Example #1
func (s *S) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	s.discoverd, s.cleanup = setup(c)

	if err := pgtestutils.SetupPostgres(dbname); err != nil {
	pgxConfig := newPgxConnPoolConfig()
	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgxConfig)
	if err != nil {
	db := postgres.New(pgxpool, nil)

	if err = migrateDB(db); err != nil {

	// reconnect with prepared statements
	pgxConfig.AfterConnect = schema.PrepareStatements
	pgxpool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(pgxConfig)
	if err != nil {
	db = postgres.New(pgxpool, nil)

	s.pgx = db.ConnPool
Example #2
func TestNewConnPool(t *testing.T) {

	var numCallbacks int
	afterConnect := func(c *pgx.Conn) error {
		return nil

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig, MaxConnections: 2, AfterConnect: afterConnect}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unable to establish connection pool")
	defer pool.Close()

	// It initially connects once
	stat := pool.Stat()
	if stat.CurrentConnections != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected 1 connection to be established immediately, but %v were", numCallbacks)

	// Pool creation returns an error if any AfterConnect callback does
	errAfterConnect := errors.New("Some error")
	afterConnect = func(c *pgx.Conn) error {
		return errAfterConnect

	config = pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig, MaxConnections: 2, AfterConnect: afterConnect}
	pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != errAfterConnect {
		t.Errorf("Expected errAfterConnect but received unexpected: %v", err)
Example #3
func TestAcquireTimeoutSanity(t *testing.T) {

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     *defaultConnConfig,
		MaxConnections: 1,

	// case 1: default 0 value
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected NewConnPool with default config.AcquireTimeout not to fail, instead it failed with '%v'", err)

	// case 2: negative value
	config.AcquireTimeout = -1 * time.Second
	_, err = pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected NewConnPool with negative config.AcquireTimeout to fail, instead it did not")

	// case 3: positive value
	config.AcquireTimeout = 1 * time.Second
	pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Expected NewConnPool with positive config.AcquireTimeout not to fail, instead it failed with '%v'", err)
	defer pool.Close()
Example #4
File: db.go Project: jaittola/loca
func (c *ConnectionInfo) Setup() {
	var err interface{}
	c.Pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(getConfig())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Initializing PostgreSQL connection pool failed: %v", err)
Example #5
func createConnPool() (*pgx.ConnPool, error) {
	var config pgx.ConnPoolConfig
	var err error
	config.ConnConfig, err = pgx.ParseEnvLibpq()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if config.Host == "" {
		config.Host = "localhost"

	if config.User == "" {
		config.User = os.Getenv("USER")

	if config.Database == "" {
		config.Database = "pgxdata"

	config.TLSConfig = nil
	config.UseFallbackTLS = false
	config.MaxConnections = 10

	return pgx.NewConnPool(config)
Example #6
File: db.go Project: jonasi/pg
func (d *DB) Open() error {
	conf := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig: pgx.ConnConfig{
			Host:     d.config.Host,
			Port:     uint16(d.config.Port),
			User:     d.config.Username,
			Password: d.config.Password,
			Database: d.config.Database,
			Logger:   d.config.Logger,
		MaxConnections: d.config.MaxConnections,

	p, err := pgx.NewConnPool(conf)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	db, err := stdlib.OpenFromConnPool(p)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	dbx := sqlx.NewDb(db, "pgx")
	d.queryer = queryer{impl: dbx}

	return nil
Example #7
func TestPoolWithAcquireTimeoutSet(t *testing.T) {

	connAllocTimeout := 2 * time.Second
	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     *defaultConnConfig,
		MaxConnections: 1,
		AcquireTimeout: connAllocTimeout,

	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer pool.Close()

	// Consume all connections ...
	allConnections := acquireAllConnections(t, pool, config.MaxConnections)
	defer releaseAllConnections(pool, allConnections)

	// ... then try to consume 1 more. It should fail after a short timeout.
	_, timeTaken, err := acquireWithTimeTaken(pool)

	if err == nil || err.Error() != "Timeout: All connections in pool are busy" {
		t.Fatalf("Expected error to be 'Timeout: All connections in pool are busy', instead it was '%v'", err)
	if timeTaken < connAllocTimeout {
		t.Fatalf("Expected connection allocation time to be at least %v, instead it was '%v'", connAllocTimeout, timeTaken)
Example #8
func OpenDatabaseConnection(config configuration.DatabaseConfiguration) (pool *pgx.ConnPool, err error) {
	connectionUri := fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s?sslmode=%s",

	connectionConfig, err := pgx.ParseURI(connectionUri)

	if err != nil {
		return pool, err

	maxConnections := 50

	poolConfig := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{connectionConfig, maxConnections, nil}

	pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(poolConfig)

	if err != nil {
		return pool, err

	Database = pool
	return pool, err
Example #9
func TestOpenFromConnPool(t *testing.T) {
	connConfig := pgx.ConnConfig{
		Host:     "",
		User:     "******",
		Password: "******",
		Database: "pgx_test",

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: connConfig}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer pool.Close()

	db, err := stdlib.OpenFromConnPool(pool)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer closeDB(t, db)

	// Can get pgx.ConnPool from driver
	driver := db.Driver().(*stdlib.Driver)
	if driver.Pool == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected driver opened through OpenFromConnPool to have Pool, but it did not")

	// Normal sql/database still works
	var n int64
	err = db.QueryRow("select 1").Scan(&n)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("db.QueryRow unexpectedly failed: %v", err)
Example #10
// Connect connects to the database using env vars.
// After connect, it creates tables if missing.
func (p *DB) Connect() (err error) {
	cfg, err := pgx.ParseEnvLibpq()
	if err != nil {

	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     cfg,
		MaxConnections: 25,
	if err != nil {

	c, err := pgx_stdlib.OpenFromConnPool(pool)
	if err != nil {

	p.conn, err = gorm.Open("postgres", c)
	if err != nil {

	d := p.conn.AutoMigrate(&secrets.Secret{}, &secrets.Key{})

	return d.Error
Example #11
func main() {
	var err error
	connPoolConfig := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig: pgx.ConnConfig{
			Host:     "",
			User:     "******",
			Password: "******",
			Database: "url_shortener",
			Logger:   log.New("module", "pgx"),
		MaxConnections: 5,
		AfterConnect:   afterConnect,
	pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(connPoolConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Crit("Unable to create connection pool", "error", err)

	http.HandleFunc("/", urlHandler)

	log.Info("Starting URL shortener on localhost:8080")
	err = http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Crit("Unable to start web server", "error", err)
Example #12
func openPgxStdlib(config pgx.ConnPoolConfig) (*sql.DB, error) {
	connPool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return stdlib.OpenFromConnPool(connPool)
Example #13
func createConnPool(t *testing.T, maxConnections int) *pgx.ConnPool {
	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig, MaxConnections: maxConnections}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	return pool
Example #14
// Get PostgreSQL pool
func (self *Database) GetPoll() (pool *pgx.ConnPool) {
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(self.getConfig())

	if err != nil {
		self.Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create connection pool to database: %v\n", err))
	self.Log.Info("starting Database service...")
	return pool
Example #15
func openTestClientMaxConns(t testing.TB, maxConnections int) *Client {
	connPoolConfig := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     testConnConfig,
		MaxConnections: maxConnections,
		AfterConnect:   PrepareStatements,
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(connPoolConfig)
	if err != nil {
	return NewClient(pool)
Example #16
func initDatabase(dbHost string, dbUser string, dbPass string, dbName string, dbPort uint16, maxConnectionsInPool int) (*pgx.ConnPool, error) {

	var successOrFailure string = "OK"

	var config pgx.ConnPoolConfig

	config.Host = dbHost
	config.User = dbUser
	config.Password = dbPass
	config.Database = dbName
	config.Port = dbPort

	config.MaxConnections = maxConnectionsInPool

	config.AfterConnect = func(conn *pgx.Conn) error {
		worldSelectStmt = mustPrepare(conn, "worldSelectStmt", "SELECT id, randomNumber FROM World WHERE id = $1")
		worldUpdateStmt = mustPrepare(conn, "worldUpdateStmt", "UPDATE World SET randomNumber = $1 WHERE id = $2")
		fortuneSelectStmt = mustPrepare(conn, "fortuneSelectStmt", "SELECT id, message FROM Fortune")

		// Disable synchronous commit for the current db connection
		// as a performance optimization.
		// See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-wal.html
		// for details.
		if _, err := conn.Exec("SET synchronous_commit TO OFF"); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error when disabling synchronous commit")

		return nil


	connPool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		successOrFailure = "FAILED"
		log.Println("Connecting to database ", dbName, " as user ", dbUser, " ", successOrFailure, ": \n ", err)
	} else {
		log.Println("Connecting to database ", dbName, " as user ", dbUser, ": ", successOrFailure)

		log.Println("Fetching one record to test if db connection is valid...")
		var w World
		n := randomWorldNum()
		if errPing := connPool.QueryRow("worldSelectStmt", n).Scan(&w.Id, &w.RandomNumber); errPing != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error scanning world row: %s", errPing)


	return connPool, err

Example #17
func TestNewConnPoolMaxConnectionsCannotBeLessThan2(t *testing.T) {

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig, MaxConnections: 1}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal(`Expected NewConnPool to fail with "MaxConnections must be at least 2" error, but it succeeded`)
	if err.Error() != "MaxConnections must be at least 2" {
		t.Fatalf(`Expected NewConnPool to fail with "MaxConnections must be at least 2" error, but it failed with %v`, err)
// initial ConnPool of pgx
func (pgdb *PostgresDB) InitConnection() error {
	//var pool *pgx.ConnPool
	var err error

	pgdb.Pool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(pgdb.poolConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("Unable to create connection pool", "error", err)

	log.Info("database connect sueecss")
	return nil
Example #19
func TestNewConnPoolDefaultsTo5MaxConnections(t *testing.T) {

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Unable to establish connection pool")
	defer pool.Close()

	if n := pool.Stat().MaxConnections; n != 5 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected pool to default to 5 max connections, but it was %d", n)
Example #20
func setupTestDB(c *C, dbname string) *postgres.DB {
	if err := pgtestutils.SetupPostgres(dbname); err != nil {
	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig: pgx.ConnConfig{
			Host:     os.Getenv("PGHOST"),
			Database: dbname,
	if err != nil {
	return postgres.New(pgxpool, nil)
Example #21
func Open(conf *Conf, afterConn func(*pgx.Conn) error) (*DB, error) {
	connConfig := pgx.ConnConfig{
		Host:     fmt.Sprintf("leader.%s.discoverd", conf.Service),
		User:     conf.User,
		Database: conf.Database,
		Password: conf.Password,
	connPool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     connConfig,
		AfterConnect:   afterConn,
		MaxConnections: 20,
		AcquireTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
	db := &DB{connPool, conf}
	return db, err
Example #22
func getPgxPool(dbURL string) (*pgx.ConnPool, error) {
	pgxcfg, err := pgx.ParseURI(dbURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:   pgxcfg,
		AfterConnect: prepQue,

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return pgxpool, nil
Example #23
func BenchmarkConnPool(b *testing.B) {
	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: *defaultConnConfig, MaxConnections: 5}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		b.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer pool.Close()

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		var conn *pgx.Conn
		if conn, err = pool.Acquire(); err != nil {
			b.Fatalf("Unable to acquire connection: %v", err)
Example #24
func initDatabase(dbHost string, dbUser string, dbPass string, dbName string, dbPort uint16, maxConnectionsInPool int) (*pgx.ConnPool, error) {

	var successOrFailure string = "OK"

	var config pgx.ConnPoolConfig

	config.Host = dbHost
	config.User = dbUser
	config.Password = dbPass
	config.Database = dbName
	config.Port = dbPort

	config.MaxConnections = maxConnectionsInPool

	config.AfterConnect = func(eachConn *pgx.Conn) error {

		worldSelectStmt = mustPrepare(eachConn, "worldSelectStmt", "SELECT id, randomNumber FROM World WHERE id = $1")
		worldUpdateStmt = mustPrepare(eachConn, "worldUpdateStmt", "UPDATE World SET randomNumber = $1 WHERE id = $2")
		fortuneSelectStmt = mustPrepare(eachConn, "fortuneSelectStmt", "SELECT id, message FROM Fortune")

		return nil


	connPool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		successOrFailure = "FAILED"
		log.Println("Connecting to database ", dbName, " as user ", dbUser, " ", successOrFailure, ": \n ", err)
	} else {
		log.Println("Connecting to database ", dbName, " as user ", dbUser, ": ", successOrFailure)

		log.Println("Fetching one record to test if db connection is valid...")
		var w World
		n := randomWorldNum()
		if errPing := connPool.QueryRow("worldSelectStmt", n).Scan(&w.Id, &w.RandomNumber); errPing != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error scanning world row: %s", errPing)


	return connPool, err

Example #25
// NewQueClient create que client
func NewQueClient(dbURI string) (*que.Client, error) {
	pgxcfg, err := pgx.ParseURI(dbURI)
	if err != nil {
	var qc *que.Client
	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:   pgxcfg,
		AfterConnect: que.PrepareStatements,
	if err != nil {
		return qc, err

	log.Println("create que client")
	qc = que.NewClient(pgxpool)
	return qc, nil
Example #26
func createDB(t *testing.T, dbname string) *postgres.DB {
	if dbname == "" {
		dbname = "blobstoretest"
	if err := pgtestutils.SetupPostgres(dbname); err != nil {
	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig: pgx.ConnConfig{
			Host:     os.Getenv("PGHOST"),
			Database: dbname,
	if err != nil {
	db := postgres.New(pgxpool, nil)
	return db
Example #27
func (s *S) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
	dbname := "controllertest"
	db := setupTestDB(c, dbname)
	if err := migrateDB(db); err != nil {

	// reconnect with que statements prepared now that schema is migrated

	pgxpool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig: pgx.ConnConfig{
			Host:     "/var/run/postgresql",
			Database: dbname,
		AfterConnect: schema.PrepareStatements,
	if err != nil {
	db = postgres.New(pgxpool, nil)

	ca, err := certgen.Generate(certgen.Params{IsCA: true})
	if err != nil {
	s.caCert = []byte(ca.PEM)

	s.flac = newFakeLogAggregatorClient()
	s.cc = tu.NewFakeCluster()
	s.hc = handlerConfig{
		db:     db,
		cc:     s.cc,
		lc:     s.flac,
		rc:     newFakeRouter(),
		keys:   []string{authKey},
		caCert: s.caCert,
	handler := appHandler(s.hc)
	s.srv = httptest.NewServer(handler)
	client, err := controller.NewClient(s.srv.URL, authKey)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	s.c = client
Example #28
func initDatabase() error {
	host, err := getCredentialString("benchmarkerPostgres", "host")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	portFloat, err := getCredentialNumber("benchmarkerPostgres", "port")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	port := uint16(portFloat)
	dbName, err := getCredentialString("benchmarkerPostgres", "database")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	user, err := getCredentialString("benchmarkerPostgres", "user")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	password, err := getCredentialString("benchmarkerPostgres", "password")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	connConfig := pgx.ConnConfig{
		Host:     host,
		Port:     port,
		Database: dbName,
		User:     user,
		Password: password,
	poolConfig := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		ConnConfig:     connConfig,
		MaxConnections: 3,
		AfterConnect:   prepareStatements,
	connPool, err = pgx.NewConnPool(poolConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Example #29
func TestConnQueryLog(t *testing.T) {
	logger := &testLogger{}

	connConfig := pgx.ConnConfig{
		Host:     "",
		User:     "******",
		Password: "******",
		Database: "pgx_test",
		Logger:   logger,

	config := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{ConnConfig: connConfig}
	pool, err := pgx.NewConnPool(config)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer pool.Close()

	db, err := stdlib.OpenFromConnPool(pool)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create connection pool: %v", err)
	defer closeDB(t, db)

	// clear logs from initial connection
	logger.logs = []testLog{}

	var n int64
	err = db.QueryRow("select 1").Scan(&n)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("db.QueryRow unexpectedly failed: %v", err)

	l := logger.logs[0]
	if l.msg != "Query" {
		t.Errorf("Expected to log Query, but got %v", l)

	if !(l.ctx[0] == "sql" && l.ctx[1] == "select 1") {
		t.Errorf("Expected to log Query with sql 'select 1', but got %v", l)
Example #30
func NewPgxPool(url string) (*pgx.ConnPool, error) {
	dbcfg := pgx.ConnPoolConfig{
		MaxConnections: maxConnectionsFlag.Value(),

	var err error
	if url == "" {
		dbcfg.ConnConfig, err = pgx.ParseEnvLibpq()
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(url, "postgresql://") {
		dbcfg.ConnConfig, err = pgx.ParseURI(url)
	} else {
		dbcfg.ConnConfig, err = pgx.ParseDSN(url)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return pgx.NewConnPool(dbcfg)