Example #1
func respondLogical(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string, dataOnly bool, resp *logical.Response) {
	var httpResp interface{}
	if resp != nil {
		if resp.Redirect != "" {
			// If we have a redirect, redirect! We use a 307 code
			// because we don't actually know if its permanent.
			http.Redirect(w, r, resp.Redirect, 307)

		if dataOnly {
			respondOk(w, resp.Data)

		// Check if this is a raw response
		if _, ok := resp.Data[logical.HTTPContentType]; ok {
			respondRaw(w, r, path, resp)

		logicalResp := &LogicalResponse{
			Data:     resp.Data,
			Warnings: resp.Warnings(),
		if resp.Secret != nil {
			logicalResp.LeaseID = resp.Secret.LeaseID
			logicalResp.Renewable = resp.Secret.Renewable
			logicalResp.LeaseDuration = int(resp.Secret.TTL.Seconds())

		// If we have authentication information, then
		// set up the result structure.
		if resp.Auth != nil {
			logicalResp.Auth = &Auth{
				ClientToken:   resp.Auth.ClientToken,
				Accessor:      resp.Auth.Accessor,
				Policies:      resp.Auth.Policies,
				Metadata:      resp.Auth.Metadata,
				LeaseDuration: int(resp.Auth.TTL.Seconds()),
				Renewable:     resp.Auth.Renewable,

		httpResp = logicalResp

	// Respond
	respondOk(w, httpResp)
Example #2
// pathRoleCreateUpdate is used to associate Vault policies to a given AMI ID.
func (b *backend) pathRoleCreateUpdate(
	req *logical.Request, data *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	roleName := strings.ToLower(data.Get("role").(string))
	if roleName == "" {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("missing role"), nil

	defer b.roleMutex.Unlock()

	roleEntry, err := b.nonLockedAWSRole(req.Storage, roleName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if roleEntry == nil {
		roleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{}

	// Fetch and set the bound parameters. There can't be default values
	// for these.
	if boundAmiIDRaw, ok := data.GetOk("bound_ami_id"); ok {
		roleEntry.BoundAmiID = boundAmiIDRaw.(string)

	if boundAccountIDRaw, ok := data.GetOk("bound_account_id"); ok {
		roleEntry.BoundAccountID = boundAccountIDRaw.(string)

	if boundIamRoleARNRaw, ok := data.GetOk("bound_iam_role_arn"); ok {
		roleEntry.BoundIamRoleARN = boundIamRoleARNRaw.(string)

	if boundIamInstanceProfileARNRaw, ok := data.GetOk("bound_iam_instance_profile_arn"); ok {
		roleEntry.BoundIamInstanceProfileARN = boundIamInstanceProfileARNRaw.(string)

	// Ensure that at least one bound is set on the role
	switch {
	case roleEntry.BoundAccountID != "":
	case roleEntry.BoundAmiID != "":
	case roleEntry.BoundIamInstanceProfileARN != "":
	case roleEntry.BoundIamRoleARN != "":

		return logical.ErrorResponse("at least be one bound parameter should be specified on the role"), nil

	policiesStr, ok := data.GetOk("policies")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.Policies = policyutil.ParsePolicies(policiesStr.(string))
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.Policies = []string{"default"}

	disallowReauthenticationBool, ok := data.GetOk("disallow_reauthentication")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.DisallowReauthentication = disallowReauthenticationBool.(bool)
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.DisallowReauthentication = data.Get("disallow_reauthentication").(bool)

	allowInstanceMigrationBool, ok := data.GetOk("allow_instance_migration")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.AllowInstanceMigration = allowInstanceMigrationBool.(bool)
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.AllowInstanceMigration = data.Get("allow_instance_migration").(bool)

	var resp logical.Response

	ttlRaw, ok := data.GetOk("ttl")
	if ok {
		ttl := time.Duration(ttlRaw.(int)) * time.Second
		defaultLeaseTTL := b.System().DefaultLeaseTTL()
		if ttl > defaultLeaseTTL {
			resp.AddWarning(fmt.Sprintf("Given ttl of %d seconds greater than current mount/system default of %d seconds; ttl will be capped at login time", ttl/time.Second, defaultLeaseTTL/time.Second))
		roleEntry.TTL = ttl
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.TTL = time.Duration(data.Get("ttl").(int)) * time.Second

	maxTTLInt, ok := data.GetOk("max_ttl")
	if ok {
		maxTTL := time.Duration(maxTTLInt.(int)) * time.Second
		systemMaxTTL := b.System().MaxLeaseTTL()
		if maxTTL > systemMaxTTL {
			resp.AddWarning(fmt.Sprintf("Given max_ttl of %d seconds greater than current mount/system default of %d seconds; max_ttl will be capped at login time", maxTTL/time.Second, systemMaxTTL/time.Second))

		if maxTTL < time.Duration(0) {
			return logical.ErrorResponse("max_ttl cannot be negative"), nil

		roleEntry.MaxTTL = maxTTL
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.MaxTTL = time.Duration(data.Get("max_ttl").(int)) * time.Second

	if roleEntry.MaxTTL != 0 && roleEntry.MaxTTL < roleEntry.TTL {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("ttl should be shorter than max_ttl"), nil

	roleTagStr, ok := data.GetOk("role_tag")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.RoleTag = roleTagStr.(string)
		// There is a limit of 127 characters on the tag key for AWS EC2 instances.
		// Complying to that requirement, do not allow the value of 'key' to be more than that.
		if len(roleEntry.RoleTag) > 127 {
			return logical.ErrorResponse("length of role tag exceeds the EC2 key limit of 127 characters"), nil
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.RoleTag = data.Get("role_tag").(string)

	if roleEntry.HMACKey == "" {
		roleEntry.HMACKey, err = uuid.GenerateUUID()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate role HMAC key: %v", err)

	if err := b.nonLockedSetAWSRole(req.Storage, roleName, roleEntry); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(resp.Warnings()) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	return &resp, nil
Example #3
// pathRoleCreateUpdate is used to associate Vault policies to a given AMI ID.
func (b *backend) pathRoleCreateUpdate(
	req *logical.Request, data *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	roleName := strings.ToLower(data.Get("role").(string))
	if roleName == "" {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("missing role"), nil

	defer b.roleMutex.Unlock()

	roleEntry, err := b.nonLockedAWSRole(req.Storage, roleName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if roleEntry == nil {
		roleEntry = &awsRoleEntry{}

	// Set the bound parameters only if they are supplied.
	// There are no default values for bound parameters.
	boundAmiIDStr, ok := data.GetOk("bound_ami_id")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.BoundAmiID = boundAmiIDStr.(string)

	boundIamARNStr, ok := data.GetOk("bound_iam_role_arn")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.BoundIamARN = boundIamARNStr.(string)

	// At least one bound parameter should be set. Currently, only
	// 'bound_ami_id' and 'bound_iam_role_arn' are supported. Check if one of them is set.
	if roleEntry.BoundAmiID == "" {
		// check if an IAM Role ARN was provided instead of an AMI ID
		if roleEntry.BoundIamARN == "" {
			return logical.ErrorResponse("role is not bounded to any resource; set bound_ami_id or bount_iam_role_arn"), nil

	policiesStr, ok := data.GetOk("policies")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.Policies = policyutil.ParsePolicies(policiesStr.(string))
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.Policies = []string{"default"}

	disallowReauthenticationBool, ok := data.GetOk("disallow_reauthentication")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.DisallowReauthentication = disallowReauthenticationBool.(bool)
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.DisallowReauthentication = data.Get("disallow_reauthentication").(bool)

	allowInstanceMigrationBool, ok := data.GetOk("allow_instance_migration")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.AllowInstanceMigration = allowInstanceMigrationBool.(bool)
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.AllowInstanceMigration = data.Get("allow_instance_migration").(bool)

	var resp logical.Response

	maxTTLInt, ok := data.GetOk("max_ttl")
	if ok {
		maxTTL := time.Duration(maxTTLInt.(int)) * time.Second
		systemMaxTTL := b.System().MaxLeaseTTL()
		if maxTTL > systemMaxTTL {
			resp.AddWarning(fmt.Sprintf("Given TTL of %d seconds greater than current mount/system default of %d seconds; TTL will be capped at login time", maxTTL/time.Second, systemMaxTTL/time.Second))

		if maxTTL < time.Duration(0) {
			return logical.ErrorResponse("max_ttl cannot be negative"), nil

		roleEntry.MaxTTL = maxTTL
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.MaxTTL = time.Duration(data.Get("max_ttl").(int)) * time.Second

	roleTagStr, ok := data.GetOk("role_tag")
	if ok {
		roleEntry.RoleTag = roleTagStr.(string)
		// There is a limit of 127 characters on the tag key for AWS EC2 instances.
		// Complying to that requirement, do not allow the value of 'key' to be more than that.
		if len(roleEntry.RoleTag) > 127 {
			return logical.ErrorResponse("length of role tag exceeds the EC2 key limit of 127 characters"), nil
	} else if req.Operation == logical.CreateOperation {
		roleEntry.RoleTag = data.Get("role_tag").(string)

	if roleEntry.HMACKey == "" {
		roleEntry.HMACKey, err = uuid.GenerateUUID()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate role HMAC key: %v", err)

	entry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON("role/"+roleName, roleEntry)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := req.Storage.Put(entry); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(resp.Warnings()) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	return &resp, nil