func init() { cmd := &tool.Command{ Name: "search", Summary: "print the URLs of resources matching a query", Usage: "[<option>]... <query>...", Description: ` Search YouTube for <query> (joined by spaces if multiple arguments are given) and print the URLs of the top matches in descending order by relevance. `, Function: search, MinArgs: 1, MaxArgs: -1, HasOpts: true, } cmd.FlagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(cmd.Name, flag.ExitOnError) cmd.FlagSet.Usage = tool.UsageFunc(cmd) cmd.FlagSet.UintVar(&flagSearchN, "n", flagSearchN, "maximum number of results, in the range [0, 50]") cmd.FlagSet.StringVar(&flagSearchType, "type", flagSearchType, "restrict search to given resource types") tool.Commands[cmd.Name] = cmd }
func init() { cmd := &tool.Command{ Name: "title", Summary: "print the title of a video or playlist at a URL", Usage: "<url>", Description: ` Print the title of the video or playlist at <url>. `, Function: title, MinArgs: 1, MaxArgs: 1, } cmd.FlagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(cmd.Name, flag.ExitOnError) cmd.FlagSet.Usage = tool.UsageFunc(cmd) tool.Commands[cmd.Name] = cmd }
func init() { cmd := &tool.Command{ Name: "playlist", Summary: "print the URLs of videos in a playlist", Usage: "<url>", Description: ` Print the URLs of the videos in the playlist at <url>, up to a maximum of 50 videos. `, Function: playlist, MinArgs: 1, MaxArgs: 1, } cmd.FlagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(cmd.Name, flag.ExitOnError) cmd.FlagSet.Usage = tool.UsageFunc(cmd) tool.Commands[cmd.Name] = cmd }