func TestQueryExecutor_ShowQueries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			t.Errorf("unexpected statement: %s", stmt)
			return errUnexpected

	q, err = influxql.ParseQuery(`SHOW QUERIES`)
	if err != nil {

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 1, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryExecutor_KillQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qid := make(chan uint64)

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			qid <- ctx.QueryID
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
				t.Error("killing the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")
				return errUnexpected

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	q, err = influxql.ParseQuery(fmt.Sprintf("KILL QUERY %d", <-qid))
	if err != nil {
	discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))

	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryManager_Close(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,

	_, ch, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {

	select {
	case <-ch:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Error("closing the query manager did not kill the query after 100 milliseconds")

	_, _, err = qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err == nil || err != influxql.ErrQueryManagerShutdown {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", err)
// MustParseQuery parses s into a query. Panic on error.
func MustParseQuery(s string) *influxql.Query {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(s)
	if err != nil {
	return q
Example #5
func TestQueryExecutor_Abort(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	ch1 := make(chan struct{})
	ch2 := make(chan struct{})

	e := NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			if err := ctx.Send(&influxql.Result{Err: errUnexpected}); err != influxql.ErrQueryAborted {
				t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
			return nil

	done := make(chan struct{})

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, influxql.ExecutionOptions{AbortCh: done}, nil)

func TestQueryExecutor_Limit_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(time.Second):
				t.Errorf("timeout has not killed the query")
				return errUnexpected
	e.QueryTimeout = time.Nanosecond

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryTimeoutReached {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestStatementExecutor_NormalizeDeleteSeries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery("DELETE FROM cpu")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error parsing query: %v", err)

	stmt := q.Statements[0].(*influxql.DeleteSeriesStatement)

	s := &coordinator.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient: &internal.MetaClientMock{
			DatabaseFn: func(name string) *meta.DatabaseInfo {
				t.Fatal("meta client should not be called")
				return nil
	if err := s.NormalizeStatement(stmt, "foo"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error normalizing statement: %v", err)

	m := stmt.Sources[0].(*influxql.Measurement)
	if m.Database != "" {
		t.Fatalf("database rewritten when not supposed to: %v", m.Database)
	if m.RetentionPolicy != "" {
		t.Fatalf("database rewritten when not supposed to: %v", m.RetentionPolicy)

	if exp, got := "DELETE FROM cpu", q.String(); exp != got {
		t.Fatalf("generated query does match parsed: exp %v, got %v", exp, got)
func TestQueryExecutor_Interrupt(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
				t.Error("killing the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")
				return errUnexpected

	closing := make(chan struct{})
	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, closing)
	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Example #9
func TestQueryExecutor_Limit_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(time.Second):
				t.Errorf("timeout has not killed the query")
				return errUnexpected
	e.TaskManager.QueryTimeout = time.Nanosecond

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, influxql.ExecutionOptions{}, nil)
	result := <-results
	if result.Err == nil || !strings.Contains(result.Err.Error(), "query-timeout") {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Example #10
func TestQueryManager_Interrupt(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	closing := make(chan struct{})
	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:       q,
		Database:    `mydb`,
		InterruptCh: closing,

	_, ch, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {

	select {
	case <-ch:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Error("interrupting the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")
Example #11
func TestQueryManager_KillQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,

	qid, ch, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {

	select {
	case <-ch:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Error("detaching the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")

	if err := qm.KillQuery(qid); err == nil || err.Error() != fmt.Sprintf("no such query id: %d", qid) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect error detaching query, got %s", err)
Example #12
func NewQuery(queryString string) (*Query, error) {
	query := &Query{}
	// Parse and validate query
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(queryString)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse InfluxQL query")
	if l := len(q.Statements); l != 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("query must be a single select statement, got %d statements", l)
	var ok bool
	query.stmt, ok = q.Statements[0].(*influxql.SelectStatement)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("query is not a select statement %q", q)

	// Add in time condition nodes
	query.startTL = &influxql.TimeLiteral{}
	startExpr := &influxql.BinaryExpr{
		Op:  influxql.GTE,
		LHS: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "time"},
		RHS: query.startTL,

	query.stopTL = &influxql.TimeLiteral{}
	stopExpr := &influxql.BinaryExpr{
		Op:  influxql.LT,
		LHS: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "time"},
		RHS: query.stopTL,

	if query.stmt.Condition != nil {
		query.stmt.Condition = &influxql.BinaryExpr{
			Op:  influxql.AND,
			LHS: query.stmt.Condition,
			RHS: &influxql.BinaryExpr{
				Op:  influxql.AND,
				LHS: startExpr,
				RHS: stopExpr,
	} else {
		query.stmt.Condition = &influxql.BinaryExpr{
			Op:  influxql.AND,
			LHS: startExpr,
			RHS: stopExpr,
	return query, nil
Example #13
func TestQueryExecutor_InvalidSource(t *testing.T) {
	e := NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			return errors.New("statement executed unexpectedly")

	for i, tt := range []struct {
		q   string
		err string
			q:   `SELECT fieldKey, fieldType FROM _fieldKeys`,
			err: `unable to use system source '_fieldKeys': use SHOW FIELD KEYS instead`,
			q:   `SELECT "name" FROM _measurements`,
			err: `unable to use system source '_measurements': use SHOW MEASUREMENTS instead`,
			q:   `SELECT "key" FROM _series`,
			err: `unable to use system source '_series': use SHOW SERIES instead`,
			q:   `SELECT tagKey FROM _tagKeys`,
			err: `unable to use system source '_tagKeys': use SHOW TAG KEYS instead`,
			q:   `SELECT "key", value FROM _tags`,
			err: `unable to use system source '_tags': use SHOW TAG VALUES instead`,
	} {
		q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(tt.q)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d. unable to parse: %s", i, tt.q)

		results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, influxql.ExecutionOptions{}, nil)
		result := <-results
		if len(result.Series) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("%d. expected %d rows, got %d", 0, i, len(result.Series))
		if result.Err == nil || result.Err.Error() != tt.err {
			t.Errorf("%d. unexpected error: %s", i, result.Err)
Example #14
func TestQueryExecutor_Close(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	ch1 := make(chan struct{})
	ch2 := make(chan struct{})

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	go func(results <-chan *influxql.Result) {
		result := <-results
		if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryEngineShutdown {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)

	// Wait for the statement to start executing.

	// Close the query executor.

	// Check that the statement gets interrupted and finishes.
	select {
	case <-ch2:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Error("closing the query manager did not kill the query after 100 milliseconds")

	results = e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryEngineShutdown {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Example #15
func TestQueryExecutor_AttachQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			if ctx.QueryID != 1 {
				t.Errorf("incorrect query id: exp=1 got=%d", ctx.QueryID)
			return nil

	discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))
func TestQueryExecutor_Panic(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			panic("test error")

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, influxql.ExecutionOptions{}, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err == nil || result.Err.Error() != "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu [panic:test error]" {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Example #17
func TestQueryManager_AttachQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,

	qid, _, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {
	defer qm.KillQuery(qid)

	if qid != 1 {
		t.Errorf("incorrect query id: exp=1 got=%d", qid)
Example #18
func TestQueryManager_Queries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,

	qid, _, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {

	queries := qm.Queries()
	if len(queries) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("expected 1 query, got %d", len(queries))
	} else {
		qi := queries[0]
		if qi.ID != qid {
			t.Errorf("query id: exp=%d got=%d", qid, qi.ID)
		if qi.Query != `SELECT count(value) FROM cpu` {
			t.Errorf("query id: incorrect query string, got '%s'", qi.Query)
		if qi.Database != "mydb" {
			t.Errorf("query id: incorrect database, got %s", qi.Database)

	queries = qm.Queries()
	if len(queries) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected 0 queries, got %d", len(queries))
Example #19
func TestQueryExecutor_Limit_ConcurrentQueries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qid := make(chan uint64)

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			qid <- ctx.QueryID
			return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
	e.MaxConcurrentQueries = 1
	defer e.Close()

	// Start first query and wait for it to be executing.
	go discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))

	// Start second query and expect for it to fail.
	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)

	select {
	case result := <-results:
		if len(result.Series) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
		if result.Err != influxql.ErrMaxConcurrentQueriesReached {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
	case <-qid:
		t.Errorf("unexpected statement execution for the second query")
Example #20
func TestQueryManager_Limit_ConcurrentQueries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(1)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,

	qid, _, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {
	defer qm.KillQuery(qid)

	_, _, err = qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err == nil || err != influxql.ErrMaxConcurrentQueriesReached {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", err)
Example #21
func TestQueryManager_Limit_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qm := influxql.DefaultQueryManager(0)
	params := influxql.QueryParams{
		Query:    q,
		Database: `mydb`,
		Timeout:  time.Nanosecond,

	_, ch, err := qm.AttachQuery(&params)
	if err != nil {

	select {
	case <-ch:
	case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
		t.Errorf("timeout has not killed the query")