Example #1
// Creates a new IniRealm, reading from a Reader.
func NewIni(name string, in io.Reader) (*IniRealm, error) {
	realm := IniRealm{SimpleAccountRealm{name: name}}
	realm.users = make(map[string]authc.SimpleAccount)
	realm.roles = make(map[string]authz.SimpleRole)
	realm.credentialsMatcher = &credential.PlainText{}

	ini, err := ini.Load(in)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Users
	for username, val := range ini.Section("users") {
		vals := strings.Split(val, ",")

		if len(vals) == 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("Invalid property in the INI file; assumed at least a password for user " + username)

		// User account
		acct := authc.NewAccount(stringer(username), strings.TrimSpace(vals[0]), name)

		for _, role := range vals[1:] {

		realm.users[username] = *acct

	// Roles
	for role, permlist := range ini.Section("roles") {
		perms := strings.Split(permlist, ",")

		if len(perms) == 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("Role does not have any permissions")

		r := authz.NewRole(role)

		for _, p := range perms {
			perm, err := authz.NewWildcardPermission(p)

			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		realm.roles[role] = *r

	return &realm, nil
Example #2
func (r *MockRealm) AuthorizationInfo(p []interface{}) (authz.AuthorizationInfo, error) {
	return authc.NewAccount(p[0], "", r.Name()), nil
Example #3
func (r *MockRealm) AuthenticationInfo(token authc.AuthenticationToken) (authc.AuthenticationInfo, error) {
	sa := authc.NewAccount(token.Principal(), token.Credentials(), r.Name())

	return sa, nil