import "" key, err := merkledag.NewRawNode([]byte("hello, world"))
import "" key := "QmQYdHbzyeZnRmRJhLfGLVjKdMujKD9iC3KaWXoT2jEY1T" node, err := merkledag.Get(ctx, ds, key)
import "" key := "QmQYdHbzyeZnRmRJhLfGLVjKdMujKD9iC3KaWXoT2jEY1T" node, err := merkledag.Get(ctx, ds, key) newKey, err := merkledag.Update(ctx, ds, node)This code updates a node in the Merkle DAG and generates a new Node Key for the updated node. Overall, the go Node Key is a crucial component of the IPFS Merkle DAG system, enabling nodes to be uniquely identified and accessed in a decentralized way.