Example #1
func (ks *DSSuite) TestBasic(c *C) {
	var size = 1000

	d, err := lru.NewDatastore(size)
	c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		err := d.Put(ds.NewKey(strconv.Itoa(i)), i)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		j, err := d.Get(ds.NewKey(strconv.Itoa(i)))
		c.Check(j, Equals, i)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		err := d.Put(ds.NewKey(strconv.Itoa(i+size)), i)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		j, err := d.Get(ds.NewKey(strconv.Itoa(i)))
		c.Check(j, Equals, nil)
		c.Check(err, Equals, ds.ErrNotFound)

	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		j, err := d.Get(ds.NewKey(strconv.Itoa(i + size)))
		c.Check(j, Equals, i)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
Example #2
func (ks *DSSuite) TestBasic(c *C) {

	mpds := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	nsds := ns.Wrap(mpds, ds.NewKey("abc"))

	keys := strsToKeys([]string{

	for _, k := range keys {
		err := nsds.Put(k, []byte(k.String()))
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for _, k := range keys {
		v1, err := nsds.Get(k)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
		c.Check(bytes.Equal(v1.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)

		v2, err := mpds.Get(ds.NewKey("abc").Child(k))
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
		c.Check(bytes.Equal(v2.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)

	run := func(d ds.Datastore, q dsq.Query) []ds.Key {
		r, err := d.Query(q)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

		e, err := r.Rest()
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

		return ds.EntryKeys(e)

	listA := run(mpds, dsq.Query{})
	listB := run(nsds, dsq.Query{})
	c.Check(len(listA), Equals, len(listB))

	// sort them cause yeah.

	for i, kA := range listA {
		kB := listB[i]
		c.Check(nsds.InvertKey(kA), Equals, kB)
		c.Check(kA, Equals, nsds.ConvertKey(kB))
Example #3
// ConvertKey returns a B58 encoded Datastore key
// TODO: this is hacky because it encodes every path component. some
// path components may be proper strings already...
func (b58KeyConverter) ConvertKey(dsk ds.Key) ds.Key {
	k := ds.NewKey("/")
	for _, n := range dsk.Namespaces() {
		k = k.ChildString(b58.Encode([]byte(n)))
	return k
Example #4
File: fs.go Project: ipfs/go-blocks
// Query implements Datastore.Query
func (d *Datastore) Query(q query.Query) (query.Results, error) {

	results := make(chan query.Result)

	walkFn := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		// remove ds path prefix
		if strings.HasPrefix(path, d.path) {
			path = path[len(d.path):]

		if !info.IsDir() {
			if strings.HasSuffix(path, ObjectKeySuffix) {
				path = path[:len(path)-len(ObjectKeySuffix)]
			key := ds.NewKey(path)
			entry := query.Entry{Key: key.String(), Value: query.NotFetched}
			results <- query.Result{Entry: entry}
		return nil

	go func() {
		filepath.Walk(d.path, walkFn)
	r := query.ResultsWithChan(q, results)
	r = query.NaiveQueryApply(q, r)
	return r, nil
Example #5
// Query implements Query, inverting keys on the way back out.
func (d *datastore) Query(q dsq.Query) (dsq.Results, error) {
	qr, err := d.raw.Query(q)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ch := make(chan dsq.Result)
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		defer qr.Close()

		for r := range qr.Next() {
			if r.Error != nil {
				ch <- r

			k := ds.NewKey(r.Entry.Key)
			if !d.prefix.IsAncestorOf(k) {

			r.Entry.Key = d.Datastore.InvertKey(k).String()
			ch <- r

	return dsq.DerivedResults(qr, ch), nil
Example #6
func strsToKeys(strs []string) []ds.Key {
	keys := make([]ds.Key, len(strs))
	for i, s := range strs {
		keys[i] = ds.NewKey(s)
	return keys
Example #7
func Example() {
	mp := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	ns := nsds.Wrap(mp, ds.NewKey("/foo/bar"))

	k := ds.NewKey("/beep")
	v := "boop"

	ns.Put(k, v)
	fmt.Printf("ns.Put %s %s\n", k, v)

	v2, _ := ns.Get(k)
	fmt.Printf("ns.Get %s -> %s\n", k, v2)

	k3 := ds.NewKey("/foo/bar/beep")
	v3, _ := mp.Get(k3)
	fmt.Printf("mp.Get %s -> %s\n", k3, v3)
	// Output:
	// ns.Put /beep boop
	// ns.Get /beep -> boop
	// mp.Get /foo/bar/beep -> boop
Example #8
func addTestCases(t *testing.T, d Datastore, testcases map[string]string) {
	for k, v := range testcases {
		dsk := ds.NewKey(k)
		if err := d.Put(dsk, []byte(v)); err != nil {

	for k, v := range testcases {
		dsk := ds.NewKey(k)
		v2, err := d.Get(dsk)
		if err != nil {
		v2b := v2.([]byte)
		if string(v2b) != v {
			t.Errorf("%s values differ: %s != %s", k, v, v2)

Example #9
func (d *datastore) runQuery(worker goprocess.Process, qrb *dsq.ResultBuilder) {

	var rnge *util.Range
	if qrb.Query.Prefix != "" {
		rnge = util.BytesPrefix([]byte(qrb.Query.Prefix))
	i := d.DB.NewIterator(rnge, nil)
	defer i.Release()

	// advance iterator for offset
	if qrb.Query.Offset > 0 {
		for j := 0; j < qrb.Query.Offset; j++ {

	// iterate, and handle limit, too
	for sent := 0; i.Next(); sent++ {
		// end early if we hit the limit
		if qrb.Query.Limit > 0 && sent >= qrb.Query.Limit {

		k := ds.NewKey(string(i.Key())).String()
		e := dsq.Entry{Key: k}

		if !qrb.Query.KeysOnly {
			buf := make([]byte, len(i.Value()))
			copy(buf, i.Value())
			e.Value = buf

		select {
		case qrb.Output <- dsq.Result{Entry: e}: // we sent it out
		case <-worker.Closing(): // client told us to end early.

	if err := i.Error(); err != nil {
		select {
		case qrb.Output <- dsq.Result{Error: err}: // client read our error
		case <-worker.Closing(): // client told us to end.
Example #10
// PrefixTransform constructs a KeyTransform with a pair of functions that
// add or remove the given prefix key.
// Warning: will panic if prefix not found when it should be there. This is
// to avoid insidious data inconsistency errors.
func PrefixTransform(prefix ds.Key) ktds.KeyTransform {
	return &ktds.Pair{

		// Convert adds the prefix
		Convert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
			return prefix.Child(k)

		// Invert removes the prefix. panics if prefix not found.
		Invert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
			if !prefix.IsAncestorOf(k) {
				fmt.Errorf("Expected prefix (%s) in key (%s)", prefix, k)
				panic("expected prefix not found")

			s := strings.TrimPrefix(k.String(), prefix.String())
			return ds.NewKey(s)
Example #11
// Query implements Query, inverting keys on the way back out.
func (d *ktds) Query(q dsq.Query) (dsq.Results, error) {
	qr, err := d.child.Query(q)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ch := make(chan dsq.Result)
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		defer qr.Close()

		for r := range qr.Next() {
			if r.Error == nil {
				r.Entry.Key = d.InvertKey(ds.NewKey(r.Entry.Key)).String()
			ch <- r

	return dsq.DerivedResults(qr, ch), nil
Example #12
import (

	blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks"
	key "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/key"

	ds "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/go-datastore"
	dsns "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/go-datastore/namespace"
	dsq "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/go-datastore/query"
	mh "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/go-multihash"
	context "github.com/ipfs/go-blocks/Godeps/_workspace/src/golang.org/x/net/context"

// BlockPrefix namespaces blockstore datastores
var BlockPrefix = ds.NewKey("blocks")

var ValueTypeMismatch = errors.New("The retrieved value is not a Block")

var ErrNotFound = errors.New("blockstore: block not found")

// Blockstore wraps a ThreadSafeDatastore
type Blockstore interface {
	DeleteBlock(key.Key) error
	Has(key.Key) (bool, error)
	Get(key.Key) (*blocks.Block, error)
	Put(*blocks.Block) error

	GetChan([]key.Key) <-chan *blocks.Block
	AllKeysChan(ctx context.Context) (<-chan key.Key, error)
Example #13
func TestTiered(t *testing.T) {
	d1 := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	d2 := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	d3 := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	d4 := ds.NewMapDatastore()

	td := New(d1, d2, d3, d4)
	td.Put(ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar")
	testHas(t, []ds.Datastore{td}, ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar")
	testHas(t, td.(tiered), ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar") // all children

	// remove it from, say, caches.
	testHas(t, []ds.Datastore{td}, ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar")
	testHas(t, td.(tiered)[2:], ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar")
	testNotHas(t, td.(tiered)[:2], ds.NewKey("foo"))

	// write it again.
	td.Put(ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar2")
	testHas(t, []ds.Datastore{td}, ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar2")
	testHas(t, td.(tiered), ds.NewKey("foo"), "bar2")
Example #14
func (ks *DSSuite) TestBasic(c *C) {

	pair := &kt.Pair{
		Convert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
			return ds.NewKey("/abc").Child(k)
		Invert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
			// remove abc prefix
			l := k.List()
			if l[0] != "abc" {
				panic("key does not have prefix. convert failed?")
			return ds.KeyWithNamespaces(l[1:])

	mpds := ds.NewMapDatastore()
	ktds := kt.Wrap(mpds, pair)

	keys := strsToKeys([]string{

	for _, k := range keys {
		err := ktds.Put(k, []byte(k.String()))
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

	for _, k := range keys {
		v1, err := ktds.Get(k)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
		c.Check(bytes.Equal(v1.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)

		v2, err := mpds.Get(ds.NewKey("abc").Child(k))
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
		c.Check(bytes.Equal(v2.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)

	run := func(d ds.Datastore, q dsq.Query) []ds.Key {
		r, err := d.Query(q)
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

		e, err := r.Rest()
		c.Check(err, Equals, nil)

		return ds.EntryKeys(e)

	listA := run(mpds, dsq.Query{})
	listB := run(ktds, dsq.Query{})
	c.Check(len(listA), Equals, len(listB))

	// sort them cause yeah.

	for i, kA := range listA {
		kB := listB[i]
		c.Check(pair.Invert(kA), Equals, kB)
		c.Check(kA, Equals, pair.Convert(kB))

	c.Log("listA: ", listA)
	c.Log("listB: ", listB)
Example #15
// DsKey returns a Datastore key
func (k Key) DsKey() ds.Key {
	return ds.NewKey(string(k))
Example #16
func TestTimeCache(t *testing.T) {
	ttl := time.Millisecond * 100
	cache := WithTTL(ttl)
	cache.Put(ds.NewKey("foo1"), "bar1")
	cache.Put(ds.NewKey("foo2"), "bar2")

	<-time.After(ttl / 2)
	cache.Put(ds.NewKey("foo3"), "bar3")
	cache.Put(ds.NewKey("foo4"), "bar4")
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo1"), "bar1")
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo2"), "bar2")
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo3"), "bar3")
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo4"), "bar4")

	<-time.After(ttl / 2)
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo1"))
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo2"))
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo3"), "bar3")
	testHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo4"), "bar4")

	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo3"))

	<-time.After(ttl / 2)
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo1"))
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo2"))
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo3"))
	testNotHas(t, cache, ds.NewKey("foo4"))
Example #17
// AllKeysChan runs a query for keys from the blockstore.
// this is very simplistic, in the future, take dsq.Query as a param?
// AllKeysChan respects context
func (bs *blockstore) AllKeysChan(ctx context.Context) (<-chan key.Key, error) {

	// KeysOnly, because that would be _a lot_ of data.
	q := dsq.Query{KeysOnly: true}
	// datastore/namespace does *NOT* fix up Query.Prefix
	q.Prefix = BlockPrefix.String()
	res, err := bs.datastore.Query(q)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// this function is here to compartmentalize
	get := func() (k key.Key, ok bool) {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return k, false
		case e, more := <-res.Next():
			if !more {
				return k, false
			if e.Error != nil {
				return k, false

			// need to convert to key.Key using key.KeyFromDsKey.
			k = key.KeyFromDsKey(ds.NewKey(e.Key))

			// key must be a multihash. else ignore it.
			_, err := mh.Cast([]byte(k))
			if err != nil {
				return "", true

			return k, true

	output := make(chan key.Key)
	go func() {
		defer func() {
			res.Process().Close() // ensure exit (signals early exit, too)

		for {
			k, ok := get()
			if !ok {
			if k == "" {

			select {
			case <-ctx.Done():
			case output <- k:

	return output, nil