Get("firstboot_script").(string),

	// If no ipv* is set then let bigv allocate it itself
	// The json for ip must be nil
	if ip := d.Get("ipv4"); ip != nil && ip.(string) != "" {
		vm.Ips = &bigvIps{
			Ipv4: ip.(string),

	if ip := d.Get("ipv6"); ip != nil && ip.(string) != "" {
		if vm.Ips == nil {
			vm.Ips = &bigvIps{}
		vm.Ips.Ipv6 = ip.(string)

	// Make sure the root password gets stored in d
	d.Set("root_password", vm.Image.RootPassword)

	// Connection information
	connInfo := map[string]string{
		"type":     "ssh",
		"password": vm.Image.RootPassword,
	if vm.Ips != nil {
		connInfo["host"] = vm.Ips.Ipv4

	if err := vm.VirtualMachine.computeCoresToMemory(); err != nil {
		return err

	if vm.Image.SshPublicKey != "" && vm.Image.Distribution == "none" {
		return errors.New("Cannot deploy ssh public keys with an os of 'none'. Please use a provisioner instead")

	body, err := json.Marshal(vm)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// VM create uses a bigger path
	url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/accounts/%s/groups/%s/vm_create",
		vm.VirtualMachine.Group, // this will be group name

	l.Printf("Requesting VM create: %s", url)
	l.Printf("VM profile: %s", body)

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(body))

	// TODO - Early 2016, and we hope to remove this soonish
	// bigV deadlocks if you hit it with concurrent creates.
	// That might be an ip allocation issue, and specifying both ips might
	// fix it, but that's untested. For now waiting for them to confirm we
	// can lift this restriction.
	resp, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Always close the body when done
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	l.Printf("HTTP response Status: %s", resp.Status)

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusAccepted {
		body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		return fmt.Errorf("Create VM status %d from bigv: %s", resp.StatusCode, body)

	for _, i := range []string{"name", "group_id", "group", "zone", "cores", "memory", "ipv4", "ipv6", "root_password"} {

	for k, v := range resp.Header {
		l.Printf("%s: %s", k, v)

	// wait for state also sets up the resource from the read state we get back
	if err := waitForBigvState(d, bigvClient, waitForProvisioned); err != nil {
		return err

	l.Printf("Created BigV VM, Id: %s", d.Id())

	// If we expect it to be turned on, wait for it to powered
	if vm.VirtualMachine.Power == true {
		if err := waitForBigvState(d, bigvClient, waitForPowered); err != nil {
			return err

		// This assumes all distributions will listen on public ssh
		if vm.Image.Distribution != "none" {
			if err := waitForVmSsh(d); err != nil {
				return err


	return nil

func resourceComputeInstanceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)

	instance, err := getInstance(config, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Synch metadata
	md := instance.Metadata

	_md := MetadataFormatSchema(md)
	if script, scriptExists := d.GetOk("metadata_startup_script"); scriptExists {
		d.Set("metadata_startup_script", script)
		delete(_md, "startup-script")

	if err = d.Set("metadata", _md); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting metadata: %s", err)

	d.Set("can_ip_forward", instance.CanIpForward)

	// Set the service accounts
	serviceAccounts := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1)
	for _, serviceAccount := range instance.ServiceAccounts {
		scopes := make([]interface{}, len(serviceAccount.Scopes))
		for i, scope := range serviceAccount.Scopes {
			scopes[i] = scope
		serviceAccounts = append(serviceAccounts, map[string]interface{}{
			"email":  serviceAccount.Email,
			"scopes": schema.NewSet(stringScopeHashcode, scopes),
	d.Set("service_account", serviceAccounts)

	networksCount := d.Get("network.#").(int)
	networkInterfacesCount := d.Get("network_interface.#").(int)

	if networksCount > 0 && networkInterfacesCount > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error: cannot define both networks and network_interfaces.")
	if networksCount == 0 && networkInterfacesCount == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error: Must define at least one network_interface.")

	// Set the networks
	// Use the first external IP found for the default connection info.
	externalIP := ""
	internalIP := ""
	networks := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1)
	if networksCount > 0 {
		// TODO: Remove this when realizing deprecation of .network
		for i, iface := range instance.NetworkInterfaces {
			var natIP string
			for _, config := range iface.AccessConfigs {
				if config.Type == "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT" {
					natIP = config.NatIP

			if externalIP == "" && natIP != "" {
				externalIP = natIP

			network := make(map[string]interface{})
			network["name"] = iface.Name
			network["external_address"] = natIP
			network["internal_address"] = iface.NetworkIP
			network["source"] = d.Get(fmt.Sprintf("network.%d.source", i))
			networks = append(networks, network)
	d.Set("network", networks)

	networkInterfaces := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1)
	if networkInterfacesCount > 0 {
		for i, iface := range instance.NetworkInterfaces {
			// The first non-empty ip is left in natIP
			var natIP string
			accessConfigs := make(
				[]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(iface.AccessConfigs))
			for _, config := range iface.AccessConfigs {
				accessConfigs = append(accessConfigs, map[string]interface{}{
					"nat_ip": config.NatIP,

				if natIP == "" {
					natIP = config.NatIP

			if externalIP == "" {
				externalIP = natIP

			if internalIP == "" {
				internalIP = iface.NetworkIP

			networkInterfaces = append(networkInterfaces, map[string]interface{}{
				"name":          iface.Name,
				"address":       iface.NetworkIP,
				"network":       d.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", i)),
				"access_config": accessConfigs,
	d.Set("network_interface", networkInterfaces)

	// Fall back on internal ip if there is no external ip.  This makes sense in the situation where
	// terraform is being used on a cloud instance and can therefore access the instances it creates
	// via their internal ips.
	sshIP := externalIP
	if sshIP == "" {
		sshIP = internalIP

	// Initialize the connection info
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": sshIP,

	// Set the metadata fingerprint if there is one.
	if instance.Metadata != nil {
		d.Set("metadata_fingerprint", instance.Metadata.Fingerprint)

	// Set the tags fingerprint if there is one.
	if instance.Tags != nil {
		d.Set("tags_fingerprint", instance.Tags.Fingerprint)

	d.Set("self_link", instance.SelfLink)

	return nil
Example #27
func resourceAwsInstanceCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	instanceOpts, err := buildAwsInstanceOpts(d, meta)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Build the creation struct
	runOpts := &ec2.RunInstancesInput{
		BlockDeviceMappings:   instanceOpts.BlockDeviceMappings,
		DisableApiTermination: instanceOpts.DisableAPITermination,
		EbsOptimized:          instanceOpts.EBSOptimized,
		Monitoring:            instanceOpts.Monitoring,
		IamInstanceProfile:    instanceOpts.IAMInstanceProfile,
		ImageId:               instanceOpts.ImageID,
		InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: instanceOpts.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,
		InstanceType:                      instanceOpts.InstanceType,
		KeyName:                           instanceOpts.KeyName,
		MaxCount:                          aws.Int64(int64(1)),
		MinCount:                          aws.Int64(int64(1)),
		NetworkInterfaces:                 instanceOpts.NetworkInterfaces,
		Placement:                         instanceOpts.Placement,
		PrivateIpAddress:                  instanceOpts.PrivateIPAddress,
		SecurityGroupIds:                  instanceOpts.SecurityGroupIDs,
		SecurityGroups:                    instanceOpts.SecurityGroups,
		SubnetId:                          instanceOpts.SubnetID,
		UserData:                          instanceOpts.UserData64,

	// Create the instance
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Run configuration: %s", runOpts)

	var runResp *ec2.Reservation
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		runResp, err = conn.RunInstances(runOpts)
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// IAM profiles can take ~10 seconds to propagate in AWS:
			if awsErr.Code() == "InvalidParameterValue" && strings.Contains(awsErr.Message(), "Invalid IAM Instance Profile") {
				log.Printf("[DEBUG] Invalid IAM Instance Profile referenced, retrying...")
				time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

			// Warn if the AWS Error involves group ids, to help identify situation
			// where a user uses group ids in security_groups for the Default VPC.
			//   See
			if awsErr.Code() == "InvalidParameterValue" && strings.Contains(awsErr.Message(), "groupId is invalid") {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error launching instance, possible mismatch of Security Group IDs and Names. See AWS Instance docs here: %s.\n\n\tAWS Error: %s", "", awsErr.Message())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error launching source instance: %s", err)
	if runResp == nil || len(runResp.Instances) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error launching source instance: no instances returned in response")

	instance := runResp.Instances[0]
	log.Printf("[INFO] Instance ID: %s", *instance.InstanceId)

	// Store the resulting ID so we can look this up later

	// Wait for the instance to become running so we can get some attributes
	// that aren't available until later.
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for instance (%s) to become running",

	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending:    []string{"pending"},
		Target:     []string{"running"},
		Refresh:    InstanceStateRefreshFunc(conn, *instance.InstanceId),
		Timeout:    10 * time.Minute,
		Delay:      10 * time.Second,
		MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second,

	instanceRaw, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for instance (%s) to become ready: %s",
			*instance.InstanceId, err)

	instance = instanceRaw.(*ec2.Instance)

	// Initialize the connection info
	if instance.PublicIpAddress != nil {
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": *instance.PublicIpAddress,
	} else if instance.PrivateIpAddress != nil {
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": *instance.PrivateIpAddress,

	// Update if we need to
	return resourceAwsInstanceUpdate(d, meta)
func resourcePacketDeviceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*packngo.Client)

	device, _, err := client.Devices.Get(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		err = friendlyError(err)

		// If the device somehow already destroyed, mark as succesfully gone.
		if isNotFound(err) {
			return nil

		return err

	d.Set("name", device.Hostname)
	d.Set("plan", device.Plan.Slug)
	d.Set("facility", device.Facility.Code)
	d.Set("operating_system", device.OS.Slug)
	d.Set("state", device.State)
	d.Set("billing_cycle", device.BillingCycle)
	d.Set("locked", device.Locked)
	d.Set("created", device.Created)
	d.Set("updated", device.Updated)

	tags := make([]string, 0, len(device.Tags))
	for _, tag := range device.Tags {
		tags = append(tags, tag)
	d.Set("tags", tags)

	var (
		host     string
		networks = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1)
	for _, ip := range device.Network {
		network := map[string]interface{}{
			"address": ip.Address,
			"gateway": ip.Gateway,
			"family":  ip.AddressFamily,
			"cidr":    ip.Cidr,
			"public":  ip.Public,
		networks = append(networks, network)

		if ip.AddressFamily == 4 && ip.Public == true {
			host = ip.Address
	d.Set("network", networks)

	if host != "" {
			"type": "ssh",
			"host": host,

	return nil
func resourceVSphereVirtualMachineRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] reading virtual machine: %#v", d)
	client := meta.(*govmomi.Client)
	dc, err := getDatacenter(client, d.Get("datacenter").(string))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	finder := find.NewFinder(client.Client, true)
	finder = finder.SetDatacenter(dc)

	vm, err := finder.VirtualMachine(context.TODO(), d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	var mvm mo.VirtualMachine

	collector := property.DefaultCollector(client.Client)
	if err := collector.RetrieveOne(context.TODO(), vm.Reference(), []string{"guest", "summary", "datastore"}, &mvm); err != nil {
		return err

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", dc)
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", mvm.Summary.Config)
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", mvm.Guest.Net)

	networkInterfaces := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
	for _, v := range mvm.Guest.Net {
		if v.DeviceConfigId >= 0 {
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", v.Network)
			networkInterface := make(map[string]interface{})
			networkInterface["label"] = v.Network
			for _, ip := range v.IpConfig.IpAddress {
				p := net.ParseIP(ip.IpAddress)
				if p.To4() != nil {
					log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", p.String())
					log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", ip.PrefixLength)
					networkInterface["ipv4_address"] = p.String()
					networkInterface["ipv4_prefix_length"] = ip.PrefixLength
				} else if p.To16() != nil {
					log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", p.String())
					log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", ip.PrefixLength)
					networkInterface["ipv6_address"] = p.String()
					networkInterface["ipv6_prefix_length"] = ip.PrefixLength
				log.Printf("[DEBUG] networkInterface: %#v", networkInterface)
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] networkInterface: %#v", networkInterface)
			networkInterfaces = append(networkInterfaces, networkInterface)
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] networkInterfaces: %#v", networkInterfaces)
	err = d.Set("network_interface", networkInterfaces)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid network interfaces to set: %#v", networkInterfaces)

	ip, err := vm.WaitForIP(context.TODO())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] ip address: %v", ip)
		"type": "ssh",
		"host": ip,

	var rootDatastore string
	for _, v := range mvm.Datastore {
		var md mo.Datastore
		if err := collector.RetrieveOne(context.TODO(), v, []string{"name", "parent"}, &md); err != nil {
			return err
		if md.Parent.Type == "StoragePod" {
			var msp mo.StoragePod
			if err := collector.RetrieveOne(context.TODO(), *md.Parent, []string{"name"}, &msp); err != nil {
				return err
			rootDatastore = msp.Name
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", msp.Name)
		} else {
			rootDatastore = md.Name
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] %#v", md.Name)

	d.Set("datacenter", dc)
	d.Set("memory", mvm.Summary.Config.MemorySizeMB)
	d.Set("memory_reservation", mvm.Summary.Config.MemoryReservation)
	d.Set("cpu", mvm.Summary.Config.NumCpu)
	d.Set("datastore", rootDatastore)

	return nil
func resourceVSphereVirtualMachineCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*govmomi.Client)

	vm := virtualMachine{
		name:     d.Get("name").(string),
		vcpu:     d.Get("vcpu").(int),
		memoryMb: int64(d.Get("memory").(int)),
		memoryAllocation: memoryAllocation{
			reservation: int64(d.Get("memory_reservation").(int)),

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("folder"); ok {
		vm.folder = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("datacenter"); ok {
		vm.datacenter = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("cluster"); ok {
		vm.cluster = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("resource_pool"); ok {
		vm.resourcePool = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("gateway"); ok {
		vm.gateway = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("domain"); ok {
		vm.domain = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("time_zone"); ok {
		vm.timeZone = v.(string)

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("linked_clone"); ok {
		vm.linkedClone = v.(bool)

	if raw, ok := d.GetOk("dns_suffixes"); ok {
		for _, v := range raw.([]interface{}) {
			vm.dnsSuffixes = append(vm.dnsSuffixes, v.(string))
	} else {
		vm.dnsSuffixes = DefaultDNSSuffixes

	if raw, ok := d.GetOk("dns_servers"); ok {
		for _, v := range raw.([]interface{}) {
			vm.dnsServers = append(vm.dnsServers, v.(string))
	} else {
		vm.dnsServers = DefaultDNSServers

	if vL, ok := d.GetOk("custom_configuration_parameters"); ok {
		if custom_configs, ok := vL.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
			custom := make(map[string]types.AnyType)
			for k, v := range custom_configs {
				custom[k] = v
			vm.customConfigurations = custom
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] custom_configuration_parameters init: %v", vm.customConfigurations)

	if vL, ok := d.GetOk("network_interface"); ok {
		networks := make([]networkInterface, len(vL.([]interface{})))
		for i, v := range vL.([]interface{}) {
			network := v.(map[string]interface{})
			networks[i].label = network["label"].(string)
			if v, ok := network["ip_address"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				networks[i].ipv4Address = v
			if v, ok := network["subnet_mask"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				ip := net.ParseIP(v).To4()
				if ip != nil {
					mask := net.IPv4Mask(ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3])
					pl, _ := mask.Size()
					networks[i].ipv4PrefixLength = pl
				} else {
					return fmt.Errorf("subnet_mask parameter is invalid.")
			if v, ok := network["ipv4_address"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				networks[i].ipv4Address = v
			if v, ok := network["ipv4_prefix_length"].(int); ok && v != 0 {
				networks[i].ipv4PrefixLength = v
		vm.networkInterfaces = networks
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] network_interface init: %v", networks)

	if vL, ok := d.GetOk("windows_opt_config"); ok {
		var winOpt windowsOptConfig
		custom_configs := (vL.([]interface{}))[0].(map[string]interface{})
		if v, ok := custom_configs["admin_password"].(string); ok && v != "" {
			winOpt.adminPassword = v
		if v, ok := custom_configs["domain"].(string); ok && v != "" {
			winOpt.domain = v
		if v, ok := custom_configs["domain_user"].(string); ok && v != "" {
			winOpt.domainUser = v
		if v, ok := custom_configs["product_key"].(string); ok && v != "" {
			winOpt.productKey = v
		if v, ok := custom_configs["domain_user_password"].(string); ok && v != "" {
			winOpt.domainUserPassword = v
		vm.windowsOptionalConfig = winOpt
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] windows config init: %v", winOpt)

	if vL, ok := d.GetOk("disk"); ok {
		disks := make([]hardDisk, len(vL.([]interface{})))
		for i, v := range vL.([]interface{}) {
			disk := v.(map[string]interface{})
			if i == 0 {
				if v, ok := disk["template"].(string); ok && v != "" {
					vm.template = v
				} else {
					if v, ok := disk["size"].(int); ok && v != 0 {
						disks[i].size = int64(v)
					} else if v, ok := disk["vmdk"].(string); ok && v != "" {
						disks[i].vmdkPath = v
						if v, ok := disk["bootable"].(bool); ok {
							vm.bootableVmdk = v
					} else {
						return fmt.Errorf("template, size, or vmdk argument is required")
				if v, ok := disk["datastore"].(string); ok && v != "" {
					vm.datastore = v
			} else {
				if v, ok := disk["size"].(int); ok && v != 0 {
					disks[i].size = int64(v)
				} else if v, ok := disk["vmdk"].(string); ok && v != "" {
					disks[i].vmdkPath = v
				} else {
					return fmt.Errorf("size or vmdk argument is required")

			if v, ok := disk["iops"].(int); ok && v != 0 {
				disks[i].iops = int64(v)
			if v, ok := disk["type"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				disks[i].initType = v
		vm.hardDisks = disks
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] disk init: %v", disks)

	if vL, ok := d.GetOk("cdrom"); ok {
		cdroms := make([]cdrom, len(vL.([]interface{})))
		for i, v := range vL.([]interface{}) {
			c := v.(map[string]interface{})
			if v, ok := c["datastore"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				cdroms[i].datastore = v
			} else {
				return fmt.Errorf("Datastore argument must be specified when attaching a cdrom image.")
			if v, ok := c["path"].(string); ok && v != "" {
				cdroms[i].path = v
			} else {
				return fmt.Errorf("Path argument must be specified when attaching a cdrom image.")
		vm.cdroms = cdroms
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] cdrom init: %v", cdroms)

	if vm.template != "" {
		err := vm.deployVirtualMachine(client)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		err := vm.createVirtualMachine(client)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if _, ok := d.GetOk("network_interface.0.ipv4_address"); !ok {
		if v, ok := d.GetOk("boot_delay"); ok {
			stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
				Pending:    []string{"pending"},
				Target:     []string{"active"},
				Refresh:    waitForNetworkingActive(client, vm.datacenter, vm.Path()),
				Timeout:    600 * time.Second,
				Delay:      time.Duration(v.(int)) * time.Second,
				MinTimeout: 2 * time.Second,

			_, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
			if err != nil {
				return err

	if ip, ok := d.GetOk("network_interface.0.ipv4_address"); ok {
			"host": ip.(string),
	} else {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Could not get IP address for %s", d.Id())

	log.Printf("[INFO] Created virtual machine: %s", d.Id())

	return resourceVSphereVirtualMachineRead(d, meta)