Example #1
func TestGetFloat(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given an instance", t, func() {
		instance := new(fargo.Instance)
		Convey("With metadata", func() {
			metadata := new(fargo.InstanceMetadata)
			instance.Metadata = *metadata
			Convey("That has a float64 value", func() {
				key := "d"
				value := 1.9
				metadata.Raw = []byte("<" + key + ">" + strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64) + "</" + key + ">")
				Convey("GetFloat64 should return that value", func() {
					actualValue, err := metadata.GetFloat64(key)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(actualValue, ShouldEqual, value)
			Convey("That has a float32 value", func() {
				key := "d"
				value := 1.9
				metadata.Raw = []byte("<" + key + ">" + strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 32) + "</" + key + ">")
				Convey("GetFloat32 should return that value", func() {
					actualValue, err := metadata.GetFloat32(key)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(actualValue, ShouldEqual, float32(1.9))
Example #2
func TestGetInt(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given an instance", t, func() {
		instance := new(fargo.Instance)
		Convey("With metadata", func() {
			metadata := new(fargo.InstanceMetadata)
			instance.Metadata = *metadata
			Convey("That has a single integer value", func() {
				key := "d"
				value := 1
				metadata.Raw = []byte("<" + key + ">" + strconv.Itoa(value) + "</" + key + ">")
				Convey("GetInt should return that value", func() {
					actualValue, err := metadata.GetInt(key)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(actualValue, ShouldEqual, value)
Example #3
func TestSerializeMeta(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given an instance", t, func() {
		instance := new(fargo.Instance)
		Convey("With metadata", func() {
			instance.SetMetadataString("test", "value")
			Convey("Serializing results in correct JSON", func() {
				b, err := instance.Metadata.MarshalJSON()
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(string(b), ShouldEqual, "{\"test\":\"value\"}")
			Convey("Serializing results in correct XML", func() {
				b, err := xml.Marshal(instance.Metadata)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(string(b), ShouldEqual, "<InstanceMetadata><test>value</test></InstanceMetadata>")
			Convey("Blank metadata results in blank XML", func() {
				metadata := new(fargo.InstanceMetadata)
				b, err := xml.Marshal(metadata)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(string(b), ShouldEqual, "<InstanceMetadata></InstanceMetadata>")
Example #4
func TestInstanceID(t *testing.T) {
	i := fargo.Instance{
		HostName:         "i-6543",
		Port:             9090,
		App:              "TESTAPP",
		IPAddr:           "",
		VipAddress:       "",
		SecureVipAddress: "",
		Status:           fargo.UP,

	Convey("Given an instance with DataCenterInfo.Name set to Amazon", t, func() {
		i.DataCenterInfo = fargo.DataCenterInfo{Name: fargo.Amazon}

		Convey("When UniqueID function has NOT been set", func() {
			i.UniqueID = nil

			Convey("And InstanceID has been set in AmazonMetadata", func() {
				i.DataCenterInfo.Metadata.InstanceID = "EXPECTED-ID"

				Convey("Id() should return the provided InstanceID", func() {
					So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "EXPECTED-ID")

			Convey("And InstanceID has NOT been set in AmazonMetadata", func() {
				i.DataCenterInfo.Metadata.InstanceID = ""

				Convey("Id() should return an empty string", func() {
					So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "")

		Convey("When UniqueID function has been set", func() {
			i.UniqueID = func(i fargo.Instance) string {
				return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", i.App, 123)

			Convey("And InstanceID has been set in AmazonMetadata", func() {
				i.DataCenterInfo.Metadata.InstanceID = "UNEXPECTED"

				Convey("Id() should return the ID that is provided by UniqueID", func() {
					So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "TESTAPP:123")

			Convey("And InstanceID has not been set in AmazonMetadata", func() {
				i.DataCenterInfo.Metadata.InstanceID = ""

				Convey("Id() should return the ID that is provided by UniqueID", func() {
					So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "TESTAPP:123")

	Convey("Given an instance with DataCenterInfo.Name set to MyOwn", t, func() {
		i.DataCenterInfo = fargo.DataCenterInfo{Name: fargo.MyOwn}

		Convey("When UniqueID function has NOT been set", func() {
			i.UniqueID = nil

			Convey("Id() should return the host name", func() {
				So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "i-6543")

		Convey("When UniqueID function has been set", func() {
			i.Metadata.Raw = []byte(`{"instanceId": "unique-id"}`)
			i.UniqueID = func(i fargo.Instance) string {
				if id, err := i.Metadata.GetString("instanceId"); err == nil {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", i.HostName, id)
				return i.HostName

			Convey("Id() should return the ID that is provided by UniqueID", func() {
				So(i.Id(), ShouldEqual, "i-6543:unique-id")
Example #5
func (e *eurekaRegistry) instanceRegistered(instance *fargo.Instance) bool {
	_, err := e.conn.GetInstance(instance.App, instance.UniqueID(*instance))
	return err == nil