func initCryptoClients() error { crypto.Init() // Initialize the clients mapping alice, bob, charlie and dave // to identities already defined in 'membersrvc.yaml' // Alice as jim if err := crypto.RegisterClient("jim", nil, "jim", "6avZQLwcUe9b"); err != nil { return err } var err error alice, err = crypto.InitClient("jim", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Bob as lukas if err := crypto.RegisterClient("lukas", nil, "lukas", "NPKYL39uKbkj"); err != nil { return err } bob, err = crypto.InitClient("lukas", nil) if err != nil { return err } bobCert, err = bob.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Bob TCert [%s]", err) return err } return nil }
func setup() { // Conf viper.SetConfigName("asset") // name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath(".") // path to look for the config file in err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file [%s] \n", err)) } // Logging var formatter = logging.MustStringFormatter( `%{color}[%{module}] %{shortfunc} [%{shortfile}] -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}`, ) logging.SetFormatter(formatter) logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "peer") logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "chaincode") logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "cryptochain") // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err)) } removeFolders() }
func initTCA() (*TCA, error) { //init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%v]", err) } CacheConfiguration() // Cache configuration aca := NewACA() if aca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new ACA") } eca := NewECA(aca) if eca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new ECA") } tca := NewTCA(eca) if tca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new TCA") } return tca, nil }
func initCryptoClients() error { crypto.Init() // Initialize the clients mapping charlie, dave, and edwina // to identities already defined in 'membersrvc.yaml' // Charlie as diego if err := crypto.RegisterClient("diego", nil, "diego", "DRJ23pEQl16a"); err != nil { return err } var err error charlie, err = crypto.InitClient("diego", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Dave as binhn if err := crypto.RegisterClient("binhn", nil, "binhn", "7avZQLwcUe9q"); err != nil { return err } dave, err = crypto.InitClient("binhn", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Edwina as test_user0 if err := crypto.RegisterClient("test_user0", nil, "test_user0", "MS9qrN8hFjlE"); err != nil { return err } edwina, err = crypto.InitClient("test_user0", nil) if err != nil { return err } charlieCert, err = charlie.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Charlie ECert [%s]", err) return err } daveCert, err = dave.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Dave ECert [%s]", err) return err } edwinaCert, err = edwina.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Edwina ECert [%s]", err) return err } clients = map[string]crypto.Client{"charlie": charlie, "dave": dave, "edwina": edwina} certs = map[string]crypto.CertificateHandler{"charlie": charlieCert, "dave": daveCert, "edwina": edwinaCert} myClient = clients[user] myCert = certs[user] return nil }
func setup() { // Conf viper.SetConfigName("rbac") // name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath(".") // path to look for the config file in err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file [%s] \n", err)) } // Logging var formatter = logging.MustStringFormatter( `%{color}[%{module}] %{shortfunc} [%{shortfile}] -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}`, ) logging.SetFormatter(formatter) logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "peer") logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "chaincode") logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "cryptoain") // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err)) } hl := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "hyperledger") viper.Set("peer.fileSystemPath", filepath.Join(hl, "production")) viper.Set("server.rootpath", filepath.Join(hl, "ca")) removeFolders() }
func TestNewCA(t *testing.T) { //init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err) } //initialize logging to avoid panics in the current code LogInit(os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, os.Stdout) //Create new CA ca := NewCA(name) if ca == nil { t.Error("could not create new CA") } missing := 0 //check to see that the expected files were created for _, file := range caFiles { if _, err := os.Stat(ca.path + "/" + file); err != nil { missing++ t.Logf("failed to find file [%s]", file) } } if missing > 0 { t.FailNow() } //check CA certificate for correct properties pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ca.path + "/" + name + ".cert") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not read CA X509 certificate [%s]", name+".cert") } cacert, err := primitives.PEMtoCertificate(pem) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not parse CA X509 certificate [%s]", name+".cert") } //check that commonname, organization and country match config org := GetConfigString("") if cacert.Subject.Organization[0] != org { t.Fatalf("ca cert subject organization [%s] did not match configuration [%s]", cacert.Subject.Organization, org) } country := GetConfigString("") if cacert.Subject.Country[0] != country { t.Fatalf("ca cert subject country [%s] did not match configuration [%s]", cacert.Subject.Country, country) } //cleanup err = cleanupFiles(ca.path) if err != nil { t.Logf("Failed removing [%s] [%s]\n", ca.path, err) } }
func initTCA() (*TCA, error) { //init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%v]", err) } //initialize logging to avoid panics in the current code LogInit(os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, os.Stdout) CacheConfiguration() // Cache configuration eca := NewECA() if eca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new ECA") } aca := NewACA() if aca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new ACA") } tca := NewTCA(eca) if tca == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create a new TCA") } return tca, nil }
func main() { // For environment variables. viper.SetEnvPrefix(cmdRoot) viper.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) // Define command-line flags that are valid for all peer commands and // subcommands. mainFlags := mainCmd.PersistentFlags() mainFlags.BoolVarP(&versionFlag, "version", "v", false, "Display current version of fabric peer server") mainFlags.String("logging-level", "", "Default logging level and overrides, see core.yaml for full syntax") viper.BindPFlag("logging_level", mainFlags.Lookup("logging-level")) testCoverProfile := "" mainFlags.StringVarP(&testCoverProfile, "test.coverprofile", "", "coverage.cov", "Done") var alternativeCfgPath = os.Getenv("PEER_CFG_PATH") if alternativeCfgPath != "" { logger.Infof("User defined config file path: %s", alternativeCfgPath) viper.AddConfigPath(alternativeCfgPath) // Path to look for the config file in } else { viper.AddConfigPath("./") // Path to look for the config file in // Path to look for the config file in based on GOPATH gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) { peerpath := filepath.Join(p, "src/") viper.AddConfigPath(peerpath) } } // Now set the configuration file. viper.SetConfigName(cmdRoot) // Name of config file (without extension) err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when reading %s config file: %s\n", cmdRoot, err)) } mainCmd.AddCommand(version.Cmd()) mainCmd.AddCommand(node.Cmd()) mainCmd.AddCommand(network.Cmd()) mainCmd.AddCommand(chaincode.Cmd()) runtime.GOMAXPROCS(viper.GetInt("peer.gomaxprocs")) // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to initialize the crypto layer: %s", err)) } // On failure Cobra prints the usage message and error string, so we only // need to exit with a non-0 status if mainCmd.Execute() != nil { os.Exit(1) } logger.Info("Exiting.....") }
// Init method will be called during deployment func (t *RBACChaincode) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) ([]byte, error) { function, args := stub.GetFunctionAndParameters() // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err)) } myLogger.Info("Init") // if len(args) != 0 { // return nil, errors.New("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 0") // } myLogger.Debug("Creating RBAC Table...") // Create RBAC table err := stub.CreateTable("RBAC", []*shim.ColumnDefinition{ &shim.ColumnDefinition{Name: "ID", Type: shim.ColumnDefinition_BYTES, Key: true}, &shim.ColumnDefinition{Name: "Roles", Type: shim.ColumnDefinition_STRING, Key: false}, }) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed creating RBAC table.") } myLogger.Debug("Assign 'admin' role...") // Give to the deployer the role 'admin' deployer, err := stub.GetCallerMetadata() if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed getting metadata.") } if len(deployer) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("Invalid admin certificate. Empty.") } myLogger.Debug("Add admin [% x][%s]", deployer, "admin") ok, err := stub.InsertRow("RBAC", shim.Row{ Columns: []*shim.Column{ &shim.Column{Value: &shim.Column_Bytes{Bytes: deployer}}, &shim.Column{Value: &shim.Column_String_{String_: "admin"}}, }, }) if !ok && err == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed initiliazing RBAC entries.") } if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed initiliazing RBAC entries [%s]", err) } myLogger.Debug("Done.") return nil, nil }
func TestChaincodeInvokeChaincodeWithSec(t *testing.T) { testDBWrapper.CleanDB(t) viper.Set("security.enabled", "true") //Initialize crypto if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err)) } //set paths for memberservice to pick up viper.Set("peer.fileSystemPath", filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "hyperledger", "production")) viper.Set("server.rootpath", filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "ca")) var err error var memSrvcLis net.Listener if memSrvcLis, err = initMemSrvc(); err != nil { t.Fail() t.Logf("Error registering user %s", err) return } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) var peerLis net.Listener if peerLis, err = initPeer(); err != nil { finitMemSrvc(memSrvcLis) t.Fail() t.Logf("Error registering user %s", err) return } if err = crypto.RegisterClient("jim", nil, "jim", "6avZQLwcUe9b"); err != nil { finitMemSrvc(memSrvcLis) finitPeer(peerLis) t.Fail() t.Logf("Error registering user %s", err) return } //login as jim and test chaincode-chaincode interaction with security if err = chaincodeInvokeChaincode(t, "jim"); err != nil { finitMemSrvc(memSrvcLis) finitPeer(peerLis) t.Fail() t.Logf("Error executing test %s", err) return } //cleanup finitMemSrvc(memSrvcLis) finitPeer(peerLis) }
func initCryptoClients() error { crypto.Init() // Initialize the clients mapping alice, bob, charlie and dave // to identities already defined in 'membersrvc.yaml' // Alice as jim if err := crypto.RegisterClient("jim", nil, "jim", "6avZQLwcUe9b"); err != nil { return err } var err error alice, err = crypto.InitClient("jim", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Bob as lukas if err := crypto.RegisterClient("lukas", nil, "lukas", "NPKYL39uKbkj"); err != nil { return err } bob, err = crypto.InitClient("lukas", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Charlie if err := crypto.RegisterClient("diego", nil, "diego", "DRJ23pEQl16a"); err != nil { return err } charlie, err = crypto.InitClient("diego", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Dave as binhn if err := crypto.RegisterClient("binhn", nil, "binhn", "7avZQLwcUe9q"); err != nil { return err } dave, err = crypto.InitClient("binhn", nil) if err != nil { return err } return nil }
func main() { viper.SetEnvPrefix(envPrefix) viper.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) viper.SetConfigName("membersrvc") viper.SetConfigType("yaml") viper.AddConfigPath("./") // Path to look for the config file based on GOPATH gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) { cfgpath := filepath.Join(p, "src/") viper.AddConfigPath(cfgpath) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when reading %s config file: %s\n", "membersrvc", err)) } var iotrace, ioinfo, iowarning, ioerror, iopanic io.Writer if viper.GetInt("logging.trace") == 1 { iotrace = os.Stdout } else { iotrace = ioutil.Discard } if viper.GetInt("") == 1 { ioinfo = os.Stdout } else { ioinfo = ioutil.Discard } if viper.GetInt("logging.warning") == 1 { iowarning = os.Stdout } else { iowarning = ioutil.Discard } if viper.GetInt("logging.error") == 1 { ioerror = os.Stderr } else { ioerror = ioutil.Discard } if viper.GetInt("logging.panic") == 1 { iopanic = os.Stdout } else { iopanic = ioutil.Discard } // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err)) } ca.LogInit(iotrace, ioinfo, iowarning, ioerror, iopanic) // cache configure ca.CacheConfiguration() ca.Info.Println("CA Server (" + viper.GetString("server.version") + ")") aca := ca.NewACA() defer aca.Stop() eca := ca.NewECA() defer eca.Stop() tca := ca.NewTCA(eca) defer tca.Stop() tlsca := ca.NewTLSCA(eca) defer tlsca.Stop() runtime.GOMAXPROCS(viper.GetInt("server.gomaxprocs")) var opts []grpc.ServerOption if viper.GetString("server.tls.cert.file") != "" { creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(viper.GetString("server.tls.cert.file"), viper.GetString("server.tls.key.file")) if err != nil { panic(err) } opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(creds)} } srv := grpc.NewServer(opts...) aca.Start(srv) eca.Start(srv) tca.Start(srv) tlsca.Start(srv) if sock, err := net.Listen("tcp", viper.GetString("server.port")); err != nil { ca.Error.Println("Fail to start CA Server: ", err) os.Exit(1) } else { srv.Serve(sock) sock.Close() } }
func main() { // For environment variables. viper.SetEnvPrefix(cmdRoot) viper.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) // Define command-line flags that are valid for all peer commands and // subcommands. mainFlags := mainCmd.PersistentFlags() mainFlags.String("logging-level", "", "Default logging level and overrides, see core.yaml for full syntax") viper.BindPFlag("logging_level", mainFlags.Lookup("logging-level")) testCoverProfile := "" mainFlags.StringVarP(&testCoverProfile, "test.coverprofile", "", "coverage.cov", "Done") // Set the flags on the node start command. flags := nodeStartCmd.Flags() flags.BoolVarP(&chaincodeDevMode, "peer-chaincodedev", "", false, "Whether peer in chaincode development mode") // Now set the configuration file. viper.SetConfigName(cmdRoot) // Name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath("./") // Path to look for the config file in // Path to look for the config file in based on GOPATH gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) { peerpath := filepath.Join(p, "src/") viper.AddConfigPath(peerpath) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when reading %s config file: %s\n", cmdRoot, err)) } nodeCmd.AddCommand(nodeStartCmd) nodeCmd.AddCommand(nodeStatusCmd) nodeStopCmd.Flags().StringVar(&stopPidFile, "stop-peer-pid-file", viper.GetString("peer.fileSystemPath"), "Location of peer pid local file, for forces kill") nodeCmd.AddCommand(nodeStopCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(nodeCmd) // Set the flags on the login command. networkLoginCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&loginPW, "password", "p", undefinedParamValue, "The password for user. You will be requested to enter the password if this flag is not specified.") networkCmd.AddCommand(networkLoginCmd) // vmCmd.AddCommand(vmPrimeCmd) // mainCmd.AddCommand(vmCmd) networkCmd.AddCommand(networkListCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(networkCmd) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeLang, "lang", "l", "golang", fmt.Sprintf("Language the %s is written in", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeCtorJSON, "ctor", "c", "{}", fmt.Sprintf("Constructor message for the %s in JSON format", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeAttributesJSON, "attributes", "a", "[]", fmt.Sprintf("User attributes for the %s in JSON format", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodePath, "path", "p", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Path to %s", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeName, "name", "n", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Name of the chaincode returned by the deploy transaction")) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeUsr, "username", "u", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Username for chaincode operations when security is enabled")) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&customIDGenAlg, "tid", "t", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Name of a custom ID generation algorithm (hashing and decoding) e.g. sha256base64")) chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryRaw, "raw", "r", false, "If true, output the query value as raw bytes, otherwise format as a printable string") chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryHex, "hex", "x", false, "If true, output the query value byte array in hexadecimal. Incompatible with --raw") chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeDeployCmd) chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeInvokeCmd) chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeQueryCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeCmd) runtime.GOMAXPROCS(viper.GetInt("peer.gomaxprocs")) // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to initialize the crypto layer: %s", err)) } // On failure Cobra prints the usage message and error string, so we only // need to exit with a non-0 status if mainCmd.Execute() != nil { //os.Exit(1) } logger.Info("Exiting.....") }
func main() { viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetConfigName("membersrvc") viper.SetConfigType("yaml") viper.AddConfigPath("./") err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { panic(err) } var iotrace, ioinfo, iowarning, ioerror, iopanic io.Writer if ca.GetConfigInt("logging.trace") == 1 { iotrace = os.Stdout } else { iotrace = ioutil.Discard } if ca.GetConfigInt("") == 1 { ioinfo = os.Stdout } else { ioinfo = ioutil.Discard } if ca.GetConfigInt("logging.warning") == 1 { iowarning = os.Stdout } else { iowarning = ioutil.Discard } if ca.GetConfigInt("logging.error") == 1 { ioerror = os.Stderr } else { ioerror = ioutil.Discard } if ca.GetConfigInt("logging.panic") == 1 { iopanic = os.Stdout } else { iopanic = ioutil.Discard } // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]%", err)) } ca.LogInit(iotrace, ioinfo, iowarning, ioerror, iopanic) ca.Info.Println("CA Server (" + viper.GetString("server.version") + ")") eca := ca.NewECA() defer eca.Close() tca := ca.NewTCA(eca) defer tca.Close() tlsca := ca.NewTLSCA(eca) defer tlsca.Close() runtime.GOMAXPROCS(ca.GetConfigInt("server.gomaxprocs")) var opts []grpc.ServerOption if viper.GetString("server.tls.certfile") != "" { creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(viper.GetString("server.tls.certfile"), viper.GetString("server.tls.keyfile")) if err != nil { panic(err) } opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(creds)} } srv := grpc.NewServer(opts...) eca.Start(srv) tca.Start(srv) tlsca.Start(srv) if sock, err := net.Listen("tcp", ca.GetConfigString("server.port")); err != nil { ca.Error.Println("Fail to start CA Server: ", err) os.Exit(1) } else { srv.Serve(sock) sock.Close() } }
func main() { viper.SetEnvPrefix(envPrefix) viper.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) viper.SetConfigName("membersrvc") viper.SetConfigType("yaml") viper.AddConfigPath("./") // Path to look for the config file based on GOPATH gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) { cfgpath := filepath.Join(p, "src/") viper.AddConfigPath(cfgpath) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { logger.Panicf("Fatal error when reading %s config file: %s", "membersrvc", err) } flogging.LoggingInit("server") // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { logger.Panicf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]", err) } // cache configure ca.CacheConfiguration() logger.Infof("CA Server (" + metadata.Version + ")") aca := ca.NewACA() defer aca.Stop() eca := ca.NewECA(aca) defer eca.Stop() tca := ca.NewTCA(eca) defer tca.Stop() tlsca := ca.NewTLSCA(eca) defer tlsca.Stop() runtime.GOMAXPROCS(viper.GetInt("server.gomaxprocs")) var opts []grpc.ServerOption if viper.GetString("server.tls.cert.file") != "" { creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(viper.GetString("server.tls.cert.file"), viper.GetString("server.tls.key.file")) if err != nil { logger.Panic(err) } opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(creds)} } srv := grpc.NewServer(opts...) if viper.GetBool("aca.enabled") { aca.Start(srv) } eca.Start(srv) tca.Start(srv) tlsca.Start(srv) if sock, err := net.Listen("tcp", viper.GetString("server.port")); err != nil { logger.Errorf("Fail to start CA Server: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } else { srv.Serve(sock) sock.Close() } }
func main() { // For environment variables. viper.SetEnvPrefix(cmdRoot) viper.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) // Define command-line flags that are valid for all obc-peer commands and // subcommands. mainFlags := mainCmd.PersistentFlags() mainFlags.String("logging-level", "", "Default logging level and overrides, see core.yaml for full syntax") viper.BindPFlag("logging_level", mainFlags.Lookup("logging-level")) // Set the flags on the peer command. flags := peerCmd.Flags() flags.Bool("peer-tls-enabled", false, "Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP") flags.String("peer-tls-cert-file", "testdata/server1.pem", "TLS cert file") flags.String("peer-tls-key-file", "testdata/server1.key", "TLS key file") flags.Int("peer-port", 30303, "Port this peer listens to for incoming connections") flags.Int("peer-gomaxprocs", 2, "The maximum number threads excuting peer code") flags.Bool("peer-discovery-enabled", true, "Whether peer discovery is enabled") flags.BoolVarP(&chaincodeDevMode, "peer-chaincodedev", "", false, "Whether peer in chaincode development mode") viper.BindPFlag("peer_tls_enabled", flags.Lookup("peer-tls-enabled")) viper.BindPFlag("peer_tls_cert_file", flags.Lookup("peer-tls-cert-file")) viper.BindPFlag("peer_tls_key_file", flags.Lookup("peer-tls-key-file")) viper.BindPFlag("peer_port", flags.Lookup("peer-port")) viper.BindPFlag("peer_gomaxprocs", flags.Lookup("peer-gomaxprocs")) viper.BindPFlag("peer_discovery_enabled", flags.Lookup("peer-discovery-enabled")) // Now set the configuration file. viper.SetConfigName(cmdRoot) // Name of config file (without extension) viper.AddConfigPath("./") // Path to look for the config file in // Path to look for the config file in based on GOPATH gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) { peerpath := filepath.Join(p, "src/") viper.AddConfigPath(peerpath) } err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error when reading %s config file: %s\n", cmdRoot, err)) } mainCmd.AddCommand(peerCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(statusCmd) stopCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&stopPidFile, "stop-peer-pid-file", "", viper.GetString("peer.fileSystemPath"), "Location of peer pid local file, for forces kill") mainCmd.AddCommand(stopCmd) // Set the flags on the login command. loginCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&loginPW, "password", "p", undefinedParamValue, "The password for user. You will be requested to enter the password if this flag is not specified.") mainCmd.AddCommand(loginCmd) // vmCmd.AddCommand(vmPrimeCmd) // mainCmd.AddCommand(vmCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(networkCmd) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeLang, "lang", "l", "golang", fmt.Sprintf("Language the %s is written in", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeCtorJSON, "ctor", "c", "{}", fmt.Sprintf("Constructor message for the %s in JSON format", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodePath, "path", "p", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Path to %s", chainFuncName)) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeName, "name", "n", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Name of the chaincode returned by the deploy transaction")) chaincodeCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&chaincodeUsr, "username", "u", undefinedParamValue, fmt.Sprintf("Username for chaincode operations when security is enabled")) chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryRaw, "raw", "r", false, "If true, output the query value as raw bytes, otherwise format as a printable string") chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryHex, "hex", "x", false, "If true, output the query value byte array in hexadecimal. Incompatible with --raw") chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeDeployCmd) chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeInvokeCmd) chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeQueryCmd) mainCmd.AddCommand(chaincodeCmd) runtime.GOMAXPROCS(viper.GetInt("peer.gomaxprocs")) // Init the crypto layer if err := crypto.Init(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed initializing the crypto layer [%s]%", err)) } // On failure Cobra prints the usage message and error string, so we only // need to exit with a non-0 status if mainCmd.Execute() != nil { os.Exit(1) } }
func initCryptoClients() error { crypto.Init() // Initialize the clients mapping bob, charlie, dave, and edwina // to identities already defined in 'membersrvc.yaml' // Bob as lukas if err := crypto.RegisterClient("lukas", nil, "lukas", "NPKYL39uKbkj"); err != nil { return err } var err error bob, err = crypto.InitClient("lukas", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Charlie as diego if err := crypto.RegisterClient("diego", nil, "diego", "DRJ23pEQl16a"); err != nil { return err } charlie, err = crypto.InitClient("diego", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Dave as binhn if err := crypto.RegisterClient("binhn", nil, "binhn", "7avZQLwcUe9q"); err != nil { return err } dave, err = crypto.InitClient("binhn", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Edwina as test_user0 if err := crypto.RegisterClient("test_user0", nil, "test_user0", "MS9qrN8hFjlE"); err != nil { return err } edwina, err = crypto.InitClient("test_user0", nil) if err != nil { return err } bobCert, err = bob.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Bob ECert [%s]", err) return err } charlieCert, err = charlie.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Charlie ECert [%s]", err) return err } daveCert, err = dave.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Dave ECert [%s]", err) return err } edwinaCert, err = edwina.GetEnrollmentCertificateHandler() if err != nil { appLogger.Errorf("Failed getting Edwina ECert [%s]", err) return err } return nil }