Example #1
// WithContext constructs and returns a Process that respects
// given context. It is the equivalent of:
//   func ProcessWithContext(ctx context.Context) goprocess.Process {
//     p := goprocess.WithParent(goprocess.Background())
//     go func() {
//       <-ctx.Done()
//       p.Close()
//     }()
//     return p
//   }
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) goprocess.Process {
	if ctx == nil {
		panic("nil Context")

	p := goprocess.WithParent(goprocess.Background())
	go func() {
	return p
Example #2
func NewWorker(e exchange.Interface, c Config) *Worker {
	if c.NumWorkers < 1 {
		c.NumWorkers = 1 // provide a sane default
	w := &Worker{
		exchange: e,
		added:    make(chan *blocks.Block, c.ClientBufferSize),
		process:  process.WithParent(process.Background()), // internal management
	return w
Example #3
func TestRateLimitLimitedGoBlocks(t *testing.T) {
	numChildren := 6

	t.Logf("create a rate limiter with limit of %d", numChildren/2)
	rl := NewRateLimiter(process.Background(), numChildren/2)

	doneSpawning := make(chan struct{})
	childClosing := make(chan struct{})

	t.Log("spawn 6 children with LimitedGo.")
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < numChildren; i++ {
			rl.LimitedGo(func(child process.Process) {
				// hang until we drain childClosing
				childClosing <- struct{}{}
			t.Logf("spawned %d", i)

	t.Log("should have blocked.")
	select {
	case <-doneSpawning:
		t.Error("did not block")
	case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): // for scheduler

	t.Logf("drain %d children so they close", numChildren/2)
	for i := 0; i < numChildren/2; i++ {
		t.Logf("closing %d", i)
		<-childClosing // consume child cloing
		t.Logf("closed %d", i)

	t.Log("should be done spawning.")
	select {
	case <-doneSpawning:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond): // for scheduler
		t.Error("still blocked...")

	t.Logf("drain %d children so they close", numChildren/2)
	for i := 0; i < numChildren/2; i++ {
		t.Logf("closed %d", i)

	rl.Close() // ensure everyone's closed.
Example #4
func TestRateLimitGoDoesntBlock(t *testing.T) {
	numChildren := 6

	t.Logf("create a rate limiter with limit of %d", numChildren/2)
	rl := NewRateLimiter(process.Background(), numChildren/2)

	doneSpawning := make(chan struct{})
	childClosing := make(chan struct{})

	t.Log("spawn 6 children with usual Process.Go.")
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < numChildren; i++ {
			rl.Go(func(child process.Process) {
				// hang until we drain childClosing
				childClosing <- struct{}{}
			t.Logf("spawned %d", i)

	t.Log("should not have blocked.")
	select {
	case <-doneSpawning:
		t.Log("did not block")
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond): // for scheduler
		t.Error("process.Go blocked. it should not.")

	t.Log("drain children so they close")
	for i := 0; i < numChildren; i++ {
		t.Logf("closed %d", i)

	rl.Close() // ensure everyone's closed.