Example #1
// Test performs an acceptance test on a backend with the given test case.
// Tests are not run unless an environmental variable "TF_ACC" is
// set to some non-empty value. This is to avoid test cases surprising
// a user by creating real resources.
// Tests will fail unless the verbose flag (`go test -v`, or explicitly
// the "-test.v" flag) is set. Because some acceptance tests take quite
// long, we require the verbose flag so users are able to see progress
// output.
func Test(t TestT, c TestCase) {
	// We only run acceptance tests if an env var is set because they're
	// slow and generally require some outside configuration.
	if os.Getenv(TestEnvVar) == "" {
			"Acceptance tests skipped unless env '%s' set",

	// We require verbose mode so that the user knows what is going on.
	if !testTesting && !testing.Verbose() {
		t.Fatal("Acceptance tests must be run with the -v flag on tests")

	// Run the PreCheck if we have it
	if c.PreCheck != nil {

	// Check that something is provided
	if c.Backend == nil && c.Factory == nil {
		t.Fatal("Must provide either Backend or Factory")

	// Create an in-memory Vault core
	core, err := vault.NewCore(&vault.CoreConfig{
		Physical: physical.NewInmem(),
		LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{
			"test": func(conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error) {
				if c.Backend != nil {
					return c.Backend, nil
				return c.Factory(conf)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("error initializing core: ", err)

	// Initialize the core
	init, err := core.Initialize(&vault.SealConfig{
		SecretShares:    1,
		SecretThreshold: 1,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("error initializing core: ", err)

	// Unseal the core
	if unsealed, err := core.Unseal(init.SecretShares[0]); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("error unsealing core: ", err)
	} else if !unsealed {
		t.Fatal("vault shouldn't be sealed")

	// Create an HTTP API server and client
	ln, addr := http.TestServer(nil, core)
	defer ln.Close()
	clientConfig := api.DefaultConfig()
	clientConfig.Address = addr
	client, err := api.NewClient(clientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("error initializing HTTP client: ", err)

	// Set the token so we're authenticated

	// Mount the backend
	prefix := "mnt"
	if err := client.Sys().Mount(prefix, "test", "acceptance test"); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("error mounting backend: ", err)

	// Make requests
	var revoke []*logical.Request
	for i, s := range c.Steps {
		log.Printf("[WARN] Executing test step %d", i+1)

		// Make sure to prefix the path with where we mounted the thing
		path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", prefix, s.Path)

		// Create the request
		req := &logical.Request{
			Operation: s.Operation,
			Path:      path,
			Data:      s.Data,
		if !s.Unauthenticated {
			req.ClientToken = client.Token()
		if s.RemoteAddr != "" {
			req.Connection = &logical.Connection{RemoteAddr: s.RemoteAddr}
		if s.ConnState != nil {
			req.Connection = &logical.Connection{ConnState: s.ConnState}

		// Make the request
		resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
		if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil {
			// Revoke this secret later
			revoke = append(revoke, &logical.Request{
				Operation: logical.WriteOperation,
				Path:      "sys/revoke/" + resp.Secret.LeaseID,
		if err == nil && resp.IsError() && !s.ErrorOk {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)
		if err == nil && s.Check != nil {
			// Call the test method
			err = s.Check(resp)
		if err != nil {
			t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed step %d: %s", i+1, err))

	// Revoke any secrets we might have.
	var failedRevokes []*logical.Secret
	for _, req := range revoke {
		log.Printf("[WARN] Revoking secret: %#v", req)
		req.ClientToken = client.Token()
		resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
		if err == nil && resp.IsError() {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)
		if err != nil {
			failedRevokes = append(failedRevokes, req.Secret)
			t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("[ERR] Revoke error: %s", err))

	// Perform any rollbacks. This should no-op if there aren't any.
	// We set the "immediate" flag here that any backend can pick up on
	// to do all rollbacks immediately even if the WAL entries are new.
	log.Printf("[WARN] Requesting RollbackOperation")
	req := logical.RollbackRequest(prefix + "/")
	req.Data["immediate"] = true
	req.ClientToken = client.Token()
	resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
	if err == nil && resp.IsError() {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)
	if err != nil && err != logical.ErrUnsupportedOperation {
		t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("[ERR] Rollback error: %s", err))

	// If we have any failed revokes, log it.
	if len(failedRevokes) > 0 {
		for _, s := range failedRevokes {
				"WARNING: Revoking the following secret failed. It may\n"+
					"still exist. Please verify:\n\n%#v",

	// Cleanup
	if c.Teardown != nil {
Example #2
// Test performs an acceptance test on a backend with the given test case.
// Tests are not run unless an environmental variable "VAULT_ACC" is
// set to some non-empty value. This is to avoid test cases surprising
// a user by creating real resources.
// Tests will fail unless the verbose flag (`go test -v`, or explicitly
// the "-test.v" flag) is set. Because some acceptance tests take quite
// long, we require the verbose flag so users are able to see progress
// output.
func Test(tt TestT, c TestCase) {
	// We only run acceptance tests if an env var is set because they're
	// slow and generally require some outside configuration.
	if c.AcceptanceTest && os.Getenv(TestEnvVar) == "" {
			"Acceptance tests skipped unless env '%s' set",

	// We require verbose mode so that the user knows what is going on.
	if c.AcceptanceTest && !testTesting && !testing.Verbose() {
		tt.Fatal("Acceptance tests must be run with the -v flag on tests")

	// Run the PreCheck if we have it
	if c.PreCheck != nil {

	// Check that something is provided
	if c.Backend == nil && c.Factory == nil {
		tt.Fatal("Must provide either Backend or Factory")

	// Create an in-memory Vault core
	core, err := vault.NewCore(&vault.CoreConfig{
		Physical: physical.NewInmem(logger),
		LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{
			"test": func(conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error) {
				if c.Backend != nil {
					return c.Backend, nil
				return c.Factory(conf)
		DisableMlock: true,
	if err != nil {
		tt.Fatal("error initializing core: ", err)

	// Initialize the core
	init, err := core.Initialize(&vault.SealConfig{
		SecretShares:    1,
		SecretThreshold: 1,
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		tt.Fatal("error initializing core: ", err)

	// Unseal the core
	if unsealed, err := core.Unseal(init.SecretShares[0]); err != nil {
		tt.Fatal("error unsealing core: ", err)
	} else if !unsealed {
		tt.Fatal("vault shouldn't be sealed")

	// Create an HTTP API server and client
	ln, addr := http.TestServer(nil, core)
	defer ln.Close()
	clientConfig := api.DefaultConfig()
	clientConfig.Address = addr
	client, err := api.NewClient(clientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		tt.Fatal("error initializing HTTP client: ", err)

	// Set the token so we're authenticated

	// Mount the backend
	prefix := "mnt"
	mountInfo := &api.MountInput{
		Type:        "test",
		Description: "acceptance test",
	if err := client.Sys().Mount(prefix, mountInfo); err != nil {
		tt.Fatal("error mounting backend: ", err)

	// Make requests
	var revoke []*logical.Request
	for i, s := range c.Steps {
		log.Printf("[WARN] Executing test step %d", i+1)

		// Create the request
		req := &logical.Request{
			Operation: s.Operation,
			Path:      s.Path,
			Data:      s.Data,
		if !s.Unauthenticated {
			req.ClientToken = client.Token()
		if s.RemoteAddr != "" {
			req.Connection = &logical.Connection{RemoteAddr: s.RemoteAddr}
		if s.ConnState != nil {
			req.Connection = &logical.Connection{ConnState: s.ConnState}

		if s.PreFlight != nil {
			ct := req.ClientToken
			req.ClientToken = ""
			if err := s.PreFlight(req); err != nil {
				tt.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed preflight for step %d: %s", i+1, err))
			req.ClientToken = ct

		// Make sure to prefix the path with where we mounted the thing
		req.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", prefix, req.Path)

		// Make the request
		resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
		if resp != nil && resp.Secret != nil {
			// Revoke this secret later
			revoke = append(revoke, &logical.Request{
				Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
				Path:      "sys/revoke/" + resp.Secret.LeaseID,

		// Test step returned an error.
		if err != nil {
			// But if an error is expected, do not fail the test step,
			// regardless of whether the error is a 'logical.ErrorResponse'
			// or not. Set the err to nil. If the error is a logical.ErrorResponse,
			// it will be handled later.
			if s.ErrorOk {
				err = nil
			} else {
				// If the error is not expected, fail right away.
				tt.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed step %d: %s", i+1, err))

		// If the error is a 'logical.ErrorResponse' and if error was not expected,
		// set the error so that this can be caught below.
		if resp.IsError() && !s.ErrorOk {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)

		// Either the 'err' was nil or if an error was expected, it was set to nil.
		// Call the 'Check' function if there is one.
		// TODO: This works perfectly for now, but it would be better if 'Check'
		// function takes in both the response object and the error, and decide on
		// the action on its own.
		if err == nil && s.Check != nil {
			// Call the test method
			err = s.Check(resp)

		if err != nil {
			tt.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed step %d: %s", i+1, err))

	// Revoke any secrets we might have.
	var failedRevokes []*logical.Secret
	for _, req := range revoke {
		log.Printf("[WARN] Revoking secret: %#v", req)
		req.ClientToken = client.Token()
		resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
		if err == nil && resp.IsError() {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)
		if err != nil {
			failedRevokes = append(failedRevokes, req.Secret)
			tt.Error(fmt.Sprintf("[ERR] Revoke error: %s", err))

	// Perform any rollbacks. This should no-op if there aren't any.
	// We set the "immediate" flag here that any backend can pick up on
	// to do all rollbacks immediately even if the WAL entries are new.
	log.Printf("[WARN] Requesting RollbackOperation")
	req := logical.RollbackRequest(prefix + "/")
	req.Data["immediate"] = true
	req.ClientToken = client.Token()
	resp, err := core.HandleRequest(req)
	if err == nil && resp.IsError() {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Erroneous response:\n\n%#v", resp)
	if err != nil {
		if !errwrap.Contains(err, logical.ErrUnsupportedOperation.Error()) {
			tt.Error(fmt.Sprintf("[ERR] Rollback error: %s", err))

	// If we have any failed revokes, log it.
	if len(failedRevokes) > 0 {
		for _, s := range failedRevokes {
				"WARNING: Revoking the following secret failed. It may\n"+
					"still exist. Please verify:\n\n%#v",

	// Cleanup
	if c.Teardown != nil {